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**The New MacBook Pro: A Powerful Machine?**
Hey, guys, this is Austin. In front of me is the brand-new 2018 15-inch MacBook Pro, and with the new Core i9s inside it promises to be the fastest MacBook ever. With a $4000 price tag (cash register ringing) and that's not even the most expensive one, I'm curious, how fast is it really?
This is the first time that you've been able to get anything more than a quad-core MacBook, well, pretty much ever. So across the line, you're going to be getting at least 6-cores on the new MacBooks. This guy is going to be the Core i9, which is going to be clocked a lot higher, but even the base model of the 15-inch is still going to be a 6-core Core i7.
Something else new with this generation is going to be more memory. So, previously, the MacBook Pro would top out at 16 gigs of RAM. A fair bit, but not really enough for a lot of creative professionals, whereas this guy you can option it all the way up to 32 gigs of RAM, finally.
**A Real-World Comparison**
So Wes is currently using a Lenovo ThinkPad workstation and even though they're actually running pretty cool, if you take a look at the thermal shots I got on the MacBook, which is running pretty warm, especially on the keyboard area. Compared to the Lenovo, it is a huge difference.
But, on top of that, the Lenovo has a bigger 4K display and actual ports, which is kind of helpful when you're doing video or anything that's not using USB-C. So, conclusion time. If you pick up the $7000 steal of the MacBook Pro with the 4TB drive, it's not going to perform any better, but if you're looking for a system that is going to give you a ton of power and a pretty small and thin form factor, I've gotta say this actually is a lot faster than I was expecting.
**Benchmarking Results**
Next up, we have Cinebench. Now, this is going to be a little bit more of a multi-threaded workflow as it is basically Cinema 4D just rendering a single test scene. And again, anything CPU-related, the Core i9 MacBook is absolutely going to crush. Not only is it going to be a fair bit faster on the single-core score but even on the multi-thread with those extra two cores available, it is going to be seriously fast.
Next up we have the AJA Speed Test. This is going to be all about how fast the SSDs are in all three of these systems. Okay, that one's not particularly fair. So, it looks like the Lenovo is using a SATA-based hard drive, which means that the read speed's topping out at less than 500MB per second and the write is only about 133.
Compare that with the 2016, which is over 2GB per second on both read and write and the 2018 model, which is actually going to clear 3GB per second on read and 2700MB per second on the write. Just like the iMac Pro, a lot of the speed has to do with the fact that it is using a T2 chip to handle all of the stuff including actually running the SSD.
**Real-World Usage**
So we have DaVinci Resolve running on all three of these systems. So we're starting out with some 7K RED RAW footage, which is then being heavily color-corrected with power windows and it's going to be exported as a 4K H.264 file. Okay, so it looks like Resolve is definitely a big fan of the Core i9 on the 2018 MacBook.
Here, the '18 MacBook is going to be a full minute faster than both the 2016 MacBook and the Lenovo P70. Now, the P70 does have other advantages beyond pure performance. So not only is it going to run a fair bit cooler but if you take a look at the thermal shots I got on the MacBook, which is running pretty warm, especially on the keyboard area.
Compared to the Lenovo, it is a huge difference, but on top of that, the Lenovo has a bigger 4K display and actual ports, which is kind of helpful when you're doing video or anything that's not using USB-C.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey, guys, this is Austin.In front of me is the brandnew 2018 15-inch MacBook Proand with the new Corei9s inside it promisesto be the fastest MacBook ever.With a $4000 price tag,(cash register ringing)and that's not eventhe most expensive one,I'm curious, how fast is it really?This is the first timethat you've been ableto get anything morethan a quad-core MacBook,well, pretty much ever.So across the line,you're going to be gettingat least 6-cores on the new MacBooks.This guy is going to be the Core i9,which is going to beclocked a lot a higher,but even the base model of the 15is still going to be a 6-core Core i7.Something else new with this generationis going to be more memory.So, previously, the MacBook Prowould top out at 16 gigs of RAM.A fair bit, but not really enoughfor a lot of creative professionals,whereas this guy you can option itall the way up to 32 gigs of RAM, finally.Wes!So Wes is currently using a(bell dings)Lenovo ThinkPad workstationand even though they'reactually about the same price,you can see there's ahuge size difference.Dude, look how much smaller this is.- Yeah.- Like that's not even close.Another change is goingto be with the SSD.So, by default, this willcome with a 256 gig drive,however you can option itall the way up to a 4TB SSD.The only issue, it is gonna cost you$3400.(receipt printing)You know, if you don't wanna spend as muchas a nice used car, well, Iguess a somewhat nice used car,as your SSD, there's your option.For real, though, Imean, if you really needthat extra space, by all means go for it,but as far as I'm concerned,a 1TB SSD or even a 512 gigdrive should be plenty unlessyou're on Ken Bolido's phonetexting instead of running the camera.Oh, wow, great, I'vealready got a beach ball.That's really wonderful.The system's been on for 35 secondsand it's already frozen and beachballing.Another new feature is goingto be the Apple T2 chip insideand that's also going to beshared with the iMac Pro.Essentially, it's going tobe like an iPhone processorthat's dedicated to handling allof the background tasks of the laptop.So think about trainsoutside, your speakers,your webcam, and especiallythings like security issues,like making sure that everythingis correctly assigned ahead of time.So to really see what thisnew MacBook is capable of,I have a couple of otherlaptops here to compare against.So, first of all, Ihave a 2016 MacBook Proand this is going to bethe high-end of that yearso we're getting toCore i7, 16 gigs of RAM,Radeon Pro 460 graphics,as well as a 1TB SSD.To give you a good ideaof what an equivalentWindows workstation is going to provide,we have a 2016 Lenovo P70.This guy's going to have a Xeon E3-1505,which is going to be aquad-core Skylake CPU,very similar to actually what'sgoing to be in the 2016 MacBook.You're also going to be getting32GB of RAM, a Quadro P--M4000, M4000, I almostsaid P, it's an M4000 GPU.As well as a 512GB NVMe SSD.And last but not least, wehave the 2018 MacBook Pro.Now this is going to be maxed outwith everything besides the SSD.Core i9, 32GB of RAM, the Radeon Pro 560X.The only thing we'remissing here is a 4TB drive,but with one 1TB of capacitythe price difference betweenthese three is actually onlya couple hundred dollars.So let's see how fast thenew MacBook really is.The first test we're goingto be running is Geekbench 4.Now, this is going tobe a pretty solid testof the CPU capabilities ofall three of these laptops.Oh, wow, whoah, that's so fast!Okay, so, the Lenovo and theMacBook are very well-matched.So single-core is slightlyahead on the Lenovo,but multi-core's going tobe a little bit behind,but the 2018 absolutelydestroys them both.With 5595 on single-coreand 24765 on multi-core.That, that's fast.Of course, there's more to itthan just CPU power though.So here we're going to be usingthe Geekbench 4 compute testto give us a rough idea of whatkind of graphics capabilityare going to be on allthree of these laptops.So here the Lenovodefinitely takes the winwith a score of 79000 comparedto 58000 with the 2018 Macbookand 49000 with the 2016 MacBook.Now, the graphics side is definitely goingto be a big win for the Windows-sidejust because you're going to be gettingso many more options, andso many more powerful cardsavailable in a varietyof Windows workstations.Next up, we have Cinebench.Now, this is going to be a little bit moreof a multi-threadedworkflow as it is basicallygoing to be Cinema 4D justrendering a single test scene.And, again, anythingCPU-related, the Core i9MacBook is absolutely going to crush.Not only is it goingto be a fair bit fasteron the single-core score,but even on the multi-threadwith those extra two cores available,it is going to be seriously fast.Next up we have the Aja Speed Test.This is going to be allabout how fast the SSDsare in all three of these systems.Okay, that one's not particularly fair.So, it looks like theLenovo is using a SATA-basedhard drive, which means thatthe read speed's toppingout at less than 500MB per secondand the read is only about 133.Compare that with the2016, which is over 2GBper second on both read and write,and the 2018 model, which isactually going to clear 3GBper second on read and 2700MBper second on the write.Just like the iMac Pro, alot of the speed has to dowith the fact that it isusing a T2 chip to handle allof the stuff includingactually running the SSD.So when it comes to writingand reading at almost3GB per second, that'sactually really cool.I've gotta admit, that's really fast.Next up, let's put this all together anddo a little bit more ofa real world comparison.So we have DaVinci Resolve runningon all three of these systems.So we're starting out withsome 7K RED RAW footage,which is then beingheavily color-correctedwith power windows and it is goingto be exported as a 4K H.264 file.Okay, so it looks like Resolveis definitely a big fanof the Core i9 on the 2018 MacBook.Here, the '18 MacBook is goingto be a full minute fasterthan both the 2016 MacBookas well as the Lenovo P70.Now, the P70 does have other advantagesbeyond pure performance.So not only is it goingto run a fair bit cooler.if you take a look atthe thermal shots I goton the MacBook, whichis running pretty warmespecially on the keyboard area.Compared to the Lenovo,it is a huge difference,but, on top of that, theLenovo has a bigger 4K displayand, you know, actual ports,which is kind of helpfulwhen you're doing video oranything that's not using USBC.So, conclusion time.If you pick up the $7000steal of the MacBook Prowith the 4TB drive, it's notgoing to perform any better,but if you're looking fora system that is goingto give you a ton ofpower and a pretty smalland thin form factor, I've gotta say,this actually is a lotfaster than I was expecting.