Is the PS5 Worth It?

The PS5 is Worth It: A Next-Generation Gaming Experience

Not since the PlayStation 3 generation has we seen such a big leap, not only in just performance, but in the overall experience of next-generation gaming. Yes, the PS5 is worth it. Now you may have seen all our videos this year on the rumors and every little bit of information we've gotten on the PS5, but until you have the DualSense in your hand and a 4k HDR TV in front of you, can you really appreciate just how big of a leap the PS5 truly is.

It's good. It is really, really good. This video is sponsored by the new SteelSeries Arctis 7P headset. All starts with the DualSense controller. Now I'll be honest with you. Last generation, I preferred the Xbox One controller. It was more comfortable and it just felt more natural for me to play on. But this time around, it is very clear. Sony have taken the lead with the DualSense. Not only is this a nicer controller to use and to hold, but importantly, it gives you an entirely different level of immersion in the game.

First of all, we have to talk about how the haptic feedback works on the DualSense controller. The way the controller vibrates and responds to your touch creates a sensory experience that's hard to match with other controllers. The adaptive triggers also play a big role in this, as they provide tactile feedback that enhances gameplay.

In terms of comfort, the DualSense controller is a significant improvement over its predecessor. The ergonomics are designed to fit perfectly in your hands, and the weight distribution is well-balanced. This makes for long gaming sessions without fatigue or discomfort.

Another key feature of the DualSense controller is its unique design. The controller has a new layout that's designed to be more intuitive and accessible. The share button, which was previously located on the top of the controller, is now located on the side, making it easier to access during gameplay.

Overall, the PS5 with the DualSense controller is an incredible gaming experience. It offers a level of immersion and engagement that's hard to find with other consoles. If you're looking for a next-generation gaming experience, the PS5 is definitely worth considering.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Yes, the PS5 is worth it.Not since the PlayStation 3 generation,have we seen such a big leap,not only in just performance,but in the overall experienceof next generation gaming.Now you may have seen allof our videos this yearon the rumors and everylittle bit of informationwe've gotten on the PS5,but until you have theDualSense in your handand a 4k HDR TV in front of you,can you really appreciatejust how big of a leap the PS5 truly is.It's good.It is really, really good.This video is sponsoredby the new SteelSeries Arctis 7P headset.It all starts with theDualSense controller.Now I'll be honest with you.Last generation, I preferredthe Xbox One controller.It was more comfortableand it just felt morenatural for me to play on.But this time around it is very clear.Sony have taken thelead with the DualSense.Not only is this a nicercontroller to use and to hold,but importantly, it gives youan entirely different levelof immersion in the game.So first of all, wehave "Astro's Playroom".Now this is a game which comespre-installed on the PS5,it's free, it's similar tosomething like "Wii Sports".And that it's almost a littlebit more of a controller demo,but it does an excellent jobof showing you why this controlleris completely unlike anythingyou've used in the past.So every little motion insidethe controller, you can feel.So for example, as I went left to right,I could feel the controller vibrate,the triggers are unique because like,there's like actual realresistance there. Can you see that?That's in software.Look at that. That's crazy.Not only do I have the soundcoming from the controller,but the vibration sortof moves back and forth.It's something which isdifficult to get a good sense ofon video.(whirring)The way that I feel a vibrationfor every little step.It is so cool.Now of course, "Astro's Playroom"is certainly a proof ofconcept to make the DualSense,look and feel as absolutebest as possible,but it's actually a pretty fun game.The fact that this isincluded with the PS5I do think is, it's more than just a demo.You can definitely spend a few hourshaving fun with this thing.Now, if I have one nitpickwith the controller,it is battery life,especially with a gamelike "Astro's Playroom",which really does takeadvantage of all aspectsof the vibration, thetriggers and whatnot.It drains battery pretty quickly.I mean, you could bespending something likefive or six hours between charges,which to be fair it's USB-C,you can easily plug it in,but if you're playing a lot of gamesthat take full advantage of things,you gotta charge your controla little bit more oftenthan you're probably used to.Now launch games arenever the greatest exampleof what a console is capable ofthree, four, five years down the road,but we do have enough titlesto at least get a sense ofwhere the PS5 is headed.So I think Spider-Man, Miles Moralesis probably the mosthigh-profile game that's outand it does somethingkind of interestingly.So you usually have twodifferent modes here,you have 4k 30 and 4k 60,quality versus performance.Performance looks good and runs welland is certainly a step upover what you have on the PS4,specifically, when youlook at like the load timesand how you're able toseamlessly fly through the citywithout any sort of bottlenecks,but a thing I find alittle bit more interestingis the quality mode.This enables all the bells and whistles,including ray tracing.In fact, actually "Astro'sPlayroom" does a pretty good jobof showing you how raytracing can kind of makethe world feel more elaborateand sort of more lived in.So if you look at the waythat his visor is naturally reflectingthe environment around himand even his entire bodyis being colored by thisgreen grass around him,essentially what ray tracingdoes is it grounds a gamein much more of a realisticlighting solution, right?I mean, essentiallywhat you're seeing hereis exactly the way thatlight works in real life.If you stand next toa bunch of green grasswith a ton of light around you,and you're a reflectivesurface, guess what?You're gonna look green.And that does a lotto make games look so much more realistic.He doesn't stand out becausehe's all white and blueor whatever he blends innaturally to the environment.And I think that's just a little tasteof what ray tracing can deliverby not necessarily making thegraphics higher resolutionor anything like that,but just making everythingfeel more grounded in reality,when it comes to playingthese next-gen games.Another game I wanna give ashout out to is 'Demon's Souls".Now this is of course aremaster of a PS3 game,but they've done a really good jobof not only looking great. I mean,you've got stuff like those reflections,you've got the quick loadtimes in fact, actually,that's one of the main differences,but what really jumpsout to me on this oneis the way it takes advantageof the DualSense controller.When playing Spider-Man,it feels like I'm justusing a DualShock 4.You get a little bit of rumble,but it's not anything crazy,but "Demon's Souls"takes it a step further.Not only do you get a lot of audiofrom the speaker inside the controller,but the vibration feels much better.Like every step you cankinda feel left versus right,as you sort of clash swords, it's nice."Dirt 5" also takes advantageof the DualSense controller.Now it's a little bit early,I'd say the support is a touch rough,but you do get a little bit of a sensefor what things are going to feel like.So for example, the right triggeras you're driving with the throttle.You actually feel a lot more resistancebecause they've sort of tunedthat into the controller.And it's nice that gameshave that full capabilityof changing the way the nowyou have the resistance,but the rumble, the feelyou've got a lot of the stuff thatmakes the DualSense feel kind of next gen.Now, especially as moreand more racing gamesare gonna take advantage of this.I love the idea that as Isorta jump on the brakes,I can feel like the ABSpulsing or something.We've got a little bit of a sense for thatwith the Xbox One controller,but those impulse triggerswere never really implementedand they certainly don'thave the same fidelityin that experience that the DualSense has.So early days, but you'restarting to really kinda seethe wheels turn, I'mlike, "Oh, wait a minute."This is really somethingthat feels next genin a way that you won't ever noticeby watching YouTube gameplay.You notice it when thecontroller's in your handand you feel the brakes lock upor you feel the backend come around asyou get on the throttle too quickly,it's a unique experience.Now, if you've been eyeing that PS5,you might be interested inthe sponsor of today's video.SteelSeries brand new Arctis 7P headset.Now the Arctis 7 was alreadythe best wireless headsetin the game. And now the 7Pis all about that brand new PS5.So not only does it matchand it is super comfortable,but on top of that, it supportsall of the audio featuresof the PS5 with it's super low latency,2.4 gigahertz connection.On top of that it also has aDiscord Certified microphone,excellent audio quality,24 hours of battery life,which is probably more thanyou wanna game at one time.And it does support also thePS4 as well as most devicesvia the USB-C dongle whichcomes included in the box.You've also got full controlsbuilt into the headset,and I've gotta say, this isone of the most comfortablegaming headsets that I've ever worn.So if you wanna go check out the Arctis 7Pyou can find it at steelseries.comor at the link in the description.And of course, hugeshout out to Steelseriesfor sponsoring my PS5 coverage.Now, the looks of the PS5 mightbe a little bit polarizing.I'll say I like it,although I do thinkthat the digital versionlooks a little bit nicer,especially when you haveit sitting by itself.This sort of disc tray bulgelooks a little bit strange,but I think they've done agood job of the overall design.And there are a coupleof nice little features.So in addition to three USB-A ports,you also have a USB-C port up front,something I wished the Xbox had.You also have things like Wi-Fi 6 built inwhere of course you could plugit into ethernet if you want,but I've seen really good download speeds,taking advantage of that Wi-Fi 6 network.And when you put it all togetherwith what you get in the box,you don't really need a lotof extra stuff for it, right?I mean, that stand, likeI said, comes included.And while the size is going tobe a problem for some people,I generally like a lot ofthe little hardware detailsthey've done. I mean, ifyou look really up closeto the little bit oftexture on the inside,it's a bunch of the PlayStation symbols.I mean, there's just alot of little Easter eggsthat make this thinga little bit of a cutabove that PS4 hardwarespecifically from the style perspective.Now on the flip side,especially after we'd done the tear down,I have an appreciation forthe way they've designed this.So I'm gonna be quiet for a second, okay?You hear anything right now?My microphone is two inchesaway from the exhaustof this console and itis almost entirely silentand I'm not just sitting on a menu, right?This game has been runningfor over 45 minutes now.And the PS5 has not gottenlouder in the slightest,that I think is a big winfor Sony this time aroundbecause look, the PS4 was a great console,but sort of the noise, maybenot its strongest suit.So while yes the PS5 is large,it is large for a reason.They've done a lot of workto make sure this thingruns quiet and cool.It absolutely does that.There's also a side benefit of thatin that the PS5 takesadvantage of boost clocks.So essentially the quieterand specifically the cooler it runsthe better performance you can get,still might not be quite as powerfulas something like the Xbox Series X,but quiet, cool, high-performanceare all great things in my book,as long as you have a very,very hard space to store it.Something else which is really strikingabout this next generation of consolesis how fast everything is.So I spoke a little bit about thisin my Xbox Series X review,but these consoles arejust simply really fastat pretty much everything.So from loading games tohopping between menus,to even firing up for the first time,they're incredibly snappy.These things are packed to the gillswith cutting edge technology.They've got excellent processorswhich help with thingslike moving between appsand downloading games andmultitasking. It runs really well,but you also have plenty of memory.You have cutting edge graphicswith literally all of the latest features,including stuff that cameout in graphics cardslike five days ago.You also have an SSD,now that I think is probably going to beone of the most noticeable thingsjust going between thelast generation of consolesand the PS5.Everything loads so fast, right?I mean, you saw with Astro's Play world,you jump into a level, twoseconds later, it's loaded.You know, the days of waitingfor three minutes for yourRed Dead 2 save to load upare simply gone.And while yeah, there'scertainly trade offs there.This is an 825 gigabyte console.Yeah, so out of the box,you have 667 gigabytes free on the PS5.And there was only acouple of things installed,I'm down to 490 gigs. That iscertainly a downside, right?SSDs are expensive and the fact isyou're simply gonna have less spaceto work with on these new consolesand the games are going to be bigger.Now on the PS5 specifically,the hardware actually does support youto upgrade the SSD yourself.So we've actually donean entire tear down,which you can feel free to check out,but it's pretty easy to justslide off the side paneland install an SSD. Theproblem is, of course,those SSDs are going to be expensiveand those SSDs are also not available yet.Even if you can find one,it actually doesn't supportit. You're got to waitfor a future firmware update.That being said, though,the fact that we havesuper fast SSD storagereally does mean thateverything on this PS5absolutely flies.I don't wanna give you the wrong ideawhile the PlayStationhas a ton of strengths,it is certainly not a perfect console.So when you line it upbeside the Xbox Series X,you can see that the Xboxis a little bit more of atechnically focused console.So not only does it have moreraw graphics performance,but on top of that, theXbox has a lot of functionsand features that just simplyare missing on the PS5.So take, for example, theability to output a 1440p signal.If you had a 1440P gaming monitor,you just simply can't getthat resolution out of the PS5while the Xbox handles it no problem.Same thing goes for thingslike auto low latency modeand specifically variable refresh rate.You have things likeFreeSync built into the Xboxthat simply are missing at leastas of right now on the PS5.Now none of these thingsare deal breakers,but the Xbox does a much better jobof handling a wide range of displaysand giving you a very smooth output.If you plug in your PS5 to astandard 4k TV, this is fine,but all those weird edge cases,the Xbox handles much better.Something else I've beenmissing coming from the Series Xis full backwards compatibility.Now I'll give Sony props.They do finally havePS4 support in the PS5,So you can play most of the gamesyou've purchased over the last few years,but there's no supportfor the PS1, PS2, or PS3,which is understandablewhen you look at theXbox side of the house,which is able to playpretty much every Xbox gamefrom the original all theway up to the modern titleson the Xbox Series X, itis a little bit of a miss.I also really find myselfmissing quick resume on the Xbox.So on the PS5, it works justthe way that the PS4 works.So you're playing a game,you wanna play another game,it quits it, launches the next title.That's fine, especially withthe SSD it's much quicker,but on the Xbox side,the quick resume built in meansthat you can actually jumpto the last handful of gamesthat you've played.And they will load in a couple of secondsto exactly where you were before.It's a feature that again,sort of in keeping with thetheme of these new consolesis all about getting you into the gameas quickly as possible.And it's something that pretty frankly,I miss coming from theXbox over to the PS5.But I'm actually gonna be doinga much more in-depth comparisonbetween the PS5 and the Xbox.So make sure to subscribe,to see my full thoughts,but there are certainly some trade-offson either side at the moment.At this point, I think it's pretty clear.I personally think the PS5 is worth it.This next generation of gamingadds so many new featureswith so few compromises,at what I think at a prettyreasonable price point,it's hard to go wrong.Now on top of the PS5,you also do of course havethe PS5 digital edition,which I didn't reallytalk about in this video,but it's pretty much the exact same thing,but it's $100 cheaperand you don't have the optical disc drive.And on the Xbox side of the camp,they actually do matchup pretty well, right?I think PS5 and XboxSeries X are much closerthan the PS4 and Xbox One ever were.And if you really wanna goon the budget side of things,little baby Xbox Series Swhile it's not as powerfuldoes offer a lot of thesesame next gen benefits.But regardless,if you can't get yourhands on a PS5 right now,I wouldn't stress on it too much.Well yes the console is good right now,there still aren't a ton of games,and there are a lot of featuresthat either need to beupdated or added in firmwareover the next year or so.So if it takes you a littlewhile to get your hands on one,I don't think you'remissing out on that much,but when you do, that nextgen is very, very real.Thank you very much for watching.Make sure to subscribe tothe channel if you enjoyedand until my next clickbaitPS5 video, I will see you then.