What's Up Everybody: Photo Assignments
It's Monday, which means photo assignments are here again! This week's assignment is on sub-framing, and I'm excited to see what you all have come up with. If you haven't seen my previous video on sub-framing (I'll link it up below), let's get straight to your work.
Your Work
The submissions for this week's photo assignment are incredible. I'm really excited about the work you've all done, and I want to thank everyone who participated in this assignment. These little things that we do every Monday - photo assignments - are a lot of fun to put together, and it's one of my favorite things on here.
If you're new to the show, you have no idea what Photo Assignments are. They're these little challenges that I give out during the week, and people participate by sharing their work on social media using a specific hashtag. The following Monday, I pick the best of the best and feature it in the show. If you want to participate in Photo Assignments yourself, I have a whole video on how to do it (I'll link it up here and put it in the show description), which should answer any questions you may have.
This week's assignment was on sub-framing, a compositional technique that I discussed in a previous video about five years ago. That video was part of a small series on visual composition, where I went through some different techniques and approaches to teaching visual composition. At the time, I think my approach was okay, but I've learned a lot since then, and I want to revisit those techniques and see how they can be improved.
One thing that I don't like about my previous videos on this topic is the way I taught it - drawing lines on photographs to demonstrate different compositional elements. While this works for some things, I think it's not the most effective way of teaching these concepts, especially when applied to just anything. By drawing lines all over a photograph, you're essentially forcing your own perspective onto the image, rather than showing how composition can be used to enhance the existing elements.
Revisiting Sub-Framing
So, what do I want to do differently this time around? Well, first of all, I want to get some feedback from you guys. What would you like to see in a video on sub-framing? Do you have any suggestions for how to make it more engaging or informative?
I think photo assignments are the perfect way to put these techniques into practice and learn from each other. As photographers, we're always trying to improve our skills, and I think this is one of the best ways to do it. By working together and sharing our work, we can help each other out and come up with new ideas and approaches.
One thing that really excites me about photo assignments is how often you guys are incorporating techniques from previous topics into your work. This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say that we're trying to blend different techniques together to create something new. It's like music theory - if you practice scales and arpeggios until they become second nature, but then try to apply them in a way that feels organic and natural, that's when the magic happens.
So, if you have any questions or comments on doing composition stuff, please leave them here. I want to hear from you! And as always, if you've enjoyed this video, remember to like it, share it with your friends, and subscribe to The Art of Photography for more videos.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat is up everybody it is Monday whichmeans photo assignments your assignmentthis week is photo assignment number 11it was on sub framing if you haven'tseen the first video I will link it uphere but let's get straight to your workthis is your work from photo assignmentnumber 11 sub framingokay a few observations first of all youguys this work this week is incredibleyou guys submitted some fabulous work Iam really excited about photoassignments they get better and betterevery week we do them and you guys blowme away every time and I want to thankeverybody who participated in this theseare a lot of fun to put together andit's one of my favorite things on hereif you're new to the show you have noidea what Photos Assignments are theseare these little things that we doevery Monday and so on a Monday I willgive an assignment during the weekpeople will participate they will sharetheir work on social media and there's ahashtag we use on that and then thefollowing Monday I pick the best ofthe best and I put it on the show andfeature it and so if you would like toparticipate in Photo Assignments yourself Ihave a whole video on how that's done ifyou have questions hopefully that willanswer that I will link it up here and Iwill put it in the show description andthat will answer all of your photoassignment questions now this week ourphoto assignment was on a sub framingand that is a compositional techniquethat actually did a whole video on aboutfive years ago and I did a small serieson visual composition and it was kind ofgoing through that and you know thosevideos in how are five years old and Iwould teach them very differently nowI'd have a very different approach tohow I make these videos now I think alot has changed in five years and soI've thought a lot in the last yearabout the possibility of revisitingthose and how I would do themdifferently and one of the things that Ithink I mean it's not a wrong way ofdoing it but one of the things I don'tlike about them and this is my fault isthat I did the kind of the teachingstyle where you pull up the photographand start drawing lines on it and whilethat works and it certainly is a greatway to teach something like line incomposition or leading lines or dynamicsymmetry I think that it's really easyto get into this default thing whereyou're just drawing lines on onphotographs and the problem they havewith is one - your photos don't have linesdrawn all over them when you're done andtwo - I just am not sure that's the mosteffective way or the only way ofteaching some of these things especiallywhen it's applied to just anything so itmakes sense? so I want to revisit theseand this is where I want to get somefeedback from you guys and get yourinput of what you might like to see withsomething like this and I think photoassignments are the rightto do these I don't know if we'll startimmediately next week but I'm going tostart putting these back together and Ididn't cover everything when I did thatseries that I wanted to so this may beactually be more extensive than that wasbut there's no timeline on this will doit in photo assignments and will kind ofgradually kind of start to learn fromthis because and what really excites meabout is photo assignments would give usan opportunity to really put this intopractice and that's the whole ideas thatwe're all trying to improve asphotographers we're trying to do thistogether and I think this is really agreat way to do it and build on it whatI really like that I'm seeing that youguys are doing a lot of you is that alot of times a photo assignment will besubmitted and I see not only work in thecurrent topic but I see things that wecovered in other topics that are beingbrought into your work and that's reallyexciting to me because I think a lot ofthis - maybe cumulative isn't the right wordbut you know what I mean it's like wetake techniques and and we blend themtogether because at the end of the dayit's like music theory back when I was amusician and you practice scales andarpeggios and stuff all day and at theend of the day that's not really makingmusic you've got to forget about allthat stuff and hopefully it's ingrainedin your system enough to where you canapproach it that way and I think it's nodifferent visual composition if you'reimprovising if you're if you're settingsomething up these are things that cometo mind and that you think of theybecome second nature and it really I getexcited when I see that you guys areusing multiple techniques in these so Ijust wanted to call you out on thatbecause I think that's awesomeso if you have any questions pleaseleave them here I want to hear yourcomments on doing composition stuff andany suggestions you might have and asalways if you've enjoyed this videoplease remember to like it share it withyour friends and subscribe to the Art ofPhotography for more videos until thenext one I will see you guys then later\n"