iOS 14 Beta 5 - More New Features

**Visual Updates and Changes in iOS Beta 5**

As we dive into the latest iteration of iOS beta 5, it's clear that Apple is committed to refining the user experience with subtle yet meaningful updates. One of the first areas we noticed was the control center, where a new design language has been implemented. The buttons at the bottom have changed, and now we can easily switch to "Jiggle Mode." This feature allows us to see the changes in real-time as we toggle through different options.

The changes in the control center are just the beginning. Apple has also made significant updates to the folders on our home screen. Not only are they slightly longer, but the design itself has undergone a makeover. The icons have been tweaked, and the spacing around the dots has been adjusted. This attention to detail is evident throughout the OS, as we can see with the changes to the text at the top of the "Home Screen" section in Settings. Gone is the phrase "New App Downloads," replaced by "Newly Downloaded Apps." These small changes may seem insignificant, but they demonstrate Apple's focus on consistency and refinement.

**Dark Mode Enhancements**

Another area where we've noticed significant updates is in Dark Mode. When enabled, the Notes widget on the new version of iOS beta 5 takes on a darker, more ominous appearance. The background has become a pure black, which may be a deliberate choice to create a sense of contrast with the rest of the UI. This change is notable, as it marks a reversal of what we saw in previous betas, such as beta four, where the notes widget had a slightly grayish tint.

In addition to these visual tweaks, Apple has also made changes to the way we interact with widgets. When adding a widget, we now press and hold to organize them differently. The battery icon, for example, has been updated to better fit the new design language. This attention to detail is impressive, as it shows that Apple is committed to creating an seamless user experience.

**Glyphs and Customization**

A significant update in iOS beta 5 is the addition of new glyphs under the "Objects," "People," and "Symbols" categories. These updates will allow users to customize their shortcuts with more precision. We can now change icons, such as switching from a tool to scissors or from battery to another option. This level of customization is impressive, as it demonstrates Apple's commitment to empowering users with a wide range of choices.

**Music and Radio Updates**

In the Music app, we've noticed significant changes. When playing a mix, the background has become slightly different in beta five. The colors are more vibrant, and the overall design has been refined. This change is notable, as it creates a sense of continuity throughout the album. We can see this effect when moving between songs within an album.

In Radio, Apple has made another significant update: switching from Beats 1 to Apple Music 1. While we've noticed these changes across all versions, it's clear that beta five marks a major shift in Apple's strategy for music streaming. The removal of the word "Beats" may be a deliberate move, and only time will tell if this change is permanent.

**Additional Updates**

Finally, we've spotted some additional updates throughout iOS beta 5. These include subtle changes to the way icons are organized within shortcuts and tweaks to the overall design language. While these changes may not be immediately apparent, they demonstrate Apple's attention to detail and commitment to refinement.

As we move closer to the final release of iOS, it's clear that Apple will continue to iterate on its updates. The poll in our next video will help us determine which changes are most significant and worth discussing. In the meantime, we'll be keeping a close eye on these updates and sharing our findings with you. If you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper, it's available in the description box below. Don't forget to subscribe and like if you enjoyed this video! Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHi, everyone. Aaron here forZollotech, And after using iOS 14,beta five for the past couple of days,quite a few people have messaged me andfound additional features or changesthat have been added to beta five,as opposed to what I mentioned,in my what's new video, where Iwent over all the major changes.So I wanted to go over where all thenew changes and give you a shout out.If you help me find that feature. NowI've found some you've found some,And so let's go over those in a moment.Now I'm running it on my iPhone 11pro max, and I've also got iOS 14,beta five on the iPhone sevenhere. Now for comparison.I also have iOS 14, that betafor running on the iPhone,10 R so I can show youthe differences. Now,the first thing I get asked every day.So I just wanted to make this clear andanswer it for you is quite a few peopleare you're asking me, does callof duty work and call of duty.Mobile does appear to work.It does occasionally crash,but it does seem to actually work.So if you wanted to try that out,it should be working. If youwere afraid to update, now,let's go over the new features.And the first thing is Safari Safariadded a little updated feature.So if you go to say, forexample, and then you tap these two A's,we get a privacy report. Well,previously we had to go into theprivacy report to see if there were anytrackers contacted. So if wego to beta four to compare,you'll see here, privacy report,doesn't say anything underneath it.You actually have to go into itto see the actual privacy report.Whereas before you didn'tget the little summary.So it's nice just to have a quick summaryinstead of actually having to open it,to see which sites are tracking you.So it's nice that they've added that.Now they've also fixed something. So ifyou're using say the shortcuts widget,if we go to edit and thenwe add a widget here,we'll go down to say shortcuts.Maybe we'll add this one,we'll add this size.And then let's put this on our secondaryscreen here before this was sort of ablank widget. And so if you wantedto add something, you could,but it was blank until you added a newshortcut. So if you edit the widget,we can edit the shortcut. And then maybewe want to turn Bluetooth on with it.Now, when we go back to the shthe home screen with the shortcut,it says Bluetooth on. So they'veupdated that and fixed it.And it's working likeyou would expect. Now,if you want to put an individual shortcuton a separate page of your apps now,Jawad Ali helped me finda different feature.I didn't know was there and that'sunder settings. So if you go to,and then you go down to privacy, andthen you go to location services,scroll all the way to thebottom, go to system services.Under system services, there's anew device management framework.This was not here beforeon the previous beta.So this is something that I'm notexactly sure what it's for per se,but it looks like they've added it.So we're going to location services,go down to the bottom,go to system services,and you'll see it's nowhere to be found.So device management framework is new.What specifically it allows you to do orallows developers to do? I'm not clear,but if you know, please let me know. Andthanks to Jawad for sending that along.Now, the next thing has todo with spatial audio. Now,spacial audio was not addedto this particular beta,but they did add a littlemenu or animation per se.That gives you an idea of what it willlook like. Macrumors actually found this,or at least mentioned it.And as you can see here,here's what it looks like inthe code. So it's not yet John,if you have AirPods pro, but theydid add that slight little change.So hopefully they'll turn it onsooner rather than later. Now,a couple of different people.You sent me the next one,but Matthew Dunn sent it over first.So that has to you dowith the photo widget.So if we go to the photo widget here,you can and see it selected a featuredphoto. And if we don't like this photo,we can tell it not to show itagain. And however, there is a bug.If it's actually featuringsomething that was a memory,it doesn't work properly. However,if it's showing a featured photo thatwe have here, which it often uses,you can press and hold onthat featured photo and say,remove from featured photos. And itwon't show up the widget anymore.Now you can delete it fromyour library and this,this goes for anything that'sshowing up under featured photo.So if you have a few different ones here,they'll show up and then you can justremove them under the, for you tab.And so that's a slight change.Also a slight change has todo with the naming down here.So you'll see it sayslibrary for you in albums.And if we go to the photoalbum on the previous version,it's a little bit different. So let mefind my photos here. So under my photos,you'll see that instead of sayingphotos, it now says library.I don't know that it makes much of adifference, but on the far left there,the icon says library insteadof photos. So not a huge change,but it is something to note. Now,something that's great for older camerasis you can change the resolution nowby tapping on the icon when you're ina video mode. So in the upper left,you haven't been able to do this onolder phones, but on this iPhone seven,if you want to change betweenvideo mode, you can do that,but you first have to turn on a setting.So if you go to settings and then yougo down to your camera, there we go.We'll go to camera. You'll see.Under here we go to record videoand you have the different formats.And now you have video formatcontrol. Simply turn that on.We'll go back to our camera here.And under camera, it says 4K 30.If we tap on it, now it saysHD 30, go back to 4k 30.So now we can finally just tap and select.It should have been there all along,but now use it on older devices as well.So it should be supported on hopefullyall of them. I've tried it the seven,if you have an older phone and iPhonesuccess, for example, or even an se,let me know if it's working foryou now also on older phones,some people were saying thatwhen you were charging the phone,the percentage would disappear.I actually noticed this.So it showed the percentage here.And then as soon as I plugged it in,it disappeared. I had to re, enable thatsetting again for it actually to work.So I had to go into settings and thenunder battery, I could reenable it.So we'll go to battery here, turn onbattery percentage and it fixed it.So for some reason that was brokenbefore now, it's working properly.And I'll talk more about other issuesin my followup video in a day or so nowalso speaking of battery, if wego into our battery settings,go over to battery,they've changed this a little bitand we'll wait for it to load.And down here,you can see that it nowsays last charged to 86%.So this was in my car.It charged up to 86% and it'sletting me know that's right.It was last charged too.So I won't get an accurate reading withthat until you actually charged you ahundred percent and let it drain down.And that will give you a better idea.You've also got the icon again, tellingyou when you plugged it in and charged,and then when it was discharging.So it's updated a little bit.Hopefully they change this even morein the future to be a little bit morecomprehensive. Now, someone on Twitternamed I, Bob actually found a feature.Now, I'm not sure if this featuresure is specific to beta five,but this is sort of obscure.So it's hard to know for sure whatit does is when you remove your SIMcard and switch to say a new SIMcard, it gives you a message now.And so let me slide over. I screencaptured these and downloaded them,but you'll see it says your iMessageor FaceTime number will continue to beregistered for IMS EJ FaceTime. You candisable this number in message settings.And then if you go over to settings,you can remove it fromFaceTime and iMessage.So it says this SIM is notcurrently in your phone. However,since this is a two factorauthentication number,you can keep using it for IMS andFaceTime for a limited period of time.And so it's a nice new feature. I'mnot sure if it was there before,since it's sort of obscure. So ifyou've seen it before, let me know,but it's great that they've added thatto remove your number from two factorauthentication. So it doesn'tget used by anything else. Now,another change has to dowith using sleep or bedtime.And so you can see on yourhome screen, once it's enabled,we've got a little bed there onthe right with beta five, where,before it just said sleep well.So it's changed for some people,although I didn't see this until Iactually enabled bedtime using the controlcenter. So I actually had to usecontrol center to enable it here,and then it worked properly forme. So I didn't see that change.There may be a few bugs with it,but I had to enable it that wayin order to see it properly. Now,if we take a look at thebuttons at the bottom,now let's change it so thatwe go into jiggle mode here.And now you can see they've changedthe icon with the pages at the bottom.They've made the icon a little bit largernow and the area or spacing around thedots have changed also. So it'sjust a little bit different.Maybe they've moved it up slightly aswell. Along with the design changes,I've already mentioned, there'squite a few other ones as well.So the folders are a little bitlonger. So if we go to beta 4,maybe open up a folder,you'll see that the folders slightlylonger and the design has changed a littlebit. I'm not sure ifthat's better or worse,as long as it's symmetricalis more what I care about.So I think they'll probably fixthis again in the future. Now,another thing they've changed is if wego to settings and then we go to homescreen, go to home screen on both ofthem, they've changed the text at the top.It says newly downloaded apps,as opposed to new app downloads,it's a slight change, but theydo change wording all throughout.From time to time. Now,when dark mode is enabled and youtake a look at the notes, widget,the notes widget on the newversion, beta five is darker.It's more of a pure black where it wasa little bit more gray on beta four.This is the reverse of what we sawwith the calendar in this beta as well.So they've updated that. It'sjust a slight change. Now also,when you add a widget, sowe'll just press and hold.It actually organized thema little bit differently.You'll see the way they look isslightly changed for the battery.So they've just updated some ofthe overall look of it to betterfit. I guess what they wantas far as the style of it.I imagine this will change closer tothe final release as well within theshortcuts app. They'veupdated the glyphs as well.So we'll go in and maybego into this shortcut.And if we want to change the glyphsor the icon here, we'll go to glyphs.They've added a bunch of new onesunder objects, people and symbols.So there's additional ones. Ifyou want to better customize this,whether that be for a toolscissors battery, for example,we can change it to battery. You havea bunch of different choices for icons.They keep adding more and moreof these as the betas go on.So maybe we'll see even more by thefinal release. Now within music,they've made some changes as well.If we go into music and then we'llselect the same mix we'll hit play.There we go. And you'll see,the background is slightly different onbeta five. If we go to the next song,let's get out of the samealbum here. There we go.You'll see the backgroundupdates a little bit differently.It may be a little bit quicker,but it's also different colorsto better match the album.So we'll go through theseAnd you'll see that it's a little bitdifferent as it goes through the differentalbums. So it's a little bit brighter,maybe a little bit more vibrant,and it's a slightchange. Now within radio,they've also changed frombeats one to Apple music one.And so you can see this already. They'vemade this change on all versions,but for whatever reason, theygot rid of the word beats.Some people have said thatbeats is going away permanently,but it's really hard to say.And so those were the major,additional changes throughouta lot of small visual changes,just like they did here inthe control center with home.But there's also some little tweaks andchanges throughout where they move iconsever so slightly. Now I don't generallycover those just like in home.There's some slight changes and I don'talways cover those under automation andthings because thosecan change throughout,but I like to see them continuallyprogress through these different visualchanges throughout the OS and I thinkwe'll see a few more by the time it'sfinally to the public. Now,let me know if you found anything elseand thanks again to everyone who sent allof those different changes andupdates in. I really appreciate it.And look for a followup within a day orso after I do the poll on the YouTubecommunity page. So thanks again.And if you'd like to getyour hands on this wallpaper,I'll leave it in thedescription like I normally do.If you haven't subscribedalready though, please subscribe.And if you enjoyed the video,please give it a like, as always.Thanks for watching. This isAaron. I'll see you next time.\n"