Battlefield V Beta First impression: Narvik game play footage PC

That Doesn't Make Sense: A First Impression of Battlefield 5

Come at me bro, do you even...? Do you even lift? Is that still funny? I don't know if that meme is super old now ever since 9GAG became super toxic. I haven't been on this platform for a while, and I'm not sure what's trending in meme land. Maybe I can throw a grenade that far? My man was a baseball player before he was enlisted in the Second World War, but it doesn't seem like it went that far. I don't think he was... wait why can't I get closer to them? Oh, I see there's still a mortar in the game! That means half of the team can hide behind the gate, and the other half can just camp and kills the whole match and infuriate everyone.

I see that's a mechanic that they didn't forget to add to the game. But I mean, to be fair, that's been in every Battlefield ever! One of my biggest issues with them putting games in older times is that they don't have helicopters. Helicopters are like one of my favorite parts of Battlefield - getting to play as a Valkyrie and then just terrorizing people from a helicopter... oh no, I'm scared!

Yeah, we've captured the objective! Everybody's probably sick of seeing Battlefield 5 gameplay videos by this point. Oh, there's a tank! Why do they get a tank? I don't know; maybe I can build something? Maybe I should go build a wall? I'm gonna build a wall... oh wait, that didn't go well! I just had my hammer out; it didn't give me the option to build anything. Maybe I could have boxed it in there? I don't know.

There isn't any excuse for what just happened. We might be winning - let me be support. But I'm really bad at being support! I never ever play support in any Battlefield games because I'm one of those selfish players who doesn't play the objectives at all; all I do is try and get kills as much... so I'm one of those people that everybody hates.

And to make it worse, I'm really bad at it. Oh, and it's over - we've ended Day 2 of the Grand Operation! Actually, I quite like this because with the Rush mode in Battlefield 4 (I'm sorry; I keep comparing it to Battlefield 4), you just go to the actual points that you had to capture... but with this one, it actually changes it up so the first one is to blow things up and then capture points.

Oh, there was a woman in that cutscene again! That super threw me off - how am I gonna stay immersed? Hey, very good! That was the end of my first impressions of the video game Battlefield 5. Thank you for watching if you like the video do like and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one.

My overall impression is that I'd really like what they did with the actual gunplay - it's way better than in Battlefield 1, and I think I would enjoy this game. I'm not gonna buy it until they release it; I'm not gonna pre-order the game because that's not the type of person I am.

Let me know if you want me to make more videos about... (don't do that either! Sorry) Yes, I let me know if you want me to make more videos about other maps and about how I feel about it. It looks like in the beta there are only two maps available... but yes, I'm pleasantly surprised!

And I'm pleasantly surprised at how well optimised the game seems to be - but that's because they're just using the Battlefield engine again! So it would have been terrible if they didn't make it run well. Yes, and with that... bye-bye (or should I do the Markiplier thing of until the next video)... bye-bye!

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello and welcome to my first impressions video of battlefield 5 now I didn't do this video in the earlier beta date because I would rather eat a glass snow globe filled with money that I was gonna spend on pre-ordering a game then actually pre-order a game so I'm doing at the peasant way and waiting for the open beta now I just want to make it very clear from the beginning of this video I'm not going to delve into the controversy around the game at all I feel that there's always huge controversy around EA releases and this isn't any different if you're very offended by a don't buy the game if you're not buy it I don't really care but before we get into actual gameplay let's have a look at what video settings the game thinks my PC would be able to handle and for a reference my PC has a gtx 1080 in it if you go to advanced everything's gone straight to ultra settings which seems a bit confusing because nvidia would want you to believe that you need an RT x20 atti to be able to handle those settings but apparently battlefield 5 doesn't think the same that's interesting okay yes I've had to switch to Novik which is a different map because I couldn't find a game on on the other one now just to make it clear I've been playing battlefield for a very long time I've played every single battlefield game as they've been released so I might be considered a bit of a fanboy but I'm gonna be trying I'm gonna try and be as objective as possible while playing the game so we can just kind of see if it's good or not this is gonna be the longest video I've ever made so I'll try and drop in some penis jokes here and there to keep it interesting or at least a triangle okay caches containing explosives and use them to dismantle their artillery oh this isn't a normal conquest map okay so I'm immediately not going to know what's going on that's actually one of my concerns about this it's gonna become very clear how bad I am at video games but let's yeah let's jump in on an airplane okay let's actually have a look at guns yeah that looks very Germany okay cool let's go well straight off the bat it's actually running really well at Ultra settings on 4k that's pretty impressive and it looks great although it does look fairly similar to battlefield 1 can I can I say that is that is that allowed but where are we where are we going what's happening I think I should go towards the red right I mean it's not running as well as I'd wanted to I would probably drop the settings down a little bit but I am interested to see what the game looks like wow that was that was terrible okay that went surprisingly well my first for my first attempt at that out of the game although it does it does feel very different to the first battlefield the first battlefield wasn't my favorite of them in fact it was probably my least favorite battlefield just because of the fact that the gunplay was very it wasn't as responsive as you want it to be it felt more heavy if that makes any sense and this feels more battlefield for me but I'll hold out further we just picked up something did I kill him I don't really know yes I did yay I don't have any hand grenades left are you and I think we're supposed to do something with this thing so this is a game-mode that's similar to assault I think in battlefield 4 where you kind of have to like blow up their stuff and then move from checkpoint to checkpoint it was actually one of my favorite game modes in in battlefield 4 and I'm glad that they refused it here unfortunately in the beta I don't think we're gonna have access to the battle royale mode which also seemed to go very down very well with all the battle over the series let's try and get more people to play it and add fortnight settings Oh No don't have any ammo wait did they just did they just kill me while destroying the game objective that's great teamwork there thank you guys Oh someone help me hunt Thank You Man you are my Savior random dude but I don't know I still don't have any ammo I don't actually know what to look for do I maybe I can tell someone any now hopefully like in battlefield 4 it'll show you that when you ask for ammo it kind of brings up a thing that shows you where someone's a dropped ammo I don't know I can't find that I'm gonna have to get my handgun out oh that's quite cool they're like explosions throw you over that's but I think a fire I stop drop and roll on okay can I do anything about that dude that's down no I don't actually know what class I am I probably should have made more of an effort to look at what just what I am I think this guy's going up can I switch to someone else's kit is that a thing that you can do in the game where there's somebody that's that's falling down here let me see if I can do something to help him you know maybe the dynamite isn't gonna oh I've got grenades sorry I don't know what to do I caught on fire again we're less flammable clothing I don't have any ammo and I don't know what to do about it this guy looks like he's an ammo person or does he also not have no he doesn't I have to say the gate feels way better than battlefield 1 did I really didn't like battlefield 1 that much I've played quite a bit of it but I've got explosives do I do I drop it here pick up an arm and objective how do I arm it so I just press II oh there was a there was a thing that Oh No I've been killed okay at least I can get ammo now but yes no it feels way better it doesn't feel as like because in battlefield one though I feel like they were trying to make it feel very realistic which you know meant that it was more difficult to get like 700 kill streaks and be like okay III really don't know how ok yes there we go okay so let me drop down on this guy and they're also one of the things that I hope they reintroduce in battlefield 5 is the hardcore mode because I really enjoyed I really enjoyed that where you know it's you kind of have reduced health and it's easier to take people down maybe that's just because I'm bad at video games but I could play much much more effectively in that mode oh we won that seemed very easy yay now yeah I have to say from my first impressions I already liked it more than I like the battlefield one hopefully they didn't destroy the chance of the game success by being the huge huge dicks that they were about the release of the game but as far in that first couple of minutes of gameplay there was no of the issues that people were concerned about that you know you were gonna be so distracted from the battle because there's just like amputee lesbians running around or whatever it is that the issue is around the video game yeah but I think the issue is shifted from that to just EA sucking a big one and the thing is they've sucked a big one so regularly shred of German control okay let's try one more rush game with very bad commentary from me let me know in the comments section below if you're a regular called a regular viewer of my videos how you feel about this kind of video if you are offended by me trying badly to do gameplay videos and you want me to just stay with tech videos but the thing is I think it's a fairly natural progression going from you know building Hardware to play video games on and then actually playing uh actually playing video games or recording playing video games badly apparently yeah let me know in the comment section below I'll be interested to hear your feedback on that those are some really beautiful mountains over that I know I'm busy bleeding out but it's it's some great some some great background work there let me actually see if you can turn some of that film grain off because I'm not a huge fan of up film grain off let's see if that makes the difference yeah that looks better I'm not the biggest fan of film grain in video games or in video or anything I think it yeah I know you're trying to create an effect but just making something look worse doesn't doesn't immerse me more especially in something like a video game it's not supposed to have artistic effect to it in that way it's supposed to look realistic so I don't really know what the point of film I'm so bad at this I was watching some of jak frags videos lately and he he you know while even while talking crap over the video he still plays super well it's just like head shot after head shot after head shot let me actually on that note let me try a different kit I've been very unavenged just played with assault is that what this is yes assault so then there's med Oh assault and medic used to be the same thing so it looks like they've changed that around let's try the boring route and try a sniper let's is it okay I don't have any any customization available yeah I can't I can't do anything to it that's that's it that's the effect that's the extent of the customization at this point but is this is the second match I've ever played so maybe more will come in I really like the way the game looks actually like I was worried that it was gonna because it looked it looked in the videos that I've been seeing online it looked a bit like it was too colorful but this one's very very you know Brown realistic II looking but not in an overdone way I actually think it looks quite nice it does look very similar to battlefield wonder I wonder if they use the same engine I'm pretty sure they do it looks like they do it looks that similar oh why is that guy so blurry where are we being shot at from what's happening up there oh I actually got a head shot that was that was exciting yeah like the the actual the actual way the sniper is handling is way way better than it did in battlefield one the the the gunplay mechanics are are much improved good good job dice oh I'm not allowed to go here oh lucky for you man over there I'm really bad at shooting okay let me run away of it yeah I'm surprised at how well the games running it it I feel like kind of video settings wise it's about as demanding as battlefield one was so it's not up here's here's a lady Oh No immersion broken there's a woman okay let me see maybe we should push I think being on the bridge and passive-aggressive isn't doing me very well sorry for that throat clear that's probably super not allowed in in in the world of video game videos again I've never done this before so I don't actually know what I'm supposed to be talking about should I be explaining in detail how I feel about the detail on the foilage here foliage foliage is probably the better pronunciation oh yes I think it's very detailed and actually it's not it's not that detailed it doesn't it doesn't look as as amazingly immersive as I want to do I want to build something it said something about that fortnight II mechanic of like building reinforcements and stuff and I have to oh wait this do I just scroll to Mike how do I get to my toolbox let me go into settings and have a look I probably should have researched all the key bindings and stuff before playing this game oh and I've just died but let's see on foot throne parachute deploy vault it's none of that Crouch no interact no meal a throw use toolbox t-that makes a lot of sense why did I not think of that before but I'm pretty sure I press T to be honest but let's see here oh I can build a thing the thing okay so yes I get that they want to appeal to the youth by adding a mechanic where you can like build things and be like oh wow this is like fortnight and I feel comfortable because I'm a child and I don't like change but it's a game about a instantly moving battlegroup battlefield right you're not always stationary so like you build the thing and by the time you're finished building it the Fighting's moved to over there on the mountainside so I don't really I don't really get why that's the thing but yes it's probably to appeal to the youths in the same way that the battle royale mode is I'm not that outraged about the battle royale mode though I think if they implement it properly it shouldn't be too bad and I wouldn't really mind because I'm one of the few adults I think that actually enjoys battle royale well I'm not a huge oh there's a man Oh No okay that was probably the lamest engagement ever this is probably going to be the kind of first what is this a first impression video with the worst gameplay ever I should probably be ashamed of myself I can't spawn on this team member let's see how about yes you're ready I'm not ready to spawn yet though okay so I don't really know who's winning I think it's a bit of a draw oh so this is still it's still the whole rush thing where we need to go wow I'm really bad at this game it's still the whole rush mechanic where you just kind of push two objectives I thought we've changed to a conquest thing but that hasn't happened we've got two minutes left yeah this honestly this game looks so similar to battlefield one like the jump from battlefield 4 to battlefield 1 was quite big because you know there was a whole new kind of visual style and you know they would I was super lucky and they added you know they changed the visuals quite a lot but this is the exact same style pretty much they changed the color palette a little bit but honestly if I wasn't a big battlefield player and I saw this gameplay and somebody told me it was battlefield one I probably wouldn't be able to tell you that you were lying to me where am I being shot at from but actually playing the game it feels very different so that's nice they changed it where it's important that flashing mechanic the tilt or that flashing effect that tells you that you've achieved something is very distracting but yes this game feels graphically well optimized because it's not stole my kill there brah is that is that what people want in gameplay videos is like weird slang that doesn't make sense come at me bro do you even do you even lift is that still funny I don't know if that if that meme is super old now ever since 9 gag became super toxic I haven't I haven't been on this I don't know what's trending into meme lands that maybe I can throw a grenade that far maybe my man is was a baseball player before he was was enlisted in in the Second World War but it doesn't seem like it went that far I don't think he was wait why can't I get closer to them oh I see there's still a mortar in the game that means that half of the team can hide behind the gay half of the team can hide behind the actual kind of line of battle and just camp kills the whole match and infuriate everyone I see that's a mechanic that they didn't forget to add to the game but I mean to be fair that's been in every battlefield ever one of my biggest issues with them putting or kind of setting the games in the older times in the old e times is that they don't have helicopters and helicopters it's like one of my favorite parts of battlefield is getting to play fly to the Valkyrie and then just like terrorize people from a helicopter oh no I'm scared yeah we've captured the objective everybody's probably sick of seeing battlefield 5 gameplay videos by this point oh there's a tank why do they get a tank I don't know I can't do anything to it maybe I can build something maybe I should go build a wall I'm gonna build a wall oh wait I wouldn't that didn't go well I just had my hammer out it didn't give me the option to build anything but maybe I could have boxed it in there I don't know there isn't any excuse for what just happened there I think we might be winning let me be support but I'm really bad at being support I never ever play support in any battlefield games because I'm one of those selfish players that I don't play the objectives at all all I do is try and get kills as much so I'm one of those people that everybody hates so oh and the thing that makes it worse that I'm one of those players is the fact that I'm really bad at it oh and it's over we've ended day two of the grand operation I actually quite like this because with the the rush mode in battlefield 4 and I'm sorry that I keep comparing it to battlefield 4 but it was just the same thing you just it would you know you'd go to the actual points that you had to capture and then you capture and then you go to the next point so you had to capture and then the match was over but with this one it actually changes it up so the first one you have to like blow the things up and then you're capturing points I know the basic idea is still the same but oh there was a woman in that cutscene again that super threw me off how am I gonna stay immersed hey very good that was the end of my first impressions of the video game battlefield 5 thank you very much for watching if you like the video do like and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one and yes my overall impression is I'd really like what they did with the actual gunplay it's way better than it wasn't battlefield 1 and I think I would enjoy this game I'm not gonna buy it until they release it I'm not gonna pre-order the game because that's not the type of person I am let me know if you want me to make more video about and you shouldn't do that either sorry I got distracted there don't pre-order games especially not from EA but yes I let me know if you want me to make more videos about the game about other maps and about how I feel about it it looks like in the beta there are only two maps available but yes I'm pleasantly surprised and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well optimised the game seems to be but it's because it seems like they're just using battlefield once engine again so it would have been terrible if they didn't make it run well yes and with that bye bye or should I do the markiplier thing of until the next video bye byehello and welcome to my first impressions video of battlefield 5 now I didn't do this video in the earlier beta date because I would rather eat a glass snow globe filled with money that I was gonna spend on pre-ordering a game then actually pre-order a game so I'm doing at the peasant way and waiting for the open beta now I just want to make it very clear from the beginning of this video I'm not going to delve into the controversy around the game at all I feel that there's always huge controversy around EA releases and this isn't any different if you're very offended by a don't buy the game if you're not buy it I don't really care but before we get into actual gameplay let's have a look at what video settings the game thinks my PC would be able to handle and for a reference my PC has a gtx 1080 in it if you go to advanced everything's gone straight to ultra settings which seems a bit confusing because nvidia would want you to believe that you need an RT x20 atti to be able to handle those settings but apparently battlefield 5 doesn't think the same that's interesting okay yes I've had to switch to Novik which is a different map because I couldn't find a game on on the other one now just to make it clear I've been playing battlefield for a very long time I've played every single battlefield game as they've been released so I might be considered a bit of a fanboy but I'm gonna be trying I'm gonna try and be as objective as possible while playing the game so we can just kind of see if it's good or not this is gonna be the longest video I've ever made so I'll try and drop in some penis jokes here and there to keep it interesting or at least a triangle okay caches containing explosives and use them to dismantle their artillery oh this isn't a normal conquest map okay so I'm immediately not going to know what's going on that's actually one of my concerns about this it's gonna become very clear how bad I am at video games but let's yeah let's jump in on an airplane okay let's actually have a look at guns yeah that looks very Germany okay cool let's go well straight off the bat it's actually running really well at Ultra settings on 4k that's pretty impressive and it looks great although it does look fairly similar to battlefield 1 can I can I say that is that is that allowed but where are we where are we going what's happening I think I should go towards the red right I mean it's not running as well as I'd wanted to I would probably drop the settings down a little bit but I am interested to see what the game looks like wow that was that was terrible okay that went surprisingly well my first for my first attempt at that out of the game although it does it does feel very different to the first battlefield the first battlefield wasn't my favorite of them in fact it was probably my least favorite battlefield just because of the fact that the gunplay was very it wasn't as responsive as you want it to be it felt more heavy if that makes any sense and this feels more battlefield for me but I'll hold out further we just picked up something did I kill him I don't really know yes I did yay I don't have any hand grenades left are you and I think we're supposed to do something with this thing so this is a game-mode that's similar to assault I think in battlefield 4 where you kind of have to like blow up their stuff and then move from checkpoint to checkpoint it was actually one of my favorite game modes in in battlefield 4 and I'm glad that they refused it here unfortunately in the beta I don't think we're gonna have access to the battle royale mode which also seemed to go very down very well with all the battle over the series let's try and get more people to play it and add fortnight settings Oh No don't have any ammo wait did they just did they just kill me while destroying the game objective that's great teamwork there thank you guys Oh someone help me hunt Thank You Man you are my Savior random dude but I don't know I still don't have any ammo I don't actually know what to look for do I maybe I can tell someone any now hopefully like in battlefield 4 it'll show you that when you ask for ammo it kind of brings up a thing that shows you where someone's a dropped ammo I don't know I can't find that I'm gonna have to get my handgun out oh that's quite cool they're like explosions throw you over that's but I think a fire I stop drop and roll on okay can I do anything about that dude that's down no I don't actually know what class I am I probably should have made more of an effort to look at what just what I am I think this guy's going up can I switch to someone else's kit is that a thing that you can do in the game where there's somebody that's that's falling down here let me see if I can do something to help him you know maybe the dynamite isn't gonna oh I've got grenades sorry I don't know what to do I caught on fire again we're less flammable clothing I don't have any ammo and I don't know what to do about it this guy looks like he's an ammo person or does he also not have no he doesn't I have to say the gate feels way better than battlefield 1 did I really didn't like battlefield 1 that much I've played quite a bit of it but I've got explosives do I do I drop it here pick up an arm and objective how do I arm it so I just press II oh there was a there was a thing that Oh No I've been killed okay at least I can get ammo now but yes no it feels way better it doesn't feel as like because in battlefield one though I feel like they were trying to make it feel very realistic which you know meant that it was more difficult to get like 700 kill streaks and be like okay III really don't know how ok yes there we go okay so let me drop down on this guy and they're also one of the things that I hope they reintroduce in battlefield 5 is the hardcore mode because I really enjoyed I really enjoyed that where you know it's you kind of have reduced health and it's easier to take people down maybe that's just because I'm bad at video games but I could play much much more effectively in that mode oh we won that seemed very easy yay now yeah I have to say from my first impressions I already liked it more than I like the battlefield one hopefully they didn't destroy the chance of the game success by being the huge huge dicks that they were about the release of the game but as far in that first couple of minutes of gameplay there was no of the issues that people were concerned about that you know you were gonna be so distracted from the battle because there's just like amputee lesbians running around or whatever it is that the issue is around the video game yeah but I think the issue is shifted from that to just EA sucking a big one and the thing is they've sucked a big one so regularly shred of German control okay let's try one more rush game with very bad commentary from me let me know in the comments section below if you're a regular called a regular viewer of my videos how you feel about this kind of video if you are offended by me trying badly to do gameplay videos and you want me to just stay with tech videos but the thing is I think it's a fairly natural progression going from you know building Hardware to play video games on and then actually playing uh actually playing video games or recording playing video games badly apparently yeah let me know in the comment section below I'll be interested to hear your feedback on that those are some really beautiful mountains over that I know I'm busy bleeding out but it's it's some great some some great background work there let me actually see if you can turn some of that film grain off because I'm not a huge fan of up film grain off let's see if that makes the difference yeah that looks better I'm not the biggest fan of film grain in video games or in video or anything I think it yeah I know you're trying to create an effect but just making something look worse doesn't doesn't immerse me more especially in something like a video game it's not supposed to have artistic effect to it in that way it's supposed to look realistic so I don't really know what the point of film I'm so bad at this I was watching some of jak frags videos lately and he he you know while even while talking crap over the video he still plays super well it's just like head shot after head shot after head shot let me actually on that note let me try a different kit I've been very unavenged just played with assault is that what this is yes assault so then there's med Oh assault and medic used to be the same thing so it looks like they've changed that around let's try the boring route and try a sniper let's is it okay I don't have any any customization available yeah I can't I can't do anything to it that's that's it that's the effect that's the extent of the customization at this point but is this is the second match I've ever played so maybe more will come in I really like the way the game looks actually like I was worried that it was gonna because it looked it looked in the videos that I've been seeing online it looked a bit like it was too colorful but this one's very very you know Brown realistic II looking but not in an overdone way I actually think it looks quite nice it does look very similar to battlefield wonder I wonder if they use the same engine I'm pretty sure they do it looks like they do it looks that similar oh why is that guy so blurry where are we being shot at from what's happening up there oh I actually got a head shot that was that was exciting yeah like the the actual the actual way the sniper is handling is way way better than it did in battlefield one the the the gunplay mechanics are are much improved good good job dice oh I'm not allowed to go here oh lucky for you man over there I'm really bad at shooting okay let me run away of it yeah I'm surprised at how well the games running it it I feel like kind of video settings wise it's about as demanding as battlefield one was so it's not up here's here's a lady Oh No immersion broken there's a woman okay let me see maybe we should push I think being on the bridge and passive-aggressive isn't doing me very well sorry for that throat clear that's probably super not allowed in in in the world of video game videos again I've never done this before so I don't actually know what I'm supposed to be talking about should I be explaining in detail how I feel about the detail on the foilage here foliage foliage is probably the better pronunciation oh yes I think it's very detailed and actually it's not it's not that detailed it doesn't it doesn't look as as amazingly immersive as I want to do I want to build something it said something about that fortnight II mechanic of like building reinforcements and stuff and I have to oh wait this do I just scroll to Mike how do I get to my toolbox let me go into settings and have a look I probably should have researched all the key bindings and stuff before playing this game oh and I've just died but let's see on foot throne parachute deploy vault it's none of that Crouch no interact no meal a throw use toolbox t-that makes a lot of sense why did I not think of that before but I'm pretty sure I press T to be honest but let's see here oh I can build a thing the thing okay so yes I get that they want to appeal to the youth by adding a mechanic where you can like build things and be like oh wow this is like fortnight and I feel comfortable because I'm a child and I don't like change but it's a game about a instantly moving battlegroup battlefield right you're not always stationary so like you build the thing and by the time you're finished building it the Fighting's moved to over there on the mountainside so I don't really I don't really get why that's the thing but yes it's probably to appeal to the youths in the same way that the battle royale mode is I'm not that outraged about the battle royale mode though I think if they implement it properly it shouldn't be too bad and I wouldn't really mind because I'm one of the few adults I think that actually enjoys battle royale well I'm not a huge oh there's a man Oh No okay that was probably the lamest engagement ever this is probably going to be the kind of first what is this a first impression video with the worst gameplay ever I should probably be ashamed of myself I can't spawn on this team member let's see how about yes you're ready I'm not ready to spawn yet though okay so I don't really know who's winning I think it's a bit of a draw oh so this is still it's still the whole rush thing where we need to go wow I'm really bad at this game it's still the whole rush mechanic where you just kind of push two objectives I thought we've changed to a conquest thing but that hasn't happened we've got two minutes left yeah this honestly this game looks so similar to battlefield one like the jump from battlefield 4 to battlefield 1 was quite big because you know there was a whole new kind of visual style and you know they would I was super lucky and they added you know they changed the visuals quite a lot but this is the exact same style pretty much they changed the color palette a little bit but honestly if I wasn't a big battlefield player and I saw this gameplay and somebody told me it was battlefield one I probably wouldn't be able to tell you that you were lying to me where am I being shot at from but actually playing the game it feels very different so that's nice they changed it where it's important that flashing mechanic the tilt or that flashing effect that tells you that you've achieved something is very distracting but yes this game feels graphically well optimized because it's not stole my kill there brah is that is that what people want in gameplay videos is like weird slang that doesn't make sense come at me bro do you even do you even lift is that still funny I don't know if that if that meme is super old now ever since 9 gag became super toxic I haven't I haven't been on this I don't know what's trending into meme lands that maybe I can throw a grenade that far maybe my man is was a baseball player before he was was enlisted in in the Second World War but it doesn't seem like it went that far I don't think he was wait why can't I get closer to them oh I see there's still a mortar in the game that means that half of the team can hide behind the gay half of the team can hide behind the actual kind of line of battle and just camp kills the whole match and infuriate everyone I see that's a mechanic that they didn't forget to add to the game but I mean to be fair that's been in every battlefield ever one of my biggest issues with them putting or kind of setting the games in the older times in the old e times is that they don't have helicopters and helicopters it's like one of my favorite parts of battlefield is getting to play fly to the Valkyrie and then just like terrorize people from a helicopter oh no I'm scared yeah we've captured the objective everybody's probably sick of seeing battlefield 5 gameplay videos by this point oh there's a tank why do they get a tank I don't know I can't do anything to it maybe I can build something maybe I should go build a wall I'm gonna build a wall oh wait I wouldn't that didn't go well I just had my hammer out it didn't give me the option to build anything but maybe I could have boxed it in there I don't know there isn't any excuse for what just happened there I think we might be winning let me be support but I'm really bad at being support I never ever play support in any battlefield games because I'm one of those selfish players that I don't play the objectives at all all I do is try and get kills as much so I'm one of those people that everybody hates so oh and the thing that makes it worse that I'm one of those players is the fact that I'm really bad at it oh and it's over we've ended day two of the grand operation I actually quite like this because with the the rush mode in battlefield 4 and I'm sorry that I keep comparing it to battlefield 4 but it was just the same thing you just it would you know you'd go to the actual points that you had to capture and then you capture and then you go to the next point so you had to capture and then the match was over but with this one it actually changes it up so the first one you have to like blow the things up and then you're capturing points I know the basic idea is still the same but oh there was a woman in that cutscene again that super threw me off how am I gonna stay immersed hey very good that was the end of my first impressions of the video game battlefield 5 thank you very much for watching if you like the video do like and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one and yes my overall impression is I'd really like what they did with the actual gunplay it's way better than it wasn't battlefield 1 and I think I would enjoy this game I'm not gonna buy it until they release it I'm not gonna pre-order the game because that's not the type of person I am let me know if you want me to make more video about and you shouldn't do that either sorry I got distracted there don't pre-order games especially not from EA but yes I let me know if you want me to make more videos about the game about other maps and about how I feel about it it looks like in the beta there are only two maps available but yes I'm pleasantly surprised and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well optimised the game seems to be but it's because it seems like they're just using battlefield once engine again so it would have been terrible if they didn't make it run well yes and with that bye bye or should I do the markiplier thing of until the next video bye bye