How to Make the Apple Logo on Your iPhone Light Up Like a Macbook (iPhone 6S & iPhone 6S Plus)

Creating an Apple Logo Effect on iPhone 6S and 6S Plus: A Step-by-Step Guide

I recently showed you how to make the Apple logo on the back of your iPhone 6 and 6 Plus light up like it does on a MacBook. Thanks to your requests, however, I managed to find a way to do this on the 6S and 6S Plus as well. The issue essentially was that the kit and the 6 Plus kit don't work on the 6S and 6S Plus because of the metal plate in the way.

The metal plate is located at the back of the screen, to the left of the earpiece, where there's a small piece of electrical tape that we need to peel back to reveal a metal conductor. This conductor is what we will connect our LED to piggyback off the power of the screen. The good news is that this means the LED will only light up when the screen does and will also dim and brighten when the screen does, making it a very energy-efficient solution.

Before we begin, make sure you have the necessary tools and materials ready. You'll need an LED kit specifically designed for iPhone 6S and 6S Plus, along with some electrical tape, sponges, and a flathead screwdriver. It's also a good idea to familiarize yourself with your phone's interior before starting this process.

The first step is to remove the back of your phone and locate the metal plate where we'll be working on. Once you've located it, peel back the small piece of electrical tape that covers the conductor. You should be able to see a thin wire underneath, which is what we need to connect our LED to. Take one of the sponges and place it directly over the connector, making sure it's centered and secure.

Next, take one of the included pieces of electrical tape and place it over the sponge so that it's on the raised metal area on one side and the back of the screen on the other. Make sure to tape it down to one side and then pull it taut over to the other and tape it down on the other side as well, ensuring there is extra pressure pushing the LED connector onto the screen's connector.

Now that we've got our sponge in place, take your battery back out and reconnect it. With the battery securely reattached, use a flathead screwdriver to pry up the metal logo. Start by scraping inside the logo with the screwdriver, working your way around slowly until it all comes up. Set the logo aside so that we can put it back if we want to undo this mod.

Once the logo is removed, take your LED and put it in the relief made by the original logo. Click it in gently but firmly to secure it in place. Now that our LED is in position, take one of the two pieces of tape that came with the kit and place it over the remaining bit of the top of the LED connector. Again, make sure to tape it down to one side and then pull it taut after securing it on both sides, ensuring there is extra pressure pushing the LED connector onto the screen's connector.

With our LED secure in place, put your battery back in and screw the metal plate back down to secure it. Once everything is reassembled and screwed back into place, close your phone and turn it on to test the LED effect. Make sure to test it before closing the phone as extra pressure that is put on the LED connector by the bent LED wire plus the phone being closed is needed for it to light up.

Finally, once you can confirm that the LED is working, replace the two screws back into the bottom of your phone and enjoy your new Apple logo effect.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- I recently did a videoshowing you how you can makethe Apple logo on the backof your iPhone 6 and 6 Pluslight up like it does on a MacBook.Thanks to your requests, however,I did manage to find a way to do iton the 6S and the 6S Plus,so the issue essentially wasthat the 6 kit and the 6 Plus kitdon't work on the 6S and the 6S Plusbasically because the back of the screenwhere we used to grab someof the power from the screento light up the LED isn't the same.It's not manufactured in the same way,there's metal plate in theway, et cetera, et cetera,which is probably due to thefact that it has 3D Touchand the extra hardware required for that.Thankfully, though, thereis a new kit that actuallydoes work on the 6S and the6S Plus, and, oddly enough,it's actually a littlebit easier to install.So now, this goes without saying,but this procedure is notfor the faint of heart.If you do decide to continueand do this procedure,please understand that youare doing it at your own risk.In addition to thisbeing at your own risk,it will also void your warranty,so please keep that in mind.Now, with the disclaimers outof the way, to get started,we first need an iPhone 6S or 6S Plusand the LED kit for that particular model.You can get the kit at the link below.Once the kit arrives, we'regoing to use the includedPentalobe screwdriverto remove the two screwsat the bottom of the phone.Next, we're going to takethe included suction cupand suction onto the screen of the phoneas close as we can to the bottom edgewithout going over the home button.With that in place, we can useone of the included pry toolsand pry up the screen fromthe bottom of the phone.Once you get that started,simply work your wayaround the screen untilyou can pull it back.Make sure that you donot pull it back too farso you don't damage the ribbon cablesconnecting the screen to the motherboard.Also, don't mind the littlepieces of black rubber you see.Just remove them.Now I'm going to show you how to do thiswithout removing the screen,because a lot of peoplehad issues withreconnecting the screen backfor the iPhone 6, andit makes it a lot fasterto just not remove the screen.Optionally, though, if youwant to remove the screen,simply remove these fivescrews, remove this metal plate,and disconnect all theconnectors underneathuntil you can pull the screen away.Next, we're going to remove the two screwsholding down the metal plateover the battery's connector.Then we'll remove that plateand disconnect the battery.Now for the hardest part in all of this:the battery removal.You'll notice thatthere are two black tabsat the bottom of the battery.Using the includedtweezers, pull them back,along with the white bitof glue that you see.Once they're up,carefully grab one of themwith your index finger and thumb fingerand begin to pull the black taband the white glue, aswell, directly downward.Don't pull upward at all.Pull straight down as if you're trying topull it out of the bottom of the phone.This part is extremely important,because if you pull upward, they will rip,and getting the battery out after thatbecomes a much bigger pain.Take your time and be patientwhile pulling each one out.If it snaps, it's okay, it'sjust a pain in the butt,but try your best to get allof the glue out in this way.Once you've gotten it out,and hopefully you got it all out,then you'll be able to wedgea pry tool under the battery,and also, do this veryslowly and carefully,and pull the battery up from the casing.You need to do this very carefullyand make sure not todrive a point under here,as it can be easy to ripthe battery from underneath,and once you do that, it's friedand just needs to be disposed of.So you'll notice that I missedsome glue on the left side,so now I'm paying for that mistakeby having to pry it a bit harder.Now, if you do rip thebattery, don't fret too much,as you can buy a new onefor relatively cheap.I've put a link belowon where you can buy oneif you need to, but again,let's try to just avoid that entirely.Once that's done, the rest is pretty easy.We're going to peel offthe two pieces of tapeholding down the metal Applelogo and set those aside.We'll use them in a sec.Then, using the includedflathead screwdriver,we're going to pry this metal logo up.I actually scrape insidehere back and forthwith the screwdriver inorder to make a small divotthat I can then get the tipof the screwdriver underand then twist it to getan edge up from the logo,then work my way around itslowly until it all comes up.Then we're going to set that asideso that we can put it back if we wantshould you ever want to undo this mod.Once that is up, we can takethe LED logo and put it insidethe relief made by theoriginal logo and click it in.We'll then use those two pieces of tapeto slightly secure it down a tiny bit.Now, in the back of the screen,to the left of the earpiece,you'll see a smallpiece of electrical tapethat we are going to peel backto reveal a metal conductor.This is what we will connect our LED toto piggyback off the power of the screen.This means that the LED will only light upwhen the screen does andwill also dim and brightenwhen the screen does, as well,and if you're wondering ifthis affects your battery life,if it does, it's negligible.It's such a tiny LED and usessuch a small amount of powerthat the already-poweredscreen is producing,so don't worry about it.I myself have beenusing this for a bit nowand haven't noticed adifference whatsoever.Next, we'll take the top ofour LED and get it underneaththe metal on the back of the screen.I find it easiest to go inat a diagonal angle of sortsuntil it gets under, thensliding it back to the leftso that it is now sitting onthe conductor and pushed upright to the edge of that earpiece.You should be able tosee the entire conductorperfectly through the LED's connector.Next, we're going to take the two spongesthat came with the kit and place themdirectly on top of one anotherto create a thicker sponge.We'll then place that directlyover the LED's connectorso that it covers it entirely.We're using these sponges, by the way,to make sure that thereis some extra pressurepushing the LED connectoronto the screen's connector.If even a slight gap is there,it's a good chance that itjust won't light up properly.Next, we'll take oneof the included piecesof electrical tape andplace it over the spongesso that it's on the raisedmetal area on one sideand the back of the screen on the other.Also make sure that whenyou are taping it downthat you tape it down to one sideand then pull it taut over to the otherand tape it down on the other sideto ensure that it isalso applying pressureto the back of the sponges.Then we'll take the otherelectrical tape pieceand place it over the remaining bitof the top of the LED connector,and again, make sure that it's taut.After that, we can place ourbattery back in, reconnect it,and screw the metal plateback down to secure it.Then we can close the phone and turn it onto make sure that the LED comes on.Just so you know, you need to make surethat you close the phonebefore you test the LED,as the extra pressure thatis put on the LED connectorby the bent LED wire plusthe phone being closedis needed for it to light up.Once you can confirm that it is working,go ahead and put in the two screwsback into the bottomof the phone and enjoy.Hey, guys, I hope you enjoyed that,and if you did, pleasethumbs-up it or share it.It is greatly appreciated,and if you want more videos like thison how to get the most out of your tech,please subscribe to the YouTube channel.You can also follow me @DCogenor follow the site at TheUnlockron any number of social networks.Please do talk to me.Let me know what you guys thinkof this video and what I do.Always happy to hear from you,and as always, thanks for watching.\n"