when my mom walked in on you kissing my hand I didn't realize then when she started to talk I couldn't even look at you yes I know I'm weird for kissing my hand

I don't even like people you know you gotta get practice somehow I was with my friend down we want to go see a movie when the movie ended my dad jumped up and was yelling no it can't be over themovie was Avengers it was so embarrassing my most awkward moment was when I was at a restaurant with my parents and they're playing songs my dad stood up and started dancing while my mom was singing everyone's looking at us and my brother and I were just like we don't know these people

my most awkward moment with my parents was when I was at a family dinner and my grandma was trying to make small talk with my mom by asking what's your favorite book I can't remember what my mom said but right after she finished I had to remark I was only eight mommy I thought your favorite book was fifty shades of grey several years ago my mom decided to set me up on a date with her friend's son

she bought us tickets to a sappy movie and everything turns out he was gay great guy though we had an awesome time but I still wanted to kill my mom for the initial awkwardness so how did your date go on you set me up with a gay guy

so how to go yeah I mean we had a right time I don't know you have fun you don't get the point of dating mom I was on a date with my boyfriend when my dad came to pick me up he didn't have pants on he was driving his convertible with the top down through downtown you didn't even notice until I asked him why pick me up from my date with his underwear

I still don't let him live it down it was hilarious this is like group see Daisy my mom's really overprotective and doesn't like me watching videos with spring in them so I was watching one and instinctively positive when she walked in she asked me to play it so I did it wasn't fairly clean but then

shouted ever write it snappy I got into so much trouble hah a when I was about 12 my mom and I went to a target while they're my mom spilled Pepsi on her shirt so she bought another one when we got to the car she proceeded to take off her shirt and change into the new one

it wouldn't have had that bad if there wasn't a guy shaking his head on the steering wheel in the parking lot and spot in front of us my mom was running an old black lace bra that left little to the imagination one day my mom's phone rang it was my father she was upstairs and told me I should pick up I said hello like my mom always does

my father didn't know what that was me on the phone and said oh honey it's weekend you know what that means in a sexy voice I was disgusted and shocked at the same time the only thing that came out of my mouth was dad it's me it was embarrassing for him so he got angry and screamed at me

so when I was like eight I was pretending to be a boxer and I was punching stuff all over the house I want to pretend to punch my mom planning to stop about an inch away from her face

it's time for my most awkward moment with my parents it was about nine o'clock and that evening and I was gonna come home the school night there's no reason why would not come home at nine o'clock and for some reason all the lights were off I forgot my key so I couldn't get in sideso I went around all the windows and doors and they all were locked and I'm like why are they all log

what the heck by the way this is like four years ago so I keep knocking I keep knocking because all the cars are there but all the lights are on finally I hear something my dad opened the door with just some jeans shorts on and he's like what's up ok like not letting me in and I'm like live here and he was like not tonight you don't back what I was like no

oh oh and from that on I didn't live there anymore remember today's question of the day for a future episode is what is the most awkward thing that ever happened to you and your best friend if you enjoy this remember you can watch a previous reading your comments or thenext one and I hope you subscribe because I like seeing your face around here all right

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHow's it going guys I am MatthiasAnd welcome to reading your commentsToday I'm reading all your awkward stories involving you and your parents.begin I wanted to say the question ofthe day for a future episode is what'san awkward story with you and your bestfriendnow remember to stay the very end tohear my most awkward story with myparentsa few years ago I was walking into aroom and I heard my parents talkingabout whether or not to tell me I wasadopted to this day I don't know if myparents saw me and so I never talkedabout itlook so you know you're adopted but theydon't know that you know that you'readoptedI was 15 and I had to get pads and thegrocery store with my dad I was tooembarrassed to be around him in thefeminine aisle and so I went a few hoursover in a few minutes my dad yelled outmy name asking what brands of pads i useme and my friend had a bet that theperson you can park or up to the houseroof wins and be their personal slavemy parents overheard that and thoughtour pork or was something else andstarted lecturing me about love orsomething and when I finally told themwhat fork or really was they decided tolecture me on how I should be more girlyall boo yourself man if you likeparkouring parkourI was talking with my friends one timeand I showed them my new watch I saidthis watch is so sick and my dad walkedin saying what sick are you sickbecause watches can't be sick I willnever say that word again in thatcontext some years ago when my fatherasked me what I wanted to have when Igrew up I said that I wanted an iguanabut I spoke so fast they understood whenI grow up I want to take marijuana hahamy mother read my diary and that hadsome very personal stuffthen she made me talk about everythingin the diary whooI remember watching PewDiePie and isalways watching my mom walked in behindme and asked what I wanted for dinner Ide passe and it was full zoomed on hiscrotch and my mom just looked really itdonedude I asked what purity was so myparents and i were watching a movie anda sex scene came on and i was playing onmy iPad and be a level that took foreverit was at the start of a bit when ifinished and I yeshaha to the 16 comes on you're like yeahI was like six years old and I saw myparents making out after my mom came inin the kitchen which is where i was ikissed my mom and being the curioussix-year-old I tried to make you all thetimeBabu - yeah so donecan't even when you watch a movie withthe parents and there's an unexpectedsex sceneI was watching a movie with my mom andthey showed nudes I had pretended i wasasleep those not bearI had to call my parents because I wasstuck in a baby swing at the age of 12and that's not the worst part theycouldn't get me out so our friendscalled the fire department to get me outthis was two years agoholy --im long story short I walked intomy parents room while they were doing itI experienced the talk and less than aminute sad lifeI was watching Shane Dawson video withmy parents in the room and we all knowhow that goes my mom is pretty chill andlaughed it off but my dad end up puttingparental lock on everything i own i feelAmish my most awkward moment was findingmy parents photos of them doing adultduh i am nowtraumatizedI had a birthday party recently my momwas talking about how is being born notwhen not where just how wants me and mymom went for a walksuddenly I saw a really hot guy mymother looked at this guy then at me andthen back again then for some reason shewent to him tapped him on the shoulderand when he turned she pointed at me andsaid hey there's a hot girl over thereone day when I was eight I was in myparents bedroom then they told me to goto the living room and I was like wowbut I did go anyways then five minuteslater out of curiosity I tried to go inbut it was locked because the doorknobwas a bit broken i use the tip of theknife to use as a key when successfullygot a nice other than both Megan andprobably doing the you know reproductionthat I was like why are you so intent ongetting in there huhevery time a sex scene comes on duringthe movie they stare me down as if i wasenjoying it and it's just the creepiestmost awkward thing evera couple years ago I failed a test and Ineeded a signature from my mom I was soscared that she would yell at me andcalled the teacher and said my mom'swrist broke and i couldn't sign thepaperI actually called my mom instead of theteacher my dad and I were at the liveevent one time and the circle of lifesong came on because they wereadvertising the movies didn't come outyet and he picked me up like I wasSimba I was on the jumbotron andeveryone stared at usmy mom was sleepwalking and she went tomy room and I was going to the bathroomshe came and laid on my bed and went tosleep I ended up sleeping on the floorthat nightit's just like what are you doing in mybed mom get out whenever i'm watchingYouTube and my mom walks into the roomand thinks I'm talking to the person tothe screen and they say who's that do weknow the parents and I try to explainthe concept of YouTube to her but shealways forgetoh yeah that's funny morewho's that who's that you know you wantto skype callwhat is this face time do I don'trecognize them I'm gonna call her momthere's a new kid in my martial artsclass and my mom thought we lookedreally cute together she went on and onat dinner afterwards about this new kidand totally started shipping us since Ineeded pictures of me doing martial artsshe also took pictures of me doing thisone partner technique with him thatapparently made us look like we weredancingthe worst part was is that I had a crushon him this is with my best friend'sparents they are like familyI was invited to go trick-or-treatingwith my best friend I wasn't feelingsuper good that day but when anyways Iasked my best friend if we go back toher houseI ran into the bathroom and clogged thetoilet with explosive diarrheaher dad plunged it and he was looking atme with a concern disgusted look on hisface the rest of the nightthat's embarrassing that is embarrassingI was 18well I still AM and I was going to mygirlfriend's house for a night for thefirst time because Comic Con was thenext day we are both going well I waspacking my things my mom started talkingto me about protectionit was so awkward mainly because we hadonly been going out with each other fora month and it never even spoken aboutitI went to kiss my mom goodbye and thenaccidentally kissed her on the lipsI was about nine I was maybe five or sixand used to jump from the bathroomcounter edge of the tub and top of thetoilet one day my mom was running a bathand I came in and started jumping onthings i jumped on the toilet lid cameoffI fell and got stuck oh I remember wasmy mom laughing as you want to go get mydadyeah how that happened my most awkwardmoment was with my mom when I wasshowering I think about privacy but soshe walks in like it's nothing andcontinues to search for something I toldher to get outdo you know what her response was I gavebirth to you I know what every part ofyour body looks like worst and mostawkward moment with my momtrue story I like to read out loud tomyself in my room and one day my dog wasin my room with me and i was reading mybook out loud what I didn't know was mystepdad was listening outside my doorand he thought I was making up aconversation with my dog my most awkwardmoment was when i was on the way toschool and my mom asked me if she knewhow Kim Kardashian got famous and I saidso andthen she said she got famous by a sextape and continue to go on by tellingwhat happened in itthere was this time when my mom cameinto my room set on my bed and refusedto leave after 10 minutes of telling herto leave she said you know what you'repunished so i was like WTF mama you justcame in here and intentionally punish meshe said yes your mom was just in a badmoodmy mama and I have a really goodrelationship so nothing is ever awkwardbut here's the story about mygrandfatherit was breakfast time we usually keptour cereal in clear containerswe also kept our dog food on anothershelf in the same clear containers sowhen my grandma takes out the cocoapuffs fourth milk in the bowl and theneats ithis faceless so hilarious you never atedog food for cocoa puffs again my mostawkward moment with my parents was whenI came out to them and my step dad saidhe wanted to take away my phone and Igot mad and shouted why I'm not gay formy phonehaha my mom said yes you're not I justlooked at heryes you are not the only awkward momentwith my parents i can think it wastelling my mom I got my period I wasabout four and walked in on my dad usingthe bathroom then proceeded to run andscream asking my momwhy does daddy have a pickle when I wasfour I use my dad's toothbrush to brushmy teeth and I didn't realize it was histoothbrush until i was done using it Igot so upset because I thought that ifyou swallowed someone else's spit thatyou're going to get pregnant so I ran tomy dad while he was in a meeting withhis coworker screaming you got mepregnant and over againI was a really stupid kid oh my goshthat is so scaryoh my gosh I would die if I the kid andthey started and they thought that andstarted screaming that I'm like what areyou talking about what are you talkingaboutwhen I was 11 i found a bunch of condomson my mom's dress or not knowing whattherefore I open them and blew him up ina balloonand gave them to the neighbor kidssaying they're my mom the help parentsnever let their kids come over againwhen my mom walked in on you kissing myhand and I didn't realize then when shestarted to talk i couldn't even look ather yes i know i'm weird for kissing myhandI don't even like people you know yougotta get practice somehow i was with myfriend down we want to go see a moviewhen the movie ended my dad jumped upand was yelling no it can't be over themovie was Avengersit was so embarrassing my most awkwardmoment was when i was at a restaurantwith my parents and they're playingsongs my dad stood up and starteddancing while my mom was singingeveryone's looking at us and my brotherand I were just like we don't know thesepeoplemy most awkward moment with my parentswas when i was at a family dinner and mygrandma was trying to make small talkwith my mom by asking what's yourfavorite bookI can't remember what my mom said butright after she finished I had to remarkI was only eight mommy I thought yourfavorite book was fifty shades of greyseveral years ago my mom decided to setme up on a date with her friend's sonshe bought us tickets to a sappy movieand everything turns out he was gaygreat guy though we had an awesome timebut I still wanted to kill my mom forthe initial awkwardnessso how'd your date go on you set me upwith a gay guyso how to go yeah I mean we had analright time I don't you have funyou don't get the point of dating mom Iwas on a date with my boyfriend when mydad came to pick me up he didn't havepants on he was driving his convertiblewith the top down through downtownyou didn't even notice until i asked himwhy pick me up from my date with hisunderwearI still don't let him live it down itwas hilarious this is like group seeDaisy my mom's really overprotective anddoesn't like me watching videos withspring in them so i was watching one andinstinctively positive when she walkedin she asked me to play it so i did itwas fairly clean but then . shouted everwrite it snappyI got into so much trouble hahawhen I was about 12 my mom and I went toa target while they're my mom spilledpepsi on her shirt so she bought anotherone when we got to the car she proceededto take off her shirt and change intothe new oneit wouldn't havethat bad if there wasn't a guy shakinghis head on the steering wheel in theparking lot and spot in front of usmy mom was running an old black lace brathat left little to the imaginationone day my mom's phone ring it was myfather she was upstairs and told me Ishould pick up I said hello like my momalways doesmy father didn't know what that was meon the phone and said oh honey it'sweekendyou know what that means in a sexy voiceI was disgusted and shocked at the sametime the only thing that came out of mymouth was dad it's meit was embarrassing for him so he gotangry and screamed at meso when I was like eight I waspretending to be a boxer and I waspunching stuff all over the houseI want to pretend to punch my momplanning to stop about an inch away fromher faceI didn't stop in time all right now it'stime for my most awkward moment with myparentsit was about nine o'clock and thatevening and I was gonna come homethe school night there's no reason whywould not come home at nine o'clock andfor some reason all the lights were offI forgot my key so I couldn't get insideso I went around all the windows anddoors and they all were locked and i'mlike why are they all logwhat the heck by the way this is likefour years ago so i keep knocking I keepknocking because all the cars are therebut all the lights are oftenfinally I hear something my dad opensthe door with just some jeans shorts onand he's like what's upok like not letting me in and I'm like Ilive here and he was like not tonightyou don't back what I was like noOhoh and from that on I didn't live thereanymoreremember today's question of the day fora future episode is what is the mostawkward thing that ever happened to youand your best friendif you enjoy this remember you can watcha previous reading your comments or thenext one and i hope you subscribebecause I like seeing your face aroundhereall right that bad\n"