Exploring the Future of iPhones with AI-Generated Images
Hey guys, it's Justine, and welcome back to my channel! Today, I'm super excited to share with you my latest adventure in exploring the future of iPhones using AI-generated images. I've been fascinated by the possibilities of technology advancing at an incredible rate, and I wanted to dive into the world of AI-generated images to see what kind of amazing designs we can create.
I started by asking myself, "What does a futuristic iPhone look like?" and then I began brainstorming some ideas. I thought about all the new features that could be added to our beloved smartphones, like holographic displays, telescopic cameras, or even transparent glass backs. But then, I realized that these ideas were still pretty vague, so I decided to take it to the next level and ask AI to help me generate some images.
I opened up my favorite AI tool, Midjourney, and started typing away with my prompts. At first, I just started throwing out words like "futuristic," "iPhone," and "transparent glass back" to see what kind of results I could get. But then, I decided to take it a step further and ask the AI to write a prompt for me. I typed in something like, "I'm not really sure what any of this stuff is to be honest with you. This is the new feature for the iPhone that will revolutionize the smartphone industry." And guess what? The AI came up with some crazy ideas!
The first image I got was of a huge iPhone that's the size of a person. It was transparent except for the Apple logo and had a huge telescopic camera protruding from the back. It looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie! But then, things took a turn when the AI started generating more images. Next up was an alien species made entirely of 50% iPhone and 50% human DNA. I kid you not! And if that wasn't wild enough, the next image showed an iPhone made entirely of diamonds. It looked like something straight out of a fantasy novel!
As I kept pushing the boundaries with my prompts, things started getting even weirder. The AI generated images of iPhones as cars, transparent glass backs with rose gold trimmings, and telescopic cameras that were so big they had wheels on them! And let me tell you, some of these designs were just plain crazy! But despite how outlandish they were, I couldn't help but be excited by the possibilities.
After hours of exploring the world of AI-generated images, I finally settled on a few designs that I wanted to use as inspiration for my next project. The first image was still that huge iPhone from earlier, and I loved how it looked with its transparent glass back and telescopic camera. But then, I decided to experiment with different colors and textures. I added some rose gold trimmings to the design and also experimented with some weird, futuristic materials.
As I kept working on my project, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of stories we could tell using these AI-generated images. So, I decided to write a short story about an iPhone from the future that connected to your brain. The story went something like this: "She held the iPhone 14 in her hand, admiring its sleek design and rose gold trimmings. The phone was transparent except for the Apple logo and had a huge telescopic camera protruding from the back. She tapped the screen and felt a slight tingling in her brain. The phone connected to her neural network and displayed a holographic interface in front of her eyes. She smiled and swiped through her apps."
And that's where I left off, guys! But I hope you enjoyed this little journey into the world of AI-generated images with me. Remember to like, comment, and subscribe for more content like this, and don't forget to hit that notification bell so you can stay up-to-date on all my latest adventures in tech and design!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, it's Justine,and today we are goingto try to find the iPhone from the future.I love looking at rumorsand leaks and seeing rendersand phones that we might see in the futurebut today we're gonna get a little bitof assistance from AI.I've been obsessed with AIgenerative images so muchthat I started an Instagramaccount called @ijustineaito share some of those thereand also some storiesthat are written by AI.So it's been really fun to kindof explore this wholenew side of creation,but today we're gonna make it create usa futuristic iPhone.To get started,I actually have Midjourneyinstalled on my Discord serverand I'm just in here ina little private chatso that I'm not spammingmy entire Discord serverbut we're gonna startby entering a prompt.So what Midjourney does is it allows youto take text prompts andit turns them into images.You can be as vague as you wantor you can be super descriptiveand each time, you will get something new.So right here, we're gonna do a promptof iPhone from the year 2050.(dramatic music)Okay, here it is.It's happening.You can see it says 0%.So it'll start out givingyou sort of a blurry imageand then as it progresses,the image gets clear andyou can see more detail.So here's our first attempt.These all kind of look pretty basic.I don't really think any, I mean,they definitely look futuristicbut I'm not really a fan of any of these.So I'm gonna try to giveit a more specific prompt.Ultra realistic.Okay, let's see what we get.Ooh, look at these.Okay, so now we're startingto get in the groove.Now, what's really coolabout this is I can go inand if I like any ofthese, I can do an upscale.So I'm gonna upscale the first one.I also really like this fourth one,so I'm gonna upscale that oneand I'm kind of into this fourth version,like this is kind of along thelines of what I'm thinking.So I'm gonna do a variation of number fourand this will give you another outputof variations of that fourth one.One day, this is allgonna happen so quickly,we're not gonna have to sit here and wait,but right now, the biggest complaintsis this is taking so long.It's creating images out of nothing.Let's be patient.All right, here's therenders of that fourth one.The iPhone of the futurefreaking has touch ID.That's really cool.Not really sure how it works.This one looks kind of cool.It's like the water backgroundjust sort of expandedand it's like a mini fish tank.I think this one stillmight be my favorite.That looks cool.Okay, let's imagine cyberpunkiPhone that connectsto the human body.Let's see what we get.Is this my future?So this is where thingscan get a little skewed.It took my prompt very literally.This made a body on the iPhone.I wanted a human body that'sattached to the person.So this is not what I hadin mind, but that's okay.Okay, how can I rephrase this?This is the hardest partabout AI generative artis trying to get it to understandwhat you have in your mind.Imagine an iPhone that isconnected to your brain.Let's see what we get here.Like I'm picturing you take the phoneand then you just sortof put it in the sideof your arm like a dock.So let's see.Okay, imagine an iPhone thatdocks into your, what is this?A forearm? Is this a bicep?Is that tricep?An iPhone that docksinto your tricep, okay.iPhone that docks intoyour chest like Iron Man.Ah, this is an iPhonewith a brain on top of it.Okay, so I need to rethink some things.Oh man.Okay, this also is not what I meant.This is my problem.Communication. This is not what I wanted.Imagine a human body,a human body that is hangingfrom an iPhone with wires.iPhone implanted in the shoulder.We're getting there.We're getting there.I might upscale the first one.So this is almost what I had in mind.Oh, this one's cool.Check this out.Wow.That's just an Iron Man iPhone.That's sick.That needs to happen.Okay, I think that I'm gonna go backto my original prompts and quittrying to implant the phoneinto a human body 'causeclearly they don't like it.Let's do imagine a cyberpunkiPhone with airplane wings.Wow, this is not what I had inmind, but these look so cool.Look how pretty.I love this third one.I love the fourth one.I'm actually super intothis Iron Man iPhone.Like that's pretty great.Let's see, what should we imagine now?iPhone in the zombie apocalypse.Is this if zombies had iPhonesand they were taking pictures and selfies?I think what we're gonna do nowis I'm actually gonnaask AI, write me a promptto get Midjourney tomake a futuristic iPhone.I keep spelling futuristicand like all of these words wrong.Oh this is great.Okay, we're gonna use some of these.Like, these are way more indepth than than I was doing.This is a long prompt.So here it is.I'm not really sure whatany of this stuff isto be honest with you.This is the new feature for the iPhonethat will revolutionizethe smartphone industry.Well, what is it?None of these words, nothingmake nothing make sense.A huge iPhone that isthe size of a person.While that's working, let's see.Imagine futuristic iPhonewith transparent glass back,diamond cameras, no ports.We'll see what happens.So here's the huge iPhonethat is the size of a person.That's interesting andstrange and just weird.This one looks like she's in a gymnasium.This guy looks like he justwalked out of the Apple Storeand stole this phonewith his massive hand.These are weird.Here's our futuristic iPhonewith transparent glassback and diamond cameras.Oh, check this out.Discord is not correcting my spelling.I'm literally spelling every word wrong.- There'sgotta be a bot for that.- An alien species thatis made of 50% iPhone.- Yeah. And 50% human DNA.- Oh my God, our species is happening.What?Okay, I'm gonna haveto say that this is...I don't see a single bitof human in this at all.Do you see a human in there?It's really cool.A human that is actually an iPhone.This is gonna be so bad.Okay, here it is.I'm really confused.I think we're all a little confusedas to what's happening here.We just don't know.Okay, an iPhone made of diamonds.This looks hideous.This looks like one of thoselike $2 cases that I got off of Amazon.Dislike.Next prompt, transparent iPhonewith rose gold trimmings,a camera that is the size ofa telescope and has wheels.Okay, this is so exciting'cause I think this mightactually be my favorite one.Look at this.I was thinking of wheels asin like you could drive itlike a vehiclebut this took it and it haslike wheels on the internals.This is pretty sick.All of these actually look incredible.I'm gonna upscale all four of these'cause those are so good.And this last prompt that I just kindof randomly threw in therewas an iPhone as a car.I mean it took it quite literally.This is actually really cool.I like that third one.That might actually be a future prompton my AI Instagram account.Speaking of my AI accounts,now I need to choose oneof these images and have AIwrite me a story about it.So let's go into Edge here.Write me a story about aniPhone from the future.It is transparent rose gold trimmings,huge telescopic camera andconnects to your brain.Let's go.Oh, look at this.This is a whole story.She held the iPhone 14 in her hand,admiring its sleek designand rose gold trimmings.The phone was transparent exceptfor the Apple logo andthe huge telescopic camerathat protruded from the back.She tapped the screenand felt a slight tingling in her brain.The phone connected to her neural networkand displayed a holographicinterface in front of her eyes.She smiled and swiped through her apps.This is great.Now I'm gonna work on an imageof the girl getting a holographic imagein front of her eyes.Okay, let's see, we'll see what we get.Okay, these are pretty cool.I'm definitely into number four.There we have it.Thank you so much for watching.Let me know what you guys thinkof some of these image renders.If you guys are Midjourneypros, I would love to hearfrom you what prompts youthink I should try out.If you'd like to see me do this again,I would love to becausethis is actually so much funand I'm obsessed with AI.So with that, my friends,I will see you guys in my next video.Don't forget to like,comment, and subscribeand I'll see you in the next one.Bye.(upbeat music)\n"