9 Strange Target Items!
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Hello and welcome! My name is Matthias, and welcome to our channel.
So, I decided to try out this really tight strap on myself. *strap snaps* OWWW! *Matt laughs in regret*
That hurt, dude, you try it on, now! *the strap snaps again and Matt screams again* That hurts, dude, you try it on, now! *Matt laughs*
It's actually pretty funny to see someone else try it out, though. *strap snaps and Brian screams* Matt laughs.
I guess that's one way to get a good laugh out of something painful. Anyway, welcome back to our channel, everyone!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enMatt: Wow, that is TIGHT.*strap snaps* OWWW!*Matt laughs in regret**the strap snaps again and Matt screams again*That hurt's, dude, you try it on, now!*the strap snaps and Brian screams**Matt laughs*Hello and welcome!My name is Matthias,and welcome to:\"9 Strange Things that Bryan found at Target.\"Today I'm gonna let you knowthat the things that Bryan boughtwhether they are a Cash It or a Trash It .Whether it's awesome or bad.Before we begin, make sure to click that bell icon to get notified of my uploads'cause I comment back for the first 30 minutes.And I livestream 10 minutes before,so click it so you don't miss it 'cause I like hangin' out with your...I can't rhyme anything with that, it didn't work.ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTrolls again?I haven't even seen that movie and I hate it.*Matt gasps*But there's candy in it!*Matt acts like a creepy Man Baby**in Man Baby voice* I love candy!*normal voice* \"Candy dispenser\"Soo what do ya smack it?You punch it?You pinch it?You squeeze it?You twist it?How do ya get the candy out?Why would you put candy in if it's already out?That- That's the question I have.Bryan: --you you didn't let me answer the question once.Matt: Answer the third question second,the second question first,and the fourth question fourth.Bryan: Eh. Matt: They've got all sorts of different... trolls?\"Slide top back to open mouth and get candy.\"Aooooh, okay.So this...Could be a very effective wayto hide candy from your siblings.So you get this thing andthey have no ideaThey just think it's like a rattle or something like that,I don't- I don't know.Woah.Oh yeah, you take that off like that.Oh it's goin' in.Look at all that candy goin' in there, dude.Is that it?That's all that fits?!I possibly overloaded it.Here we have the troll.What we do now, is weis we pull back on the head.And his mouth opens up.Oh, and he literally spits out ONE, dude.He spits out ONE candy.Awwww, my ear, dude!Pretty sure I ruptured an ear drum.A GREEN!Why is it on his tongue though?Like I'm eating already masticated candy.He's all: *blueh**dumb voice* You want that?I made it in my belly.*normal voice* These aren't that good candies, though.And they would naturally need to be this exact flavor-Why? That was banana!Uuugh, banana again!Don't you da-Are you kidding me right now?!*sigh of relief* Thank goodness, dude.I was about to throw a tantrum.*Matt chews the candy loudly*These are not good candies.Here's the catch, though:What ever candy you haveit has to bethe correct sizeor else it won't fit in this!I thought it was just going to open up it's mouthand then you'd be able to pour it outThat- That would be better.I will just be like this*candy rattling*right?Bryan: yeahwould you do this every time?you know what I mean?andjust for one candy.There's some novelty there. I-I appreciate the m-mechanics involved.I would say trash itthe trash it sound playssorry guys.If you're part of that notification squad, make sure you give this video a like right now! BOOM!Thank you. I appreciate it. It lets me know you still like these series!(elevator music)\"bang\"why so hard?Bryan: Adds to the UMPH of it!\"Stick anywhere, go anywhere\"reading glassesWhy is it still jiggling, dude? *chuckle*Like, it's still jiggling from when you slammed it down on the table!free replacement glasses forever... Wowso many jiggleson clearance thirteen dollarsthirteen dollars?!for this?even on clearance I'm not sure if that's a good dealfirst, I thought this was like some kind of mechanism that was gonna shoot out the glassesyou know what I meanlike some type of thing in which you could be like*psht* hello?yesand you like look at things like thisand be likeyes, it's true, you are uglybut no they're just glasses that you(weird laugh) Bryan:hey.Matthias:it's mathiasmathias has made a returnoh my gosh dude gonna be blind 2.5 why'dyou get the most intense one ah thisah this literary transformed me by ten yearsi look ten years olderif you want go away activate your freereplacement glasses forever you knowwhat's really weird is that like it'sstraight-up hardcore improving myeyesight this close but anything beyondthat it's like blurry as heck oh oh ohman straight up that really improve myeyesight reading (haaaa) you look so stupid (haaaaaa)have it no stopthat's when it's out here it's out offocus it's not doing anything for you Ijust made it worse Oh dadthias comingat you lies he's aging before our eyesoh these are not great but don't saythey're not great because they're Idon't know that I'm sorry that was animpulse to say that they're not greatwhy is he saying this thing you'resaying that's helping your baby cuz Ihate that it's helping my vision can't Ihate that the last thing I want to do islook at you guys like this and then lookat the products like this and then talkto you like this right I'm not ready fordadthias hopefully I'm not doingYouTube still at that point#dadthias in the comments belowI say it's Cash it (elevator music) Oh roast beefew I hate gravy you know I hate gravy you likehate gravyhey gravy pre-made grater like all gravycome on I hate stop it I'm not kiddingwhat are you put on your mashed potatoessorry not coagulated blood like you Idon't like sauce really I'm very pickysupposed to be cold Brian it's just beenspitting out if that's what werefrigerated bringing has just beensitting out it's me in there no thisdoesn't make any sense look at theingredients water then dehydratedpotatoesit's what water take a bag norefrigeration needed until opened whywould meet not need to be refrigeratedwhat have you done to the meat to makeit so that it can't it doesn't need tobe refrigerated oh go off one color ifyou think I'm gonna eat this you haveanother thing cominghere we go guys Brian's dinner Oh No ohmy gosh it's like brown green it's like baby poop(creepy music)they're this legit just slab of meat Iknow jelly-like that's gravy I'm servingoh no no I say trash are we gonna heatit up you can heat it up and eat itNo so you don't want to meet them you'regonna trash it without even knowing ityou know I'm not going to throw it awayI'm gonna give it away I'm gonna give itto someone who will eat that guaranteeyou someone has the taste for that butat anet me (elevator music) oh jeez oh jeez is enormousdude like you all because all whitepeople look the same is that is thatthat's racist of you say that you know thatdoes not look like me the eyes too manlyso Stretch Armstrong the originalStretch Armstrong he can stretch up tofour times his size hole and stretch himhe returns to his original size andshape this is an old-school toy waitwait let's find a real commercial firstokay we've come to save the day forhumanity who is this mysterious mightyheroOh Oh super hero his body looks sodescribing your body looks like my bodydude it's like almost there it's likeneed some work uh plus there really isthis little flabby from character ohthat was creepyso now let's watch the originalcommercial yeah Armstrong StretchArmstrong from Kenner alright let's testit out for myself dudeoh geez he just lumped forward oh thisthing is heavy dudeman this is a workout no kidding dudeno he's straight-up went back all rightBrianyou grab one arm I'll grab another Idon't think it's for it is that about itI believe this two feet up typically byhis legs at least a job where the keygoing so field all right it's workingokay why does he need to be naked thoughit's got a little undies on why couldn'tthey just put a shirt on I'm gettingshook by this naked man in my handyou got a Stretch Armstrong II I saypersonally trash it you know I know alot of people have some nostalgia Inever cared for this toy I was alwayslike okay stretched it now what is yourobsession Brian wants to do open heartsurgery right now it is this is this isrude I'm only good jell no whoa welltouch it that's the dough is it hard ifnot what I thought was in there Ithought it was obeying hand we're gonnajust cut that off of it it's just likeplastic that is weird dude (elevator music) have a nicepoop are they straight up boxers thatthey have a nice poop that's horribledude why are you so happy about this youwant your body for yourselfI can't dry these on because you knowyou bought us a target you know somecreep tried these on because the intentno stop so it says sort of what did youdo it's very big and nothingwait no I did I saw your face you yellout you got all emotions you like checkthe inside I'm not going to try these onbecause people try these on you knowweirdo do we go under we're weirdos andpervsI guarantee you people watching rightnow are like oh that's not a good thingto do you shouldn't do that here come tothis like you come the dislikes here comelike it's fine I'll try on underwear Ihave a habit of washing clothes before Itry them on let me rephrase that beforeI use them as clothes yeah I wash them Ilike that little poo emoji that's funnythen I say these are cashing them Ithink they're funny and if you have asignificant other you better hope theyhave a good sense of humor or elsethey're going to think your nasty alsospeaking of my significant otherI often tweeted her all the time so gofollow me on Twitter to see me roast mywife she always does that too we alwayshave a weird conversation then I'll justtweet it so make sure you can follow meright here click that link in thedescription below as wellbooyah (elevator music) is this a lego ninja mask got thatright it's kind of interesting becauseyou can tell that this is fabric butit's still painted on wow that is tightowww it whipped me broah dude you trade on now you must have asmall head if that works for you owww I thought you're just beinga baby about itno dude on tough okay we I have otherpeople try this on put the velcro on andthey'll mike ah choice on mico razor goodmy head is too big for it Hey look itdoesn't weigh - before at my not workreadyoh I'm trying didn't work Davide goodthere you go you got it it was made forNick there's no novella it was a snapright offno ah ah noises we're kids no nude letgo does that not hurt it's not reallyfunwhat was her bright up so much hard melike so bad now there's a pee at alltrashes rape sports turbo shoot backyardwaterslide package it's kind of coolthis is not so strange what's a strangeway before you look at the price howmuch would you say this cost oh rightyeah I bought someI bought some remember we had like asummer thing there's actually vlog on itand it was it was more expensive than Ithought it was gonna so we so even likea cheap one the longest one I could findon Amazon was like maybe 50 bucks and Iwas like dang do this kind of spensivethis one I don't know two hundreddollarsadd a zero to that$2,000 there's no way that's $2,000 it'sa misprint why how why why would it be$2,000 there's only two picturesI got bumpers and it's got sled that'sthe only thing I can really see so thisis a slide package so it probably comeswith a lot this package includes two20-foot side sections and a six-inchstarter 110 catch pool and for turbosled oh my gosh this better be like thebest like made products in all the USA Ican't imagine anyone buying this thoughand you know I'm not going to buy iteither doesn't look fun thoughscaly he's literally he's like boom sothat's for like really extreme line butfor $2,000 you know you can get for 2grand that would be way more fun tragetnot too expensive wonder ology watt ohso there's this rock and I have to breakapart stuff inside it chip and dig tocollect beautiful gems unearthed yourtreasure hidden mining treasures geologylet's see what this is about dude I'mexcited man although I have no patienceyou have little patience let's checkthis out so what I assume this is islike either a very soft clay we're likesuper compacted look super compactedpowder I know what I'm doing here ohIll buy that with your money if you grunt like a Caveman or Tim Allenlook at that we found something rightthere okay okaythe issue with a product like this isit's kind of like a one-time use I Ithink it's cool though I think it's muchbetter than not doing anything that isnot a real rock sadly oh look we foundanother guy right here there we go seethis rock I can't imagine that it's realthat is a weird-looking Rock that is forsure is because there'd be no way thatthey can get like these kind of likecool precious rocks they're not eventhat precious but still they'd be morevaluable than how much they'd made I amcurious however what else is in there Ido want to finish this you know I meanso I'm gonna have to say that thisproduct is in fact Akash's this is howyou get fossils right stab the groundbecause there's another clear one withlike little yellow specks in it there'smore in there dude I might do that laterwhat is that I fun high fun stick andcrawl on walls Oh splat walkers alrightI'm getting the idea now so you throw itat a wall and that crawls down it jumpsdown it stick and crawls on walls flipsyou mean falls off the wall you know itcould be funny is you can play a seriousprank on someone with these things rightif they're scared of spiders right andyou just throw this with the one be likewhat's thatoh wow these are weird so sticky what'sthat and this just like crawling downthe wall and it's giant these things aresuper sticky dude fionna sticky that ishey they get you dang it this isdefinitely weird it's a very interestingtexture super sticky you see the doorright there I've been working just fallsoff oh hey it's in a ball I did it allthe way to the groundyou guys thought I right not bad not badnow I'm going to try all three togetherthe blue guy just really likes it oh mygod I'm in the head got him the no nostophe's going under it's stuckstaying has it stay on the ceiling buton the wall oh nice picked up hair Ohbreak your face I don't know think I'mgonna be the actress Oh hug what wereyou doing ah yeah I say it's a bet thecash is they actually worked asadvertised guys make sure you check outthis ten strange things we found onAmazon it is pretty crazy as you couldsee that little face that seriously Iwas concerned that I was going to eat mysoul in that video make sure you gocheck that out you'll be surprised whatit is I'll see you over therehigh five\n"