Drawing Sectors
Draw five panels on this side is not in directions draw five panels on this side is not in directions draw five panels on this side like we This 59 draw sector like we This 59 draw sector like we This 59 draw sector beta-2 sector of a girl and boy did you know very beta-2 sector of a girl and boy did you know very well how to draw a picture of the well how to draw a picture of the well how to draw a picture of the angle draw like share and draw hair, we stopped in this, we have done this by sectors, we stopped in this, we have done this by sectors, we stopped in this, we have done this by sectors, now we will draw lines from them, so we are
Keep in mind that the lines of these two keep in mind that the lines of these two keep in mind that the lines of these twoshould touch each other. Okay, in this way the liners of these two should okay, in this way the liners of these two should okay, in this way the liners of these two should touch each other, then both of them should touch each other, then both of them should touch each other, then both of them should touch each other and enter the name of this point at this
touch each other and enter the name of this point at this point on the basis of first point of point on the basis of first point of point on the basis of first point of triangle now. Draw And What Do You Mean triangle now. Draw And What Do You Mean triangle now. Draw And What Do You Mean By The Lines And You Know Very Well How To draw a line segment first for more than there was an answer you will join this point that now draw perpendicular line bisector that now draw perpendicular line bisector that now draw perpendicular line bisector of a why by open the compose more than life
of a why by open the compose more than life now what we have to do is now what we have to do is now what we have to do is that this force perpendicular bisector which cuts from this point, keep the AP line and this force perpendicular voice actor, reveal this point. So take his point chief and this point join his point chief and this point join his point chief and this point join points chief a s e e 209 this is the required triangle baby b 209 this is the required triangle baby b 209 this is the required triangle baby bc so this is usually the required triangle A which was to be drawn
okay, so here comes the reader steps off the okay, so here comes the reader steps off the okay, so here comes the reader steps off the construction words and staff will draw a line construction words and staff will draw a line construction words and staff will draw a line segment why 11:00 centimeter end segment why 11:00 centimeter end segment why 11:00 centimeter end points pet construct turnoff six degrees points pet construct turnoff six degrees points pet construct turnoff six degrees and a point why constructor in and a point why constructor in and a point why constructor in bangalore for twenty five degrees in 22 bangalore for twenty five degrees in 22 bangalore for twenty five degrees in 22 sectors and girls okay all the best sectors and girls okay all the best sectors and girls okay all the best actors of girls inter points 98 the actors of girls inter points 98 the actors of girls inter points 98 the most of the people and that apps g that apps g that apps g turn off one we ok to intersect point se zid turn off one we ok to intersect point se zid turn off one we ok to intersect point se zid pe sycamore intersect point 209 joint pe sycamore intersect point 209 joint cheifs and s e so a b c request ichiefs and s e so a b c request ichiefs and s e so a b c request ihope you understand this chapter
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enPhoto Good Morning Students Today We WillPhoto Good Morning Students Today We WillPhoto Good Morning Students Today We WillDiscuss Chapter Eleventh DentistDiscuss Chapter Eleventh DentistDiscuss Chapter Eleventh DentistConstruction OK 100 Times News andConstruction OK 100 Times News andConstruction OK 100 Times News andDecorate Figure for Example To Draw Map ofDecorate Figure for Example To Draw Map ofDecorate Figure for Example To Draw Map ofBuilding to Be Constructed To DesignBuilding to Be Constructed To DesignBuilding to Be Constructed To DesignTools and Various Parts of a Machine ToTools and Various Parts of a Machine ToTools and Various Parts of a Machine ToDraw Road Map Agree Look Soft DoughDraw Road Map Agree Look Soft DoughDraw Road Map Agree Look Soft DoughSubscribe Instruments TheSubscribe Instruments TheSubscribe Instruments Theinterviewer also knows the basic basic medicalinterviewer also knows the basic basic medicalinterviewer also knows the basic basic medicalinstruments like Kunwar shares Sour D'instruments like Kunwar shares Sour D'instruments like Kunwar shares Sour D'Souza is basic geometrical theSouza is basic geometrical theSouza is basic geometrical theinstruments looking so now in thisinstruments looking so now in thisinstruments looking so now in thischapter will discuss the matter how can withdrawchapter will discuss the matter how can withdrawchapter will discuss the matter how can withdrawall girls haveall girls haveall girls haveandhra how can withdraw perpendicularandhra how can withdraw perpendicularandhra how can withdraw perpendicularbisector and now sector officer and girl okbisector and now sector officer and girl okbisector and now sector officer and girl okso let's That for now they will discuss the matter howso let's That for now they will discuss the matter howso let's That for now they will discuss the matter howto draw the girl whoto draw the girl whoto draw the girl whowas first of all will discuss about 6 degreewas first of all will discuss about 6 degreewas first of all will discuss about 6 degreeangle look at how can draw edge of sixangle look at how can draw edge of sixangle look at how can draw edge of sixdegree fennel difficult draw line segmentthat her packet is between the torment so every monththat her packet is between the torment so every monththat her packet is between the torment so every monthbut you can prove And Cigarette Girl With Thebut you can prove And Cigarette Girl With Thebut you can prove And Cigarette Girl With TheHelp Of Companies Also You Know That Is VeryHelp Of Companies Also You Know That Is VeryHelp Of Companies Also You Know That Is VeryEasy To Draw 96 Degree Angle With The HelpEasy To Draw 96 Degree Angle With The HelpEasy To Draw 96 Degree Angle With The HelpOf But Now We Will Discuss The Can Withdraw As AOf But Now We Will Discuss The Can Withdraw As AOf But Now We Will Discuss The Can Withdraw As AGirl With The Help Of You For Degree AngleGirl With The Help Of You For Degree AngleGirl With The Help Of You For Degree AngleWithdraw Also Acid Open The Companies And FromWithdraw Also Acid Open The Companies And FromWithdraw Also Acid Open The Companies And Frompoint broad semi-circle keep it at lowpoint broad semi-circle keep it at lowpoint broad semi-circle keep it at lowthat in this way can prove obscenethat in this way can prove obscenethat in this way can prove obscenesemi-circle ok no pleasure set at low thesemi-circle ok no pleasure set at low thesemi-circle ok no pleasure set at low thepoint where mother is open with giving and taking anythingpoint where mother is open with giving and taking anythingpoint where mother is open with giving and taking anythingas much as we had drawn by opening at lowas much as we had drawn by opening at lowas much as we had drawn by opening at lowkeep at this low And let's keep here 19 thiskeep at this low And let's keep here 19 thiskeep at this low And let's keep here 19 thispoint to point do this point with this pointpoint to point do this point with this pointso this is our what has becomeso this is our what has becomeso this is our what has becomeI Bangalore six degree se ke MudnajarI Bangalore six degree se ke MudnajarI Bangalore six degree se ke MudnajarNangal off six degree no willNangal off six degree no willNangal off six degree no willdiscuss aboutdiscuss aboutdiscuss aboutthat uncle 120 degreethat uncle 120 degreethat uncle 120 degree200 ko cord clear fall withdrawal Line200 ko cord clear fall withdrawal Line200 ko cord clear fall withdrawal Linesegmentyes babyyes babyyes babythat your hairs back after similar web openthat your hairs back after similar web openthat your hairs back after similar web openthe composed of any length and the place hairthe composed of any length and the place hairthe composed of any length and the place hairpoint during semi circus thewalking in this way they can drawwalking in this way they can drawwalking in this way they can drawsemi-circle no pleasure compass hair masksemi-circle no pleasure compass hair masksemi-circle no pleasure compass hair maskn are again play compass hair mask an earlier We willn are again play compass hair mask an earlier We willn are again play compass hair mask an earlier We willput it here and then we will put it here, thenput it here and then we will put it here, thenwhat will we do with this point which is darkest? JointJai Hind is web services and angle ofJai Hind is web services and angle ofJai Hind is web services and angle ofmore than 100 people then this is 50 and if this is the firstmore than 100 people then this is 50 and if this is the firstmore than 100 people then this is 50 and if this is the firstline pass then this is If we get the angle of degreeline pass then this is If we get the angle of degreeline pass then this is If we get the angle of degreedone from August then it becomes our 120done from August then it becomes our 120done from August then it becomes our 120na draw angle of 90 degrees tona draw angle of 90 degrees tona draw angle of 90 degrees to200 how to draw and of 90s degree200 how to draw and of 90s degree200 how to draw and of 90s degreestaff and similarly draw alarm set astaff and similarly draw alarm set astaff and similarly draw alarm set acommentcommentcommentthat your whomever isthat your whomever isthat your whomever isthis point is this BCDthis point is this BCDthis point is this BCDand telland telland tellthat you Inside composed of lamps and dropthat you Inside composed of lamps and dropthat you Inside composed of lamps and dropsemi-circles, the same process issemi-circles, the same process issemi-circles, the same process isthere, now the motherthere, now the motherthere, now the motheris Karnataka, which we made an angle of 120,is Karnataka, which we made an angle of 120,is Karnataka, which we made an angle of 120,similarly we will attach two eyes, after thatsimilarly we will attach two eyes, after thatsimilarly we will attach two eyes, after thatwhat to do, first keep the compass here,what to do, first keep the compass here,what to do, first keep the compass here,you have to place one here. Okay, so we have to put theyou have to place one here. Okay, so we have to put theyou have to place one here. Okay, so we have to put thecompass here and put it here once and nowcompass here and put it here once and nowcompass here and put it here once and nowwhat are we going to do with it Joe Bthat doctor what has become of our angle ofthat doctor what has become of our angle ofthat doctor what has become of our angle of90s90s90sA guest soare you can also check clear angles byare you can also check clear angles byare you can also check clear angles bymeasuring this and girls with the help ofmeasuring this and girls with the help ofmeasuring this and girls with the help ofProtector Okay that's it angle of noProtector Okay that's it angle of noProtector Okay that's it angle of nodegrees Fahrenheit It will be clear to WhatsAppdegrees Fahrenheit It will be clear to WhatsAppdegrees Fahrenheit It will be clear to WhatsAppthat your angle is not made rightthat your angle is not made rightthat your angle is not made rightor no We will discuss that how can weor no We will discuss that how can weor no We will discuss that how can weconstruct the best actor Forgive andconstruct the best actor Forgive andconstruct the best actor Forgive andsorry for example Want to draw a sectorsorry for example Want to draw a sectorsorry for example Want to draw a sectorOh six degrees Want to draw A picture ofOh six degrees Want to draw A picture ofOh six degrees Want to draw A picture ofgirls degree coal rebellion nh65 rebelliongirls degree coal rebellion nh65 rebelliongirls degree coal rebellion nh65 rebellionand law degree and you know how to draw andand law degree and you know how to draw andand law degree and you know how to draw andcolor of the first of all draw linecolor of the first of all draw linecolor of the first of all draw linesegments a b csegments a b csegments a b cthat you are dressed with examples and openthat you are dressed with examples and openthat you are dressed with examples and openthe composed of any length ok and down thatthe composed of any length ok and down thatthe composed of any length ok and down thatcancancan102's Maa Can Aankh and Sameer and Should Withdraw 10's Maa Can Aankh and Sameer and Should Withdraw 10's Maa Can Aankh and Sameer and Should Withdraw 10Ameer andAmeer andAmeer andA Place Near Android NokhKi Aapke Answer Now With Rather Not Passing ThroughKi Aapke Answer Now With Rather Not Passing ThroughKi Aapke Answer Now With Rather Not Passing Throughthe From This PointOkay No Withdraw Director of the Angle ofOkay No Withdraw Director of the Angle ofOkay No Withdraw Director of the Angle ofHello How to Withdraw All the Best Actors ofHello How to Withdraw All the Best Actors ofHello How to Withdraw All the Best Actors ofDangal 100 Allowing the companies to remain so openDangal 100 Allowing the companies to remain so openDangal 100 Allowing the companies to remain so openis fine, just like you hadis fine, just like you hadis fine, just like you hadput it earlier, now you have to put RK here by keeping it at this point,put it earlier, now you have to put RK here by keeping it at this point,put it earlier, now you have to put RK here by keeping it at this point,okay and just by keeping it at this point,okay and just by keeping it at this point,okay and just by keeping it at this point,you have put it here and if both the eyesyou have put it here and if both the eyesyou have put it here and if both the eyescut each other, then which We will cut at the point,cut each other, then which We will cut at the point,cut each other, then which We will cut at the point,we will pass one line from it,we will pass one line from it,we will pass one line from it,doJai Hind desh mein haiJai Hind desh mein haiJai Hind desh mein haiwhowhowhostays in the suit in this way, he can be the constructorstays in the suit in this way, he can be the constructorstays in the suit in this way, he can be the constructordirector of the giver angles and shoes,director of the giver angles and shoes,director of the giver angles and shoes,Dispur language of six degrees andDispur language of six degrees andDispur language of six degrees andwithdraw all the best actor it means itwithdraw all the best actor it means itwithdraw all the best actor it means itDivided into two equal parts misson girlDivided into two equal parts misson girlDivided into two equal parts misson girlof thirty degrees and sandals and showoffof thirty degrees and sandals and showoffof thirty degrees and sandals and showoffthirty degrees and total english six degreesthirty degrees and total english six degreesthirty degrees and total english six degreesso if the question is the drawing of sixso if the question is the drawing of sixso if the question is the drawing of sixdegrees soft staff and draw edge ofdegrees soft staff and draw edge ofdegrees soft staff and draw edge ofsixteen degrees draw degrees in law andsixteen degrees draw degrees in law andsixteen degrees draw degrees in law andorder and how to draw the construction Wantorder and how to draw the construction Wantorder and how to draw the construction WantTo Draw N95 Degrees In Constructive AndTo Draw N95 Degrees In Constructive AndTo Draw N95 Degrees In Constructive AndHydride Super Store Call Withdraw Edge OfHydride Super Store Call Withdraw Edge OfHydride Super Store Call Withdraw Edge Of999999Bluetooth Of 122 Sector Ok And Will Get TheBluetooth Of 122 Sector Ok And Will Get TheBluetooth Of 122 Sector Ok And Will Get TheAngle Of Point Is Point Green Chilli SauceAngle Of Point Is Point Green Chilli SauceAngle Of Point Is Point Green Chilli SauceWanted Horoscope Degree Angle DifficultWanted Horoscope Degree Angle DifficultWanted Horoscope Degree Angle DifficultTractor And Greater Noida Sector-63Tractor And Greater Noida Sector-63Tractor And Greater Noida Sector-63From The Great Anger At Each and again drawFrom The Great Anger At Each and again drawFrom The Great Anger At Each and again drawsector-30 degree angle 90 degree milsector-30 degree angle 90 degree milsector-30 degree angle 90 degree mildiscus draw and 135 degrees ondiscus draw and 135 degrees ondiscus draw and 135 degrees on200 Rajeev no one can right one hey zare200 Rajeev no one can right one hey zare200 Rajeev no one can right one hey zareplus 4510 green chick boom adding these twoplus 4510 green chick boom adding these twoplus 4510 green chick boom adding these twowe have 135 degrees okaywe have 135 degrees okaywe have 135 degrees okayso first of all what will we do And youso first of all what will we do And youcan also write joint 182 8 - 45 degree like this. Okay,can also write joint 182 8 - 45 degree like this. Okay,can also write joint 182 8 - 45 degree like this. Okay,so how much will be the answer? 135 degreeso how much will be the answer? 135 degreeso how much will be the answer? 135 degreechicken so on staff oil withdrawal angle ofchicken so on staff oil withdrawal angle ofchicken so on staff oil withdrawal angle ofmore than 100 more than 100 injuredmore than 100 more than 100 injuredmore than 100 more than 100 injuredthat respect straight line gang willthat respect straight line gang willthat respect straight line gang willbecome absolutely straightand all Okay, isn't itand all Okay, isn't itthat Bigg Boss poses for center and hearingthat Bigg Boss poses for center and hearingthat Bigg Boss poses for center and hearingloss of verses, what will we do now, we will get aloss of verses, what will we do now, we will get aloss of verses, what will we do now, we will get ajob here, open WhatsApp, draw 90job here, open WhatsApp, draw 90job here, open WhatsApp, draw 90degrees, open the companies and you know very well how todegrees, open the companies and you know very well how todegrees, open the companies and you know very well how todraw and law degree, takea novice mark, ten games.Ok Navvi giantjhaljhaljhalmain aapke show adi decision angle of no degreemain aapke show adi decision angle of no degreemain aapke show adi decision angle of no degreeok and this is also angle of 90 degree9009 vidmate five degree more chicken see9009 vidmate five degree more chicken see9009 vidmate five degree more chicken seewe have a 99 degree angle on both sideswe have a 99 degree angle on both sideswe have a 99 degree angle on both sidesso what do we need now Anokhi so weso what do we need now Anokhi so weso what do we need now Anokhi so wehave it Now we need it, okay, so what will wehave it Now we need it, okay, so what will wehave it Now we need it, okay, so what will wedo to make five,do to make five,do to make five,what will we do with this job? Buy set chicken becausewhat will we do with this job? Buy set chicken becausewhat will we do with this job? Buy set chicken becausewhen we divide it into two parts, thenwhen we divide it into two parts, thenwhen we divide it into two parts, thenwhat gift will I have inch plus point five, thenwhat gift will I have inch plus point five, thenwhat gift will I have inch plus point five, thenwhat will we do, Noida, website address, you know.what will we do, Noida, website address, you know.what will we do, Noida, website address, you know.Very well that how to buy set firstVery well that how to buy set firstVery well that how to buy set firstkeep in mind that if you want to fire here then it is ok to keep it here.keep in mind that if you want to fire here then it is ok to keep it here.keep in mind that if you want to fire here then it is ok to keep it here.Keep in mind that theKeep in mind that theKeep in mind that thebisector chickens you have made between the 2 lines arebisector chickens you have made between the 2 lines arefine on their own above the lines so now I have added these You have tofine on their own above the lines so now I have added these You have tofine on their own above the lines so now I have added these You have toselect the bass between the line and this line,select the bass between the line and this line,select the bass between the line and this line,neither on this lover point, nor on this point, you willneither on this lover point, nor on this point, you willneither on this lover point, nor on this point, you willkeep the company, okay, that is the joint that haskeep the company, okay, that is the joint that haskeep the company, okay, that is the joint that hasjoined you, get this and the girl'sjoined you, get this and the girl'sjoined you, get this and the girl'sdepot language and 138depot language and 138depot language and 138pick this pick that thelanguage which Fool Languages 43535language which Fool Languages 43535language which Fool Languages 43535Degree So What I Set Up YourDegree So What I Set Up YourDegree So What I Set Up YourPhone Becomes Sangal 135 Place In This Way TheyPhone Becomes Sangal 135 Place In This Way TheyPhone Becomes Sangal 135 Place In This Way TheyCan Draw ACan Draw ACan Draw AAre Next They Will Discuss Left Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup Tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tupAre Next They Will Discuss Left Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup Tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tup tupTup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup TupTup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup TupTupIs This Is Line Segment Okay Point ExamIs This Is Line Segment Okay Point ExamIs This Is Line Segment Okay Point ExamPoint B If You Want To Draw School SectorPoint B If You Want To Draw School SectorPoint B If You Want To Draw School SectorThis What Is This What Is The Meaning OfThis What Is This What Is The Meaning OfThis What Is This What Is The Meaning OfCooler Cooler Divided Into Two PartsCooler Cooler Divided Into Two PartsCooler Cooler Divided Into Two PartsExample Segment Centimeter In twocentimeters and the meaning of divided intocentimeters and the meaning of divided intocentimeters and the meaning of divided intotwo 109 statement is divided into twotwo 109 statement is divided into twotwo 109 statement is divided into twoparts and debit the boy who992 draft appendicular 22 sector first992 draft appendicular 22 sector first992 draft appendicular 22 sector firstof all they open the compass mode on the for thisof all they open the compass mode on the for thisof all they open the compass mode on the for thisline segment okay so what we have to do isline segment okay so what we have to do isline segment okay so what we have to do isthat the couple Have to openthat the couple Have to openthat the couple Have to openmore than half of this line segment Chicken Soave Open themore than half of this line segment Chicken Soave Open themore than half of this line segment Chicken Soave Open theless but mode on if this line segment Id Sonthless but mode on if this line segment Id Sonthless but mode on if this line segment Id Sonthwhich I have opened it as much as youwhich I have opened it as much as youwhich I have opened it as much as youcan open it as much as you want,can open it as much as you want,can open it as much as you want,what has to be done nowwhat has to be done nowwhat has to be done nowthat this point But by keeping in mindthat this point But by keeping in mindthat this point But by keeping in mindthat we have to put one car here and Rs. 1 lakh here,that we have to put one car here and Rs. 1 lakh here,that we have to put one car here and Rs. 1 lakh here,similarly we havesimilarly we havesimilarly we haveput another one here, then we will take two more,okay, like this, we have to put more afterokay, like this, we have to put more afterokay, like this, we have to put more afterdefeat at the same joint chick, at the point wheredefeat at the same joint chick, at the point wheredefeat at the same joint chick, at the point whereboth of these are cut. What do we do with these two points,both of these are cut. What do we do with these two points,both of these are cut. What do we do with these two points,which is agood okay, so after joining, what wegood okay, so after joining, what wegood okay, so after joining, what wehave is this: Perpendicular bisectorhave is this: Perpendicular bisectorhave is this: Perpendicular bisectormeansmeansmeansA P mode is equal to the speech on theA P mode is equal to the speech on theA P mode is equal to the speech on theplayers in this way can proveplayers in this way can proveplayers in this way can proveperpendicular bisector of the given lineperpendicular bisector of the given lineperpendicular bisector of the given linesegment. No Will Discuss About Somesegment. No Will Discuss About Somesegment. No Will Discuss About SomeConstruction Of Triangle As You Have StudiedConstruction Of Triangle As You Have StudiedConstruction Of Triangle As You Have StudiedAbout How To First Triangle In ThreeAbout How To First Triangle In ThreeAbout How To First Triangle In ThreeSides R15 One Side And Angles Of One OrSides R15 One Side And Angles Of One OrSides R15 One Side And Angles Of One OrTwo Sides And Given All Alone In SubscribeTwo Sides And Given All Alone In SubscribeTwo Sides And Given All Alone In SubscribeNow You Can They Give Positive Side And GivenNow You Can They Give Positive Side And GivenNow You Can They Give Positive Side And GivenHaiHaiHaiKo Dekh Ram pleaseKo Dekh Ram pleaseKo Dekh Ram pleaseconstructconstructconstructa triangle ABC in which 2013 centimetersa triangle ABC in which 2013 centimetersa triangle ABC in which 2013 centimetersangles Pedigree A B plus C 6 centimetersangles Pedigree A B plus C 6 centimetersangles Pedigree A B plus C 6 centimetersOK so in this example when its basis6 2012 fennel will withdraw his statementsfor withdrawal BCEfor withdrawal BCEfor withdrawal BCEme aa free centimetershoon to i gs t i dohhoon to i gs t i dohhoon to i gs t i dohA b cA b cA b cki bbc free centimeter look afterki bbc free centimeter look afterki bbc free centimeter look afterdraw angle of six degree and when you know verydraw angle of six degree and when you know verydraw angle of six degree and when you know verywell how to draw and law ki degree takwell how to draw and law ki degree takwell how to draw and law ki degree takhum 1500hum 1500hum 1500ki end Rathore semi-circleki end Rathore semi-circleki end Rathore semi-circleok aap ter that draw and aa gaya haimain annu hui a joint This is910 Bangalore of six degrees oak,910 Bangalore of six degrees oak,910 Bangalore of six degrees oak,why not that How to draw the spot on twowhy not that How to draw the spot on twowhy not that How to draw the spot on twosides is six digit centimeter Okay sorrysides is six digit centimeter Okay sorrysides is six digit centimeter Okay sorryfor this What to do the first centimeterfor this What to do the first centimeterfor this What to do the first centimeterAs much as we have been given the addition of these two sides,As much as we have been given the addition of these two sides,As much as we have been given the addition of these two sides,what will we do? Open the compass.what will we do? Open the compass.what will we do? Open the compass.So now we will open the compass centimeterSo now we will open the compass centimeterSo now we will open the compass centimeterok and the display opened the compassok and the display opened the compassis six centimeter but will go tois six centimeter but will go tois six centimeter but will go toAjay ko theAjay ko theAjay ko thecutter live segment bt eko like and he pleasure less set the pointko like and he pleasure less set the pointko like and he pleasure less set the pointchief and not okchief and not okchief and not okko play show all so you How to write theko play show all so you How to write theko play show all so you How to write theconstruction ok so a first step a you how toconstruction ok so a first step a you how toconstruction ok so a first step a you how towrite for ribs painting pointswrite for ribs painting pointswrite for ribs painting pointspe mechanical of six degrees to half of thepe mechanical of six degrees to half of thepe mechanical of six degrees to half of the123 plus ac dat is trick centimeters123 plus ac dat is trick centimeters123 plus ac dat is trick centimetersfrom the rate bbc thefrom the rate bbc thefrom the rate bbc thewalking now someone join this point crwalking now someone join this point crwalking now someone join this point crreddy no joint CNN tujhse apne paisereddy no joint CNN tujhse apne paisereddy no joint CNN tujhse apne paisestep writing steps as you make themstep writing steps as you make themstep writing steps as you make themgold writing steps join C&E lovegold writing steps join C&E lovegold writing steps join C&E loveoo how to train decoder factor which line will weoo how to train decoder factor which line will weoo how to train decoder factor which line will wedraw which linedraw which linedraw which lineperpendicular bisector to grow CD takeperpendicular bisector to grow CD takeperpendicular bisector to grow CD takecare of yourself first of all wecare of yourself first of all wecare of yourself first of all wedrew the best Then draw the angle.drew the best Then draw the angle.drew the best Then draw the angle.After growing the angle, apply the art as much as was givenAfter growing the angle, apply the art as much as was givenAfter growing the angle, apply the art as much as was givenand then join these two points. That's it. How toand then join these two points. That's it. How toand then join these two points. That's it. How todraw adraw adraw aperpendicular bisector of CG Soybeanperpendicular bisector of CG Soybeanperpendicular bisector of CG SoybeanValue Drop Perpendicular Price TractorValue Drop Perpendicular Price TractorValue Drop Perpendicular Price TractorOpen the Company Small and Half Valency DipOpen the Company Small and Half Valency DipOpen the Company Small and Half Valency DipOK and place here and right the aa aaOK and place here and right the aa aaOK and place here and right the aa aaa similar wara similar wara similar wara pleasure compass hair and throw the art off kar dona he join this pointna he join this pointna he join this point133 views on the this point and this point133 views on the this point and this point133 views on the this point and this pointOK so now now on the point on which bde bde bdeOK so now now on the point on which bde bde bdeOK so now now on the point on which bde bde bdeline The point where this lineline The point where this lineline The point where this linewill intersect is hit point one this is thewill intersect is hit point one this is thewill intersect is hit point one this is thepoint OK now what do we dopoint OK now what do we dopoint OK now what do we dowith this point joint AP with this pointso in this way you will get theso in this way you will get theso in this way you will get therequired triangle date this trianglerequired triangle date this trianglerequired triangle date this triangleCBC sources of required Triangle isCBC sources of required Triangle isCBC sources of required Triangle isin which you can use the side of allin which you can use the side of allin which you can use the side of allshoulder handle after measurement you can check theshoulder handle after measurement you can check theshoulder handle after measurement you can check theanswer by adding a B plus seat bookanswer by adding a B plus seat bookanswer by adding a B plus seat booka souvenir anda souvenir anda souvenir andside of AC ironing centimeter ok andside of AC ironing centimeter ok andside of AC ironing centimeter ok anddecidedecidedecidethat is all song free centimeter sowe threethat is all song free centimeter sowe threethat is all song free centimeter sowe threeplus 36 Centimeters During Servicesplus 36 Centimeters During Servicesplus 36 Centimeters During ServicesTriangle players including correct so etcTriangle players including correct so etcTriangle players including correct so etcare Next they will discuss that how toare Next they will discuss that how toare Next they will discuss that how toconstruct triangle giver bengal andconstruct triangle giver bengal andconstruct triangle giver bengal anddifferent of the two site Question Huidifferent of the two site Question Huidifferent of the two site Question HuiSubscribe 280 na in this question willSubscribe 280 na in this question willSubscribe 280 na in this question willdiscuss the difference of the tonight show latestdiscuss the difference of the tonight show latestdiscuss the difference of the tonight show latestexample2 example2 Triangle ABC in Whichexample2 example2 Triangle ABC in Whichexample2 example2 Triangle ABC in WhichBless all bt and -3.5 vidra channelBless all bt and -3.5 vidra channelBless all bt and -3.5 vidra channelsubscribe peeth ameer person issubscribe peeth ameer person issubscribe peeth ameer person issubscribe vidra haisubscribe vidra haisubscribe vidra haiek desh ek centimeter haimain aapke show bbc is it centimeter notmain aapke show bbc is it centimeter notmain aapke show bbc is it centimeter notvidra and child delivery date of birthvidra and child delivery date of birthvidra and child delivery date of birthpoint se zero-valued how to draw a jewelpoint se zero-valued how to draw a jewelpoint se zero-valued how to draw a jewelof 45 degree for Boy and girl of jobof 45 degree for Boy and girl of jobof 45 degree for Boy and girl of jobchapter note draw bisector of the 90chapter note draw bisector of the 90chapter note draw bisector of the 90degree ok slow for this hui open the companiesdegree ok slow for this hui open the companiesdegree ok slow for this hui open the companiesand drive semi-circleexperience medium flame dakh player haiexperience medium flame dakh player haiexperience medium flame dakh player haiandhra pure sequence kya ok so noandhra pure sequence kya ok so noandhra pure sequence kya ok so nowhip road lines onwhip road lines onwhip road lines onthat you met and of 90s DegreeOK Aapka Date Withra Baiye Sector Of ThisOK Aapka Date Withra Baiye Sector Of ThisOK Aapka Date Withra Baiye Sector Of ThisAnd Salute O Get The Angle Of Five DegreeAnd Salute O Get The Angle Of Five DegreeAnd Salute O Get The Angle Of Five DegreePleasure Compass Hair And Mother Of AllPleasure Compass Hair And Mother Of AllPleasure Compass Hair And Mother Of AllMe Ruke Na Woh Joint The NightMe Ruke Na Woh Joint The NightMe Ruke Na Woh Joint The NightThat Passes To This PointThat Passes To This PointThat Passes To This PointDoDoDoJai Hind Is Web Hui Joint The Line Ok SoJai Hind Is Web Hui Joint The Line Ok SoJai Hind Is Web Hui Joint The Line Ok SoAfter AAfter AAfter Athis month, now mother's nails that is equal to 3.5this month, now mother's nails that is equal to 3.5this month, now mother's nails that is equal to 3.5cm, okay, after that we have to open the compass,cm, okay, after that we have to open the compass,cm, okay, after that we have to open the compass,now we have to open the compass, okaynow we have to open the compass, okaynow we have to open the compass, okayAB - Acidity is mentioned 3.5 cm, soAB - Acidity is mentioned 3.5 cm, soAB - Acidity is mentioned 3.5 cm, sowe will open the company of 3.5 cm,that is, between the cracks. But let's keep it here,that is, between the cracks. But let's keep it here,that is, between the cracks. But let's keep it here,what will we put OK now join thatwhat will we put OK now join thatwhat will we put OK now join thatthis this point a retired deputy CMthis this point a retired deputy CMthis this point a retired deputy CMthat no draw perpendicular bisector ofthat no draw perpendicular bisector ofthat no draw perpendicular bisector ofCEA D OK so till now the same process is going onCEA D OK so till now the same process is going onCEA D OK so till now the same process is going onlike in the previous question we first usedlike in the previous question we first usedlike in the previous question we first usedbest rocky then angle then we used Thebest rocky then angle then we used Thebest rocky then angle then we used Thedifference of these two is given, we put that much fire,difference of these two is given, we put that much fire,difference of these two is given, we put that much fire,after that we combined it, nowafter that we combined it, nowafter that we combined it, nowwhat will we do, draw the perpendicular bisector of thewhat will we do, draw the perpendicular bisector of thewhat will we do, draw the perpendicular bisector of thesecond one, okay so open the compass mode onsecond one, okay so open the compass mode onsecond one, okay so open the compass mode onthe help of B, C and D,draw the perpendicular bisector,now we will do this and We'll extend it a little bit, okay?now we will do this and We'll extend it a little bit, okay?now we will do this and We'll extend it a little bit, okay?We're joining this point, and we'llWe're joining this point, and we'llWe're joining this point, and we'llalso extend this line a little bit,also extend this line a little bit,also extend this line a little bit,okay, so that we can cut this line,okay, so that we can cut this line,that in this way, draw on the base linethat in this way, draw on the base linethat in this way, draw on the base linethat today this point. Viewer this is pe whythat today this point. Viewer this is pe whythat today this point. Viewer this is pe whyline cut the flying this point comes aline cut the flying this point comes aline cut the flying this point comes apoint and join this point to point Cpoint and join this point to point Cpoint and join this point to point CCOkay so now we have a BBC is theOkay so now we have a BBC is theOkay so now we have a BBC is therequired triangle so this isrequired triangle so this isrequired triangle so this isnext to us ABC friends pleasethat no we will discuss and how to Constructthat no we will discuss and how to Constructthat no we will discuss and how to Constructa triangle when its perimeter is the onea triangle when its perimeter is the onea triangle when its perimeter is the oneand its two base angle and should give ok soand its two base angle and should give ok soand its two base angle and should give ok solet's take example2 example2 trianglelet's take example2 example2 trianglelet's take example2 example2 triangleABC in which will be Id degrees CelsiusABC in which will be Id degrees CelsiusABC in which will be Id degrees Celsiusdegrees give me sum of all sides of 1170Subscribe Add comment Your centimetersSubscribe Add comment Your centimetersSubscribe Add comment Your centimetersmeans as much as we Draw the line, okay,means as much as we Draw the line, okay,means as much as we Draw the line, okay,but you all subscribe, let mebut you all subscribe, let mebut you all subscribe, let metell you that in writing, youtell you that in writing, youtell you that in writing, youchicken shop Khusro fall draw alarm setchicken shop Khusro fall draw alarm setchicken shop Khusro fall draw alarm setcomment PU is 211 centimeter,comment PU is 211 centimeter,why is the software metro line segment only off eleventh centimeter, now add pointswhy is the software metro line segment only off eleventh centimeter, now add pointswhy is the software metro line segment only off eleventh centimeter, now add pointsPendra angle of six degrees and ExitPendra angle of six degrees and ExitPendra angle of six degrees and Exitpoint you brow and 45 degree so you get this,point you brow and 45 degree so you get this,point you brow and 45 degree so you get this,at the cash withdrawal point we willat the cash withdrawal point we willat the cash withdrawal point we willtake an angle of one degree and the point is five degrees, thattake an angle of one degree and the point is five degrees, thattake an angle of one degree and the point is five degrees, thatline from this point isa novice dry hair oil angle of fivea novice dry hair oil angle of fivea novice dry hair oil angle of fivedegrees to draw angle five degrees fordegrees to draw angle five degrees fordegrees to draw angle five degrees forboy. And girl of noida greater noidaboy. And girl of noida greater noidaboy. And girl of noida greater noidasector asector asector aki navi join this lineki navi join this lineki navi join this linejai hind desh mein war and drawing of sixjai hind desh mein war and drawing of sixjai hind desh mein war and drawing of sixdegree about five degree okay sodegree about five degree okay sodegree about five degree okay soremember that you how to draw five degree angle thisremember that you how to draw five degree angle thisremember that you how to draw five degree angle thisis not in directions draw five panels on this sideis not in directions draw five panels on this sideis not in directions draw five panels on this sidelike we This 59 draw sectorlike we This 59 draw sectorlike we This 59 draw sectorbeta-2 sector of a girl and boy did you know verybeta-2 sector of a girl and boy did you know verybeta-2 sector of a girl and boy did you know verywell how to draw a picture of thewell how to draw a picture of thewell how to draw a picture of theangle draw like share and draw hair,we stopped in this, we have done this by sectors,we stopped in this, we have done this by sectors,we stopped in this, we have done this by sectors,now we will draw lines from them, so we areKeep in mind that the lines of these twoKeep in mind that the lines of these twoKeep in mind that the lines of these twoshould touch each other.Okay, in this way the liners of these two shouldOkay, in this way the liners of these two shouldOkay, in this way the liners of these two shouldtouch each other, then both of them shouldtouch each other, then both of them shouldtouch each other, then both of them shouldtouch each other and enter the name of this point at thistouch each other and enter the name of this point at thistouch each other and enter the name of this point at thispoint on the basis of first point ofpoint on the basis of first point ofpoint on the basis of first point oftriangle now. Draw And What Do You Meantriangle now. Draw And What Do You Meantriangle now. Draw And What Do You MeanBy The Lines And You Know Very Well How ToBy The Lines And You Know Very Well How ToBy The Lines And You Know Very Well How ToDraw A Line Segment First For More Than ThereDraw A Line Segment First For More Than ThereDraw A Line Segment First For More Than ThereWasAn Answer You Will Join This PointThat Now Draw Perpendicular Line BisectorThat Now Draw Perpendicular Line BisectorThat Now Draw Perpendicular Line BisectorOf A Why By Open The Compose More Than LifeOf A Why By Open The Compose More Than LifeNow, what we have to do isNow, what we have to do isNow, what we have to do isthat this force perpendicular bisector whichthat this force perpendicular bisector whichthat this force perpendicular bisector whichcuts from this point, keep thecuts from this point, keep thecuts from this point, keep theAP line and this force perpendicular voiceAP line and this force perpendicular voiceAP line and this force perpendicular voiceactor, reveal this point. So takeactor, reveal this point. So takeactor, reveal this point. So takehis point chief and this point joinhis point chief and this point joinhis point chief and this point joinpoints chiefA S E E209 This is the required triangle baby B209 This is the required triangle baby B209 This is the required triangle baby BC So this is usually the required triangle A whichC So this is usually the required triangle A whichC So this is usually the required triangle A whichwas to be drawnwas to be drawnOkay, so here comes the reader steps off TheOkay, so here comes the reader steps off TheOkay, so here comes the reader steps off TheConstruction Words and Staff Will Draw a LineConstruction Words and Staff Will Draw a LineConstruction Words and Staff Will Draw a LineSegment Why 11:00 Centimeter EndSegment Why 11:00 Centimeter EndSegment Why 11:00 Centimeter EndPoints Pet Construct Turnoff Six DegreesPoints Pet Construct Turnoff Six DegreesPoints Pet Construct Turnoff Six Degreesand a Point Why Constructor inand a Point Why Constructor inand a Point Why Constructor inBangalore for Twenty Five Degrees in 22Bangalore for Twenty Five Degrees in 22Bangalore for Twenty Five Degrees in 22Sectors and Girls Okay All the BestSectors and Girls Okay All the BestSectors and Girls Okay All the BestActors of Girls Inter Points 98 TheActors of Girls Inter Points 98 TheActors of Girls Inter Points 98 TheMost Of the people andthat apps gthat apps gthat apps gturn off one we ok to intersect point se zidturn off one we ok to intersect point se zidturn off one we ok to intersect point se zidpe sycamore intersect point 209 jointpe sycamore intersect point 209 jointpe sycamore intersect point 209 jointchiefs and s e so a b c request ichiefs and s e so a b c request ichiefs and s e so a b c request ihope you understand this chapter the\n"