iPhone 12 - CRAZY new camera CONFIRMED!

Kind: captionsLanguage: enthat's it - it's real - it's been real - the whole time - it's happening what tech news in a way that doesn't suck, of course. You guys I only did it because... because it's sad outside and I feel bad for all of you. Hello and greetings welcome back to Fatah Front Page Tech, of course, the show that gives you all the tech news one geek that is me to another that is you. Happy Wednesday, happy humpday - another day, another day in quarantine town.

Before we get started, I just want to give a huge shout out to Deity Microphones. They actually sent us out like a ton of new audio gear that sounds so much better than the road setup that we had in our studio. They didn't ask me to do this; they didn't pay me; they probably have no idea this is coming, but I just want to give them a shout out for being awesome. Thank you, Deity Microphones - it's going to make a huge difference in the quality of our show.

Also, as I was setting up my new gear, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the current situation with COVID-19 and how it's affecting so many people around the world. It's been a tough few months for all of us, but we're doing the best we can and trying to stay positive. That's why I'm excited to be back on the air again today, sharing some tech news and updates with you all.

Let's get started! Our first piece of news is that Facebook is giving their employees a $1,000 bonus to help them through this tough time. This is a huge gesture of goodwill from Mark Zuckerberg and his team, and it's great to see them taking care of their people. According to various sources, almost 45,000 Facebook employees will be receiving this bonus, which is a significant amount of money that should really help out.

I have to say, I'm impressed by Facebook's move on this one. It's not always easy for companies to give their employees a raise or bonus, especially when it comes to something like a global pandemic. But Facebook is definitely going the extra mile here, and I think it's a great example of how big corporations can come together to support their workers.

Now, let's talk about some other tech news. According to Nine-to-Five Mac, who got a copy of iOS 14 and has been digging through it, we've got some exciting news for iPhone fans out there. It seems that the new iPhone 12 series will have a time-of-flight sensor on the back - this is a feature that was rumored months ago, but now it's officially confirmed.

So, what does this mean? Well, according to Apple, the time-of-flight sensor will allow users to generate three models of their surroundings with just one photo. This technology has been used in some other cameras before, but we're excited to see Apple implement it on their own devices. The possibilities for augmented reality and 3D modeling are endless here, and I'm sure that Apple fans are going to be really excited about this feature.

We've also got some updates from Facebook, who is giving their employees a $1,000 bonus to help them through this tough time. This is a huge gesture of goodwill from Mark Zuckerberg and his team, and it's great to see them taking care of their people. According to various sources, almost 45,000 Facebook employees will be receiving this bonus, which is a significant amount of money that should really help out.

I have to say, I'm impressed by Facebook's move on this one. It's not always easy for companies to give their employees a raise or bonus, especially when it comes to something like a global pandemic. But Facebook is definitely going the extra mile here, and I think it's a great example of how big corporations can come together to support their workers.

Now, let's talk about some other tech news. According to Nine-to-Five Mac, who got a copy of iOS 14 and has been digging through it, we've got some exciting news for iPhone fans out there. It seems that the new iPhone 12 series will have a time-of-flight sensor on the back - this is a feature that was rumored months ago, but now it's officially confirmed.

So, what does this mean? Well, according to Apple, the time-of-flight sensor will allow users to generate three models of their surroundings with just one photo. This technology has been used in some other cameras before, but we're excited to see Apple implement it on their own devices. The possibilities for augmented reality and 3D modeling are endless here, and I'm sure that Apple fans are going to be really excited about this feature.

We've also got some updates from Facebook, who is giving their employees a $1,000 bonus to help them through this tough time. This is a huge gesture of goodwill from Mark Zuckerberg and his team, and it's great to see them taking care of their people. According to various sources, almost 45,000 Facebook employees will be receiving this bonus, which is a significant amount of money that should really help out.

I have to say, I'm impressed by Facebook's move on this one. It's not always easy for companies to give their employees a raise or bonus, especially when it comes to something like a global pandemic. But Facebook is definitely going the extra mile here, and I think it's a great example of how big corporations can come together to support their workers.

Finally, let's talk about some other tech news. According to Nine-to-Five Mac, who got a copy of iOS 14 and has been digging through it, we've got some exciting news for iPhone fans out there. It seems that the new iPhone 12 series will have a time-of-flight sensor on the back - this is a feature that was rumored months ago, but now it's officially confirmed.

So, what does this mean? Well, according to Apple, the time-of-flight sensor will allow users to generate three models of their surroundings with just one photo. This technology has been used in some other cameras before, but we're excited to see Apple implement it on their own devices. The possibilities for augmented reality and 3D modeling are endless here, and I'm sure that Apple fans are going to be really excited about this feature.

We've also got some updates from Facebook, who is giving their employees a $1,000 bonus to help them through this tough time. This is a huge gesture of goodwill from Mark Zuckerberg and his team, and it's great to see them taking care of their people. According to various sources, almost 45,000 Facebook employees will be receiving this bonus, which is a significant amount of money that should really help out.

I have to say, I'm impressed by Facebook's move on this one. It's not always easy for companies to give their employees a raise or bonus, especially when it comes to something like a global pandemic. But Facebook is definitely going the extra mile here, and I think it's a great example of how big corporations can come together to support their workers.

And that's all for today's show! Thanks for tuning in, everyone. We'll be back next time with more tech news and updates from around the world. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and follow us on social media for the latest tech news and rumors.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enthat's it it's real it's been real thewhole time it's happening what tech newsin a way that doesn't suck of course youdo there guys I only did it becausebecause it's sad outside and I feel badfor all of you hello and greetingswelcome back to Fatah front page tech ofcourse the show that gives you all it istech news one geek that is me to anotherthat is you happy Wednesday happy humpday another day another day inquarantine town before we get started Ijust want to give a huge shout out ahuge thank you to deity microphones theyactually sent us out like a ton of newaudio gear that sounds so much better somuch cleaner than the road setup that wehad in our studio they didn't ask me todo this they didn't pay me they probablyhave no idea this is coming but listenif you're a creator looking for somegreat audio stuff mics and whatnot alink to their website is down in thedescription below as well as a link totheir YouTube channel which is full ofvideos of just free audio knowledge soeven if you don't buy something fromthem go subscribe to their Channelseriously I love those guys and as faras I'm concerned I'm a writer god deityfan for life alright let's do the newsI'm so first up for the day story numerouno do you guys remember popcorn timethe website you know it was superpopular a few years ago it was likeNetflix but free and by free I mean youknow full of stuff that is not legal todownload so you know like Netflix but ifyou were a sneaky sneaky snake pirate harm amighty anyway a couple years ago itactually got shut down because of thesneaky pirates at sea now of coursesince then it's been gone never to beseen from again but of course the thingabout pirates is they always come backfor booty yeah that's right is back atleast while I'm recording this hopefullyit's not gone by the time we put thisepisode out that would suck anyway ifyou follow them on Twitter then youprobably saw this tweet it has all oftwo hundred and thirty likes good jobguysbut when you go there yeah here it is itis actually back each surreal and it'sback popcorn time for all your pirateneeds now that's the story right butlisten everybody you got listen closepiracy is bad right it's not good it'sillegal and it's shameful and youshouldn't do it and we heared from pagetech do not under any circumstancescondone pirating of things that'sstealing and it's bad but also there isa pandemic outside we're all stuckyou're stuck inside right what were yougonna do we're bored you're born you'restuck inside I'm not I'm not telling youto pirate anything cuz it's wrongunderstand it's bad and it's wrong andshameful remember the shame part I'mjust bringing this to your attentionbecause there's a pandemic outside andwe'd use desperate times is all ok sonext up why am I doing this is my faceI'm not mad nothing in this story makesme I'm looking at myself in the monitorhere I'm not mad I don't know my face isdoing this anyway Apple remember how dadwas gonna remember how Apple close theirstores right they closed them all of thestores outside of the Greater China areaI said at that time outside of that areaoutside of China they closed all thestores the original plan was to havethem all closed until March 27th 27that's that was the date they said butthat has changed apparently they justopened them all back up there all thestores right now are open if you go toan Apple store I am lying this is nottrue it's worse they're actually keepingthem shut keeping them closedindefinitely so what was March 27th isnow sometime in the future this is agood thing this is for the bestaccording to my sources within Apple alot of the employees when the storeswere still open like a few days ago alot of the employees were gettingfreaked out rightfully so because welleveryone is doing this fun thing wherestates are closing schools right whichis a good thing another thing that isgood the kids instead of going to schoolsendsschool was closed they didn't take thatas a sign of our shinstr home cause tostick this outside nopethey went to Apple stores to hang outand touch phones and tablets and trackwith their sticky fingers and coughineverything so this is before the bestuntil stuff starts looking up peoplestart to get healthy the pandemic thatstick to the south side starts gettingbetter nah just keep sores closed juststay home everybody wipe your butt wipeyour hands stay home that's my mottospeaking of the stuff going on outsidethe bap bap Facebook is actually doingsomething great I don't think we've evertalked about Facebook doing anythinggood on the show before to help theiremployees in the face of this bap bapFacebook is actually giving them $1,000$1,000 to every employee to help themthrough this this is real Marta Bergenthe gang are given everybody $1,000bonus because it's sad out there it'shard out there for a pimp we're talkingevery one of the almost 45,000 ofFacebook's employees they will also geta quote unquote exceeds rating for theirfirst six-month review for the year of2020 which all by itself could lead toeven more bonuses down the line you knowwhat Facebook color me impressed I meanI don't think I've ever stood on thisshow and said anything good about youanything good about Facebook but today Iwill you did good there champ good job Ilike seeing stuff like this whereFacebook is going the extra mile givingemployees a thousand dollars to helpwith this stuffalso companies like Apple you knowclosing their stores and even though theemployees can't come to work they'restill getting paid that stuff right nowespecially is really cool to see to methough doesn't matter because I don'thave a job so unemployed and last up forthe day iPhone stuff um we sort of knewthis feature was coming within thecamera on the iPhone drop bro butconfirmed seemingly yeah why not we'llcall it confirmed crack itaccording to nine-to-five Mac who got acopy of iOS 14and has been digging through it andleaking stuff since they're saying thatwithin the iOS 14 code they found thatthe iPhone 12 pro will have atime-of-flight sensor on the back forgenerating three models why can't I talkthey're saying that within the codeitself they see details for a phonecodenamed d5x for reference the iPhone11 lineup has a codename of D 4x soassuming that D 5x is the iPhone 12lineup and only two of those brand newd5x models has a time-of-flight sensorso yeah the camera on the back of thesethings will have a time-of-flight sensorwhich brings a couple different benefitsbut most notably would be they arefeatures and so yeah even though 95 Macis like showing this as a leak withiniowa's 14 and now a lot of people aretalking about the time-of-flight sensorin the back of this I'm pretty sure wealready knew like if my memory serves mecorrectly we talked about this before Ithink the original person this came fromwas max Weinbach I'm pretty sure he'sthe one that said that the cameras werecoming with the time-of-flight sensor sothis isn't this isn't news new news weknew this was happening either way it'sstill kind of cool to see it confirmedyou guys let us know down in thecomments is this something you'reinterested do you want it do y'all wantit if you weren't good let's say youweren't gonna buy it right now that yousee that's time-of-flight sensor are yougo do you want to buy it more now ordoes it literally not matter to you likeat all and that's okay too you can tellus be honest tell us the truthpersonally yeah okay I'll be honest I'mexcited I'm excited for thetime-of-flight sensor I'm excited for ARstuff I just AM okay call me a pussy Idon't care as I am excited sue me andthat's the show hopefully like do youlearn something if you did hit the likea button if you hate my stupid face -just like button that works - a lot ofpeople hate me that's fine if you're newhere subscribe again be safe everybodystay inside we'll see you\n"