The Art of Resin Pouring: A Workshop Experiment
In this workshop, the team embarked on an exciting project - resin pouring. To ensure that their woodworking skills were approved by the "Supurrvisor," they had to complete a few tasks first. Joobie, one of the team members, was asked if he liked the counter where they would be working. He replied that he like being in workshops and thought the counter was big, serving as a good catwalk for their project.
The team then proceeded to "make it official" by getting approval from the Supurrvisor. After some discussion, they were given the green light to move on with the resin pour. The team leader, Evan, warned his teammates that this was going to be a big job and that they had to be careful not to mess up.
As they began the resin pouring process, the team used a time-lapse camera to capture their progress. They taped out their edges carefully, making sure everything was level and secure. The leader of the group exclaimed, "It's finally time for our resin pour!" The team then broke down the pour into two sections - one would be a gentle flood coat to seal everything in place before pouring gallon after gallon of resin all over the project.
To ensure their safety, the team wore heart rate monitors, which they typically only wear when playing scary games. Evan joked that this was going to be the highest heart rate reading ever, and Katelyn agreed that she was excited but also a bit nervous. As they prepared for the pour, the music changed to an upbeat tune, setting the tone for what promised to be an exciting experience.
With the pour underway, the team carefully monitored their progress, making sure everything was spreading evenly and not leaking out. Evan asked if his bucket was ready, and Katelyn replied that it was time to give him the resin he needed. As they worked, the heart rate monitors continued to track their physiological responses, adding a fun element to the experience.
As the pour progressed, the team noticed that some parts of the project were not level, but they refused to overcorrect them, choosing instead to shim up the uneven areas. They acknowledged that this was an "obligatory project hiccup" and moved on to more exciting tasks. With their resin pour underway, they were now ready to move on to the next phase of their project.
The team leader took a moment to reflect on their progress, noticing that one section of the project had an empty space - a clear indication that something was amiss. He sheepishly admitted that he had been checking the level in only one way, and neither he nor his teammate had thought to check it from the other side. With some quick thinking and shimming, they managed to correct the issue without compromising their overall design.
As they continued working on their project, Katelyn realized that she needed to double-check the data sheet for the resin they had just poured. She was concerned about the potential risks and wanted to make sure everything was safe and controlled. This moment of caution highlighted the importance of attention to detail in resin pouring and the need for careful planning.
With the resin pour complete, the team took a step back to admire their handiwork. They were proud of what they had accomplished, despite a few minor setbacks along the way. As they looked at their project, they knew that it was only going to get better from here - after all, this was just the beginning of their creative journey with resin pouring.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enOkay. We have over twogallons of resin mixed.We have our heartrate monitors onto see how stressed out we get.This is our biggestresin poor yet.Are you ready?Ready!But first let's takeyou back a little bit.So in the backgroundfor the past few months,we've been chipping awayat our workshop makeover.Part of that is redoingour filming backdrop.And for that backdrop,we needed a very large 12foot by 14 inch counter,but we don't want it to bejust a basic wood counter.We decided to spice up thisnormal plain boring woodencountertop with resin.I mean, it is perfect, it is.We do a lot of resin projectsand would like that to berepresented in our backdropin a nice, subtle way.But before we dothat resin pour,let's go ahead and make thewooden countertop first.(upbeat music)You might notice thatthese are not 12 feet long.Or 14 inches deep.And that's because youcan't buy a piece of woodthat is 12 feet longand 14 inches deep.You probably, if you wantto spend a lot of money,you probably could buysomething bigger than thatand cut it down to sizeor you could like buy a giantslab or something like that.I don't know, cut down a tree.For us, with the toolswe have availableand the size of our car,buying multiple pieces of woodand joining them togetherwith glue made more sense.Yeah, we're using one bytwelves and one by foursand we're going tocombine them like this.Wow. Look at that graphic.As you can see,we're going to have to cutsome of these down to size.So let's do that.I just realized that like,this is not going tofit on the work bench.I wonder if wecan like zoom out?It's not going to fit in frame.It's not going tofit in frame. Oh boy!How are we going to dothe resin pour later?(upbeat music)Wait. Where's all thewood you just cut?(both laughing)Are you okay?(Evan sneezes)Excuse me.Oh, nice.But where's the glue & screws?(Evan sneezes)Ready to go.You should get yourallergies checked out.(murmuring)Yeah.So this glue up is actually,one of the most complicatedwe've ever done.Yeah.So we're gonna cheatand we're not just goingto just use clamps,we're going to screw too.Is this more gluethan is needed?Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.Oh, you wanna stop?You wanna stop.Why are you still going?We're alreadyscrewing it together.Do you want itsqueezing everywhere?It's going to drip on our shoes.'Cause it's so bountiful.Yeah, too bountiful.It's already going tobe difficult enough.We don't need thatlike extra challenge.EVAN: Chaos, chaos,chaos, chaos.Oh, who did theperfect amount of glue?We should have more glue.I knew it. I knew it.Okay, it's actuallypretty close.You win this one,but can you blame me forautomatically thinkingyou're doing something chaotic,especially when you'remaking chaos noises.Like, you can't blame me.(chaos whispers)Oh, little extra glue?Little bit of extraglue got on your hands?Let's go ahead and clamp itand then we'll screwit to lock it in place.Ooh, not at all flush.It is not staying in place.Maybe we did too much glue, huh?Little slippery?What if we just,what if we just, uh--Oh my god.(laughing)Nothing to see here.KATELYN: What's that?Nothing to see here.What if we don'teven need clamps?But if it slips whenyou're screwing it in--No, it's gonna be great.If it slips when youare screwing it in,we can't undo that,we can adjust a clamp.Oh my god. It's alreadyslipping. It's slipped.That's why we haveto have clamps.That's great right there.Pretty good, right?It's actually pretty good.Okay, twice in a rowyou've scared me with yourchaos and it's turned out okaybut like, I feel like we'repressing our luck here.Come on Katelyn. Say it with me.BOTH CHANTING:Chaos, chaos, chaos!Can you guys tellit's getting late?The later gets theweirder we get.I don't have any waterso I'm using my spitto clean off the glue.Those are great.Did you do the middle ones too?Yeah, I also did the middle one.KATELYN: There's a gap.EVAN: We need to pull it.Oh yeah, look atthat and drive it.Yeah, there, perfect.I think for the rest of this,we should probably time-lapse it'cause this is goingto take a while.Yeah.(upbeat music)Hi guys, before we moveon to the big resin pour,we need to make surethat the Supurrvisor approvesof our woodworking skills.Joobie, what do you think?What do you think?JOOB: Is wood.Do you like the counter?JOOB: Like being in workshops.EVAN: Oh yes!Is it really big?EVAN: Oh, it's a good catwalk.Oh yes.Do you approve?Wood good.I think she approves.So we gotta make it official.Okay, go for it.EVAN: Oh, please don't mess up.Oh yes.Yay!Yay, Supurrvisor approved.Okay, now we can resin.♪ Look at us being responsible ♪♪ Taping out our edges ♪♪ We even leveled it, yeah. ♪All right guys. It'sfinally time for?That was resin time.♪ Resin time ♪♪ Resin time ♪♪ Do do do do ♪♪ Resin time ♪So we're gonna break thispour into two sections.The first is just goingto be a gentle flood coatto make sure thateverything is sealedbefore we pour gallonsof resin all over thisand it leaks allover our floors.That would be bad.We're also wearing ourheart rate monitors,which we only wear whenwe play scary games.(scary game sound)Oh there, there,there, there it is.(murmuring)(screaming)But because we often get sostressed with resin pours,and this is our biggest one,we thought it'd befun to wear thesefor the duration of this.I wonder if with yours,this is going to be the highestor it is just highduring the intro.Oh my gosh, I'm looking at it.98, 99.And it was goingoff. Oh my gosh--A 100. Wait, I need tostop looking at it. Okay.All right.Maybe the resin pourwill be calming.No.If everything goeswell, it'll be fine.It'll be fine.Pay no attentionto my heart rate.(both giggling)EVAN: Oh my gosh.That'so much resinKATELYN: Ooh!Okay, my bucket, please.Okay, I need to give you--Oh my heart rate's a 106.Three, two, one.(screaming)Oh my god.Now we need to spread this out.Okay.Okay, mine's going to makeit's all the way to the corner.I'm going to look for leaks.We did our best to level it.Is it level?No, it's not, but it'snot because we didn't try.Because it's so long, there'slike some twisting in it.Different parts of it arelevel in different ways.Yeah, exactly.This is fun.This is so fun.Your heart rate isstill pretty elevated.Yeah, well I'm very excited.EVAN: Yeah.KATELYN: That looks great.EVAN: Let me get a big,a big old pile of it.KATELYN: Yeah.That's very satisfying.And it seems like to beabout the right amount.We do need to make sure thatit'll go across all the wayand cover everything though.It's looking pretty good.Yeah, my heart rate hascalmed down to the 80sand I'm now looking at it.Oh no it's going up.Don't look at it.No, it's going up.All right, after a little bitof gentle coaxing, I mean,it all evened out prettywell, it's looking good.Yeah, I feel prettycalm about it.I think it will be good.We'll just let this cureand then time for the big one.Yeah.Fingers crossed nothingleaks in the meantime,but I think it's looking good.So since you areseeing us again,you obviously knowsomething is wrong.If you look down this way,all the way down on this side,there's an empty space.You know what that means.It means it's lesslevel than we thought.Honestly, I havesomething to admit.When we checked level, Iwas checking it this wayand neither of us thoughtto check it this way.Shim, shim, shim, done!We don't wanna over correct it.Okay.Now that we've got ourobligatory project hiccupout of the way, let'smove on to the next-Katelyn, I justrealized something.I was checking the data sheetfor the resin we just poured.'Cause I was like,\"Oh, how long until we canmaybe do another cure.\"How long until, youknow, I don't know what.And I saw that the mixratio is not one to two.Like all of theother ones we use.It's one to three.What do we do? It'snot going to cure.Do we scrape it off?I already went throughall these emotions.I'm just capturing yoursI don't know what to do.But I've also,I've also thought thingsthrough a little bit more.So, I'll go back a littlebit, little explainer.Epoxy has a chemical reaction.There's part A andthere's part B.Part A is usually themeaty bit of the epoxyand part B is the hardener.For most of the epoxies thatwe use, it's two to one.So that means two parts ofthe epoxy, one part hardener.This one, you're supposed to dothree parts epoxy andone part hardener.Since we did thetwo to one ratio,basically we just usedway too much hardener.But what is the result of that?I don't really knowwhat you're getting at.I understand the explanation,but like, we still,that doesn't mean we're okay.That means these aregonna harden faster.We spent so much timemaking that countertop.I know.What if we have to throwaway the whole thing?What if we just did likea big goo pile on top.We can't even sand itoff and start over?It's just forever goo.We could try--The Supurrvisoreven approved it.It was so nice.Okay.What if we cut offone of the metal endsand we scrape it alloff into the trash.Metal ends?You know, the aluminum ends.What if we cut off oneof the aluminum ends--And we scrape off all of it?Scrape off all of it.But I feel really silly doingthat if it will just harden.I know.We need to call a TotalBoat.TotalBoat, what do we do?Okay, let's do fiveminutes of researchthen we're gonna make a call.Okay.EVAN: What to do if youdo too much hardener?Too much or too little hardenerwill affect the cure timeand thoroughness of the cure.Remove epoxy.Do not apply additionalmaterial over non-curing epoxy.Do notadd extra hardener to--For a faster care.So essentially what we have isextra hardener for a faster cureand it's like, \"Do notadd extra hardener.\"It's telling usto scrape it off.All right. I'm going.I just got to go.It's going to get messy,can I have blue tape?Blue tape is thesavior of all things.All right. So I'm going tofirst cut a little channel.Pains me to do this, ittook us so long to do.And I'm gonna scrapeit down into there.Are we're gonna have toacetone the whole thing?Probably.It's eight and I'm a hungry.I don't even think we haveacetone at the new house.I probably have a smallpick of nail polish remover.We got to get to thestores before they close.Like honestly.I didn't think about that.EVAN: All right, heregoes the first batch.KATELYN: Pain.EVAN: That's expensive.KATELYN: Oh god.Is it running down?KATELYN: In the plastic?EVAN: Oh, it's dripping.KATELYN: It's dripping.Oh man, there goes ourreally nice trash can.Really nice.Did it mainly dripon the cardboard?It's just on the cardboard.It may be a littlebit on this wire.The trash can is gone.The trash can might be gluedto the cardboard underneath,but that's okay.This is pure pain.Pain.Pain.Of all the resin pours,for this to happen on ithad to be literallythe biggest one.Can we at least do like,we messed up ourbiggest resin pour ever?For the title?For the title?Yeah, maybe.Because it's accurate,it's not click bait.It's not click bait.That's accurate-bait.Pain.Pain.I just want to goeat some tacos.How's it holding over there.It's not a dripping badly?Oh, it's kind of drippingall over the place.That trash can is truly ruined.I just want to makesure it's not likegetting on the wallsor the floor or--No.You know, the other thing iswe have to deal withthis all again now.What?Another flood coat.I'm not retaping though.I'm not doing all the edges.What if there's uncuredresin stuck to them?We'll do it tomorrow then.And everybody know wecan 'cause the schedule.Okay.We're just going to dolike real quick tacos.We're gonna haveto redo the tape.I don't wanna.We're gonna have to.I know.And also do we have enough tape?Do we need to get more tape?We special ordered this tape.We don't haveenough special tape.Like I'm serious. We don't.Oop I stepped in the resin.Oh no, I didn't. Oh my god.Oh no. I did. I did. Istepped in the resin.You did too.EVAN: Oh!Oh, that means yougot resin on the mat.Oh!The most horriblething about it allis this is uncuring resin.So it will never cure.So it's not likewe can just wait.No, we got to throwaway the shoes.We got to throw away the mat.At least we havecardboard on our floors.At least there's that.We super procrastinated andnever took off that cardboard.Wiping away our dreams.You know, the table lookspretty good as wood.(laughing)Yeah I think it lookspretty nice wood!It looks pretty nice already.(Katelyn laughing)You know how we fixed uncuredresin before, Katelyn?How?Poured more resin onwith the right ratio.So, if we pour theright ratio onto itwhile this is all still liquid--Okay. Okay. Okay.Ergo.Not have to redo the tape.Not have to wait days forthe tape to be deliveredand worst case scenario,at the end, we can alwaystrim off the edges.Right? Right? Right?As the edges haveuncured resin on it.Right? Right?Right? Right?Does it mean ifwe go fast enough.Okay. Oh, so we'regoing to do it now.Do it like now, now.Do we have enough?Yes we have just enough.Oh god.This is it.If we don't get it on this,we're going to have to ordermore and that takes days,which means we're gonna haveto put off this whole project.Yeah, like a week.Then I noticed the puddleof resin on the floorby the trash can hadgrown an alarming amount.Oh yeah, that's abig puddle of resin.Will the resin soak through?That's a pretty big puddle.Get the paper towels.You can place it down there.Yeah, there must be likea hole in the plasticwhere it's collected.No, I think it'srunning down the frontand then dripping right there.I'm a little worried aboutthe resin soaking throughthe floor under the trash can.I want to protect thefloors from uncured resin.So this wholesituation over hereis making me really nervousand I don't knowwhat to do about it.Palms are sweaty.Mom's spaghetti.I'd so go for some of mymom's spaghetti right now.I'm so hungry.Anyone's spaghetti.Anyone.Please some spaghetti.Your mom's spaghetti.(murmuring)Okay. I don't know thebest way to get over there.I don't seem to betracking resin anymore,but I also don'twant to track resinany more than necessary.I can take off my shoes.Okay.Just here, um...Blue tape is thesavior of all things...Blue tape!Blue tape.Activate!Yes.Yes.It's really come to this.More, more, more.No, I'm good, I'mgood, I'm good.This one.Now, you can't step in any resinotherwise you're gonna re-resin.I won't(Katelyn giggling)Oh man!Oh god.Okay.How late restaurants are open?Okay, okay.Please let it have notsoaked through to the floors.Yeah, 'cause our floor is resin,anything we would useto remove uncured resinwill damage our actual resin.Exactly.No, no.I need to move the trash canand I don't want to do thatwith stuff actively dripping.Oh no, my inner gloveshave become corrupted now.I'm going to re-glove beforetouching anything else.As you should always, that'sthe point of double glove.As soon as you take off yourouter gloves, put on more.I know the rulesof double gloving.I'm going tocarefully remove this.I need that still.I don't reallyknow how to check.I can just shove papertowels under there.Shove more ram board in there.Oh ram board, okay.EVAN: Careful.There's some more over there.I'm going to start gettingprepped for the next part.We need to move whileit's still liquid.Yeah.(upbeat music)All right, wish me luck.Good luck baby.Yeah, this is a verydifferent ratio.We were significantly wrong.I'm sorry, you have toedit this all Katelyn.This is a lot to sort through.I know.Oh my god, my heart rate is 115.It's okay. Everything'sgoing to work out I hope.You know, if itdoesn't work out,we don't even need thecounter top at all.Like this doesn'tneed a countertop.No Katelyn, this is avery necessary project.Ready?Yeah!Three, two, one.I went to the halfwaymark and I'll go back.(upbeat music)Okay. You know, it's beena learning experience.What have we learned?Read the directions.Okay, let's babysit it.Let's like make sure it'sall evenly distributedand just cross ourfingers, toes, eyes.Cross your--Brain cells!Done!Hopefully this is thelast time you'll see ustill this is cured.If you see it again,I can't even talk.I'm so hungry.But all we have to eat isall this uncured resin.We should probablymake some real food.But who's got time for that?I mean, we have enoughresin to last us forthe entire month or so.(doorbell dings)It'sour HelloFresh delivery.EVAN: Today'ssponsor, HelloFresh,is America's numberone meal kit.And it has more fivestar reviewed mealsthan any other service.KATELYN: who doesn'twant to save timeand still eat home cooked meals?Maybe your kids aregoing back to schooland life is extra busyor maybe you're a YouTuberwith no sense ofwork-life balance.EVAN: No matter what,we could all use 20minute meal options,healthy recipes to breakout of our recipe rutand 50 menu and market itemseach week to choose fromincluding ready to eatsalads and sandwiches,snacks like cinnamonrolls and more.KATELYN: Plus,HelloFresh's packagingis almost entirelymade from recyclableor already recycled materials.Go to HelloFresh.comand use code EVANANDKATELYN14to get 14 free meals,including free shipping.Warning: No resin was eatenduring the making of this ad.Please do not eat resin(upbeat music)KATELYN: Watch your step.EVAN: Hello shoes.KATELYN: So, shallwe see if it cured?EVAN: Yeah!By the way we're in our masksstill because as you know,there's uncured resineverywhere in this garage still.EVAN: Hopefully not here though.Are you ready?EVAN: I'm ready.Oh, okay.It feels like gel state.I can dent it if I poke,but it's not gooey.All right, cool, youmean you can dent it?Yeah!Oh yeah, you can definitelydent it, but it's like,it's good, it's good to go.It's ready for the next layer.It's ready for the next layer.That's a huge relief.Yeah, of everything thathappened yesterday--Oh, don't step on the mat.It's still got resin.Oh, let's see what theother resin feels like.Oh, in here?EVAN: Yeah, look atthat, did a whole puddle.Can we see it?EVAN: Let me see, let mefocus, yeah, go for it.It's hard!Does this mean?EVAN: It was, it was, it was--I feel betrayed.EVAN: Excuse me internet,how did you know?Internet told methat this would not harden,we scraped off our whole thing.We ruined our trashcan, look at them.EVAN: Just covered in resins.You covered.EVAN: Hello!We ruined two pairs of shoes.EVAN: Wait, does that meanthat everything was fine?Oh!Is that good or is that bad?I mean we wasted.But maybe everythingelse is cured too.Maybe the mat is fine.Maybe the trash can is fine.Should I poke it?EVAN: Oh here's wherethe resin slipped out.I mean look at that.It's hard.Did we not even have to do this?I feel so betrayed bythe internet right now.I wanted to break it in rage.EVAN: Follow me.KATELYN: Rage break, rage break.(hammering sound)This is like super thick.It's thick.(hammering sound)KATELYN: It's all the extrahardener we put in it.It's so hard.Okay, let's get back to it.Let's get back to it.We can't dwell onthe layers and layersof things that have gonewrong in this video.You know what, thisis okay. This is okay.It actually simplifies us.We wasted our timedoing the second pour,but you know what I remembered,the second time I rememberthe pop the bubbles.So there's lots of bubbles.Yay.Do we need a breakto like recoupor should we just like tell themwhat we're going to do next.Let's just keep going.Well, until thispoint, I will admit,we didn't actually know whatwe were going to do for likethe resin art ontop of this wood.But we have an idea.I think my favorite resinpour we've ever donehas been this beachthemed bath caddy.So what if we triedto recreate this,but just like four times as big?If we like something alot, isn't more better?So the first step, weactually looked backand we re-watched this video.The first thing that we didwas paint the wholething with acrylic paintbecause that way we savea lot of money on pigment.Wait, since the resincured, do we need to still,maybe it's not stinky outside.Not stinky!You know, what's interesting?What?This is not only the biggestresin pour we've ever done.This is the biggestpainting we've ever done.You're right.The biggest canvaswe've ever painted.Wow, yeah, you're right.Ready?KATELYN: Let's do it.WeeeeeI wonder if it would havebeen a better to do thison just the wood beforethis initial flood coator if it'll be good doing iton top of this layer of resin.Too late to stop now!KATELYN: Yeah.Probably would havebeen better on the wood.Probably!But like I said, wedidn't know what designwe were doing at thatpoint, so, you know.I started, do you want tograb a brush and join in?I do.(upbeat music)Look at that!Can we just remove the tape,throw it up hereand call it done.I mean, it is very pretty.I'm excited to add the resin'cause it's going togive it even more depth.You can do a lot--Sorry.EVAN: You're knocked over.KATELYN: Sorry, trash man,you've been througha lot already.EVAN: I'm a trash man.But I'm so excited tosee what it looks likewith the resin layered over it.Yeah.It's gonna be so good.Oh, it's gonna be so good.Are you ready?I think so.But after last night,I don't know if I'm--Mentally prepared?KATELYN: Mentally prepared.So, when we made our last beach,we did all of the blues andthe ocean bits in one pour,we did the white in another pourand we might've even donea clear coat over that.But we're not doing itfor this one becausewe already know this works.What if we triedsomething different?A little crazy even.I mean, that's not reallythe reason we're being crazy.We're being crazy becausewe're under differenttypes of restrictionsdoing such a giant pourthan we were doingthis much smaller pour.Mainly the epoxy we'reusing, that won't overheatand gives us lots of work time.To do a poor this big,it also takes a really longtime to cure it between layersand has to be acertain thicknessto cure at the rightspeed otherwise, itcould take forever.All of that to say,we're going to do allof this in one pour.We are going to have the blue.We are going to have clear.We are going to have whiteand we're going to mix it alland hopefully, it doesn't turninto just one jumbled mess.Hopefully, there's stilla distinct beach side,a distinct ocean side withnice frilly white wavespassing through the ocean.KATELYN: Yeah.Will we be able to get that?I don't know 'cause we'venever done it this way before.All right, let's glove up,mask up, and get going.Heart rate up.Heart rate up, yeah.(upbeat music)EVAN: Just like that much?Not much black.Yeah, not too much black.Okay. Oh it's gonnabe so satisfying.This should be satisfying.Oh yeah.That looks beautiful.Oh my god!Okay, we have over twogallons of resin mixed.We have our heartrate monitors on.This is our biggestresin poor yet.Are you ready?Ready.(screaming)Oh my god. Yes.I'm going to try togo like evenly across.I'm going to go evenly acrossthis side with the clear.Okay.I'm not that even.I'm not that even either.I just want to like makeit all the way acrossand then I can--Spread it out?Spread it out, yeah.Oh, this is fun.This is so much resin.This is so much resin.(upbeat music)I'm trying to get someartsy shots and sharts-Some sharts of me?Look at my heart rate.Oh my god.It was at 120 on the intro.Oh god.This is looking sobeautiful though.I'm gonna do something now.EVAN: What's that?Are you filming?EVAN: Yeah.I'm gonna give it a massage.EVAN: Relaxingresin beach massage.Do tippy taps.Tippy taps.(murmuring)That doesn't look creepy.Oh wow.This is so good.Ready for the next round?(upbeat music)Nice, nice, nice.I'm ready for my tippy taps.Oh yeah, this is like thick.It's deep enough, butit's not at all thick yet.You know it's eh--KATELYN: It's thick,but it's not--Thick!EVAN: Tippy tap,tippy tap, tippy tap.KATELYN: Isn't it so fun?It's so fun, I canjust do this all day.KATELYN: I know.Have the resin curearound my hand,embrace me in a forever embrace.KATELYN: It's destiny.Katelyn, I see that yourheart rate is elevated to 113.Are you nervous about me orthe heat gun going too much?(upbeat music)Let's go quickly and popsome of these bubbles, ready?KATELYN: Oh wow.When we torch it, it'llbring out some like cellsand everything like that.Yes, okay, shouldwe mix some white?We want this whiteto be really opaque.KATELYN: Really opaque.EVAN: So let's justgo for it, ready?Woo.(drilling sound)That's some milk, baby.EVAN: Yeah!KATELYN: Yeah, that's hmm.Okay, so we're tryingsomething crazy.We want the whitesvery precisely placed,not too much, not too little.We don't want it to take overbecause we've seen some whereit does kind of take over.So, we're gonna put itin a squeeze bottle.Is that weird?I dunno. You want itmustard mayo or resin.All right, you do this one.I'm not steady handed enough.We're so close, we're so close.We're so close.It's exciting likeif we can get likeall of this donein a single pour.Oh my god.That's pretty cool like, awhole beach scene in one go.That's cool. And thisis the trickiest part.This is the part most peopledo as a different pour.And that's what we did last timeso now I'm not really showhow this is gonna turn out.If it ended here, Ithink this is successful.But could I messit up with this?Yes. My heart rate is elevating.Mine too.EVAN: Oh no, you gottaitch your nose?Yeah, I'll deal with it.EVAN: All right, good luck.Yeah, we can start there andsee how much waves that makes.KATELYN: Yeah.EVAN: So far this isworking great though, hello.This is pretty great. Okay.I heat gun.Oh yes, I am excited.Oh, oh that is not--I think you need more.Yeah.EVAN: You can always add more.(upbeat music)This side can be theexperimentation station.Exactly, that's the side,we won't see as muchand this side has to be goodbecause it's alreadySupurrvisor approved.It's crazy, I can seethe white sinking down.It might be bad for this'cause we want the white tobe on top, but let's just see.EVAN: Oh yeah, that's better.I mean it's doingthe thing, look!Yeah.EVAN: That's awesome.I think we just got tokeep on slowly going.(upbeat music)That's pretty dang cool Katelyn.It's pretty cool.Okay, it's nowbeen about one hoursince we startedmixing up the resin.Oh my gosh. There's no waywe could have done thiseven with slow cure.No way.Oh yeah, this is goingsomeplace, Katelyn.KATELYN: I know!Oh, heck yeah.(upbeat music)Okay. Look at that.That's what I'm talking about.Heck yeah, those are waves.Look at that detail,yeah, oh yeah.KATELYN: Yeah, baby.So, this is the foremost wavecrashing all the way down,but there definitely isa second way of coming inin these deep partsright here, right?KATELYN: Oh yes, yes.(upbeat music)This might be it.This might be it.I have to hide my shame.It's like 500 gloves.No, there's only a few.Okay, you guys, wannasee a tour of it?It looks so good.Honestly, I hope itdoesn't change anymore.I know.I love where it's at right now.Can we just freezeit right here?We just need topop some bubbles,watch the cells form-And just relax.And just relax.Yeah my heart rate isdown to a 100 so I'm good.Also, I don't wantany more cat hairs.I don't want a babysit.So I think it is time todeploy the cat shield.KATELYN: Deploy!EVAN: Deploy!Look at this.The world's most advancedreal like cat hair shield.(clock ticking)Guys, I came outto check on things.Things have changeda decent amount.You can tell thateverything kind of sunktowards the center.Let me show youon the other side.You can see right herehow a lot of the detail thatwe created has been lost.Everything kind of sunktogether in the centerand it just doesn'tlook as good.It looks kind of morelike a like flower petalinstead of an ocean.So, not exactly whatwe were going for.You know what I mean?The main good newsis that I did tryhitting it with a heat gunand it still is flowable.I think it might let us messwith it a little bit more.I should probably goin and get Katelynand tell her the news.We were like about to go to bedand I just likehad this instinct.I wanted to see it one more timeand I'm glad I cameout to look at itand I'm not glad, but I'm glad.This whole project hasjust been such a process.Oh no, no, no, no, no, no.No, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, no.(Evan laughing)EVAN: It's not asbad as you think.It's fixable.Okay, can you give me a second?EVAN: Yeah.Oh boy.Okay.EVAN: I think the blue,we poured more blue than clearbecause there wasa lot less clear.KATELYN: Yeah, we pouredmore blue than clearand then we blew it allthat way so it just settled.And then it shifted this way.So I think we needto pour some clearand then shift it back this way.KATELYN: Let's do it.Be very careful.EVAN: Okay. Ready?The Supurrvisorneeds to be visible.It's Supurrvisor approved again.We're adding back insome of our waves.Hopefully that'll give ita little bit of definition.EVAN: All right, lookingbetter, looking better.Okay, I think we'regoing to call it for now.We're trying not to overwork it.It's like 1:00 AM so Ithink we'll go find a snacksand then come check on it again.(clock ticking)It... is okay.The white spots that weadded blended out some,but they exist.EVAN: Yeah, the SupurrvisorIt's still visible.Look at that.I don't want to getmy hopes up too much.We're going to have to checkit again in the morning.EVAN: Yeah, well it's 2:00 am.And it's time for bed.We're fresh outta snacks.It's morning.So we thought weshould check on itand see how it's doing.It's right overthere. I can't see it.What are your thoughts?I'm resigned to whatever it isbecause I am an accepting personand I also don'twant to do it again.Let's go loot at it.EVAN: Let's go lookat the face first.Okay.Picture where it waswhen you first saw itand it had allfloated to the centerand where it waswhen we left it.EVAN: YeahIt's like the twoof those merged.So we didn't completely keepour little white wavy areas.EVAN: I'm so gladthat we came out hereand re-added them,they're still here.KATELYN: There's stilla hint of them there.And also we don't have thatweird center point seamrunning evenly downthe whole thing.I think after overnight,we don't have toworry about it moving.EVAN: It still looks verysmooth and clean and clear.The tent of protection.The tent of protection.EVAN: Has worked.Do it will be cured in timefor this video to release?It has to be.(slow music)It is time for poke test.Yay!KATELYN: Yay, is it hardenough to take off the tape?Yes.(upbeat music)I hope it fits.(both laughing)Can you imagine?Oh no!You get that sideI get this side.Yeah.This thing is thick.Oh my god.Oh, it's so much heavier now.Do we need like asupport in the middle?What if I--Well, let's move it.Let's move it in.Okay.'Cause we added a quarterinch of resin here.More than a quarter inchof resin to an already.How am I supposed to--All right here,set that end down?Okay.Okay.Oh god it fits.Yay, it fits.Oh, it's beautiful.Oh my gosh. It's liketoo nice for this.It's too nice, it's too nice.It's like too nicefor the garage.(upbeat music)It looks great though.It looks good.I love it. Oh, here we go.Oh what if it dents?Okay. Fine.We won't put anything on it yet.Yeah, if you want tosee us decorate it,you might actuallywant to check outone of our upcomingvideos where we showthe entire renovationof our garage.We've been workingon it for so long.Months.And if you want to get somesneak peeks of it right now,you can actually head over,where we do minivlogs, sneak peeks,a lot of extra bonus content.Aftershows.Yeah, aftershows.We're going to record theaftershow for this videoright after this.We're gonna reveal that thiswasn't our original plan.And some of the,the stories that didn'tmake it into this40 plus minute long video.And if you want tosee other long videos,you might be interestedin our second channel,Evan and Katelyn 2.We've been postingchill, crafting videos.Yeah, it's good.I endorse it.It's good.Anyways, that'senough shout outs.Thank you guys for watching.Hope you're having a great day.Hope you enjoyed this videoand look forward to seeingyou in the next one.Bye.Bye.I thought that was good.That was really good.I thought that was good, wedid it baby, we did it baby.You make fun of mefor saying it's goodand then you say it was good.I said, this was--I said outro was good.I also agree that thesecond channel is good.I just think it's afunny endorsement.Go watch, it's good.Just threw away the tapeand pulled out the trash.That's resin.That's the resin that fell out.EVAN: It's the resinfoot, it's trash foot.Totally regular.(laughing)\n"