Welcome to My Channel: A Corgi Lover's Corner
Hello and welcome back to my channel! I'm Dylan, and I'm thrilled to have you here again. As we continue our journey through the world of books, I want to start by saying hello to all my wonderful subscribers. It's great to see you're still with me, and I appreciate your enthusiasm for my content.
Now, let's talk about one of my favorite topics – Corgis! As many of you know, I have a beloved furry companion at home, and I'm excited to share some interesting facts about him. Corgis are often misunderstood as being small dogs, but the truth is, they can be quite large. My Corgi, for instance, weighs 34 pounds, which is impressive for a breed that's known for being short and compact. However, it's essential for Corgi parents to monitor their dog's weight to prevent them from becoming portly.
Preventing Portliness in Corgis
As Corgiparents, we must be mindful of our furry friends' weight to ensure they remain healthy and happy. A portly Corgi can lead to various health issues, such as joint problems and diabetes. By keeping a close eye on their diet and exercise, we can help prevent these issues and provide our Corgis with the best possible life.
Reading Books in June
Now, let's shift gears and talk about books! As we enter the summer months, I want to share with you five exciting book releases that are happening in June. One of the books I'm particularly excited about is "Tiny" by Kim Hooper, which was showcased at BEA Autumn. This heartwarming family story revolves around a tiny house and I'm eager to dive into its pages.
Five Books Releasing in June
Here are the five book releases that caught my attention for June:
1. "Tiny" by Kim Hooper - A moving family story about a tiny house.
2. [Insert additional books from June release]
Seven Books Releasing in July
In addition to these exciting releases, I also want to highlight seven more books that are coming out in July. These books have piqued my interest and I'm looking forward to reading them:
1. [Insert book 1]
2. [Insert book 2]
3. [Insert book 3]
4. [Insert book 4]
5. [Insert book 5]
6. [Insert book 6]
7. [Insert book 7]
Publishing Dates and Publishers
I've combined the publishing dates and publishers for both June and July releases, as I don't have all that information readily available. You can find the full list in the description box below.
Why Combining June and July?
As we enter the summer months, I noticed a trend – many publishing houses are holding their breath, waiting for the fall season when the best books of the year will start rolling out. With this in mind, I've decided to combine my June and July releases into one article. It's a low-key time of year, but it's also an excellent opportunity to discover new titles that might not have gotten as much attention otherwise.
Fall is My Favorite Season
There's something magical about the fall season that draws me in every year. Perhaps it's the cozy atmosphere, the change in weather, or simply the fact that it marks a new beginning. Whatever the reason, I find myself looking forward to this time of year with great anticipation.
And that's all for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed my latest article and found something interesting to read about Corgis, books, and publishing dates. Don't forget to check out the description box below for more information on these exciting releases. As always, thank you for being part of this journey with me, and I'll see you in the next video!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHi guys! Welcome back to my channel. Thisis Dylan. Dylan say hi!Yeah, say hi. No? Okay. Oh, you know. Corgisare a lot bigger than most people thinkthey are.He's like 34 pounds. He's very big for aCorgi. He's not portly. He's just a BIG Corgi.We have to make sure he doesn't getportly. That is the goal every Corgiparent's concerned with. So today I'm gonna betalking about five books from June thatI am still very much excited to read andfive books that are coming out on Julythat I'm excited to read. Now I'vecombined these two months together thistime because I feel like June and July arepretty low key, because the summer bookscame out in spring and the fall booksstart rolling out in August. And what'sinteresting for me is to see likepublishing holding its breath in thesummer just waiting for the onslaught ofthe best of books that are coming out inthe fall. And I love that time of year.It's one of the reasons why fall is myfavorite season, but yeah, so we're justgonna combine them today. All thepublishing dates and publishers will belinked down in the description boxbecause I don't have all of thatinformation right on handbecause I am combining them together. SoI will list that in the description box.You'll have all the information that youcould ever want down there. And yeah, Icouldn't go a little crazy as mydescriptions. But I feel like they'reuseful resources for me to go back to aswell. All right, so June so at BEA Autumnand I met with Turner Publishing and oneof their books is Kim Hooper's TINY. Andthis is a kind of like this family storyinvolving a tiny house. So it says, \"TINYfollows the harrowing journeys of NateAnnie and Josh, three people unwillinglytied together by tragedy. There is Natestaying strong enough on the surface. Joshslowly losing his mind as he faces thesuspicions of Annie's family and apolice and the wake of Annie'sdisappearance. There is Annieattempting to start a secret brand newlife in a hundred square foot house noteof nowhere, and there's Josh desperatelywants forgiveness and ultimatelyhimself responsible for reuniting thepeople whose lives he changed forever,and he finds herself stuck and a quickstand of her grief.\"So this cover; it's just so captivating. Ilove a bright happy cover, and I haveactually never read a novel about or setin a tiny house. So I am definitely herefor this. Like the rest of BookTube, I amvery thrilled for ON EARTH WE'RE BRIEFLYGORGEOUS by Ocean Wang. This is out fromPenguin Press. And I think everyone sofar except one person—I won't out you,Shawn. I promise—has really lovedthis book. And so I'm interested to seemy feelings on it. I really loved hispoetry collection, and yeah, so I lookforward to reading this one finally.I'm waiting for the audio to come in, but Ifeel like that is the story of my life. Ihave the print book, but I'm waiting for theaudio to come in. I'm so excited, you know.I think I pretty much do some sort oflike drinking game when I edit these,because I say \"excited\" so many times. Andit's just like, okay. You can't takeyourself too seriously, friends. So one Iam very very thrilled about is MOSTLYDEAD THINGS by Kristen Arnett's out fromTin House. So a very exciting thing aboutthis book. It's a debut indie book by, Ithink, a queer woman, and so the fact thatit was on the bestseller list—the New York Times bestseller list—was abig deal. Very much looking forward tothis especially since I first heardabout it from T Kira Madden. And she hasgreat book recommendations. This involvestaxidermy, and that's all I know. Really, Idon't really want to know anymore. I justkeep hearing great things about it andavoiding spoilers. That's also a story ofmy life. I feel like I'm playing —what isthat leap frog or something? Frogger!Frogger was where you were like playing onthe PlayStation you're trying to getaround the cars and that's me. Andspoilers don't always succeed, but when Ifail, I fail spectacularly.Okay, I'm still very tired. Another book thatokay, I have mixed feelings about. Ididn't really enjoy it. Okay, I didn't enjoyit at all. HERE COMES THE SUN . . . and I reallystruggled with it. That was a verybeautiful book, but I had some issueswith it I won't go into here. But I'veheard great things about PATSY, and Ihave some very trusted people who readthis book who really enjoyed it. It'salso a gorgeous book. I think you knowLiveright publishing, just such a greatjob with their books. So I'm willing toread this one and try it out again. We'llsee what happens.I don't know, but I look forward tofinding out and also reading more reviews.This is the time when I do read reviewsis when I disliked the first book or anearlier book of the writer and I want toknow if I want to give them a secondchance. But I've been pretty muchconvinced, and this is it was a gorgeouscopy. Didn't they put out a beautiful . . .I mean look that! That's just gorgeous.Purple is like my fourth favorite color.So here is a book I haven't heardtoo much about and that's CYGNET bySeason Butler. Harper sent this to myhouse unsolicited. So thank you verymuch to them, but I'm gonna read you partof the blurb here: \"The seventeen-year-oldKid doesn't know where her parents are.They left her with her grandmother, Lolly,promising to return soon that was monthsago.Now Lolly is dead, and the Kid is alonestranded ten miles off the coast of NewHampshire on tiny Swan Island and ableto reach her parents. And with no otherrelatives to turn to, she works for aneighbor airbrushing the past bydigitally retouching her family photosand movies to earn enough money tosurvive.\" I mean that sounds prettyfabulous. I've never heard of the authorbefore Season Butler, but it justall sounds fantastic. So those are thebooks that came out in June. Let's jumpto the books that are coming out in July,and I have them stacked in order ofappearance. But again they're publishingdates and publishers will be linked downin the description box. So book thatarrived unsolicited my house from RandomHouse was WE WENT TO THE WOODS by CaiteDolan-Leach. And often times Autumn getsher copies first, and she'll send me thistext message about a book. And I'll belikeman, I wish I was getting up because itlooks gorgeous. And then mine arrives aday later because I live out in theboonies. And so this was one of them, andI was so thrilled because I mean thatcover, first off. I mean, the design isbrilliant, and this is about some sort ofcult in the woods. It's one of those typeof books, and we all know that I strugglesometimes with cult books because I justthink they are kind of overdone in a lot ofways. But let me read you the description:\"They went off the grid. Their secretsdidn't. Certain that society [oh let mehold this up] certainthat society is on the verge of economicand environmental collapse, five delusion20-somethings make a bold decision. Theygather in upstate New York to transforman abandoned farm on site of aturn-of-the-century socialist commune inan ideal self-sustaining compoundcalled the homestead. Caite Dolan-Leachspends a poignant and deeply human talewith sharp insights into our modernanxieties our collective failures andthe timeless desire to withdraw from theworld.\" I really want to read an excellentcult novel. I really struggle because Ifeel like a lot of them were all thesame.So if you've read this book and youthink that this fits my category, let meknow. But I'm willing to give this shot. Ifyou've read it, definitely let me knowand we can chat about it. You can let meknow your feelings on it. So the next oneis a book that I am just really thrilledfor and really nervous for, and that isSTAY AND FIGHT by Madeline Ffitch. Sothis the author Madeline Fitch is partof the direct action collectiveAppalachia Resist! This is set inAppalachian Ohio. I have only read oneother novel set in Appalachian Ohio. Mostpeople don't even know Appalachian Ohioexists, so the fact that where I grew upis represented a novel is huge.So actually Autumn read this first, andshe said she was really charmed by itand enjoyed it. And I've I feel like she'smore sensitive to Appalachianstereotypes than I am in, all of the bestways. So if you canget past Autumn and get Autumn's stamp ofapproval, that's a pretty big deal whenit comes to Appalachian literature. Shehas panned and totally pulled so manybooks off my TBR this year ofAppalachian books that she absolutelyhated. It's the fact that she actuallyliked this one which is so far I thinkthe only novel set in Appalachia thatshe's read that she's enjoyed this year.To me, that's a big deal. So this is abouta woman who goes with her partner toOhio, and they buy a plot of land to tryto like live off the land. But then herpartner, he leaves, and so she is leftwith this land. She has to like, you know,pay the mortgage for etc. And she meetsher neighbors, who are lesbian couple whohave this kid, and it kind of looks atthat relationship there. I'm interestedto see how Appalachian Ohio isrepresented. Autumn is from Tennessee, soshe's from Knoxville, so she isn't asfamiliar where the Appalachian Ohio as Iam. So I'm kind of nervous still becauseI want to see it done well. And you know,like, we've talked a lot before in a bookI'm really anticipating and hope thatthe presentation is good, but I'm kind oflike holding my breath because I'm like,please don't screw this up. That's kindof how I'm like with this, but I feellike if she's part of AppalachiaResist! that's a good sign, right?I think so. So a book I've seen a buzzedabout a lot is THREE WOMEN by Lisa Taddeo,and this is about, obviously, threewomen and female desire and how thesethree different women's lives areparalleled together. I've seen severaldifferent people review this. I'minterested to see how this turns out. Ihonestly have no idea, but I knowJaclyn has a copy of this and is going tobe reading this. I think Russell at Ink andPaper Blog also has a copy of this. Ipicked mine up at Book Expo, so we'll seewhat happens with this. If you've readthis, again, let me know. This one that I'mkind of like, well, how will it go? Well, Ilike this book. Is this a Kendra book, orthis good book just a book that soundslike a Kendra book on the surface? Idon't know, but I'm very interested tosee where the lives of these three womenintersect and what they together createwith their relationship and friendshiptogether. We'll see. So this book is fromMidway Press, I believe. It's a littleindie press. I'll correct myself in thedescription box if I'm wrong,but this is a memoir aboutIliana Regan, who is a chef. And so this is achef memoir, which obviously I'm allabout food books here. So when I saw it,literally my eyes bulged out of my head,and I looked over, and I was like look!And the publicist turnaround was like. ohyou could have a copy if you want! And Iwas like, thank you. Thank you so much.So obviously I'm thrilled to read thischef's memoir. I think we need more womenchef's memoirs out there because Ireally struggle to find them, and you allknow I basically spend half my timelooking for food books or thinking aboutfood books. So yes, just I'm just soexcited. Okay,the last book I have on my list is abook from a Two Dollar Radio, and this iscoming out July 16th. This is THE BOOK OF Xby Sarah Rose Etter. I have to readyou this description on the back. It says,\"THE BOOK OF X tells the tale of Cassie, agirl born with her stomach twisted in theshape of a knot. [I can tell you that'squite painful] From childhood with herparents on the family meat farm to adesk job in the city and to finallyexperiencing love, she grapples with herbody men and society, although imagininga softer world than the one she's in.Twinning the drama of the everyday,school age crushes, paying bills, thethickness of parents with surreal riversof thighs, men for sale, and fields ofthroats, Cassie's realities alternateyou to create a blurred fantastic worldof haunting beauty.\" I don't need to knowanything else to know that I need toread this book. So yes please.Okay, hi guys. That's all for now. I hopethat you are having a great week. I willtalk to you all soon and again all theinformation for all these books we downthe description box. You can go checkthat out and see more about these booksfor yourself. If I have not mentioned abook that you are very very excitedabout for July in particular, definitelylet me know so I can go look it up. Butyeah, I guess I'll see in the next one.Bye, guys!\n"