I Found This in My Garage

Revving Up Your Engines: A Closer Look at Essential Tools and Gadgets

As we begin our exploration of essential tools and gadgets, we find ourselves surrounded by an array of interesting items sent from Afghanistan by my son. The first item that catches our attention is the gear wrenches. These flex gearwrenches are great for several reasons, but the main one is their ratchet head, which allows them to move fast and can be turned in many directions. One feature we appreciate about these particular gear wrenches is their reversibility. When you flip them over, they don't have a little knob that would make them go one way only. Instead, they have a flat design, allowing them to turn the wrong way without any issues.

This flexibility in design makes them perfect for working in cramped spaces like trying to get the intake manifold off. You can hit the little knobs and turn the wrench in either direction, making it easier to loosen or tighten bolts as needed. Another advantage of these gear wrenches is that they are less prone to breaking due to dirt getting stuck inside their mechanisms. With a simple flip, you can change their orientation without worrying about damaging them.

One last feature worth mentioning is that you don't need to buy an entire set like I did. These gear wrenches come in various sizes (10-12, 14, and 17) and can be purchased individually if needed. This flexibility makes it easier for users to customize their tool collection according to their specific needs.

Moving on to other essential tools and gadgets, we have the fuse savers. These real-handymen devices are designed to help you identify blown fuses in your electrical system. They come in various colors (such as yellow) and have little ends and big ends that plug into your fuse box. By inserting the correct fuse saver into the blown fuse's slot, you can reset it without having to purchase a new one.

Fuse savers are particularly useful because they can last for a lifetime, and I had mine for over ten years before it stopped working perfectly. They offer an affordable alternative to constantly buying new fuses, which makes them a practical addition to any tool collection. Whether you're working on electrical systems or just need a quick fix, fuse savers are the perfect solution.

In the realm of portable tools, we have the little hack saws that revolutionize the way we cut through small spaces. Unlike conventional hacksaws, these tiny ones don't take up much space and can be customized to fit any size you want. You can even use them to cut off blades in very small spaces. This flexibility makes them ideal for working with tight spaces or delicate materials.

While using conventional hacksaws can be frustrating due to their bulkiness, the plastic ones often break or snap in half, making a mess of your workspace. In contrast, aluminum hack saws are durable and reliable, offering an affordable alternative that doesn't compromise on quality. These tiny wonders are available at most hardware stores and are a must-have for any serious DIY enthusiast.

Last but not least, we have the big old generator hiding in our midst. This Husky 5,000 running amp emergency generator is a beast of a machine, equipped with a Subaru engine that's perfect for powering equipment during power outages. It comes with a five-gallon tank, ensuring it will last a decent amount of time before needing to be refueled.

The generator is an essential tool in any household, especially in areas prone to natural disasters like hurricanes. In Houston, where we reside, having such a unit can mean the difference between life and death during extreme weather conditions. With its robust design and powerful engine, this Husky generator is capable of running a variety of equipment, including air compressors and electric tools.

For those who may be in similar situations or have experience with generators, I would advise investing in a quality unit like this one. It's essential to remember that cheap alternatives can leave you stranded during emergencies. By choosing the right tool for the job, you'll be better equipped to handle any situation that comes your way.

As we conclude our exploration of these tools and gadgets, it's clear that each item has its unique features and benefits. From gear wrenches to fuse savers, hack saws to generators, every piece of equipment is designed to make a difference in our daily lives. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or just looking for ways to improve your home and workspace, these essentials are sure to prove useful.

So, the next time you find yourself working on a project or facing an electrical issue, remember that having the right tools at hand can make all the difference. And if you happen to win one of my giveaways, be sure to take advantage of it!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines, what secrets lieinside well here we go inside all kindsof stuff hanging up down on the groundplastic truck that my son sent fromAfghanistan ages ago the first thing I'mgonna talk aboutI just gear wrenches now these flex gearwrenches are great for lots of reasonsbut the main one is that they have alittle ratchet head so they can go fastand it flexes so you can turn it in manydirections and one thing I really likeabout these particular gear wrenches areis they're reversible you flip them overthey don't have that little knob so theygo one way and you hit the knob and itgoes backwards because those littleknobs guess what when you're working ina cramped space like trying to get theintake manifold off you hit the littleknob on one side have knobs and then itturns the wrong way and then instead ofloosening it it's tight these as you cansee they're completely flat they're thinone weighs on the other ways off youjust flip it over much better design youdon't have to worry about not onlyhitting in that goes backwards or thosedevices break a lot cuz dirt gets in them thisdoesn't have them one last thing to gowrong now you don't have to buy a whole set like me these aren't cheap they're relativelyexpensive tools but you can buy the onesyou need let's say you got a Japanesecar hey the 10 to 12 the 14 and a 17 arereal handy ones you might just buy a fewof them or try to find used ones on eBayor something now let's see what else isin here ah crow for wrenches theseCrowfoot wrenches are fantastic forgetting into tight spaces and as you cansee these are good ones they have onetwo three four different ridges that goin don't get the ones that just have tothey'll break and fall off get a qualityset that has a good grip with theratchet and extension you can put themon and you can get into all kinds oflittle spaces these are great for takingflared lines off and brake systems powersteering systems and they can get intoplaces that something else can't becausethere's no clearance and especially whenthere's things in a way you can juststick a longer extension on it so youcan go through the thingor if it's really tight you can takethem all off and stick them on direct toget stuff off these colfra trenches area just don't get a really cheap set thecheap sets sticking to snap off you wantsolid steel ones like this let's take afurther look and what do we have heredeep walled sockets these are fromharbor freight tools now you see some ofthem are chrome well that's not thetools part that's Scotty's faultthese are autozone ones that I boughtand truthfully the AutoZone ones these 3cost more than this whole thing so hereyou're actually cheaper buying a wholeset that's an expensive than buying asuper expensive ones these things aresolid steel they're not going anywhereI've never broken any of these ones you can see how thick they arethey really thicker than the autozoneones are since they're so heavy duty youdon't have to worry about them breakingyou don't have to buy a super expensiveset go to harbor three tools and buythese I've had these for years you knowthey're the ones I've lost you can seeit's a peg missing here so maybe I shouldjust buy a spare set of this insteadlet's see what else is in hereoh my little small smoke detector now Ilike my autool smoke detector for one mainreason it's totally self-contained thesehook up to the batteryyou don't need an air pump you don'tneed electric plugs you just need a carbattery you don't need to buy fancyliquids for in the top all you do isunscrew it got a long thread on it andyou pour mineral oil in here same stuffyou can get enough drugstore for babiesbottoms easy cheap you don't have to buyany kind of special equipment for thisis a quality item it's got the gauge onit so when you're checking for leaks youcan see if there's too much flow notenough flow it's a very handy device andyou can use it for finding leaks thananything intake manifolds you can stickit in the exhaust see where the smokecomes off I've been used to when I had asewer leak and I found out that thesewer leak was inside the wall of thehouse and could see the smoke coming outfrom under and you might say Scotty how could you use it in your houseit's 12 volt well I just used my littlebattery pack here just hook it up this isvery portable I was able to check forleaks it's a very handy tool and it hasa great valve here for adjusting flow soyou can adjust it for big leaks smallleaks it's a real handy tool I use it all thetime when I'm lookingfor leaks all right what else is hidingin here this big old generator thisone's a husky 5,000 running amps andlook it's got a Subaru engine in it it'sa good engine that's an emergencygenerator for hurricane so we gethurricanes here in Houston it's good tohave one now we've got a five gallontank it will last some time puts on alot of power you can run a lot of stuffnot only it said my house would saved mybusiness too one time we didn't havepower for a week and a halfa lot of the garage is to shut down wedon't need power they said well crankthat thing up you got plenty enoughpower to run my air compressor to run myelectric tools next day after the rainwent awaysince I'm in High Point of Houston itdoesn't flood here I was back inbusiness fixing people's flooded cars soyou're gonna get a generator take myadvice get one that's a quality unitdon't buy some cheap piece of junk for100 150 bucks I've seen a little bitty$99 once hey they're fine if you want torun small TV or something but this thingit runs a lot now what else is in herethere's a box box a few savers now thesefuse savers are real handy if you'redoing any kind of electric or differentrated fuses that then plug into the fusebox they got a little ends and big endsthis particular ones yellow it's 20 mmyou can plug this into your fuse box youpull out the blown fuse and plug this inand while you're checking for electricalshorts odds are the fuse is gonna keepblowing well you don't have to keepbuying fuses it got reset time you turnon turn off so it's just like in yourhouse where you got breaker boxes youcan just keep turning on and off untilyou find where the short is, you buythese once hey they can last for alifetime, I had this set for over ten years andit still works perfectly fine here we gothere's cool little hack saws theproblem with conventional hacksaws is they take up a lot of space but now with thislittle tiny one and you can see I've cutthe end of the blade you can customizeit to whatever small size you want andyou can cut off in very small spacethere not buy one of those cheap plasticones I tried the plastic ones they snapthey break off in the middle of the jobyou'll be cursing and swearing a pieceof plastic junk by an aluminum one thesethings don't cost that much money thisparticular one is a stanley I got athardware store and synthesis mechanicMonday I'm giving away a setof these gearwrench tools a chanceto win place a clean non offensivecomment on the youtube comments belowand a winner will be chosen randomly bycomputer to get a nice set so they canget where no wrenches have reachedbefore, so if you never want to missanother one of my new car repair videos,remember to ring that Bell\n"