**Headset Review: A Closer Look at the 3D Audio Technology**
The headset I'm reviewing is equipped with cutting-edge technology that promises to revolutionize the way we experience audio. One of the standout features of this headset is its 3D audio mode, which uses head-tracking to create a stereo speaker set in front of the user. This feature is only relevant for the orbit model, as it features the Waves and X technology that is not available in other models. When enabled, the 3D audio creates a realistic scenario where the audio is centered and remains locked to the center when rotating the head accordingly. However, I found this feature to be more of a gimmick than a game-changer, particularly in scenarios like gaming or movie watching.
**Head-Tracking: A Mixed Bag**
The 3D audio mode uses head-tracking technology to adjust the stereo positioning of the audio based on the user's movements. While I appreciate the idea behind it, I'm not convinced that it provides any significant benefits in most situations. In fact, I found that it made no sense in gaming scenarios, as moving my head slightly would change the stereo positioning of the audio, which doesn't provide any advantages. However, in VR applications, where an audio source can be locked off to create a 3D space around the user, this feature might be beneficial.
**Sound Quality: A Highlight**
Outside of the 3D audio mode, I was pleasantly surprised by the sound quality of this headset. The planar magnetic drivers deliver incredible bass response, which is unmatched in gaming headsets at this price point. The clarity and expansion are also impressive, making it a great choice for music enthusiasts. The use of DSPs to enhance the audio experience is also noteworthy.
**Design and Build: A Mixed Bag**
The design and build quality of this headset are mixed bag. On the positive side, I appreciate the visual indication on the headset that shows the direction it's looking at, making it easy to center the audio. The microphone switch feature is also convenient when using analog mode. However, I'm not a fan of the rubberized soft coating on the microphone, which gets covered in finger marks and oils, and scratches easily. Given the price point of $300, I expect a higher level of build quality.
In conclusion, this headset offers some impressive features, particularly in terms of sound quality. The planar magnetic drivers deliver exceptional bass response, and the clarity and expansion are notable. However, the 3D audio mode is more of a gimmick than a game-changer, and the microphone coating is a letdown. For those looking for a high-quality gaming headset with excellent audio, I would recommend considering other options, such as the Orbit or GS X 1000 from Sunhyzer. However, for enthusiasts who are willing to invest in premium driver technology, this headset might be worth considering.
**Final Thoughts**
Overall, I'm disappointed by the microphone quality and design issues that come with a price point of $300. While the sound quality is excellent, it's not enough to justify the cost. I hope that more companies will venture out into using planar magnetic drivers in their gaming headsets, as it would elevate the audio experience to new heights. For now, this headset is a solid choice for those who value excellent sound quality, but the price point might be too steep for some users.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso that was interesting I'm currentlywearing the cloud orbit s the newheadset from HyperX that they're comingin with a clutch because the currentgaming headset scene has become like alittle bit stagnated as gaming keyboardsare getting expensive gaming micegetting lighter and weight you knowwhat's the next cool thing with thegaming headset and I feel like HyperXhas got you covered they're finallybringing a little bit innovation intothe sector and this thing is a rebrandof the Odyssey Mobius headset but thisthing is like the cheaper because itdoes not have the wireless functionalitythis is a wired headset only and it'sgot many cool things working for it solet's check it out right after this aOCS warranty just respawned that coversfour years general warranty for anydefects including a one-time accidentalwarranty replacement of vagin monitorsbecause sometimes things happen so youcan enjoy a super smooth and responsivegameplay just like the warranty check itout below alright so let me break thisdown for you the reason why I think thisheadset is important it's because of thebrand HyperX is known for their gamingaudio if you ever bought anything gamingin the audio sphere related you mostlikely have come across HyperX cloudseries one way or another and the factthat they teamed up with Odyssey torelease a planar magnetic gaming headsetis awesome because how many people knowabout Odyssey probably not many in themainstream gaming arena but HyperX is bythe popular and it's a really good wayto kind of channel those planet magneticdrivers into the hands of the mainstreamconsumers even though it's a veryexpensive pair the orbit is $2.99 andthe orbit SS 329 and the maindistinction between the two the $30premium gets you the waves and the nexttechnology basically the 3d trackingthat's built into the headset and I'lltalk about that laterso you do get that with the orbit s butyou do not with the orbit while theOdyssey Mobius sells for 399 and thereason for that markup is because theOdyssey Mobius also has wirelessfunctionality with Bluetooth while thisthing does not and that price point Iget it will immediately turn off manyconsumers from even considering orlookingsomething like it but the whole idea isthat inclusion of a hundred million ofplanet magnetic drivers into the gamingmarket and let me tell you guys thesesound incredible the deepest richestbased on any gaming had said that I'veever heard the best bass in myexperience before these were the GSP 600from San Heiser nice richness deepnessof those lower end but here the planarmagnetic driver is just so good atdelivering those lower and frequenciesthat I would say it's like really reallynice for music and in a gamingenvironment it's awesome because itdoesn't distort and doesn't overshadowany other frequency that you feel thebass it's almost supposed to be rumblingthe headset or the ear cups but itdoesn't it's fully controlled and thatis awesome so the drivers need a lot ofpower which is why you see on the Box upto ten hours of usage and that onlyapplies when you use them in analog modevia the 3.5 Miller connection at thebottom in my testing at full power wedropped 20% in two and a half hours sothere after 10 hours of runtime is validnow for the price point built quality isokay there's no creaking when trying toflex them size extensions work well thepadding on top of the headband on theear cups is memory foam so they doconform to the shape of your head theclamping force here is a bit strong inthe beginning it has loosened over timea little bit but still there's a littlebit too much clamping force at thebottom of the headset even though youcan slightly extend them and they wouldfit larger heads no problem just bemindful of the clamping force that's youknow they're not HD 5 and X comfortablebut they're pretty good for what theyare they're also pretty like the 368grams and my only complaint with thebuild is the surface texture and thecoating it is like a rubberized andmatte which is pretty nice to the touchbut it reveals all scratch marks revealsall handling marks in terms of the oiland so over time this thing is not goingto look pretty now the accessories arepretty basic with a carry pouch a type aType C cable the type C to type C ouranalog cable and the removal microphonewith a pop filter and so the microphonecurrently it's a maximum gain and it isnoise canceling so as I'm typing on MXkeyboard it tries to cancel out and muteall the background stuff without toomuch compression so there is still nicebody to the sound however I feel likethis is a condenser microphone so wehave to be really close to it for it topick up enough volume and if I move it alittle bit further back then it becomesalmost inaudible which is unfortunategiven this is maximum gain here's whatthe GSP 500 sounds like from sanitiserthis is one of my favourite gamingheadset microphones because it's reallynatural great bass pickup the only thingit's not noise cancelling so it doespick up more ambient room noise as youcan hear I'm typing on the keyboard butas an overall package I feel like thisis slightly better than the orbit andthe orbit s but you let me know whichsounds better to you in the comments allthe controls are located on the left earcup to make sure that your right handstays on the mouse and that does notneed to come off when ever need tochange any of the parameters here wehave a mic mute we have a power on/offswitch that also acts as you play pauseat the bottom we have two wheels one forvolume adjustment and one for themicrophone volume and if you hold andcycle the mic volume you cycle betweendifferent EQ presets and if you hold itfor three seconds you are actuallychanging the audio modes between 7.1channel stereo channel and high resaudio then we have our analog 3.5million or input our type C portmicrophone input and that 3d button andthis 3d mode is only relevant for theorbit s because that features the wavesand X technology while the orbit doesnot and when it is enabled it basicallycreates this stereo speaker set in frontof you that is centered and if yourotate your head accordingly that stereoseparation remains locked to the centerlike this but it changes themdynamically in the actual headset whichis pretty cool because you could lookaway from the source and this speakerwill be louder than that one and itgives you that whole realistic scenarioof listening to speakers instead ofaudio being here regardless of your headmovement at first it was really cool toexperience something like it because itlocks off this audio source in front ofyou or where you set the center channeland so it does shift best based on likewhere you look but in neither of thesituations movie watching games or musichas thatbenefited my listening experience andgaming for example it makes no sensebecause if you move your head slightlyit does change the stereo positioning ofthe audio which does not give you anybenefit in trying to position the audiokeys and stuff in movies it again likeif you were to look away to talk tosomebody you still hear the slightlylouder stereo separation but why and theonly reason I would see thishead-tracking to be beneficial is maybein VR where an audio source can belocked off so you could be looking backand still hearing something in aproperly positioned 3d space around youbut when you're sitting physically atthe deskhow does moving around give you anybenefit I don't get itbut outside of head-tracking 3d audiofor gain immersion is absolutely onpoint it's one of the only few virtualsurround sound modes that I enjoyoutside of like the GS X 1000 from Sunhyzer where here the environment doesget lucky wider without losing detailyou still get a lot of that nice basedefinition good clarity throughout theentire range and I really appreciate thea bit closeness on the vocals I actuallyreally like watching youtube videos with3d audio on and I was not expecting thatI almost never enable any virtualsurround sound in gaming where audiocues are important but I have with thisthing in escape from tarkov being ableto detect footsteps above me below me onwood glass in the forest whatever and Ididn't even realize that 3d audio was onwhere I could easily tell where someenemies were even in csgo where theawliyas are so well defined already instereo channels 3d mode and csgo did notsuffer now in terms of the software it'sa good visual indication on the whereand which direction the headset is kindof looking for and you can Center thateasily so that you're looking in thescreen and that is your center Channelin terms of sound presets all of it isdone on the headset itself which isquite niceeven when you're running this in analogmode and you can change between them viathe mic switch whenever it works I doprefer the default preset and werepreset to just warm up those bass toneswhich are fantastic already and here youcan also see the battery percentage andthe microphone volume and so in the endthe sound quality from the planarmagnetic drivers is absolutelyincredible for 300 at is expensive butyou get the best bass that I've everheard in the gaming headset withbeautiful clarity nice expansion - andreally good handling of the DSPs interms of one 3d audio is enabled and isthe only 3d audio virtual surround soundthat I enjoy outside of the GS x1000 themicrophone quality is a bitdisappointing and I'm not a huge fan ofthe rubberized soft coating that justgets covered in the finger marks andoils and just scratches way too easilyfor $300 it doesn't feel right thetakeaway here is that I hope morecompanies start to use play no magneticdrivers and their gaming headsets I knowthat it's going to increase the pricepoint but I mean the gaming Hans's areso expensive already that it doesn'thurt to venture out into more premiumdriver territory to get better sound Iknow this thing is going to be not superpopular among mainstream because of theprice point but for those looking forreally good audio solutions that is likea gaming headset in the skies the orbits or the orbit would be my pick becausewaivers are the next technology is kindof it's just a gimmick that gives youhead tracking but we all know use in anyof the scenarios where I tested thisthing all right you guys I'm Dimitrithanks for watching make sure to checkout this other L in content subscribefor more and talk to you in the nextvideo\n"