iOS 12.1.3 Beta 2 - What's New

Apple Releases iOS 12.1.3 Developer Beta 2 and Public Update 12.1.2

Yesterday, Apple released iOS 12.1.2 to the public, skipping over the beta 1 phase of this version. This update is available for download, and its size varies depending on whether you were previously on the final version or an earlier beta.

The build number of this update is 16d5032a. As we can see in the video, it's a continuation of the previous update, which aimed to include those features but had to rush out the previous build yesterday due to patent issues with Qualcomm. Specifically, Qualcomm halted sales of iPhones from the 6s and newer models based on the way the app switcher animation works. The issue was related to photos and setting them as wallpapers.

Before diving into the new features and bug fixes of this update, let's take a look at the storage size before and after updating. I used 43.7GB of storage and system usage was at 18.83GB. After updating, my iPhone is using less system storage, which is approximately 17.43GB. This can vary depending on what you're doing, so keep that in mind.

The battery life on this previous version from yesterday was okay but not amazing. It took a couple of days to determine how it's going to behave, and I still had 50% battery life left after 3 hours and 20 minutes of use. Now that I've been using the update for a little while, it seems good on all devices.

The notes from Apple mention two issues they've resolved in this update. The first issue was related to some user interface elements being inaccessible, specifically voiceover in the electrocardiogram and irregular heart rhythm notifications in health. In the Health app, I can now access those features without any issues.

Additionally, if you have one of the newer iPads, such as the third-generation 12 point 9 inch or 11 inch iPad, they've fixed some performance with audio when using third-party apps. This is a bug fix update and a continuation of the previous version.

Speed overall seems good on all devices, including my iPhone 5s. When I load a game on this device, it should be fast everywhere. If you're curious about how games run on this update or have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.

As for performance, I've been using this update for a little while now, and it seems to perform well on all devices. On my iPhone 6s plus, 3D touch is working well, scroll speeds are fine, and general usage seems okay as well. There shouldn't be any issues there.

Finally, the benchmark results show that this version of iOS has improved performance at least. I ran some benchmarks, but unfortunately, it's not saving that information in my notes. However, what I can see is that the multi-core score is 11,100 and 8, which is much better than the previous versions where I was getting scores in the thousands. This is a good sign that Apple has improved performance on this update.

There's also some additional news regarding power consumption. If you're using an OLED display like the XS max or X or XS, this should save you a little bit of power too. They're using black pixels on the home screen, which means you'll only be lighting about half of them and saving a little more power.

Overall, that's it for today's update. I hope you found this helpful, and if you have any questions or comments, please let me know in the description below. Don't forget to subscribe and like if you haven't already, and as always, thanks for watching!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andtoday Apple released iOS 12.1.3developer beta 2 now yesterday theyreleased a different update that was tothe public and that was 12.1.2 and they skipped over beta 1of this version so that seemingly wasbeta one it's kind of confusing but ifyou were on the final version yesterdaythe update should be about 2.77GBas you can see here now if you were on the previousbeta and you never updated the updatesize will be closer to 349.9MBso it just depends what you were on let's takea look at the build number and thenwe'll talk about what's going on withthis beta and what's new you'll see thebuild number is 16d5032aand this particular update was kind of acontinuation of yesterday's where theywanted to include those features butthey had to rush out the previous buildyesterday to fix some patent issues inQualcomm where it actually halted salesof iPhones from about the 6s and newerbased on the way the app switcheranimation works so when you're closingapps it was a little bit different itkind of zooms out instead of just swipesoff and then also has to do with photosand setting them as wallpapers it's kindof a goofy patent but it seems likeQualcomm one after them halted thatApple had to fix it so they could resumesales in China so this is based offwhere you bought your phone not theregion you currently live in so ifyou're if you bought your phone in Chinayou may have this issue it doesn'taffect performance or anything else nowbefore we talk about the couple newthings that they've resolved let's takea look at the amount of storage thatthis used before and after prior toupdating I used 43.7GB of storage and system wasusing 18.83GB of storage let's take a lookat what it's doing now if we go toiPhone storage we'll wait for it toresume and let's scroll down here and ithiccuped there for a second but you'll seeit's using a little bit less systemstorage which is good17.43GB this can vary dramatically depending on what you'redoing so keep that in mind but it'sseemingly about the same now batterylife on the previous version fromyesterday normally it takes a coupledays to know how battery life is youcan't tell within a coupleit takes a few days to kind of use thephone let it do what it's doing in thebackground and then come back to it butyesterday battery life was okaymy battery health is still at 100% andyou'll see yesterday it was okay itwasn't amazing but it was ok 3 hours and20 minutes and I still had 50% batterylife left at that point so it's it'sdoing ok I'll let you know in a few dayshow it's going from here on out thoughnow as far as the things they'veresolved there's two issues they'veresolved in their notes they resolved anissue where some user interface elementswere inaccessible - voiceover in theelectrocardiogram and irregular heartrhythm notifications in health so if wego into health and then we go underheart date or health and then heart someparts we're inaccessible under here asfar as the specific area under heartwhere there's voiceover capability thatwasn't available now it should be fixedalso if you have one of the newer iPadssuch as the third-generation 12 point 9inch or 11 inch iPad they fixed someperformance with audio when usingthird-party apps so that's some thingsthat are fixed so this is a bug fixupdate and a continuation of theprevious version now speed overall I'vebeen using it for a little while itseems good on all of these devices and Idid load a game on this one on the 5ssince this is the oldest if it's fasthere it should be fast everywhere willresume you'll see we're already in andif games are not something you want tosee let me know in the comments below orif there's games that you play regularlylet me know what you think if there'ssomething you'd like to see if it runsand you're curious about so I can coverthat in future videos now on all ofthese devices this is a 6s plus it seemsto be performing well your 3d touch wellI don't have anything set up there but3d touch is working well scroll speedsare fine and just general usage seems tobe okay as well so there shouldn't beany issues there and then of course ifthat's performing well the 8 plus isgoing to perform wellalso now there is some good news withbenchmarks I did run some benchmarks andfor some reason it's not saving thatinformation but whatgeek bench I got 4800 on the single-coreand eleven thousand one hundred andeight on the multi-core score so this isdoing really well compared to theprevious versions where I was in the tenthousandth let me show you what theprevious was it's not saving the currentone though and you'll see it didn't saveit but right here we have much lowerscores than what we had before so we'redoing much better on the current versionthan the old one so that's a good signthey've improved performance at leastand that's really all there is to thisto simple bug fixes and that Chinese fixwas done yesterday for that patentdispute with Qualcomm and that's reallyit but let me know what you think in thecomments below and also this wallpaperwill be available in the description nowif you're using an OLED display like theXS max or the X or XS this shouldsave you a little bit of power too ifyou're on the home screen becausethey're using black pixels so you'reonly lighting about half of them and itsaves a little bit more power but let meknow your experience in the commentsbelow and if you haven't subscribedalready please subscribe and like and asalways thanks for watchingthis is Aaron I'll see you next time\n"