10 of the Most Dangerous Products We Bought Online!

I Think I'm Not Even Drinking Coffee Anymore Maybe Just One She Changed the Name from Red Line to Flatline Wow 316 Milligrams That's Lop Add the Kazaar Wow Look at This Good Stuff Oh Wow It's Clear Wait Hold On So Check This Out This Right Here Is Some Type of Gauge Okay It Says One Serving Four-Ounce Mark This Is Really So You Don't This Bottle Contains Two Servings Why Not Just Make a Smaller Bottle Is That Why They Have Five Hour Energy Drinks A Little Yeah Because They Want You to Get Addicted Caution Read Label Before Drinking Label Says Don't Drink Wow Look at This Look at the Ingredients in This Thing Do Not Use a Pregnant or Nursing Does That Mean If You're a Nurse You Can Never Drink This and Then It Says Contemplating Becoming Pregnant Yeah I Swear Look Oh No That Means If You're Like Trying to Get Pregnant Yeah But Come On Phrasing for Nursing or Contemplating Becoming Pregnant So If You Still Didn't See It You're Even Thinking About Having a Kid Yeah If You're Even Thinking About Having a Kid Don't Don't Drink Don't Do It You Don't Know Here's the Question What Does It Taste Like Wow It's Just Clear You've Got to Shake It The Smelly Smell Like Oh It's Like Just Pure Nitric Acid It Smells Potent Tastes Like Thomas Out of Some Syrup Oh That's Bad That's Some Thick Syrup My Question Is Like Why Does Someone Need This You Know What I Mean Like at What Place Are You in Your Life Yeah Like What Are You Doing No Don't Don't Bad Advice There's Bad Advice from Tanner Don't Drink a Soda Just You Know Contemplate Where You Are in Your Life and Be Like Maybe I Don't Need to Like Inject Drugs Hardcore into My Body That's a Note from Me Kobe Oh I Knew I Knew I Told You I've Never Seen Kobe Do That Curious Chef Three-Piece Nylon Knife Set or All What About This Makes You a Curious Set A Curious Chef Ah That Drink Really Messes My Head Dude They're for Kids Look at the Little Girl in the Corner Wait So These Are Kid-Proof Knives No They're Just Really Kid-Proof Though There's This Little Girl Using It Because Their Parents Trust Them Parents Should Not Trust Children with Anything Trust Luna to Do This Oh Yeah I'm Gonna Give Luna a Knife asap We're Gonna Watch This in the Future Girl Can't Even Get a Straw Right Collection of Flawless Kitchen Knives for Young Ones to Engage Beginning See It Is for Beginning Cooking Not a Blade But Plastic That's Sharp Enough to Do the Job Yeah But So Isn't That Sharp Enough to Do the Job Bad Work Actually You Know What Most People Say Is That the More Dull Your Blade Is the More Dangerous It Is You Know It Says That Every Chef Ever Wait Why Would a Dull Blade Be More Dangerous Than This Because If It's Not Cutting Through Quickly It Can Move I Can Like Flip Off So If You Flip Off You Can Cut Yourself with It More Easily Yeah I Was Actually Cutting with the I Was Add the Card Tanner is Cooking Challenge What Does That Mean for Me If You Recall a Couple Episodes Ago He Had Issues Just Opening Up a Can I Don't Know If I Want to Give Them a Knife Now Counter Argument Hands Are Dumb Those Are Dull Hate That They Give You Zip Ties on Knives Want to Watch Now I Can't Use a Middle Side Scissors It's Going to Be Like We're Going to Do Draw the Knives Give Me the Big One No No No We Have to Draw for Sizes You're Just Touching All of the Why Does He Always Got to Touch All the Food What Is Wrong with This Said Banana Why Is It Wet Wow How's That Cutting Going for You Bud I Mean It's Cutting But It's Kind of Really Bruising It Too If You Guys I'm Gordon Ryan You Know How Many Times I've Watched Hell's Kitchen Are You Highlighting Your Slices You Can't Garnish with That Yeah This is I'm Like Having to Destroy This Piece of Fruit Because It's Like So Difficult to Get in There It Is Successfully Cutting It Is Cutting Wrong You Can Just Go Through It You Ain't Got to Cut More Efficient Yeah Sounds Like You're Hurting It Doesn't Work for a Banana Bro That's the Biggest Cucumber Slice I've Ever Seriously Been in My World Take Your Time Next Time More Like This Here's How I Like to Do It Bro How Are You Kidding Me Right Now I'm Gonna Say That's a No Yeah It's Not That Dangerous Thank You Guys for Watching Make Sure You Guys Let Us Know Down Below Which Ones You Guys Thought Were Dope or Nope So We Can Compare and Contrast and Guys Just Keep Looking Beautiful We Love You Out There Check Out One of These Two Videos and We Will Catch You on the Flippity Floppity Goodbye

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enlook at that look that's the rattle right there i'm not about this dude what's up guys welcome to dizzy dizzy deezy doper nope i was like drizzy drake throw that up on me welcome to drizzy drake and the in my feelings challenge someone sing it kiki am i doper no no i don't hi michael guys this here is tan man over there we got the good ol what you say all right michael guys is that what we're calling the fans i said all right guys i'm michael we got two no no no you did not did michael go hi michael guys today we're going to be reviewing 10 of the most dangerous products you can find online okay yeah oh okay i already bought them so prove it too late oh no one james outlaw tattoos stick and you can poke diy tattoo kit handle grip dynamic ink what does that mean stick and you can poke what hey steve no consent like needles because i'm thinking about this dna i mean is this as creepy as it looks a diy tattoo kit kind of freaking me out a little bit gonna be honest i wanna has anybody even use this oh my gosh look at the essay wait wait wait don't use toothpaste and markers don't use a ballpoint pen ink don't use paint or lipstick or crayon and it keeps going don't use mascara eyeliner or sharpie wait is that what prison tattoos are made out of do i look like a prison boy yes edgy as hey bro you know if i went in prison i could run that place all right welcome to all this for just a small price of 29.99 we're gonna set that quantity to one we're gonna buy it now yo does this have an actual needle in it yeah stop you found this on the internet yes on ebay on ebay we're testing this right i'm going to tap to my name on matt with the heart would you say dip the needle every one to three poke one to three pokes so how do i tattoo would take forever oh you have to do it manually so this isn't like no diy oh my gosh so you're just supposed to stab someone a lot all right no careful what's the matter with you that's a sharp needle it's the juice slash blood comes out then you've gotten too far it says does it say juice in the instructions well in our case it's juice but if you're skinned like yeah those instructions you never know i i i swear it could say skin juice man nah man i'm in i'm in the cells you know what i'm saying cells they don't give you gloves for this kind of stuff kind of like playing connected dots but without connecting the dots you're not supposed to be stitching things after this we're all getting stamps on our back right yeah mine will say dope devils will say no i think i want mine to say no because i don't want somebody what a great tattoo artist just smears shading this is cool this is how they shade right in the tattoo world we call this shading it's an arrow and it points to who i love the most so after seeing my interpretation does anybody want to try it or does anybody want to write dope for now i've written this a note because i feel like if i ever wanted to make a little bit of money on the side people would come to me with that kind of trust maybe you know after this experiment but you know just show them this video all right all right next product amc cma cervical neck traction device for head and shoulder relief that's cool it's got a little pump to it tell me how this is dangerous michael it screams gucci gang at you while you press that all right so it's supposed to soothe your neck muscles tendons and ligament oh but you're afraid it's going to strangle you well i mean realistically like any of these kind of devices that you're just like expanding your neck yeah i remember i did that really and it hurt my neck the contraption yeah the contraption and like pressed my neck up and i did that and it was doing it for only like a couple minutes my neck hurt did you feel elongated what let's test it out add the card wow beautiful tops all right make sure you grab the little pumpkin this is a lie because it says that it's blue yeah that's dangerous you look back to the reference gracious blood way better lighter butter way better can't you believe blood's not butter tanner always look like that dinosaur from jurassic park one hour later two hours later three hours later can you move it along i'm all out of time all right for how long is this taking i'm saying this is a nope come on dude let's have some more fun it's got another pop hey it's me i don't know the guy's name is richard simmons that's it you're not doing it right come here oh oh yeah instant feeling it oh i'm getting long now why am i getting more nervous now oh this feels weird feel like a giraffe like i'm like looking at michael and then matt said i'm like all right let's do the rest all right next product is we'll stay after this one oh my gosh oh gosh aren't these the things that have the really bad amazon reviews these are like the most popular amazon product of all time they're not the sugar oh they are sugar free i think this is the one i think maybe like maybe a year and a half ago or two years ago i reviewed this how'd that go uh i didn't buy it i just read reviews have you seen the videos online on youtube no people have actually like diarrhea like vlogged themselves eating these and like showing the process of like however many minutes or hours later just runs oh i i bought them like straight up did you buy these they're super hard to buy i mean like now they're currently unavailable wait let's look at some reviews there are some really really funny reviews in here they're usually like big stories like this i ate half of a six ounce bag i picked up at cvs they changed the color of the bag i didn't know i spent 24 hours in the fetal position on my bathroom floor repeating please god why one of the worst days of my life is when it was done so i made that same mistake you ate it before i realized i was buying sugar-free and i bought sugar-free and i went to the movies i was in the bathroom for like hours because they were sugar-free because no because the the type of sugar-free all right let's see these puppies bye now all right so as you saw they're currently unavailable on amazon so we had to take it over to ebay oh great that's even more dangerous licorice yeah it's a no-go that's a no-go for me though but they're the only ones available but how do you like licorice is horrible nothing like even if we eat wow these are hard how old are these to be honest they might be pretty old they're just gonna taste like black licorice those are and the ones that i had are just gonna taste like they're just taste like actual gummy bears i couldn't tell the difference most sugar-free stuff that's the issue is that particular stuff tastes like sugar but it's not i'm steering clear that i'm gonna touch it i thought you hated licorice i do do it for the vlog you're gonna have a some farts though just on those two oh black licorice that's just wrong they're a nope for me but the reviews are a dope like amazing yeah yeah go look at that you guys have some time to kill i say go straight that didn't work nice product you always go for the backboard but it never oh i heard you feel relaxed or stressed yeah i feel more locked up in the neck i hate it it's like a really bad airplane really bag of airplanes nice hey sold out get it do it no it is a snaddle rake in a jar right rattle snake in a job did you mean to do that yeah i did you did but it was funny though right it's not all right yeah it's a snaddle rake in a jar and it's a wet specimen anytime you're like yo look you see that girl over there i'm like don't be a wet specimen 884 reviews guys i have two fears on earth spiders snakes uh how come you freaked out so much about ants yesterday bugs i don't like dogs i can conquer everything else i can configure everything else but if i see an ant i'm gonna lose it oh oh no no yeah yeah that's it we're not i mean you you can leave the room if it actually triggers you no you wanna hear something crazy about me fun fact everybody my uncle actually has a an alcoholic like thing but it has a snake in it from japan 21st birthday that's the first drink i had bye all right i'll help you okay you're gonna have to do this actually is it in fluid it doesn't look like it is what were you freaking out about i thought this bag was fully sealed not like i was going to touch the jar i swear no i can't i'm out okay that was good should we open it just just take the take it out of the bag and like it's a jar yeah but like the juice has like outstanding jar all right tough guy matthias over here this guy's eating his name all right today's amazon look that's the rattle right there i'm not about this dude that was a genuine scare you jumped he said no it might jump out how about the actual like what if it's alive it's it's not alive what if it's a lie if it is though we all don't know until we check all right should we just take it out yeah let's just do it this is what the kids subscribe for everybody buckle down that is a big snake haven't you ever dissected anything though yeah but there's not things i fear yeah that's the head right there yeah hey what kind of psycho does this that is really odd i feel like this is odd human behavior yeah i'm good i'm good i'm thinking i'm just gonna now you don't want to decorate the place okay i don't know where to put it where do you put snakes comment down below and let us know i'm gonna have to go yeah that's a no triple shooting flash gun one paper refill reef steal caught on re phil what are you looking at me for i don't know do you want confirmation to make you feel weird all right a new device from gem pace that allows you to create flames and sparks right at the tip of your fingers at the back oh man a device that can be used for productions for practical jokes infinite possibilities are there any reviews on this baby there is no hand attachment but i'm sure an attachment it's not supposed to fix your hand supposed to take it off sheet of metal device flash gun liz just got the fire extinguisher it's about to get real look at this nice toss dave it's a box all right we got what's in the fire wizard we've got some cotton yeah that's what you light on fire what's a fire wizard oh wait mom i gotta go back inside i forgot my fire wisdom mom i told you i was a wizard firefighters just like talking to the news yes it wasn't a pyromaniac it was a fire wizard thank god they called the water wizards classes oh wrecked wanted a shout out because they have glasses wrecked can kiss my these are dirty shout out yeah shout out hey hey wreck you want a shout out how about you clean these before you give them to me yeah wrecked watermelon sucking fools the other channel i'm also on it was like secretly oh wait did it shoot bullets don't point at your face didn't even do anything tony went a foot they're little babies oh what did you say to me oh paper is way cooler playing magic fire wizard hey oh no that's cool that's pretty tight this is a dope that's a different shirt is this a mega mega dough three two one oh my gosh that was definitely a mega dope haunted pirate entity the pirate entities uh powerful revenge on enemies not dole or jin that's how you spell enemies no you spell doll not a doll it's a real life thing that'll pop out of you this is the skeleton ah look at protect your owner and seek out all who double cross you and stop them right in their tracks blackbeard stopped at night i can't blackbeard started nothing was not a force to be reckoned with and was not a force to be reckoned with don't you want to be a force to be reckoned with that's what i'm saying this doesn't make sense this entity will enhance your own power and make you extremely strong it will also enhance all your senses but most of almighty will also protect you and seek revenge on your enemies hey they spot the enemies right there buy it now i'm very uh scared about this entity um although i'm opening it up and technically it was my money so it'll be my entity that will protect me or destroy you wow never open the chest as the pirate entity will leave and never return is that some really bad ploy having us keep it close we just open the chest and there's just like a little note that says what the heck man to use light a gold candle and say this incantation three times oh gosh it's so long bond with me y'all open your arms all right so can someone get out their their google phone and just take a quick picture of this because i'm sure you could just download this pdf online yeah devil's marsh is a merman look at this this is fantastic free gift full moon incense pirate loves it written in sharpie something pirates never had the pleasure of using not a bad case it's kind of perfectly honest with you pirates beauty oh i can see i've touched a booty before now all right shall we release my pirate i hope so kylo ren well at least i have some booty all right next item i rate that a note so this next product is one we got from our subreddit our strangest products it is from kristen in 1992. that makes her does the math 25. yeah not that wrong but almost 25 i've decided kristin and she said when you can buy uranium or on amazon for what you can buy uranium or or what or what she gave us that sweet link and guess where it took us good all amazon boy 984 cpm wow i wish ours was that high don't you think that'd be amazing that's a deep youtube joke so it's by images psy so what's cpm it's counters per minute did you make that up i can't i can never trust this guy counts for a minute stop yeah right there dude you didn't make it up but you were right no i didn't make it up product features radioactive ore sample or the norm boring what am i supposed to do with this so can we can i ask a question here how much more radioactive sorry am i interrupting you i said no how much more radioactive is this than a banana is our bananas potassium radioactive oh this is stress map now he has to teach us a lesson i'm not going to today because i just get hate for it but the kids don't know so is that why you don't bananas are radioactive like imagine dragons levels so pretty much what this uranium ore is used for is it's such a small amount like it's meant to test the geiger counters which is how you track radioactivity i got a free cat in the box with this purchase but i'm not sure if i should open to see if the cat is okay oh that's a that's a classic joke there classic joke dude that's big bang theory to make that joke every episode all right add the card this one's less no this one's what 3 000 361 cpm thank you for your purchase we don't exist without your business ah not one of these give me a rating things yeah hey watch out it's explosive as you guys can see here should i take it out is it safe to just have it i think the plastic bag is doing anything although i wouldn't touch it i didn't touch it hard you guys want to see a magic trick i don't see a magic trick boom look this is so radioactive if i go what science cut that to where it worked uh this is pretty cool but it's gonna be a note for me because it's just radioactive rock i don't feel any immense danger currently even though it's gonna hit me in the long run yeah just swallow it all right we got app oh the carry wait what a po apple the carry apple the carry yeah bottles nailed it handmade item large bottles snake venom must be collected either by milking or by removing the poison glands from a snake as a snake's lactate through their teeth come here my baby as expected the venom available will depend on location and type of snake when snape is firmly gripped squeeze gently and the viper will open its mouth you've seen people do that right well they hold the face down and they puncture like the like a film drizzles yeah it drizzles out the snake venom so venom's able to accelerate death dissolve dissolve limbs accelerate death remember i thought you were laughing at me and i was like no i read that correctly that is your by far the funniest way to describe dying how about you go over to practice falling down i'll be there in a minute all right that is the cart all right so they gave it to us separately here's the bottle oh could they even give you a little tooth a little oh it's a snake thing it's a snake snake thing is wild boy right wild butt bag wow fang i see inside that eww it's molding no that's from the rats here that is disgusting what is that what is that italian seasoning italian oil so what do you do with it you put it on your shelf and you you say to other people when they come in i'm cool what else do you do somebody walks in your room i'm cool just check that out just in case look you know you look at me wrong still over your death look at it uh i must say that's uh well this is just as weird as having a snake but i think that's fake if truth is real it's a fang i don't know i mean all right i'ma say it's a no because who knows if it's really real vpx redline extreme star blast never exceed more than four ounces per serving or more than one bottle a day use the gauge on the bottle to find your ideal dough so this is just uh super caffeinated a super caffeinated drink 250 milligrams of caffeine that's a lot that's a lot how many cups of coffee is not as much as bobby drink bobby used to have like eight cups of coffee a day how was his heart maybe that's why he's so short not great he's better now he's only on like i think i i think he's not even drinking coffee anymore maybe just one she changed the name from red line to flatline wow 316 milligrams that's lop add the kazaar wow look at this good stuff oh wow it's clear wait hold on so check this out this right here is some type of gauge okay it says one serving four ounce mark this is really so you don't this bottle contains two servings why not just make a smaller bottle is that why they have five hour energy drinks a little yeah because they want you to get addicted caution read label before drinking label says don't drink wow look at this look at the ingredients in this thing do not use a pregnant or nursing does that mean if you're a nurse you can never drink this and then it says contemplating becoming pregnant yeah i swear look oh no that means if you're like trying to get pregnant yeah but come on phrasing for nursing or contemplating becoming pregnant so if you still didn't see it you're even thinking about having a kid yeah if you're even thinking about having a kid don't don't drink don't do it you don't know here's the question what does it taste like wow it's just clear you've got to shake it the smelly smell like oh it's like just pure nitric acid it smells potent tastes like thomas out of some syrup oh that's bad that's some thick syrup my question is like why does someone need this you know what i mean like at what place are you in your life yeah like what are you doing no don't don't bad advice there's bad advice from tanner don't drink a soda just you know contemplate where you are in your life and be like maybe i don't need to like inject drugs hardcore into my body that's a note from me kobe oh i knew i knew i told you i've never seen kobe do that curious chef three-piece nylon knife set or all what what about this makes you a curious set a curious chef ah that drink really messes my head dude they're for kids look at the little girl in the corner wait so these are kid proof knives no they're just really kid-proof though there's this little girl using it because their parents trust them parents should not trust children with anything trust luna to do this oh yeah i'm gonna give luna a knife asap we're gonna watch this in the future girl can't even get a straw right collection of flawless kitchen knives for young ones to engage beginning see it is for beginning cooking not a blade but plastic that's sharp enough to do the job yeah but so isn't that sharp enough to do the job bad work actually you know what most people say is that the more dull your blade is the more dangerous it is you know it says that every chef ever wait why would a dull blade be more dangerous than this because if it's not cutting through quickly it can move i can like flip off so if you flip off you can cut yourself with it more easily yeah i was actually cutting with the i was add the card tanner is cooking challenge what does that mean for me if you recall a couple episodes ago he had issues just opening up a can i don't know if i want to give them a knife now counter argument hands are dumb those are dull hate that they give you zip ties on knives want to watch now i can't use a middle side scissors it's going to be like we're going to do draw the knives give me the big one no no no we have to draw for sizes you're just touching all of the why does he always got to touch all the food what is wrong with this said banana why is it wet wow how's that cutting going for you bud i mean it's cutting but it's kind of really bruising it too if you guys i'm gordon ryan you know how many times i've watched hell's kitchen are you highlighting your slices you can't garnish with that yeah this is i'm like having to destroy this piece of fruit because it's like so difficult to get in there it is successfully cutting it's just cutting wrong you can just go through it you ain't got to cut more efficient yeah sounds like you're hurting it doesn't work for a banana bro that's the biggest cucumber slice i've ever seriously been in my world take your time next time more like this here's how i like to do it bro how are you kidding me right now i'm gonna say that's a no yeah it's not that dangerous thank you guys for watching make sure you guys let us know down below which ones you guys thought were dope or nope so we can compare and contrast and guys just keep looking beautiful we love you out there check out one of these two videos and we will catch you on the flippity floppity goodbyelook at that look that's the rattle right there i'm not about this dude what's up guys welcome to dizzy dizzy deezy doper nope i was like drizzy drake throw that up on me welcome to drizzy drake and the in my feelings challenge someone sing it kiki am i doper no no i don't hi michael guys this here is tan man over there we got the good ol what you say all right michael guys is that what we're calling the fans i said all right guys i'm michael we got two no no no you did not did michael go hi michael guys today we're going to be reviewing 10 of the most dangerous products you can find online okay yeah oh okay i already bought them so prove it too late oh no one james outlaw tattoos stick and you can poke diy tattoo kit handle grip dynamic ink what does that mean stick and you can poke what hey steve no consent like needles because i'm thinking about this dna i mean is this as creepy as it looks a diy tattoo kit kind of freaking me out a little bit gonna be honest i wanna has anybody even use this oh my gosh look at the essay wait wait wait don't use toothpaste and markers don't use a ballpoint pen ink don't use paint or lipstick or crayon and it keeps going don't use mascara eyeliner or sharpie wait is that what prison tattoos are made out of do i look like a prison boy yes edgy as hey bro you know if i went in prison i could run that place all right welcome to all this for just a small price of 29.99 we're gonna set that quantity to one we're gonna buy it now yo does this have an actual needle in it yeah stop you found this on the internet yes on ebay on ebay we're testing this right i'm going to tap to my name on matt with the heart would you say dip the needle every one to three poke one to three pokes so how do i tattoo would take forever oh you have to do it manually so this isn't like no diy oh my gosh so you're just supposed to stab someone a lot all right no careful what's the matter with you that's a sharp needle it's the juice slash blood comes out then you've gotten too far it says does it say juice in the instructions well in our case it's juice but if you're skinned like yeah those instructions you never know i i i swear it could say skin juice man nah man i'm in i'm in the cells you know what i'm saying cells they don't give you gloves for this kind of stuff kind of like playing connected dots but without connecting the dots you're not supposed to be stitching things after this we're all getting stamps on our back right yeah mine will say dope devils will say no i think i want mine to say no because i don't want somebody what a great tattoo artist just smears shading this is cool this is how they shade right in the tattoo world we call this shading it's an arrow and it points to who i love the most so after seeing my interpretation does anybody want to try it or does anybody want to write dope for now i've written this a note because i feel like if i ever wanted to make a little bit of money on the side people would come to me with that kind of trust maybe you know after this experiment but you know just show them this video all right all right next product amc cma cervical neck traction device for head and shoulder relief that's cool it's got a little pump to it tell me how this is dangerous michael it screams gucci gang at you while you press that all right so it's supposed to soothe your neck muscles tendons and ligament oh but you're afraid it's going to strangle you well i mean realistically like any of these kind of devices that you're just like expanding your neck yeah i remember i did that really and it hurt my neck the contraption yeah the contraption and like pressed my neck up and i did that and it was doing it for only like a couple minutes my neck hurt did you feel elongated what let's test it out add the card wow beautiful tops all right make sure you grab the little pumpkin this is a lie because it says that it's blue yeah that's dangerous you look back to the reference gracious blood way better lighter butter way better can't you believe blood's not butter tanner always look like that dinosaur from jurassic park one hour later two hours later three hours later can you move it along i'm all out of time all right for how long is this taking i'm saying this is a nope come on dude let's have some more fun it's got another pop hey it's me i don't know the guy's name is richard simmons that's it you're not doing it right come here oh oh yeah instant feeling it oh i'm getting long now why am i getting more nervous now oh this feels weird feel like a giraffe like i'm like looking at michael and then matt said i'm like all right let's do the rest all right next product is we'll stay after this one oh my gosh oh gosh aren't these the things that have the really bad amazon reviews these are like the most popular amazon product of all time they're not the sugar oh they are sugar free i think this is the one i think maybe like maybe a year and a half ago or two years ago i reviewed this how'd that go uh i didn't buy it i just read reviews have you seen the videos online on youtube no people have actually like diarrhea like vlogged themselves eating these and like showing the process of like however many minutes or hours later just runs oh i i bought them like straight up did you buy these they're super hard to buy i mean like now they're currently unavailable wait let's look at some reviews there are some really really funny reviews in here they're usually like big stories like this i ate half of a six ounce bag i picked up at cvs they changed the color of the bag i didn't know i spent 24 hours in the fetal position on my bathroom floor repeating please god why one of the worst days of my life is when it was done so i made that same mistake you ate it before i realized i was buying sugar-free and i bought sugar-free and i went to the movies i was in the bathroom for like hours because they were sugar-free because no because the the type of sugar-free all right let's see these puppies bye now all right so as you saw they're currently unavailable on amazon so we had to take it over to ebay oh great that's even more dangerous licorice yeah it's a no-go that's a no-go for me though but they're the only ones available but how do you like licorice is horrible nothing like even if we eat wow these are hard how old are these to be honest they might be pretty old they're just gonna taste like black licorice those are and the ones that i had are just gonna taste like they're just taste like actual gummy bears i couldn't tell the difference most sugar-free stuff that's the issue is that particular stuff tastes like sugar but it's not i'm steering clear that i'm gonna touch it i thought you hated licorice i do do it for the vlog you're gonna have a some farts though just on those two oh black licorice that's just wrong they're a nope for me but the reviews are a dope like amazing yeah yeah go look at that you guys have some time to kill i say go straight that didn't work nice product you always go for the backboard but it never oh i heard you feel relaxed or stressed yeah i feel more locked up in the neck i hate it it's like a really bad airplane really bag of airplanes nice hey sold out get it do it no it is a snaddle rake in a jar right rattle snake in a job did you mean to do that yeah i did you did but it was funny though right it's not all right yeah it's a snaddle rake in a jar and it's a wet specimen anytime you're like yo look you see that girl over there i'm like don't be a wet specimen 884 reviews guys i have two fears on earth spiders snakes uh how come you freaked out so much about ants yesterday bugs i don't like dogs i can conquer everything else i can configure everything else but if i see an ant i'm gonna lose it oh oh no no yeah yeah that's it we're not i mean you you can leave the room if it actually triggers you no you wanna hear something crazy about me fun fact everybody my uncle actually has a an alcoholic like thing but it has a snake in it from japan 21st birthday that's the first drink i had bye all right i'll help you okay you're gonna have to do this actually is it in fluid it doesn't look like it is what were you freaking out about i thought this bag was fully sealed not like i was going to touch the jar i swear no i can't i'm out okay that was good should we open it just just take the take it out of the bag and like it's a jar yeah but like the juice has like outstanding jar all right tough guy matthias over here this guy's eating his name all right today's amazon look that's the rattle right there i'm not about this dude that was a genuine scare you jumped he said no it might jump out how about the actual like what if it's alive it's it's not alive what if it's a lie if it is though we all don't know until we check all right should we just take it out yeah let's just do it this is what the kids subscribe for everybody buckle down that is a big snake haven't you ever dissected anything though yeah but there's not things i fear yeah that's the head right there yeah hey what kind of psycho does this that is really odd i feel like this is odd human behavior yeah i'm good i'm good i'm thinking i'm just gonna now you don't want to decorate the place okay i don't know where to put it where do you put snakes comment down below and let us know i'm gonna have to go yeah that's a no triple shooting flash gun one paper refill reef steal caught on re phil what are you looking at me for i don't know do you want confirmation to make you feel weird all right a new device from gem pace that allows you to create flames and sparks right at the tip of your fingers at the back oh man a device that can be used for productions for practical jokes infinite possibilities are there any reviews on this baby there is no hand attachment but i'm sure an attachment it's not supposed to fix your hand supposed to take it off sheet of metal device flash gun liz just got the fire extinguisher it's about to get real look at this nice toss dave it's a box all right we got what's in the fire wizard we've got some cotton yeah that's what you light on fire what's a fire wizard oh wait mom i gotta go back inside i forgot my fire wisdom mom i told you i was a wizard firefighters just like talking to the news yes it wasn't a pyromaniac it was a fire wizard thank god they called the water wizards classes oh wrecked wanted a shout out because they have glasses wrecked can kiss my these are dirty shout out yeah shout out hey hey wreck you want a shout out how about you clean these before you give them to me yeah wrecked watermelon sucking fools the other channel i'm also on it was like secretly oh wait did it shoot bullets don't point at your face didn't even do anything tony went a foot they're little babies oh what did you say to me oh paper is way cooler playing magic fire wizard hey oh no that's cool that's pretty tight this is a dope that's a different shirt is this a mega mega dough three two one oh my gosh that was definitely a mega dope haunted pirate entity the pirate entities uh powerful revenge on enemies not dole or jin that's how you spell enemies no you spell doll not a doll it's a real life thing that'll pop out of you this is the skeleton ah look at protect your owner and seek out all who double cross you and stop them right in their tracks blackbeard stopped at night i can't blackbeard started nothing was not a force to be reckoned with and was not a force to be reckoned with don't you want to be a force to be reckoned with that's what i'm saying this doesn't make sense this entity will enhance your own power and make you extremely strong it will also enhance all your senses but most of almighty will also protect you and seek revenge on your enemies hey they spot the enemies right there buy it now i'm very uh scared about this entity um although i'm opening it up and technically it was my money so it'll be my entity that will protect me or destroy you wow never open the chest as the pirate entity will leave and never return is that some really bad ploy having us keep it close we just open the chest and there's just like a little note that says what the heck man to use light a gold candle and say this incantation three times oh gosh it's so long bond with me y'all open your arms all right so can someone get out their their google phone and just take a quick picture of this because i'm sure you could just download this pdf online yeah devil's marsh is a merman look at this this is fantastic free gift full moon incense pirate loves it written in sharpie something pirates never had the pleasure of using not a bad case it's kind of perfectly honest with you pirates beauty oh i can see i've touched a booty before now all right shall we release my pirate i hope so kylo ren well at least i have some booty all right next item i rate that a note so this next product is one we got from our subreddit our strangest products it is from kristen in 1992. that makes her does the math 25. yeah not that wrong but almost 25 i've decided kristin and she said when you can buy uranium or on amazon for what you can buy uranium or or what or what she gave us that sweet link and guess where it took us good all amazon boy 984 cpm wow i wish ours was that high don't you think that'd be amazing that's a deep youtube joke so it's by images psy so what's cpm it's counters per minute did you make that up i can't i can never trust this guy counts for a minute stop yeah right there dude you didn't make it up but you were right no i didn't make it up product features radioactive ore sample or the norm boring what am i supposed to do with this so can we can i ask a question here how much more radioactive sorry am i interrupting you i said no how much more radioactive is this than a banana is our bananas potassium radioactive oh this is stress map now he has to teach us a lesson i'm not going to today because i just get hate for it but the kids don't know so is that why you don't bananas are radioactive like imagine dragons levels so pretty much what this uranium ore is used for is it's such a small amount like it's meant to test the geiger counters which is how you track radioactivity i got a free cat in the box with this purchase but i'm not sure if i should open to see if the cat is okay oh that's a that's a classic joke there classic joke dude that's big bang theory to make that joke every episode all right add the card this one's less no this one's what 3 000 361 cpm thank you for your purchase we don't exist without your business ah not one of these give me a rating things yeah hey watch out it's explosive as you guys can see here should i take it out is it safe to just have it i think the plastic bag is doing anything although i wouldn't touch it i didn't touch it hard you guys want to see a magic trick i don't see a magic trick boom look this is so radioactive if i go what science cut that to where it worked uh this is pretty cool but it's gonna be a note for me because it's just radioactive rock i don't feel any immense danger currently even though it's gonna hit me in the long run yeah just swallow it all right we got app oh the carry wait what a po apple the carry apple the carry yeah bottles nailed it handmade item large bottles snake venom must be collected either by milking or by removing the poison glands from a snake as a snake's lactate through their teeth come here my baby as expected the venom available will depend on location and type of snake when snape is firmly gripped squeeze gently and the viper will open its mouth you've seen people do that right well they hold the face down and they puncture like the like a film drizzles yeah it drizzles out the snake venom so venom's able to accelerate death dissolve dissolve limbs accelerate death remember i thought you were laughing at me and i was like no i read that correctly that is your by far the funniest way to describe dying how about you go over to practice falling down i'll be there in a minute all right that is the cart all right so they gave it to us separately here's the bottle oh could they even give you a little tooth a little oh it's a snake thing it's a snake snake thing is wild boy right wild butt bag wow fang i see inside that eww it's molding no that's from the rats here that is disgusting what is that what is that italian seasoning italian oil so what do you do with it you put it on your shelf and you you say to other people when they come in i'm cool what else do you do somebody walks in your room i'm cool just check that out just in case look you know you look at me wrong still over your death look at it uh i must say that's uh well this is just as weird as having a snake but i think that's fake if truth is real it's a fang i don't know i mean all right i'ma say it's a no because who knows if it's really real vpx redline extreme star blast never exceed more than four ounces per serving or more than one bottle a day use the gauge on the bottle to find your ideal dough so this is just uh super caffeinated a super caffeinated drink 250 milligrams of caffeine that's a lot that's a lot how many cups of coffee is not as much as bobby drink bobby used to have like eight cups of coffee a day how was his heart maybe that's why he's so short not great he's better now he's only on like i think i i think he's not even drinking coffee anymore maybe just one she changed the name from red line to flatline wow 316 milligrams that's lop add the kazaar wow look at this good stuff oh wow it's clear wait hold on so check this out this right here is some type of gauge okay it says one serving four ounce mark this is really so you don't this bottle contains two servings why not just make a smaller bottle is that why they have five hour energy drinks a little yeah because they want you to get addicted caution read label before drinking label says don't drink wow look at this look at the ingredients in this thing do not use a pregnant or nursing does that mean if you're a nurse you can never drink this and then it says contemplating becoming pregnant yeah i swear look oh no that means if you're like trying to get pregnant yeah but come on phrasing for nursing or contemplating becoming pregnant so if you still didn't see it you're even thinking about having a kid yeah if you're even thinking about having a kid don't don't drink don't do it you don't know here's the question what does it taste like wow it's just clear you've got to shake it the smelly smell like oh it's like just pure nitric acid it smells potent tastes like thomas out of some syrup oh that's bad that's some thick syrup my question is like why does someone need this you know what i mean like at what place are you in your life yeah like what are you doing no don't don't bad advice there's bad advice from tanner don't drink a soda just you know contemplate where you are in your life and be like maybe i don't need to like inject drugs hardcore into my body that's a note from me kobe oh i knew i knew i told you i've never seen kobe do that curious chef three-piece nylon knife set or all what what about this makes you a curious set a curious chef ah that drink really messes my head dude they're for kids look at the little girl in the corner wait so these are kid proof knives no they're just really kid-proof though there's this little girl using it because their parents trust them parents should not trust children with anything trust luna to do this oh yeah i'm gonna give luna a knife asap we're gonna watch this in the future girl can't even get a straw right collection of flawless kitchen knives for young ones to engage beginning see it is for beginning cooking not a blade but plastic that's sharp enough to do the job yeah but so isn't that sharp enough to do the job bad work actually you know what most people say is that the more dull your blade is the more dangerous it is you know it says that every chef ever wait why would a dull blade be more dangerous than this because if it's not cutting through quickly it can move i can like flip off so if you flip off you can cut yourself with it more easily yeah i was actually cutting with the i was add the card tanner is cooking challenge what does that mean for me if you recall a couple episodes ago he had issues just opening up a can i don't know if i want to give them a knife now counter argument hands are dumb those are dull hate that they give you zip ties on knives want to watch now i can't use a middle side scissors it's going to be like we're going to do draw the knives give me the big one no no no we have to draw for sizes you're just touching all of the why does he always got to touch all the food what is wrong with this said banana why is it wet wow how's that cutting going for you bud i mean it's cutting but it's kind of really bruising it too if you guys i'm gordon ryan you know how many times i've watched hell's kitchen are you highlighting your slices you can't garnish with that yeah this is i'm like having to destroy this piece of fruit because it's like so difficult to get in there it is successfully cutting it's just cutting wrong you can just go through it you ain't got to cut more efficient yeah sounds like you're hurting it doesn't work for a banana bro that's the biggest cucumber slice i've ever seriously been in my world take your time next time more like this here's how i like to do it bro how are you kidding me right now i'm gonna say that's a no yeah it's not that dangerous thank you guys for watching make sure you guys let us know down below which ones you guys thought were dope or nope so we can compare and contrast and guys just keep looking beautiful we love you out there check out one of these two videos and we will catch you on the flippity floppity goodbye\n"