Creating a Professional AI Photographer: A Step-by-Step Guide
In this article, we will explore the world of AI-powered photography and how to create a professional AI photographer using GPT-3 and Mid-Journey. We'll dive into the script written by the author to help them become a professional AI photographer and put it to the test.
The Script: A Game-Changer for AI Photographers
The author started by writing a script that would assist them in creating camera settings for different types of photography jobs. The script was designed to take a topic and provide a set of camera settings, including research on various types of camera settings for specific genres like wildlife photography, portrait, landscape, cityscape, and product photography.
To illustrate the effectiveness of this script, the author used it to generate camera settings for capturing a photo of Kendall Jenner. By replacing the topic with "portrait of Kendall Jenner," the script provided a set of recommended camera settings, including lens type, ISO settings, aperture, and more.
The Editor's Challenge: Creating Camera Settings for Five Challenging Photography Jobs
Next, the author decided to challenge GPT-3 by asking it to provide five challenging photography jobs that would test their skills. The tasks included capturing a photo of a bird in flight, getting a photo of a celebrity, capturing a natural phenomenon like a tornado, photographing a sports player in mid-action, and taking a photo of a cityscape at night.
The author then ran the script through GPT-3 to generate camera settings for each job. The resulting output was stored in a text file that could be reviewed later.
Running Mid-Journey: Bringing the Camera Settings to Life
With the camera settings generated, the author turned to Mid-Journey to bring them to life. By inputting the recommended camera settings into Mid-Journey along with prompts like "bird in flight," "celebrity walking on the street," and "cityscape of New York at night," the AI was able to create stunning images that met the author's expectations.
The Results: Evaluating the Camera Settings
After running Mid-Journey, the author evaluated the results. For the first job, capturing a photo of a bird in flight, they were thrilled with the outcome, which perfectly captured the essence of the image. The second job, getting a photo of a celebrity, also yielded impressive results, although the author wished she could see Kendall Jenner's face.
The third job, photographing a natural phenomenon like a tornado, was not as successful, and the author decided to give it a thumbs down. For the fourth job, capturing a sports player in mid-action, the result fell short, and the author deemed it unsatisfactory. The final job, taking a photo of a cityscape at night, exceeded expectations, and the author gave it a resounding thumbs up.
Conclusion: Creating a Professional AI Photographer
The experiment was a success, demonstrating the potential of GPT-3 and Mid-Journey to create stunning images with just the right camera settings. The script written by the author proved itself to be an effective tool for photographers looking to harness the power of AI in their work. By following these steps and pushing the limits of what is possible with AI-powered photography, anyone can become a professional AI photographer.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enToday I wanted to show you a GPT-3 scriptI wrote to hopefully help me become a professionalAI photographer, if that ever becomes a title.We're gonna put the script to the test byasking GPT-3 to give us five challenging photographyjobs that will really test our skills.Then we're gonna use mid-journey to hopefullycomplete these jobs and get some amazing results.Anyway, let's just get started.So let's just start by having a look at thescript.I'm gonna try to explain this as easy as possible.So basically what we want is to get GPT-3to help us create camera settings for differenttypes of photography jobs.So if we have a look at the prompt here, Iwanted to pick a camera settings from thetext above to help me photograph and thenwe have this topic so topic here is gonnabe replaced by whatever we put in here solet's say it's a portrait of Kendall Jennerthat means that the topic here is gettingreplaced by this and that is also true forevery topic we put in here So how GPT-3 findsthese camera settings, if you look at theprompt again, you see this research.So what it does is it goes into this researchI have created here that basically has alldifferent types of camera settings.So we have wildlife photography, here it recommendsthis type of camera, this type of lens, thistype of ISO settings.and aperture and so on.So we have portrait, we have landscape, wehave cityscape, and street, product photography.So hopefully this could cover any type ofjob we are actually, or topic we are actuallytrying to take a photo of.So I hope that makes sense.It might be a bit easier when we are runningthe script.So now let's head over to DPT3 and get somedifficult or challenging photograph jobs.So just typing in here, you are the editorfor the world's most famous photograph magazine.Give me five challenging photograph jobs thatwill test my skills.So let's click submit and let's see what weget here.Okay, so we have capture a photo of a birdin flight.Get a photo of a celebrity.Okay, so this sounds like challenging jobs.So what we are going to do now is get thesejobs into our script and then we're goingto try to create the camera settings we needfor each type of job.So let's just get these jobs into our script.Just copy this, paste it into our topic.Second one.Same here.Get a photo of a celebrity.This.Okay so now we have the complete list of jobs.The next we are going to do now is just runthe script and see what kind of camera settingswe actually will get.So here we are in the terminal.I'm just gonna run the script now.It probably goes past pretty quick.but every setting is gonna be saved into atext file so we can open that and then wecan see it now it's already finished so wecan just go over to our text files here, completion,sort by date so here let's just have a lookat capture get a photo of a celebrity so thisis the type of prompt it recommends for that.Of course we have to replace the street photographyand for capturing a bird in flight it wantsthe wildlife photography settings.So what I'm gonna do now is just get all ofthese settings into mid journey and let'ssee what kind of results we will get.So here you can see I have prepared all theprompts ready to go for mid journey.So for the bird we have a flying colibri KendallJenner walking down the street a tornado golfplayer hitting a stroke cityscape of New Yorkat night.So I'm just gonna run this in mid journeynow and let's see what we can get back.So we have all the images back And the firstthing we wanted to capture was a photo ofa bird in flight.I think this went, was perfect.So I have given this a thumbs up.So I guess this was passed.I would say so.You can see the prompt down here under the,under the photo.And yeah, that looks good, right?Sure looks like a photo.So first job, down.The second job was to get a photo of a celebrityin a candid moment.I wasn't 100% sure what a candid moment means,but I guess it was...I just put Kendall Jenner walking on the street.We can't really see her face, but it surelooks like, isn't she like a supermodel?So...And I really like the aperture.You can see the blurry background and...It's those are some very tiny legs though,but sure looks like a supermodel so In myjudgment, I think this is a thumbs up Maybewe should have her face, but okay, I kindof like it so I gave it a thumbs up Let'scheck out number three so the third one wasto get a photograph of her a natural phenomenonsuch as a tornado I get the idea, but doesthis really look like a tornado?It looks more like...I guess the top is okay, but it looks likesmoke, doesn't it?So I actually had to give this a thumbs downbecause no one would thought that was a tornado.It more looks like a fire or something.But I guess we can check back later sometimes.See if this could improve.Maybe I could have done a better job withthe prompt.I just wrote tornado So but anyway, this hasto be outcome Here we wanted to capture aphoto of a sports player in mid-action soAs you can see that the sports player I triedto get was a golf player hitting a strokeMmm, I kind of like the the image but it'snot good enough is it?The hands are bad, there's so much weird thingsgoing on here.So this has to be a thumbs down.I guess maybe if I worked more on the prompt.But I wanted to keep it simple so golf playerhitting a stroke.I tried a few of these but nothing was betterthan this one so.But this has to be a thumbs down.The final one was to get a photo of a cityscapeat night The product I used here was of coursewhat was recommended from the Python scriptbut I wrote cityscape of New York at nightand I would have to say this looks great huh?I think so.I think this was the first image I actuallygot so I could have probably worked more onit, but What can I say?Looks Pretty much like a cityscape of NewYork and it's pretty realistic.So I will give this a thumbs up every day.So very happy with this one.So I hope you found this interesting.Let me know in the comments below if you did.And if you want to watch more about Midjourney,you should really check out this video whereI create an avatar that you can use over andover again in your images.But anyway, thank you for watching and I'llsee you again soon.\n"