**A Delicious Beef Stew Recipe**
The art of cooking a delicious beef stew is a simple yet rewarding process that requires just a few ingredients and some patience. In this recipe, we'll guide you through the steps to create a mouth-watering beef stew with cheddar cheese grits that's sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.
**Starting with the Ingredients**
The key to a great beef stew is using high-quality ingredients. We start by browning a chuck roast and cutting it into big cubes. The meat is browned in a pot, adding a depth of flavor that will be enhanced throughout the cooking process. Next, we add an onion to each pot, followed by three cloves of chopped garlic. The onions and garlic are cooked for just a minute, until they're translucent and fragrant.
**Adding Flavor and Aroma**
With the aromatics in place, it's time to add some flavor and aroma to the stew. We'll start by adding 32oz of beef stock to each pot, followed by a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce. The Worcestershire adds a savory, umami flavor that enhances the overall taste of the stew. Next, we'll add a little bit of tomato paste to each pot, which will give the sauce a tangy flavor and a rich, velvety texture.
**Adding a Touch of Sweetness**
To balance out the flavors in the stew, we'll add a little bit of sugar to each pot. This may seem like an unusual ingredient, but trust us - it makes all the difference. The sugar will help to caramelize the onions and bring out the natural sweetness in the beef. Finally, we'll add some paprika to the stew, which will give it a rich, smoky flavor.
**Adding the Meat and Vegetables**
Now that our pot is filled with aromatics, stock, and spices, it's time to add the meat and vegetables. We'll brown half of the chuck roast in one pot and half in the other, making sure they're coated evenly in all the flavors we've added so far. Next, we'll add two carrots, two parsnips, and a half turnip to each pot. These will simmer for about 30 minutes until they're tender and delicious.
**Thickening the Stew**
As our stew simmers away, it's time to thicken up the cooking liquid. We'll drizzle in some beef stock into three tablespoons of flour, creating a smooth, thick paste that will help to thicken the stew. This will take about ten minutes, so be patient! The final result is a rich, creamy sauce that will coat your tongue and leave you wanting more.
**The Finishing Touches**
Finally, we'll add some chopped parsley and basil to each pot, giving our stew a fresh, herbaceous flavor. We'll also sprinkle a little bit of black pepper over the top, because you can never have too much pepper in our opinion!
**Making it for Hyacinth**
Now that we've created this delicious beef stew recipe, let's put it into practice. We'll make one pot for Hyacinth and another for ourselves, using two pots to ensure that everyone gets a big serving of this tasty stew. I'll invite Alex over unannounced, and spring dinner on him at the last minute. He'll be so surprised when he arrives and finds a delicious beef stew waiting for him!
**The Finished Dish**
And there you have it - a delicious beef stew recipe that's sure to become a favorite in your household. With its rich flavors and tender vegetables, this dish is perfect for a cold winter's night or a special occasion. So go ahead, get cooking, and enjoy every bite of this mouth-watering stew!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enI love sweet potato soup, but to use purplesweet potatoes is an absolute revelation.First of all, they're delicious, but second,they're just a glorious, deep purple colorand they make the most beautiful soup.And this is one of those soups that you canmake for a company or just for your kids.On a weeknight, I just fried bacon in a bigDutch oven and then I took the bacon out ofthe pan. So into the same pot I added slicedred onion, some minced garlic, oregano andthyme. And I'm just stirring it around.Oh, it smells so incredible.And look at this pan page.Look at the bottom of this pan.Look at all that flavor in there.Yum. Now, that is the start of a delicioussoup right there.Okay, so now I'm going to add.The purple sweet potatoes, aka purple yams.You can find these really in specialtygrocery stores year round or like regularsupermarkets sometimes get them in in thefall.I love any root vegetable soup.And so you could actually use all sweetpotatoes or you could use sweet potatoes andturnips or parsnips.You could sort of do a root vegetablecelebration.I like going all purple.It's just kind of drives that point home.So I've got the potatoes and the onions allmixed together.So I'm going to cook this mixture for threeminutes.All righty. So those have kind of had achance to start cooking.So I'm going to add some cumin.Yummy. Yummy.With sweet potato soup and coriander.Another great fall spice and some salt andpepper.And then I'll give it a quick stir just sothe spices kind of coat, the potatoes and theonions.My gosh, I love this soup.So I'm going to add the broth.I'm using vegetable broth.And you can use chicken broth if you're notinterested in it being like vegetarian.I just picked vegetable because usually whenI make like a root vegetable soup, I'll usevegetable broth, but any kind of broth willdo.So one carton plus a cup or so.Okay, give it one more stir.And now we just have to be patient.I'm going to crank up the heat, bring thisto a boil, and let it cook for 15 minutes,and then I'll finish it up.Okay. The soup's just about done.So I'm going to make an incredible toppingthat is part of the Wonder of the soup, andit's part of what makes it so pretty, too.So the bacon that I cooked in the pot rightfrom the top.I'm chopping it up and it's going to be partof the topping.Okay, so I've got a little bowl and I'mgoing to put the bacon in the bowl.And then I have some other things to add tothe bacon.Pistachios. Chopped pistachios.They're so pretty.And then chopped parsley.And chopped oregano and then a little bit ofturmeric.A little goes a long way, so don't gooverboard.And then I'll get a little spoon and stir ittogether.But you could do any combination of herbsand nuts.It looks so good.It does look good, doesn't it?All right, so now back to the soup.Time to puree. So look at this first page.I'll show you what it looks like.See those sweet potatoes?They're pretty much falling apart.And that's the stage that you want to get itto before you puree.So I'm going to use an immersion blender.That way I don't have to take it out of thepot.Wish me luck.I'm going in.All right.Hey, come take a look at this.Did I promise you Purple soup or what?Isn't that pretty? But it's not likeobnoxious purple.It's like beautiful, deep, earthy purple.Okay, so I'm going to show you how pretty itis to serve a plain bowl.I'm going to fill it with.The soup. And you don't actually have tofill the bulk.That would be a lot of soup.That really is purple.It's pretty, isn't it?All right. Ooh, that looks good.And then a little bit of sour cream.Mhm.Two and then the moment Paige has beenwaiting for.Okay. Just a little sprinkle.Isn't that.Pretty? Oh, that's so pretty gorgeous.So I'm making this stew with boneless shortribs, which are my favorite cut of beef.Did you know that? Short ribs?I did not know that. Absolutely Incredible.It winds up tasting like the very best potroast that you've ever had, except better.It's like a luscious version of Chuck Roast.So I cut the boneless short ribs into chunksand I browned them.Look how brown these are.So brown.So I'm just taking them out for a minute.And in the same pot I'm going to add someonion chunks, big old chunks of onion andcarrot chunks and garlic.I'm going to crank up the heat even more andI'm going to add some tomato paste.Tomato paste is one of the best tips I cangive.Whenever you're making any pot roast recipe,just add a couple of tablespoons of tomatopaste and it doesn't really give it a tomatosauce or base, but it just adds depth andinterest. And passion.It's so good. Okay, so I'm stirring.So the tomato paste kind of hits the bottomof that pan.Look at this.Delicious. So now for the liquid.Let's just cut to the chase here.Two bottles of beer and then a couple ofcups of beef broth.Very savory.Luscious stew.Squirt, squirt, squirt.And then some Worcestershire sauce and saltand pepper.So easy.You just want to be sure to start this muchearlier than you need it.Because Stew does take a while.Sprigs of rosemary and a couple of bayleaves, and then I'll stir it all together.Oh, forgot to add the meat back in.I almost put the lid on and cook this fortwo hours.Veggie stew. That would have been awkward.Okay, so all this meat goes in and youdefinitely want to hold it so all thosejuices go into.Mm. Beautiful.So now I'm going to put the lid on.Turn the heat down and simmer this for 2.5hours until that meat is fall apart.Tender. I like to serve it with egg noodles.Usually I use wide egg noodles, but theseare the skinny ones.Oh, yum, yum.But. I am never content just to servenoodles plain, so I'm going to add somebutter and a whole bunch of parsley.And then I always like to add a little bitof salt and pepper to the noodles.I think buttered noodles with salt andpepper are the ultimate comfort food.Just toss and let that butter just slowlymelt.You can also add lemon zest.I like noodles with lemon zest, Butter,parsley, salt, pepper.That's a yummy summer pasta.Wine and wine.Well, wine in a glass for sure.Okay. The noodles are buttered.So let's check out this stew.Come over here.This stew.Ready?Oh, Oh.Now we're talking. Your sound effects areamazing, by the way.Thank you. So I'm going to take out the bayleaves and the rosemary.It was so nice. It was all gathered up inone little section, and then I'll just usethe ladle to get the stew into the bowl withthe noodles.But look at this.That meat is so tender.It is absolutely falling apart.And you want to get juice and all.You don't need to let the juice, like, dripout.Okay. How does this look, guys?It looks.Amazing.It really does.You can spoon extra juice over, which I'mgoing to do right now.Look. Ready?Yeah.Oh, gorgeous, gorgeous, hearty beef stew overbuttery parsley noodles.That is a bowl full of marvelous rightthere.So I've got a pot with some butter, and Iactually heated it until it got to the brownstage. And I'm going to add some onions.And then I have a bowl full of root veggiesthat I peeled and chopped carrots, parsnips,turnips and rutabagas, and then some gingerand garlic, whole garlic cloves.And then I'm going to stir these around justto coat them.I'm not going to have to cook them at thisstage.I just want to kind of get the veggiescoated in that delicious brown buttermixture. Sprinkle some salt and pepper.Perfect. And now I'm going to.Add the broth.I've got two big honkin cartons us of chickenbroth.You can also use veggie broth if you want tokeep it truly vegetarian to spices.I've got some allspice.And ground, coriander, sprig of thyme.Stir all of this together.All right. Now, I'm just going to bring itto a quick boil, and then I'll turn it downto a simmer, put the lid on and let it cookfor 20 minutes until the vegetables aretotally soft.Okay. The soup has been simmering.It's just about ready to puree.But first, I'm going to fry some shallotsthat I'm going to use to serve over the topof the soup. So I've just got some vegetableoil and very thinly sliced shallots.I peeled the shallots and sliced them.And now I'm just going to fry them invegetable oil until they're golden brown.And then I'll take them out of the oil anddrain them on a paper towel.Get these beautiful fried shallots.Absolutely incredible topper for soup.All those vegetables have been cooking away.And I'm glad I did that because I'm going topull out the time it has done its job.So I'm going to turn off the stove and I'mgoing to puree the soup.Now, you don't have to puree it.You can keep it pretty chunky, but in thefall, I just love pureed vegetable soups.In the fall. I just love any soup, to behonest.And look at the color of this soup now.So pretty.That's so pretty.And look, I love this.Every now and then you get like, a chunk ofcarrot that got missed, but it's kind of likea little treasure hunt that way.And this soup is pretty rich and filling, soa little goes a long way.Okay, so speaking of garnish, I'm going toget some of these beautiful shallots.Take a look Page.And the great thing about shallots isthey're so light and like thin andlightweight that they just kind of hover ontop.And then I've got some beautiful parsley.All righty.Very veggie soup with fried shallots on top.Few more would be nice.It's got mushrooms and spinach.It's got more of a creamy base rather than atomato base like my regular lasagna soup has.So I'm going to cook the mushrooms first andI'm going to crank the heat up to high.I started with a little bit of olive oil andI added a mix of sliced white mushrooms andsliced cremini mushrooms and I'll add somesalt and let them start to cook.It's going to take five minutes to get thesenice and brown.Okay? It's looking good.Look, Alex, I know it's hard to see overthere, but I got these mushrooms going.They're starting to get kind of brown aroundthe edges, so I'm going to turn the heat tomedium so things don't get too crazy toofast.And I'm going to add minced garlic andminced thyme.This soup has such amazing flavor.I absolutely love it.So I'm going to get the garlic going andthen I have to smell it.Italian seasoning, a little more salt.Why not? And then I want to make this acreamy base.So I'm going to sprinkle just a couple oftablespoons of flour.I just kind of want to add enough to helpthe thickening process along without itgetting too crazy.I get impatient. I don't like to sit thereand pour slowly.It's just not my strength.Okay, now I need to stir this until itstarts to bubble and thicken up.Give me another three minutes.Okay. I can tell it's kind of starting tosimmer around the sides.So this is a good time to add lasagna.Now, a lot of times when I make regularlasagna soup, I will boil the lasagna noodlesseparately, break them up, boil them, addthem to the pot.I'm going to use parboiled lasagna sheets,which these are almost done.So you can actually build lasagna with thesewithout cooking them ahead of time.So there are no cooked noodles and I'm justgoing to break them into chunks.And the great thing about adding them tosoup is they just take a couple of minutes tosoften and become soft pasta noodles.Oh, it's looking so good already.So it's a good time to season with salt andpepper.Yum, yum.And then it's kind of a white slash creamylasagna soup.So while it comes to a boil, I'm going toadd some cream.And this is a personal preference.You can add as little or as much cream asyou want.I choose the much option because becausecream.So we can't forget the spinach.I'm just going to go right in with it.And the thing about spinach is it takes alot because it shrinks.So don't be alarmed at the amount of spinachI just added.This is kind of a luscious, beautiful soup.Look at this.Come look, Alex.How beautiful does that look?Oh, that looks really good.All right, with that, this soup is done.So I'm going to show you what it looks like.All served up nice and piping hot.You would probably not make this soup in themiddle of summer.Look how just gorgeous and rich and magicalit is.It looks amazing.Oh, it does look amazing.So here is how I like to finish it.I mean, you have to wait, like, three hoursto eat that.It's so hot. So little dollops of ricotta,which kind of finishes off the lasagna vibeof the soup.You can kind of do little.Globs here and there.And then I'll just use the end of the spoon.Because I'm weird.And then just a little kind of drizzle of.Pesto out of the jar.Oh, this looks good.I'm not even going to pick it up becauseit's too hot.But I have to taste.So I can tell you guys what it's all.About.Oh, gosh, that's magical.I mean, if they serve soup in Heaven, this isdefinitely at the top of the list.So I'm going to make shortcut taco soup.So I've got some ground beef that I'vetotally browned in a pot with onion andgarlic, and I'm going to add a bunch oftomato paste.I love the kind in a tube because it's justlike toothpaste.Basically.I'm going to do probably two.Heaping tablespoons because this adds suchrichness in a pretty short amount of time.So I'm going to turn the heat way up.And I want to.Smush the tomato paste into the ground beefand try to kind of get it.Can you see that page, get it on the bottomof the pan and just kind of get the flavorsof that tomato paste going start just kindof release the magic of the tomato paste.Okay, so I'm going to add some salt andpepper because the ground beef really needsit. And I need a little exercise today.And then taco seasoning.You can't have tacos without some kind oftaco seasoning.Okay, so this is a shortcut.Taco soup, which means you don't stop andlet things cook a million times.So I'm going to add a can of tomatoes withgreen chilies, which is a staple around theseparts, and then fire roasted corn and a canof black beans.And I am being very radical and I am notdraining the beans or the corn.And that's just fine because this is goingto cook so fast and over really high heat.So it's going to be so good and it alreadylooks amazing.So then for the liquid, I'm just usingvegetable stock.You can use beef stock, chicken, stock,whatever stock.And then some hot sauce, your favorite hotsauce of your choice.And then honestly, talk about a one potwonder right here.Now, all I need to do is bring this to aboil and let it cook really fast for aboutten minutes. Look how violently it isbubbling away.And that's the secret when you're making aquick shortcut soup.You want to just really bring it to a boiland let it just violently cook for, you know,ten, 15 minutes, whatever you got availablein your schedule.Okay. Believe it or not, this soup is readyto serve.And the thing is, this soup is perfect as itis, so you can just serve it without anyadornments. But as you know, I like fixins,otherwise known as fixings.So I'm going to go ahead and show you how tofinish this.Look, this bothers me, though.I have to fix this before we continue.Yeah, that was bothering.I have. I can't deal with stuff like that.It keeps me awake at night.Okay, so here, Page.I'll just put this here so you can reallyget a good look of the serving.You can also use ground turkey for thisdelicious soup, but it has such greattexture. It's just a triumph, basically.So whatever you put on tacos, you can put ontaco soup.So I'm going to add some cheddar cheese.And.A good old dollop of.Sour cream, which I love because you can kindof get little bitty bits of sour cream as youeat it and it just kind of mixes.Look at all that.I added a lot.And then watch this.This is super fun.Corn chips.Ready?And then just sprinkle.Oh, my gosh.And then cilantro, of course.Just to give it a little freshness.I mean, that took approximately 45 seconds tomake that whole soup.At least it seems that fast.It's perfect for a teenagers, collegestudents, middle aged moms, not naming anynames, but I love this soup.Watch this.I always do the eye roll.I like the crunch.Ooh, hop. This is good stuff.I'm just making a quick soup.This is a really quick and easy corn andcheese chowder.I've had some onions cooking and somebutter, and I threw in some pieces of bacon.Now I'll just stir this around and let itcook.And I've also got some diced bell pepper.I've got red, orange and yellow becausethey're so pretty together.But you can use whatever you have on hand.I'm going to let the peppers cook.And then I've shaved the kernels off of fivecobs of corn, and I'm just going to dump thecorn in. This is a piece of cake.This soup recipe.But you wouldn't know it when you taste it.It is extremely impressive and yummy.Now stir the corn around.Okay, Now I'm going to add a quarter cup offlour.Just sprinkle it over the ingredients.And give it a stir.And now I'll just.Pour in some chicken broth.As I dribble it across the counter.So I'm going to grab half and half.You can use milk instead of half and half.But why would you want to do that?So I'm just going to add a little salt.Good amount of pepper.And just give it a stir.And that is it.All you need to do is put the lid on, let itsimmer for about 15 minutes or so.Oh, my.Oh, it looks so good.It's really thickening up.The kitchen smells divine.Now I'm just going to finish off the soup byadding some cheese.I've got a cup of Monterey Jack, which Ithink is great in soups because it's socreamy and it melts so nicely.And then I'm also going to add a cup ofpepper.Jack cheese. That's going to add a nicekick.I'll stir it in.Oh, the cheese really, really sends thissoup over the top.It's so.Good.And then last thing, I've got some slicedgreen onions.About a third, a cup or so.And that is one yummy soup.I'm going to whip up the best tomato soupever.I love this soup, my friend.Kathy's been making this soup for years.And every time I try it, I like it a littlebit more than the time before.Now I've got some diced onion sauteing inthree quarters of a stick of butter, and I'mgoing to throw in two cans of dicedtomatoes.This is a really easy soup, which makes iteven better.And then a big old can of tomato juice.You can use flavored tomato juice, but Ilike to just do it plain.The beauty of the tomato flavor reallyshines through.All right, now I'll just give this a stir.Now I'm going to add 2 or 3 tablespoons ofsugar.It doesn't make the soup sweet.It just offsets the acidity of all thetomato products in here.Three.All right, stir that in.And then I'm going to add plenty of freshlyground black pepper.I don't always use freshly ground blackpepper because it takes time, energy.Muscles to crank this grinder.But Kathy always used fresh ground blackpepper in hers.And I do it the same as she does.All right, now I'll throw in three chickenbouillon cubes.They just add extra flavor to the soup.This soup is really big on flavor.And that's why I love it so much.Okay.Now I'll stir it around.I'm going to crank up the heat and let itcome to a boil.Now I'm going to add the special ingredientthat makes this soup extra delicious.Sherry.I'm going to pour in about a cup.The sherry just gives it a wonderful flavor,and I add it after it boils because I don'twant it to all disappear.That's a cup. And then I always do thisbecause I can.And now I'm going to add a cup and a half ofheavy cream.Did I mention this soup is delicious?The cream just gives it a wonderfulrichness.You'll get that wonderful light pink color.So delicious.Now I'll stir this around.Oh, my goodness.It smells so good.I smell that sherry already.Looks wonderful.Now I'm just going to add some herbs.I'll start with about a fourth.A cup of parsley.And I'll just give it a rough chop.This soup really doesn't need much help.But I love the little green flecks in thesoup.It makes it really, really pretty.All right, I'll throw that in.And then a few basil leaves.I'll just roll them in a bunch.And then slice it.And then the basil goes in.I'm going to do a little bit more freshlyground black pepper.You can't have too much in a soup like this.All right. Now, I'm just going to give it astir.And I hate to tell you, but that's it.The soup is that easy?So I'm going to whip up some yummy beef stewwith cheddar cheese grits for hyacinth.And that way she won't have to think aboutdinner at all.I've got two pots going because I'm actuallygoing to make one for Hyacinth's family andone for mine. I'm going to brown the meatfirst.I got a chuck roast and cut it into bigcubes.I actually haven't told Hyacinth that I'mmaking dinner for her.I'm just going to run in and pick up Alexlike I always do.And then spring dinner on her at the lastminute.Okay, the meat's nice and brown, so I'mgoing to go ahead and take it out of the pot.It's by no means cooked.It looks like it is.But in the stew it's going to simmer for acouple of hours.And this chuck roast gets so tender, I'mgoing to add an onion to each pot.The pot is nice and brown.It has a lot of bits.From the meat in there.And then I'm going to add about three clovesof chopped garlic to each pot.All right, Now I'll just stir the.Onions and garlic around a bit.The pots are so hot, they're almosttranslucent already.So I really just need to cook them for abouta minute.So I'm just going to take a break.And grab a couple of beers.It's been a long day.Just kidding. I'm going to add the beer tothe stew.This gives the stew really great flavor.So I'm just going to add 32oz of beef stockto each pot.Now to the pots. I'm just going to add a fewdashes of Worcestershire.Worcestershire always adds a nice savorinessa little bit of richness.Then I'm just going to add a little bit oftomato paste to each pot, gives it a littlebit of a tang, gives the sauce a little bitof richness.So good. And I like to add paprika to thestew also gives it a great flavor, but italso kind of helps with the color.And then I'll add a little bit of sugar toeach pot.Now, the last thing I need to do in thisstage is add the meat into the pot.So I'll.Just slide.Half into this one and half into this one.Okay, now I'll just stir the meat in, makesure it's all combined and then all I need todo now is be patient.I'm going to put the lids on the pot, turnthe heat down, let the beef stew simmer forabout an hour and a half, and then I'll putthe root vegetables in, let it simmer untilit's done, and Hyacinthe is going to be sohappy.All right. The beef stew has been simmeringaway for about an hour and a half.And now it's time to add in the vegetables.I got to tell you.Oh, this smells so delicious.I smell everything.The beer, the broth.Now I've got two carrots for each pot.And then I also have two parsnips.For each pot.And then I have one turnip and that's enoughfor both pots.So about a half a turnip per pot.Now, I didn't want to add these at thebeginning because the vegetables would bepretty much disintegrated.So this is the perfect time to add them.Let them simmer for about 30 minutes tillthe veggies are nice and tender.The last thing I'm going to do is thicken upthe cooking liquid a little bit.I'll drizzle in some beef stock into threetablespoons of flour, and I just want to makea really, really smooth, pretty thin paste.Now I'll just add a little bit into eachpot.And then it's going to keep bubbling justfor about ten minutes or so.And it's going to make the stew just perfectand rich and thick.\n"