Apple Watch Series 5 Edition Titanium Review - Should You Upgrade

The Series 5 Edition Titanium Watch: A Review

I've been using the Series 5 Edition Titanium watch for the past week, and I must say it's a pretty decent watch. However, I wanted to go over why you might want to pick one up if you don't have a Series 4 already and why you may want to pass on this one if you already have a Series 4.

One of the main differences between the Series 5 and its predecessor is the always-on display. As you can see, I've moved my wrists slowly, and the display stays on. This is its always-on state, and it's actually quite nice. However, as soon as I move my wrist quickly, the display comes to life with a brighter mode and the second hand appears. It's a nice feature, but if you don't care about the always-on display, you may not want to get one of these watches.

The always-on display is also accompanied by a new chipset that helps power it. However, this chipset isn't really faster, so you're not gaining much in terms of performance. If we go into an app like the weather, it will take a moment to load, and it loads like you would expect from a Series 4 watch. But if we go back home, it's not performing any differently than a Series 4 watch.

One thing that does change with the Series 5 is the battery life. I took this watch off the charger at 9:00 a.m. and by 6:35 p.m., we were down to 55% charge. While this isn't amazing, it's actually better than I thought it would be. I did do a long-term test where the battery life went from 8 a.m. to 4 a.m. the next day, with only a slight decrease in charge.

One of the other features that sets the Series 5 apart is its display. The new model has improved brightness and color accuracy, making it look great both indoors and outdoors. However, if you turn off the always-on display, you'll be defeating the purpose of this particular watch and its features. To make up for this, Apple has included a few tricks to help conserve power.

One of these tricks is to use the "low power mode." This mode reduces the screen's brightness and turns off certain features that are not essential. However, if you're using the always-on display, this feature won't be much of an improvement. Another trick is to turn off notifications for specific apps or turn off push notifications altogether.

In terms of durability, the Series 5 Edition Titanium watch is built to last. The titanium case is incredibly strong and resistant to scratches and corrosion. However, if you're using a metallic band with magnetic properties (such as steel), it can affect the compass. In this case, I recommend using either a cloth band or something non-magnetic like aluminum.

Overall, the Series 5 Edition Titanium watch is a great option for those who don't have an Apple watch or are upgrading from an older model. It's got all the features you'd expect from a premium smartwatch, including GPS, heart rate monitoring, and NFC payment capabilities. Additionally, it has a built-in compass that can be useful for outdoor enthusiasts.

One of the things I like most about this watch is its build quality. The titanium case is incredibly strong, and the watch band still fits from previous generations. However, if you're upgrading from an older model, be aware that some features may not work exactly as they did on your old watch.

In conclusion, the Series 5 Edition Titanium watch is a solid choice for anyone looking for a premium smartwatch with advanced features. While it may not stand out significantly from previous generations (especially to those who have stainless steel or ceramic watches), it's still a great option for those who want a reliable and feature-packed watch.

If you're considering purchasing the Series 5 Edition Titanium watch, I recommend taking some time to explore its various features and settings. You'll also want to consider which version of watchOS is compatible with your new watch – the latest watchOS 6 offers many improvements over previous versions.

Finally, be sure to check out our previous videos on Apple watches and smartwatches in general for more reviews and tutorials.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTechand I've been using the series 5 Editiontitanium watch for the past week or sosince it was released and it's a prettydecent watch but I wanted to go over whyyou might want to pick one up if youdon't have a series 4 already and whyyou may want to pass on this one if youalready have a series 4 either way it'sa good watch but let's go ahead and talkabout what's different about it andwhether or not you should buy one now asyou can see if I move my wrists slowlythe display stays on and this is itsalways-on state and the actual watchface that I use on my series 4 as welland you'll see in this state there is nosecond hand and it just stays on but assoon as I move my wrist quickly it comesto the always-on or the brighter modewhere the second hand appears and thenwe have our normal watch complicationsand they're all active but if I move mywrist back it dims move it slowly itstays on and this is something that ifyou love always-on displays and the ideaof this this Apple watch is for you butif you don't care about the always-ondisplay you may not want to get one ofthese if you have a series 4 becomesbecause it comes at a costnow let's take a closer look now thealways-on display is nice as you can seeit here it's kind of goes into thisambient mode where the complicationssuch as decibels here is turned off if Itap the display it comes on now when Isay this comes at a cost it does have anew chipset in it to help with thisalways on display but it's not reallyfaster so you're not gaining much thereif we go out and maybe go into an applike the weather it will take a momentto load and it loads like you wouldexpect but if we go back home it's notreally performing any differently than aseries for watch but again this comes ata cost would be always on display andwhat I mean by that is this was takenoff of the charger at 9:00 a.m. andwe're down to 55 percent at about 6:35p.m. so it's not amazing like a series 4it's better than I thought it would beand I did do a long-term test the otherday where the battery life went fromat 8 a.m. I took it off the charger andthen I put it back on the charger at 4a.m. the following morning and I had 4%left so it's not a horrible battery lifeand you'll see you still had a littlebit of stutter from time to time it'snot horrible battery life but if thisalways-on displayis something you don't care about youmay want to stick with a series 4 oreven get a series 3 because the series 4I can get through over 2 days with andthis battery life when testing I was notusing it for working out I wasn'tplaying music off it or anything this isjust using it as a watch and nothingelse except for the decibel meter whenit's turned on so it is using a littlebit but it's exactly how I would use iton my series for watch now as far as thematerials are concerned we do have newmaterials this year like this titaniumthat we have here and the titanium looksgreat but the problem is if you want tostand out at all which many people don'tbut if you do it's hard to differentiatebetween this and aluminum which is muchmuch cheaper so if you're someone that'sreally caring about showing the latestedition watch you may want to opt forthe ceramic version if that's somethingyou care about otherwise go for thestainless steel if you want a morepremium this more premium material aswell as a display such as sapphirethat's much more durable so it'ssomewhere between glass and sapphire butit doesn't really scratch I have zeroscratches on my series for now the othernew feature with this watch is thecompass so if we go into our apps hereand I have them in this view and if youwant to switch between this view and theother view just force press 3d press andyou can go to the grid view or you cango back to the list view and then we cango into the compass and you'll see thiscone here and as I turn this that coneshrinks and that's called the confidencecone it has it gets narrower it meansit's more confident that it's pointingnorth now a compass is nice but it'salso on the phone so if you don't careabout the compass you don't care aboutan always-on display again you may wantto stick with an older watch or youcould go with this you'll be happy withit of course but it's not anything aamazing compared to the last generationespecially if you don't care about thatdisplay like I said now you can turn itoff if you want to get the ceramicversion and save as most as much poweras possible you'll see always-on is anoption you can just turn that off and itgoes back to what it was before if we gohome herewe can turn it off by putting our handon it and now it's always off we'velightened it back up and I like thedisplay back up and we're back so againgo into settings you can turn thatdisplay off but then you defeat thepurpose of this particular watch and itsfeatures so I think it's a great watchoverall don't get me wrong I think it'sgreat if you don't have an Apple watchyou'll be very happy with it but I wouldsay if you don't care about thematerials go for the aluminum if youwant something more durable get thesteel and if you want to stand out alittle bit get to ceramic otherwise thisis great also because it has a compassin it if you have a metallic band thathas any magnetic property propertiessuch as steel for example it can affectthe compass so you want to go witheither a cloth band or something that'sa non-magnetic metal maybe aluminum forexample or titanium so these metals willwork fine but if you had steel stay awayfrom that now the final thing with theseries 5 Apple watch if you do have anEdition model like this one if we scrollover here you'll see that we have thiscolor this is custom to the titaniumversion with the California watch faceso you can choose this color I don'tparticularly like the color but it'savailable if you have the Edition modeland it's only for the Edition model andthen you get all the other benefits ofwatch OS 6 as well the build of this isincredible and all of your watch bandsstill fit from previous generations soif you are upgrading you'll be able touse your previous watch bands as wellthat's it for the series 5 Apple watchlet me know what you think about it inthe comments below I really do like itquite a lot but I don't think a wholelot of people can differentiate betweentitanium and aluminum so it may looklike you're going to step backwards ifyou're coming from stainless steel ormaybe even ceramic with the previousgeneration but let me know your thoughtsabout it whether you picked one up orwhether or not you think the series 5 isworth itif you're going to skip this onealtogether and wait for the next one letme know in the comments below if youhaven't subscribed already though pleasesubscribe and hit that notification bellif you'd like to see more of thesevideos as soon as they're released ifyou enjoyed the video please give it alike as always thanks for watching I'llsee you next time\n"