If You Want Better Gas Mileage See the Air Fuel Ratio Sensor Minus 0.01
If you want better gas mileage, see the air fuel ratio sensor minus 0.01. You know so it's subtracting you know a tiny bit it was almost perfect against zero so it really is pretty much meaningless. The car's just running too good so let's take it for a spin. You've got to Look Backwards while we drive, I stick a camera like this and look at it, I use my head though, I find the head works just as well.
The vehicle still idles like a dream. We're going over the big hump here, really considering that still has the original four struts on it, and it's got 234,000 miles on it. It's still rides pretty good, such just say they don't make them like they used to. You want to spend close to $1,000 replacing everything, I wouldn't, it still goes good enough.
Here we go, nobody to the right, somebody to the left here we go, we'll give it some gas that engine sounds strong shifts like a dream. Hey, these things are just made like tanks if somebody put me in this car blindfolded there's no way I think it has 240,000 miles on it still corners like a dream the brakes are smooth, the ABS system still works. I mean, this car still runs pretty much the same as it did when it came off the factory floor except it bounces a little bit more, the struts have 240,000 miles on them, and MOS you really can't complain about that.
Sure, he bought an alternator for it a few years ago, not that big of a deal, he did it himself. No, he wants me to tell him if you could take it from here to Florida for a trip, heck, I'd take it from here to California and back, I wouldn't care. So there you have it, he's cleared for takeoff if he wants to go to Florida anytime. Hey, sure it's got a lot of miles on it but really when you consider what he paid for $144,000 almost 200,000 miles ago and it still runs like this, hey, you really can't complain that's why they sold so many of these.
So millions, millions, and millions of these things because they're boringly predictable. They don't break down, they get to where you're going, they get good gas mileage. When you do have to fix them there's always parts available, cuz they sold so many of them and there is an insane aftermarket. You can do whatever you want or don't want to do to them if you're a young kid you want to soup them up, go right ahead waste your money but most people they're just going to be driving this thing around till Hades freezes over.
Bonus Questions and Answers
GM Says They Think the US Can Dethrone China as the EV Battery King
Kurt Kelly from General Motors who is the boss of their GM battery Department says China's a headbutt. Hey, we can beat him thanks to government policies encouraging local development manufacturing of battery cells in other words it's just another pitch for our government tax money to go to private corporations.
We can beat those Chinese but you got to give us a few billion to help us out right that's what I say. GMS have been making crappy cars for quite some time why should we give them a whole bunch of money to make crappy electric cars that nobody wants? They spent years touting their ultimum Battery Technology and now they got rid of the name oh we can't use that, they're not the ultimate ones they're kind of crappy well let's change the name that'll fix everything right.
And in this case, they say everything's going to be fixed from the Chinese Domination by taking our tax pay dollars and giving them the GM you know what I say don't give them a penny. It's a joke it's stupid the government should have nothing to do with industrial policy of making electric cars paying the people to make batteries for cars that people don't want to buy.
There's a lot of other things we can put government money into besides wasting it on the stupid idea of battery electric cars and these corporations being dead from the neck up once they start, they just keep going on the same path. They're on the highway to hell and they keep going full speed, they don't care that it's the wrong way but then they say we can beat the Chinese just give us some money please.
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