How to Grow Your YouTube Channel

**The Art of Compromising with Your Audience**

As someone who appreciates and really likes to share with their friends things that ultimately bring you a lot of attention and can make you a lot of money, whether YouTube is something you want to make a full-time job out of in the future, you're going to have to compromise on some things that you think are super cool that other people just don't think are that awesome. This is especially true if your goal is to make YouTube a full-time job or even a part-time job that brings in decent income every month.

**Understanding Your Audience**

A lot of my viewers don't care about the videos that I upload when they first started following me, which were space-related and physics-related. They followed me because they wanted to see computer builds, computer tests, and other types of content that have nothing to do with those topics. This was a hard pill for me to swallow at first, but I realized that if I want to make YouTube a full-time job or even a part-time job, I need to follow what my audience wants.

**The Importance of Being Flexible**

So, when I upload videos that have nothing to do with computers, I know that a lot of people are going to just ignore the video outright. They won't watch it because it doesn't fall into their category of interest. This is why it's so important for creators to be flexible and willing to adapt to what their audience wants. If you're not willing to compromise on your own interests and preferences, you're not going to make money from YouTube.

**The Consequences of Not Following Your Audience**

If a creator doesn't follow their audience's lead, they'll be wasting time and resources on content that no one is interested in watching. This can lead to frustration, burnout, and even the shutdown of an entire channel. On the other hand, if you create content that your audience wants to see, you're more likely to grow your viewership, increase engagement, and ultimately make money from YouTube.

**The Science Behind Success**

What I've learned is that science studio's success can be attributed to my willingness to compromise on what I think are cool topics. By focusing on what my audience wants, I'm able to create content that resonates with them and keeps the lights on. It's not always easy, but it's worth it in the end.

**The Benefits of Following Your Audience**

So, if you're thinking about making YouTube a full-time job or even a part-time job, ask yourself what your goals are and what you're willing to compromise on. Remember that your audience is what drives your success on YouTube. By listening to their feedback, responding to their comments, and creating content that they want to see, you'll be more likely to succeed.

**Setting Up Your Channel for Success**

So, how do you set up your channel for success? First and foremost, invest in good equipment like a camera and microphone. These are essential tools that will help you produce high-quality content. Next, create a plan for your channel's content calendar. This will help you organize your uploads and ensure that you're consistently producing content that resonates with your audience.

**Being Willing to Adapt**

Finally, be willing to adapt and change your strategy as needed. If something isn't working, try something new. Don't be afraid to experiment and take risks. Remember, the key to success on YouTube is to understand what your audience wants and deliver it to them.


In conclusion, making YouTube a full-time job or even a part-time job requires compromise and flexibility. By understanding your audience's needs and preferences, you can create content that resonates with them and keeps the lights on. Don't be afraid to adapt and change your strategy as needed. With hard work, dedication, and a willingness to listen to your audience, you can build a successful YouTube channel that brings in a steady income every month.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enafter receiving great feedback from the how to gain YouTube sponsors video I figured I would follow that up with something else that kind of falls in the same category but that I think should be emphasized first and foremost and that's actually having a YouTube channel that people know and talk about and are willing to go back to for product reviews or you know it depends on what you're doing uh now this video is not only going to pertain to Tech YouTubers but I'm going to emphasize that one because it's probably one of the hardest markets to penetrate at this point because it is so saturated with people out there wanting to do the same things uh now I can say from experience that when uh I first started science Studio I wasn't doing computer stuff and after realizing that computers were the hot things on YouTube I switched to that for the sake of gaining a fan base and I ended up actually really loving it so that's kind of why I stuck with it no company is going to want to send you a product if you have 10 subscribers that's just a fact they're not going to waste their time with the channel that they know is not going to receive a lot of views it's basically an advertisement on their part they're essentially paying for the ad M by giving you the product for free and if you don't have a large enough a fan base they're not going to waste their time that's just how big companies work it's even how small companies work you won't even have Chinese companies reaching out to you that you know manufacture basically knockoffs of name brand products because they don't even want to waste their time with you now that's not I'm not trying to be harsh but that is the reality of uh the tech sphere really any kind of company that's looking to advertis products on YouTube channels aren't going to go for the ones that don't have views it's just common sense but even if you're not into product reviews let's just say you're an artist who likes to upload time-lapse drawings and paintings or a car Enthusiast who likes to get his or her hands on some really fast cars for the sake of review and the occasional Youtube upload how do you get your YouTube name your personal brand that you've created out there to the masses how do you get people talking about your channel on forums in the comments you know just just ready to come back to your channel immediately after you upload a new video there are more ways than one to approach this subject uh but I will speak from personal experience kind of give you some pointers here and there that'll help you grow your YouTube channel the first thing I want to talk about is investment it is a touchy subject for real I mean people don't like spending money on things that they're uncertain about they don't know if their YouTube channel is going to take off so should they even worry about investing in equipment if they're not going to make money in the long run or be able to rely on it as some source of income and my answer to those people who are worried about that and kind of on the fence about it is do it if you're all in on this and you're you really want to make your YouTube channel just take off invest in a decent camera and a decent microphone I can tell you from experience the first two things I notice when I watch any video is one how good the camera quality is or the camera recorder you know if you if you got a really nice camera but you're shaking it all over the place or something that's going to ruin the experience as well but uh camera is number one and then the audio quality is number two so if you're doing a lot of talking maybe you're doing an instructional or something and you're speaking in the background if your voice sounds like garbage or your picture looks like garbage then it's going to turn people off and I'm not saying that to be harsh I'm just saying that to help you out that's how people are they're so used to these super expensive cameras being used to film these videos that they watch on a daily basis that when they have to revert to something that isn't even close to on par with what they're used to they're going to associate that with somebody who just doesn't care about their YouTube channel or uh just you know is inexperienced overall now that could just be because you can't afford a camera at this point maybe you're just starting out kind kind of trying to test the waters and uh you're realizing that people really don't care about your YouTube channel so you're like well I'm glad I didn't invest in an expensive camera for this stuff because people just don't care anyway I say rethink that because it could just be that they don't care because it looks like you don't care that may not be the truth I mean you could have some of the best instructionals in the world some of the best Vlogs reviews in the world but if you're filming it on a cheap camera phone with without Optical image stabilization people just aren't going to care to watch it like you could have the best content in the world that's what they're going to have to deal with is the actual video and if the video looks like crap they're going to associate that with just a crappy YouTube channel now there are channels that get away with this a prime example is grade A under I don't know if you've heard of him if you haven't you can check out his link to his channel in this video's description uh but literally all of his videos for the most part are made with Microsoft Paint I'm pretty sure that's what he's still using so at first glance you're like wow this guy really doesn't care about his content I mean he's he's using Microsoft Paint and his videos aren't even in the full 16x9 resolution but if you actually you know listen to what he talks about in his videos he has a very unique perspective a very creative personality and just brings dry subjects to life and that's what set his sets his channel apart um so it's going to depend on the content the stuff you're trying to deliver to your audience you have to ask yourself up front if you'll be using for a majority of your Channel's life a camera or some kind of other software in his case Microsoft Paint it very few people can get away with that he gets away with it beautifully but I don't recommend using that in most cases it's just it's just going to turn people off unless you have a super super out there personality that can bring things back to life so camera the first thing that I would recommend buy something like a a Nikon D3300 a D5300 you're going to look at anywhere from $400 to $800 for a decent DSLR grade category you see where I'm going with this so in that price range anywhere from 400 8800 bucks I recommend at least 1080p 60 FPS your viewers will appreciate that um now the microphone is another issue I purchased I'll show you what I have uh where is it it's right over there so this right here is a microphone that I use when I'm out of the studio or when I just don't feel like using the Yeti microphone this requires a lot of postprocessing and editing and this I just plug into my my iPhone and I'm good to go I have to have the converter on it cuz I have an iPhone 7 uh but apart from that it'll work it's trrs so you can plug it into any modern smartphone and boom you've got a decent sounding lapel microphone that you can use in interviews things of that sort let's say you got a cameraman and you're just walking around you don't want to use the camera's microphone you can use something like this and your viewers will also appreciate this the fact that you were even willing to spend this was only like 20 bucks I have it linked in the description but uh this will really change the audio quality of your channel so if you're someone who does a lot of Vlogs or things of that sort and you don't have I don't know a $3,000 camera with a really nice Road microphone on top or something like that then invest in something like this at least in the beginning your viewers will appreciate it it does really it does make a difference take my word for it uh when I finally got the Yeti microphone that was a big deal as well my audio game was just on a completely different level and uh the vi viewership feedback was definitely positive from that so those are the two things I suggest investing in up front a nice camera and a nice uh microphone third thing I would recommend is a nice computer now it doesn't have to be a $2,000 Beast or anything like that it can actually just be a laptop if you're willing to spend around $11,000 on a decent laptop with maybe an i76700 HQ or um just any kind of typical desktop with an I3 or an i5 you can get away with some uh pretty heavy video editing on those things if you have a bit of patience from Premiere to Vegas to Da Vinci resolve any of those programs I recommend they'll they won't compress the hell out of your video so it's going to still look decent at least until you upload it to YouTube that's something you really can't control but stay away from soft software like Movie Maker if you can especially if you're using a 1080p 60 FPS camera you're not going to be able to export in 1080P 60 FPS at least with the generation of movie maker that I am used to using uh that's actually what I used in the beginning of my channel and then when I moved to Premiere I was just able to do so much more with it so unless you're doing some kind of Vlog where you don't think 60fps is going to make much of a difference maybe your camera is just sitting still a lot and uh you're just doing tricks on a skateboard or something and the difference between 30 and 60 might not be a big deal there but if you're moving the camera a lot and uh you don't have maybe Optical image stabilization then you're going to want something other than Movie Maker it's just going to make the the entire viewing experience a bit better and a bit more enjoyable for your audience the fourth thing I recommend is testing the waters not just in your comfort zone but a little outside of that so when I first started making science videos that's why this channel is called science Studio I had no interest in computers I wasn't I didn't even know how to build a computer um and then when I I realized that people really weren't into the stuff I was showing I mean I was a really small Channel anyway nobody nobody knew who I was uh I started I started debating whether or not I should build a computer to make my videos look better so I did the third thing I did step three I I built a nice computer in in an attempt to make my videos look more professional to reach out to a bigger audience but because it was science Studio I said well I'll just film my computer building process it's my first computer ever so it'll be interesting for people to see anyway the channel actually started blowing up people really wanted to see it I don't I don't know why it was a budget PC bill it was like 500 bucks but uh people were really into it and I received thousands upon thousands of views and that's not to say that anybody who's into anything on YouTube should build a computer and upload it and that's how you'll get views um you know you don't have to be into computers in order to produce a good YouTube channel or to get people to recognize you but that was one way that I was able to kind of find a target audience that I didn't originally intend on reaching but that really helped grow the channel and Ely ended up evolving the channel into a primarily Tech related uh science so that's where I am now that was a result of listening to audience feedback and just doing what people wanted to see so let's say you're an artist let's say you draw pictures for your YouTube channel if you're trying to show people in a lot of these videos how to draw specific things like how to draw a human face which I I surely canot do or how to draw a wolf or maybe a landscape if people aren't interested in howto videos maybe you should change every now and then uh the subject of the videos to something along the lines of you know the Mona Lisa and you're just like copying other people's work but you're trying to improve upon it or something you know something different like that or just a a big time lapse of a of a Ultra panoramic picture you took with your iPhone I don't know I'm just throwing things out there but you see what I'm saying so don't stick with something that really isn't being received by your audience it's not something you can control your your content could be super good uh but if people just aren't finding it in their search engines on uh you know Google Yahoo or even YouTube itself I don't recommend staying just there so use other videos that appear to be more I don't know uh more viral for your viewers to get people to come back to your channel to watch the stuff that wasn't originally found in the first place that's a good way to kind of hook your viewers and then kind of slowly but surely reel them into the content that you originally started the Channel with um now in my case I haven't really done that I've stuck with PC stuff because I'm still growing at a rate that I find uh very satisfactory it's a reason for me not to change back to the old stuff and I have a feeling a lot of my viewers would would not appreciate the fact that I was just abandoning computers altogether or maybe not showcasing it as much as I am so you have to kind of feel your audience out in the long run are they willing to accept the changes that you want to make or is your Channel Growing plenty fine as it is and you're okay with staying with the content that you're at so if you originally plan on showing how toos but the videos that are really pulling people to your Channel are the uh time lapses or the attempts at making old paintings look even better than they were uh if those are the the hotter videos on your channel stick with those uh don't don't pull those out of sight because those are the ones that are going to keep your channel viral that'll keep people talking about them on forums and things of that sort those are the things that that that are really can bring a channel to life is when people talk about them outside of YouTube so they'll post one of your videos on a forum for example you'll know it happened because the next day you'll wake up and you'll have you know tons of more views way more than you're used to just from one day chances are somebody shared that video somewhere else and a lot of people uh saw it thanks to the traffic on that Forum or other site um those kinds of videos are the ones you want to stick with or at least come back to on a weekly basis or something along those lines if you're if you just aren't as into those videos but those are still the ones that are keeping people coming maybe you should rethink your priorities with the channel or um you know move on to something else because uh if you don't like what you're doing it's tough because if you want to make a living out of YouTube In some cases you're going to have to do things that you find boring that you just don't think are that cool but that your audience really appreciates and and really likes to to share with their friends things that ultimately bring you a lot of attention and can make you a lot of money so if YouTube's something you want to make a full-time job out of in the future uh you're going to have to compromise on some things that you think are super cool that other people just don't think are that awesome take take my channel for example when I talk about space space was like the space was the thing I started the Chann with I love astronomy I love physics those kinds of things really interest me honestly probably as much if not more than computers even to this day but a lot of my viewers don't care to watch those videos that's just how it is they followed me they subscribed to the channel for the sake of watching computer builds computer tests things of that sort and I know that in the back of my mind I know that's what they want to see so when I upload a video that has nothing to do with computers I know that a lot of people are going to just ignore the video outright not want to watch it because it doesn't fall into their category of Interest that's what you have to ask yourself do you want want to make YouTube a full-time job or not or even a part-time job that brings in some decent income every month let's say you upload videos on Saturdays and Sundays because you work 9: to 5 Monday through Friday if YouTube is a decent source of income let's say use it to to go on vacations every month or something you have to give your audience what they want not what you want otherwise they will ignore your videos they're they're brutal when it comes to this but they're they're at least they're honest with themselves and with you they don't want to see it they're not going to want to watch it you're not going to make money from it it's going to be a big waste of time other than making yourself feel I don't know I guess making yourself feel good that you uploaded a video that interested you money talks and it's ultimately what's going to drive channels that want to be successful that's exactly what science studio is doing I didn't start off with computers but that's what I do for the most part now because most of my subscribers subscribe for PC and Tech related content that's what I give them it's what makes me money frankly and it's what keeps the lights on it's what keeps me motivated to uh upload more and more videos like this I want to do this fulltime I really do I don't want to graduate and go work for somebody else who has me work from 99 to 5:00 every Monday through Friday I come home and I just repeat the same thing over and over again with this I get to do I get to be creative I get to do in a in a sense what I want but at the same time following suit with what you expect and I think that there's a really good blend there and if channels get that right they can really take off so take that to heart really think about your audience in every video how many people are going to want to watch this video how many people are going to share this video is this video interesting is it you know it doesn't have to be all about the content Crea it it it honestly should be more about the audience keep them first and their interest first primarily and uh your channel will succeed I guarantee it so get those six things in line I don't remember what else six of them were the camera the microphone have a decent editing rig uh ask yourself you know what you want to talk about be willing to be flexible with the content that you provide and ask yourself if you want to make YouTube a full-time job or not because if you do then you're you're going to have to really listen to your audience read read as many comments as you can those are the things that I recommend you do it's why science studio is where it is that's why we're growing at the rate we're growing that's why I keep sticking with the topics that people want to see it's why I put so much effort into these videos If you like this video or appreciate the content be sure to give it a thumbs up give it a thumbs down if you feel the complete opposite or maybe you disagree with everything I just said I don't know why but if you do let me know in the comments uh subscribe if you haven't already stay tuned for more PC related stuff we're going to do some more upgrades to Walter White be quiet the brand be quiet is uh coming to the rescue with their new power supply should uh fix the issue that we have with it currently if you're interested about why that happened or what was going on check out the video right here this is sence Studio thanks for learning with thisafter receiving great feedback from the how to gain YouTube sponsors video I figured I would follow that up with something else that kind of falls in the same category but that I think should be emphasized first and foremost and that's actually having a YouTube channel that people know and talk about and are willing to go back to for product reviews or you know it depends on what you're doing uh now this video is not only going to pertain to Tech YouTubers but I'm going to emphasize that one because it's probably one of the hardest markets to penetrate at this point because it is so saturated with people out there wanting to do the same things uh now I can say from experience that when uh I first started science Studio I wasn't doing computer stuff and after realizing that computers were the hot things on YouTube I switched to that for the sake of gaining a fan base and I ended up actually really loving it so that's kind of why I stuck with it no company is going to want to send you a product if you have 10 subscribers that's just a fact they're not going to waste their time with the channel that they know is not going to receive a lot of views it's basically an advertisement on their part they're essentially paying for the ad M by giving you the product for free and if you don't have a large enough a fan base they're not going to waste their time that's just how big companies work it's even how small companies work you won't even have Chinese companies reaching out to you that you know manufacture basically knockoffs of name brand products because they don't even want to waste their time with you now that's not I'm not trying to be harsh but that is the reality of uh the tech sphere really any kind of company that's looking to advertis products on YouTube channels aren't going to go for the ones that don't have views it's just common sense but even if you're not into product reviews let's just say you're an artist who likes to upload time-lapse drawings and paintings or a car Enthusiast who likes to get his or her hands on some really fast cars for the sake of review and the occasional Youtube upload how do you get your YouTube name your personal brand that you've created out there to the masses how do you get people talking about your channel on forums in the comments you know just just ready to come back to your channel immediately after you upload a new video there are more ways than one to approach this subject uh but I will speak from personal experience kind of give you some pointers here and there that'll help you grow your YouTube channel the first thing I want to talk about is investment it is a touchy subject for real I mean people don't like spending money on things that they're uncertain about they don't know if their YouTube channel is going to take off so should they even worry about investing in equipment if they're not going to make money in the long run or be able to rely on it as some source of income and my answer to those people who are worried about that and kind of on the fence about it is do it if you're all in on this and you're you really want to make your YouTube channel just take off invest in a decent camera and a decent microphone I can tell you from experience the first two things I notice when I watch any video is one how good the camera quality is or the camera recorder you know if you if you got a really nice camera but you're shaking it all over the place or something that's going to ruin the experience as well but uh camera is number one and then the audio quality is number two so if you're doing a lot of talking maybe you're doing an instructional or something and you're speaking in the background if your voice sounds like garbage or your picture looks like garbage then it's going to turn people off and I'm not saying that to be harsh I'm just saying that to help you out that's how people are they're so used to these super expensive cameras being used to film these videos that they watch on a daily basis that when they have to revert to something that isn't even close to on par with what they're used to they're going to associate that with somebody who just doesn't care about their YouTube channel or uh just you know is inexperienced overall now that could just be because you can't afford a camera at this point maybe you're just starting out kind kind of trying to test the waters and uh you're realizing that people really don't care about your YouTube channel so you're like well I'm glad I didn't invest in an expensive camera for this stuff because people just don't care anyway I say rethink that because it could just be that they don't care because it looks like you don't care that may not be the truth I mean you could have some of the best instructionals in the world some of the best Vlogs reviews in the world but if you're filming it on a cheap camera phone with without Optical image stabilization people just aren't going to care to watch it like you could have the best content in the world that's what they're going to have to deal with is the actual video and if the video looks like crap they're going to associate that with just a crappy YouTube channel now there are channels that get away with this a prime example is grade A under I don't know if you've heard of him if you haven't you can check out his link to his channel in this video's description uh but literally all of his videos for the most part are made with Microsoft Paint I'm pretty sure that's what he's still using so at first glance you're like wow this guy really doesn't care about his content I mean he's he's using Microsoft Paint and his videos aren't even in the full 16x9 resolution but if you actually you know listen to what he talks about in his videos he has a very unique perspective a very creative personality and just brings dry subjects to life and that's what set his sets his channel apart um so it's going to depend on the content the stuff you're trying to deliver to your audience you have to ask yourself up front if you'll be using for a majority of your Channel's life a camera or some kind of other software in his case Microsoft Paint it very few people can get away with that he gets away with it beautifully but I don't recommend using that in most cases it's just it's just going to turn people off unless you have a super super out there personality that can bring things back to life so camera the first thing that I would recommend buy something like a a Nikon D3300 a D5300 you're going to look at anywhere from $400 to $800 for a decent DSLR grade category you see where I'm going with this so in that price range anywhere from 400 8800 bucks I recommend at least 1080p 60 FPS your viewers will appreciate that um now the microphone is another issue I purchased I'll show you what I have uh where is it it's right over there so this right here is a microphone that I use when I'm out of the studio or when I just don't feel like using the Yeti microphone this requires a lot of postprocessing and editing and this I just plug into my my iPhone and I'm good to go I have to have the converter on it cuz I have an iPhone 7 uh but apart from that it'll work it's trrs so you can plug it into any modern smartphone and boom you've got a decent sounding lapel microphone that you can use in interviews things of that sort let's say you got a cameraman and you're just walking around you don't want to use the camera's microphone you can use something like this and your viewers will also appreciate this the fact that you were even willing to spend this was only like 20 bucks I have it linked in the description but uh this will really change the audio quality of your channel so if you're someone who does a lot of Vlogs or things of that sort and you don't have I don't know a $3,000 camera with a really nice Road microphone on top or something like that then invest in something like this at least in the beginning your viewers will appreciate it it does really it does make a difference take my word for it uh when I finally got the Yeti microphone that was a big deal as well my audio game was just on a completely different level and uh the vi viewership feedback was definitely positive from that so those are the two things I suggest investing in up front a nice camera and a nice uh microphone third thing I would recommend is a nice computer now it doesn't have to be a $2,000 Beast or anything like that it can actually just be a laptop if you're willing to spend around $11,000 on a decent laptop with maybe an i76700 HQ or um just any kind of typical desktop with an I3 or an i5 you can get away with some uh pretty heavy video editing on those things if you have a bit of patience from Premiere to Vegas to Da Vinci resolve any of those programs I recommend they'll they won't compress the hell out of your video so it's going to still look decent at least until you upload it to YouTube that's something you really can't control but stay away from soft software like Movie Maker if you can especially if you're using a 1080p 60 FPS camera you're not going to be able to export in 1080P 60 FPS at least with the generation of movie maker that I am used to using uh that's actually what I used in the beginning of my channel and then when I moved to Premiere I was just able to do so much more with it so unless you're doing some kind of Vlog where you don't think 60fps is going to make much of a difference maybe your camera is just sitting still a lot and uh you're just doing tricks on a skateboard or something and the difference between 30 and 60 might not be a big deal there but if you're moving the camera a lot and uh you don't have maybe Optical image stabilization then you're going to want something other than Movie Maker it's just going to make the the entire viewing experience a bit better and a bit more enjoyable for your audience the fourth thing I recommend is testing the waters not just in your comfort zone but a little outside of that so when I first started making science videos that's why this channel is called science Studio I had no interest in computers I wasn't I didn't even know how to build a computer um and then when I I realized that people really weren't into the stuff I was showing I mean I was a really small Channel anyway nobody nobody knew who I was uh I started I started debating whether or not I should build a computer to make my videos look better so I did the third thing I did step three I I built a nice computer in in an attempt to make my videos look more professional to reach out to a bigger audience but because it was science Studio I said well I'll just film my computer building process it's my first computer ever so it'll be interesting for people to see anyway the channel actually started blowing up people really wanted to see it I don't I don't know why it was a budget PC bill it was like 500 bucks but uh people were really into it and I received thousands upon thousands of views and that's not to say that anybody who's into anything on YouTube should build a computer and upload it and that's how you'll get views um you know you don't have to be into computers in order to produce a good YouTube channel or to get people to recognize you but that was one way that I was able to kind of find a target audience that I didn't originally intend on reaching but that really helped grow the channel and Ely ended up evolving the channel into a primarily Tech related uh science so that's where I am now that was a result of listening to audience feedback and just doing what people wanted to see so let's say you're an artist let's say you draw pictures for your YouTube channel if you're trying to show people in a lot of these videos how to draw specific things like how to draw a human face which I I surely canot do or how to draw a wolf or maybe a landscape if people aren't interested in howto videos maybe you should change every now and then uh the subject of the videos to something along the lines of you know the Mona Lisa and you're just like copying other people's work but you're trying to improve upon it or something you know something different like that or just a a big time lapse of a of a Ultra panoramic picture you took with your iPhone I don't know I'm just throwing things out there but you see what I'm saying so don't stick with something that really isn't being received by your audience it's not something you can control your your content could be super good uh but if people just aren't finding it in their search engines on uh you know Google Yahoo or even YouTube itself I don't recommend staying just there so use other videos that appear to be more I don't know uh more viral for your viewers to get people to come back to your channel to watch the stuff that wasn't originally found in the first place that's a good way to kind of hook your viewers and then kind of slowly but surely reel them into the content that you originally started the Channel with um now in my case I haven't really done that I've stuck with PC stuff because I'm still growing at a rate that I find uh very satisfactory it's a reason for me not to change back to the old stuff and I have a feeling a lot of my viewers would would not appreciate the fact that I was just abandoning computers altogether or maybe not showcasing it as much as I am so you have to kind of feel your audience out in the long run are they willing to accept the changes that you want to make or is your Channel Growing plenty fine as it is and you're okay with staying with the content that you're at so if you originally plan on showing how toos but the videos that are really pulling people to your Channel are the uh time lapses or the attempts at making old paintings look even better than they were uh if those are the the hotter videos on your channel stick with those uh don't don't pull those out of sight because those are the ones that are going to keep your channel viral that'll keep people talking about them on forums and things of that sort those are the things that that that are really can bring a channel to life is when people talk about them outside of YouTube so they'll post one of your videos on a forum for example you'll know it happened because the next day you'll wake up and you'll have you know tons of more views way more than you're used to just from one day chances are somebody shared that video somewhere else and a lot of people uh saw it thanks to the traffic on that Forum or other site um those kinds of videos are the ones you want to stick with or at least come back to on a weekly basis or something along those lines if you're if you just aren't as into those videos but those are still the ones that are keeping people coming maybe you should rethink your priorities with the channel or um you know move on to something else because uh if you don't like what you're doing it's tough because if you want to make a living out of YouTube In some cases you're going to have to do things that you find boring that you just don't think are that cool but that your audience really appreciates and and really likes to to share with their friends things that ultimately bring you a lot of attention and can make you a lot of money so if YouTube's something you want to make a full-time job out of in the future uh you're going to have to compromise on some things that you think are super cool that other people just don't think are that awesome take take my channel for example when I talk about space space was like the space was the thing I started the Chann with I love astronomy I love physics those kinds of things really interest me honestly probably as much if not more than computers even to this day but a lot of my viewers don't care to watch those videos that's just how it is they followed me they subscribed to the channel for the sake of watching computer builds computer tests things of that sort and I know that in the back of my mind I know that's what they want to see so when I upload a video that has nothing to do with computers I know that a lot of people are going to just ignore the video outright not want to watch it because it doesn't fall into their category of Interest that's what you have to ask yourself do you want want to make YouTube a full-time job or not or even a part-time job that brings in some decent income every month let's say you upload videos on Saturdays and Sundays because you work 9: to 5 Monday through Friday if YouTube is a decent source of income let's say use it to to go on vacations every month or something you have to give your audience what they want not what you want otherwise they will ignore your videos they're they're brutal when it comes to this but they're they're at least they're honest with themselves and with you they don't want to see it they're not going to want to watch it you're not going to make money from it it's going to be a big waste of time other than making yourself feel I don't know I guess making yourself feel good that you uploaded a video that interested you money talks and it's ultimately what's going to drive channels that want to be successful that's exactly what science studio is doing I didn't start off with computers but that's what I do for the most part now because most of my subscribers subscribe for PC and Tech related content that's what I give them it's what makes me money frankly and it's what keeps the lights on it's what keeps me motivated to uh upload more and more videos like this I want to do this fulltime I really do I don't want to graduate and go work for somebody else who has me work from 99 to 5:00 every Monday through Friday I come home and I just repeat the same thing over and over again with this I get to do I get to be creative I get to do in a in a sense what I want but at the same time following suit with what you expect and I think that there's a really good blend there and if channels get that right they can really take off so take that to heart really think about your audience in every video how many people are going to want to watch this video how many people are going to share this video is this video interesting is it you know it doesn't have to be all about the content Crea it it it honestly should be more about the audience keep them first and their interest first primarily and uh your channel will succeed I guarantee it so get those six things in line I don't remember what else six of them were the camera the microphone have a decent editing rig uh ask yourself you know what you want to talk about be willing to be flexible with the content that you provide and ask yourself if you want to make YouTube a full-time job or not because if you do then you're you're going to have to really listen to your audience read read as many comments as you can those are the things that I recommend you do it's why science studio is where it is that's why we're growing at the rate we're growing that's why I keep sticking with the topics that people want to see it's why I put so much effort into these videos If you like this video or appreciate the content be sure to give it a thumbs up give it a thumbs down if you feel the complete opposite or maybe you disagree with everything I just said I don't know why but if you do let me know in the comments uh subscribe if you haven't already stay tuned for more PC related stuff we're going to do some more upgrades to Walter White be quiet the brand be quiet is uh coming to the rescue with their new power supply should uh fix the issue that we have with it currently if you're interested about why that happened or what was going on check out the video right here this is sence Studio thanks for learning with this\n"