Make Apple Pie Recipe & Apple Crisp Crumble HOW TO COOK THAT Ann Reardon

Welcome to How to Cook That: A Beginner's Guide to Delicious Desserts

As we begin this culinary journey together, I'm excited to share with you three easy and quick dessert recipes that are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. In this article, we'll delve into each recipe in detail, exploring the ingredients, techniques, and tips needed to create these mouthwatering treats.

First up, let's talk about making an apple pie with a great shortcrust pastry. This may seem like a complicated dessert, but trust me, it's still a simple one. The most important thing is to use high-quality ingredients, including fresh apples, butter, flour, and sugar. When it comes to preparing the apples, you can either use tinned pie apples or fresh ones. If using fresh apples, be sure to wash them thoroughly, peel them, core them, and slice them into thin pieces.

Now, let's get started with making our pastry. You'll need butter, flour, sugar, and one egg. Yes, it's that simple! To begin, put your flour and butter into a bowl and use a knife to slice the butter into smaller pieces. Then, rub the butter into the flour using your fingertips, squashing it between your thumb and fingers as you go. This may take a few minutes, but it's essential to get the mixture looking like fine breadcrumbs. Continue rubbing until there are no big lumps of butter left.

Add your sugar to the mixture and mix it through well. In a separate bowl, whisk together a little milk and egg using a fork. Then, pour this mixture into the flour mixture and stir until everything comes together in a cohesive dough. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes until it becomes smooth and pliable.

Now that we have our pastry, let's assemble our pie. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1/8 inch (3 mm) and place it into a pie dish. Fill the pie crust with sliced apples, leaving a small border around the edges. Dot the top of the apples with butter and sprinkle with sugar.

To finish our pie, roll out the remaining pastry dough to the same size as the first piece. Use this to cover the pie and crimp the edges to seal it shut. Cut a few slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape during baking. Bake your pie for about 30 minutes, or until it's golden brown and crispy.

Moving on to dessert number two, we have super quick apple turnovers. These are perfect for last-minute gatherings or when you need a sweet treat fast. For this recipe, you'll need store-bought puff pastry sheets and tinned apples. Simply cut the pastry into quarters, scoop some apples onto each quarter, and fold the pastry in half to seal it shut.

Use a fork to press down along the two joined edges of the pastry, creating a crimped seal. Place your turnovers on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake until they're hot and crispy.

While our turnovers are baking, let's talk about dessert number three: gluten-free apple crumble. This is a fantastic option for those with gluten intolerance or sensitivity. To make this crumble, you'll need almond meal or flour, butter, sugar, and some chopped nuts (optional). Rub the butter into the almond meal until it resembles coarse crumbs.

Spoon some apples into individual serving bowls or one large bowl, depending on your preference. Top the apples with a generous sprinkle of crumble mixture, making sure to cover the entire surface.

Bake your crumble in a preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until the apple is hot and the crumble is golden brown and crunchy. Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream for an extra-special treat.

Finally, I want to leave you with a message of appreciation for watching this video and joining our culinary journey together. If you have a favorite dessert recipe that you like to make when people are coming over and it's a last-minute thing, please share it in the comments below so everyone can get heaps of ideas of what else they can do when they're in a hurry.

As we wrap up this article, I want to thank you for your attention and enthusiasm. If you enjoyed this recipe and would like to learn more about cooking, be sure to subscribe to our channel for more dessert recipes, chocolate creations, and cake decorating tutorials. And if you'd like to go through to the channel, click on the "How to Cook That" banner above.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to how to cook thatI am Ann ReardonThere have been lots of requests for an easydessert recipe so this week I am going toshow you how to make three quick and easyapple desserts.Firstly the apple pie with a great shortcrustpastry which is probably the most complicatedout of all of them even though it is stilla simple dessert followed by super quick appleturnovers which are great if you've got lotsof people coming over at the last minute andthen finally a gluten free apple crumble recipe.To start with for all three desserts we needto turn on the oven and then prepare the apples.You can either use tinned pie apple whichhas nothing but apple in it and a tiny bitof salt or you can use fresh apple.If going with fresh then you need to washthem and peel them.There is not right or wrong way to peel anapple just as long as you get all the peeloff that's fine.Once they are peeled core them and slice them.I have this really handy apple cutter whichI like to use for this job it cores and slicesthem all in one time which speeds up the process.You can of course slice them using a knifeand then cut the core part off each piece.Place the apple slices into a saucepan witha tablespoon of water then put the lid onand cook over medium high heat for about 5minutes until it is hot and bubbling thenyou can turn the heat off and leave the lidon and just leave it to sit there while youget you pastry ready.To make our pastry for the pie you will needbutter flour sugar and one egg and a littlebit of milk.All of the recipe quantities are written onthe website there is a linkto the recipe in the description just belowthis video.Put your flour and your butter into a bowland then use a knife to slice the butter intosmaller pieces.Then rub the butter into the flour using yourfingertips.So you are basically just squashing it betweenyour thumb and your fingers and rubbing asyou go.But making sure you get some flour in therewhen you are doing it you don't just wantto be squashing the butter you want to besquashing it into the flour.Continue to do that for a few minutes untilyour mixture looks like this, there shouldbe no big lumps of butter in there anywhereit should look like fine breadcrumbs.Add your sugar and mix it through well.In a seperate bowl put a little milk and youregg and whisk them together with a fork.Then pour it into the flour mixture and stirit with a spoon until it is roughly togetherand then use your hands to squash it togethermore and knead it until you have a smoothball of pastry.At this point you should wrap your pastryand put it in the fridge and leave it to restfor half an hour and that makes it easierto roll out, but because we are doing quickdesserts we are going to go ahead and rollit straight away.Put it on some baking paper on your benchtop and roll out your pastry until it is reasonablythin and big enough to cover the whole baseof your pie dish plus a bit more because we'vegot our pastry for the lid there as well.Then pick up your pastry and flip it overon the paper and then carefully place it overthe dish.Peel off the baking paper and then going aroundthe edges lift and lower the pastry, pushingit into the corners and making sure thereis no air bubbles trapped underneath yourpastry.Then using a knife trim off the excess makingsure your knife is leaning backwards so thatthe pastry is still over the rim of the dishso there is something for our lid to joinonto.Add you apples ,Add you apples, I make my pies nice and full,these apples will drop down a bit when theycook so if you start with a pie that has applesthat are flat then you will have a sunkentop once it is baked in the oven.Sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon on top.If you like you pie really sweet then youcan add more sugar and cinnamon to your applesbefore you put them in the pie and mix itthrough but because the pastry for this piehas some sugar in it I don't think the fillingneeds to be really sweet.Roll out the rest of your pastry and checkthat it is big enough by holding the dishover the top of the pastry.Flip the pastry over and peel off the bakingpaper just like we did before.Then using a knife to cut off the excess pastryagain leaning the knife outwards so you areleaving some pastry on the rim of the dish.You can leave it plain just like that or useyour thumb and your finger to pinch a patternall the way around the edge of your pie.Take your knife and stab the top of the piea few times so there is space for the steamto escape.This stops you from getting a huge air bubbleat the top of your pie.Place it in the oven and let it bake untilit is crisp, golden brown and ready to eat.This will take about 30 minutes.And you have a beautiful pie stuffed fullor apples.Dessert number 2 is super quick apple turnovers.Using some store bought puff pastry sheetsand tinned apple add some cinnamon and sugarto the apple and stir through.Now this puff pastry that I am using is notsweet and that is why we are sweetening theapples to compensate for that.Cut your pastry sheet into quarters cuttingdiagonally across the middle.Spoon on some your apple and then fold thepastry in half pressing on the edges to sealit shut.From last weeks video there was a lot of requestsfor me to do a draw my life in video, forthose of you who are new to how to cook thatthere is a draw my life in chocolate videoon the channel so if you go to how to cookthat click on how to cook that and go to thechocolate playlist you'll find it there.Place your apple turnovers onto a baking trayand then take a fork and press down alongthe two joined edges to fuse the two pastrysheets together.Bake them in the oven until they are hot andyour puff pastry is crispy and golden.Serve them immediately and you can add icecream or whipped cream or custard to those.If you've got a favourite dessert recipe thatyou like to make when people are coming overand it's a last minute thing put the nameof it in the comments below so everyone canget heaps of ideas of what else they can dowhen they are in a hurry.For our third dessert we are going to makea gluten free apple crumble.Use some almond meal or almond flour and rubsome butter into the almond meal.You could use gluten free flour but I justfind in the crumble dessert it's a bit pastyon the top of your mouth when you eat it soI like to use almond meal in the crumble instead.Now gluten is just the protein in wheat andpeople who have coeliac disease or glutenintolerance can't have any gluten in theirdiet so they cant have any wheat at all sowe are making this one gluten free.If you do not need it to be to be gluten freethen you can use all purpose flour for thisrecipe instead.Mix in your sugar.Then spoon some apple into your bowl,you canmake one large crumble or you can use smallerbowls and make individual serves.Top with a generous sprinkle of crumble mixture.Bake until the apple is hot and the crumbleis golden and crunchy.Add some ice cream or some whipped cream andenjoy.Thanks for watching, you can click on subscribeto subscribe to how to cook that for moredessert recipes, chocolate creations and cakedecorating tutorials.Click on the how to cook that banner if youwant to go through to the channel and watchthe draw my life video and have a great weekand I will see you on Friday.[music: The Boat Song by Set Sail with permission]\n"