MOZA Air Review With Unboxing, Samples And Set Up

The Gimbal: A Solid Option for Smooth Camera Movement

As I recently discovered, having a gimbal can make all the difference when it comes to smooth and stable camera movement. The gimbal I'm reviewing today is a compact and lightweight option that's perfect for vloggers, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone looking to add some professional-grade smoothness to their footage.

One of the first things I noticed about this gimbal was its sensitivity. When I first started using it, I found that it took some getting used to - the joystick required a bit of finesse to pan along smoothly. However, once I got the hang of it, I found that the results were well worth the initial learning curve. The gimbal's stabilization is impressive, even when mounted on a tripod.

In fact, when I ran alongside my camera, testing the stabilization once again, I was pleased to see that it did an excellent job of smoothing out any jerky movements. However, I couldn't help but notice that there were still some minor imperfections - perhaps due to the fact that this gimbal doesn't have built-in optical image stabilization like my Sony camera's G lens.

To mitigate this issue, the gimbal does offer a feature called "time mode", which allows for a slower and more deliberate pan. This is particularly useful when trying to capture smooth footage of moving subjects or when using a longer focal length lens. Additionally, the gimbal can be mounted on a tripod, which provides an extra level of stability and control.

One of the features that I really like about this gimbal is its ability to hold up to 2.5 kilos in payload - which is perfect for me, as my camera with an external microphone weighs almost exactly that amount. The gimbal also offers a variety of modes, including pan, tilt, and even a "reset" mode that allows you to quickly switch between different camera settings.

In terms of the grip itself, I found it to be a bit heavy on its own - but adding one of the optional grips provided really helps to stabilize the device. However, if you choose to use the grip, you'll need to compromise on the ability to control the joystick in the middle of the gimbal. Instead, you'll need to hold the grip and use the joystick to pan.

One area for improvement is the Android app that comes with the gimbal. While it's nice to have some basic controls at your fingertips, I couldn't help but feel that the app could be improved upon - perhaps by adding a few more features or tweaking the user interface to make things easier to navigate.

Overall, however, I'm extremely impressed with this gimbal. Its smooth stabilization and range of features make it an excellent option for anyone looking to add some professional-grade smoothness to their footage. Whether you're a vlogger, outdoor enthusiast, or just someone who wants to capture high-quality video at home, this gimbal is definitely worth considering.

As I plan on using this gimbal in more reviews and outdoor shoots in the future, I'm excited to see how it performs in different situations. While there may be some minor limitations - such as the Android app needing a bit of refinement - overall I think this gimbal is an excellent addition to any camera kit.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enGunson recently asked me if I would liketo review their latest 3 axis gimbal nowthis is called the moza air and supportscameras like my sony a6300 so that kindof mid to small range size cameras up to2.5 kilos payload it has it has a claimbattery life of up to 8 hours thisparticular gimbal as well and as you cansee you can get these 2 hand grips forit well they actually come with it inthe box you get even more stability thanjust the single joystick and there's anoptional little remote for it that Ihave so in this particular video I'mgoing to go through the unboxing herebalancing and setting up my camera theapplication and then of course somesample footage and at the end my finaloverall conclusion and opinion of themozi air here so it comes in thisdurable plastic hard case very nice andhere we have all the parts we need forthe gimbal so here I have a couple ofoptional accessories get a stand herethat is optional so you can stand thatup with the three-quarter thread that'son the bottom of the grip here so inthis grip you'd also put the threebatteries in that we have here that needto be charged up first so that stand isoptional and so as this this is the tinylittle thumb controller we get now thisis working and operating via bluetoothand will let us control the gimbalremotely I think it's up to about 15meters the range that this has which isgood you can cycle through the variousdifferent modes and depending if itsupports your camera or not you can alsocycle the recording on and off straightfrom this without having to touch yourcamera now each of the batteries are twothousand milliamp hours and charge timeis going to be around about two to threehours so make sure you fully charge thembefore you leave and go on a shoot so inthe little pouch here you get variousdifferent USB cables here that's toconnect the gimbal to your camera soI'll be using this one here which is theSony a series cable you've got yourPanasonic cables in there Canon and justanother general one there which is justyour micro USB to USB that's forcharging up the thumb controller so restof the contents of the box is prettystraightforward so these are the twohand grips if you decided you want touse the dual hand grips instead of justIngle grip that's part of the handgripCSA this will go around and then blockon to the base of it and then we havethe Google itself and this is thebracket there for the thumb controllernow the handles of the grips also dohave a quarter inch thread on them tooif you wanted to add or mountaccessories to the bottom of those gripsthen you do have that option so one conhere I've noticed that some of thecomponents here like these hand gripsthey are a little bit beat up andscratched from transit been in the boxthere they should have really packagedthings up with some plastic slips aroundit to avoid this kind of damage to itstraight out of the box now this by faris the hardest part and that's tobalance your camera which I'm just aboutto do now so you've got three screws oneach of the three accesses to controland balance things but there's good tosee that they have put the sticker onhere that says this side up because it'sa little bit hard without that stickerto actually know whether it should bethis way or you could have it even youknow flipped around the other way thereand you wouldn't really know either wayso nice that they'll put that on therejust to help speed things up but this isa lengthy process to balance it and thebuild quality overall the gimbal wellit's made out of metalit is solid the finish I don't feel asquite as good as the crane that Ireviewed alright so this is what itlooks like once you have it balanced nowit could probably be a little bit betteryou can see it's tilting forward just alittle but this is the goal this is whatyou want it to be as level as possibleyou can get it so this will save on thebetter life the gimbal the motors haveto work less and it will get betterbetter life - as a result so I have myexternal rode mech on I have an 18 to105 lens - so that's an extra weightthere and it's balanced down okay but itdid take me approximately 12 minutes orso so there is a lot of messing about soall these little knobs here you have tounscrew those you have to move this upor down and the one right here on theback and then this one down at the baseas well now there it is marked withnumbers so you can remember and mapthose down but the setup is always goingto be a con on these gimbals that itdoes take some time to get this set upand what also slowed me down as I forgotto add the cable so once I put the cableon the weight of that cable was alsoenough to have it to tilt to one sidejust a little bitnow that cables needed of course so itwill work in conjunction with my cameraand when I use the little tiny thumbremote there that I have set up sooverall set-up time is a big con it doestake quite a while as expected herethere is a Quick Start Guide too as wellthat you get in the box that's inEnglish and in Chinese okay so just giveyou a quick rundown of the app you canuse with it so you can get it from PlayStore there's also one for iOS if youhave an Apple device and it allows youto remotely control it via the settingright here so that will give youcontrols you can control the the pan thetilt at the moment that's just the tiltthere and then you can just pan it leftand rightso remotely you can do this as long asyou're within Bluetooth range now I'venoticed that the sensitivity of thejoystick sometimes can be a little whilethe delay of it actually not really thesensitivities he had to be quite slowwith it to get those real nice slow pansthere but it tends to work well there isalso this button right here which willreset the camera back to pointingstraight ahead and get everythingcentered and in line there you havethose settings right here that you cango through and adjust various parametersand then save that to the camera sosimilar to other gimbals like the craneI looked at and you could adjustdifferent things like the speed of itthe power so there's a lot of things youcan tweak them with itnow this here is to calibrate it thiscalibration also just the main buttonagain to reset things and if you have alook under this option right here thisis our time lapse but you're able to setyour own time that's here so you can setthe camera pointing at what you wantthen decide okay I want it to go to theright and then down or whatever and thenyou can add that and you set up your owntime then net time lapse and thetimeline sorry and then go through hereand sit down your shutter interval theshutter duration target clip links andall that and then when you hit start thecamera will do all that automaticallythere for you now to quickly go throughthe different modes of the gimbal hereso you can see here now it's in thefixed mode I can rotate my wrist and thecamera keeps pointing that way I want itto go too I can change theand I want to use I can move run aroundit's going to keep it pointing that wayand you can see there at thestabilization is keeping that cameralevel no matter what my is doing they'removing around so tapping the joysticknow will then put it into the followmode so now I rotate my wrist you cansee it will slowly move around andfollow around in the direction I amgoing but a nice easy smooth motionthere so this is good for getting pansyou can do a very slow pan by justmoving around slowly or rotating yourwrists here and you see that cameracomes around nicely and the vertical isnot affected there so your pitch is howbut you can change that into other modeswell then that will also follow aroundtoo depending on there so it's not easyto know what mode you are in without theuse of the joystick so the littlejoystick here actually has on here willtell you what mode you're in but here Idon't know unless I use the Bluetoothapp on the phone as well then I can setfor example the locked mode the freemode and it's just a little bit easierthat way here you can see the joysticksit up so it's very handy because ifyou're going to be using those gripsthen you can't touch of course thejoystick that's on the main grip youhave to use this to control it which islinked up via bluetooth to it and willautomatically detect it and here you cancontrol that so I can pan it left andright using this and then you can alsoremotely start and stop your recordingholding this down will turn it offyou've got the options here you can gothrough the speed you're able to selectso you've got various different settingsso low medium and then high and theoptions is just going through your modesyou can see it changing that now to youryou've got your pitch pitch your and alllock mode there too as well now onething I do like is that they've includedthat little stand here so the littletiny tripod means that you can put thisdown because I just weighed it the wholeset up here with my camera attachedweighs almost three kilos so that isvery heavy to be holding the whole timeso at least I can prop it up on thetable or put it down on the ground orsomething and the gimbal itself justthe gimbal without any cameras andwithout the grips and things as 1.1kilos now I have the camera stuck in thefixed modes it's going to keep pointingat the castle where I want it to pointand I can continue just to walk alonghere and I'm just walking at a normalsteady pace here nothing special and youcan see the stabilization off the gimbalis doing a really good job here I'lljust give you a demonstration to whatit's like without the gimbal so just mycamera and its lens so I'll try and getthe same shot again but now I'm justholding it handheld my own camera hereyou can see this is the stabilization ofthe lens without the gimbal so a hugedifference there and the stabilitydoesn't really look that good at all soyou can use the joystick to pan alongwhich I do right now here and it's alittle bit sensitive so it does take awhile to get used to now the resultswill be better if you do mount this on atripod but that's one of the more slowerspeeds that I can get just using mythumb there on the joystick you can ofcourse also rotate your wrist a little Ido now and depending what major and thenit will slowly pan around so I now havethe gimbal mounted onto a tripod hereand I'm just going to pan along veryslowly using the joystick and we cantest and see how smooth it is at pansand now I'm running along testing the estabilisation again and see it does agood job here with running taking out alot of those shakes not quite perfectthoughall right so there we go so that is themost air and the stabilization on it isreally very decent I like some of thefeatures it has that time next mode andthings like that not that I wouldprobably actually be using that too muchmyselfnow the stabilization that it offersyou're going to notice it and get themost benefit if your lens or your camerahas some form of stabilization as wellfor example that the G lens that I'vegot here on my Sony this has opticalimage stabilization built into the thelens of this one so that's going to helpsmooth things out even further but ifyou've got a caramel using say a primelens or something like that that doesn'thave any stabilization then you willnotice there will be some little jerkymoments and things it's not going to beperfect 100% super smooth but multi workthe common a stabilization that yourcamera already has like some of thosecannons and other ones that offer all ofthe Sony's that they've got really goodstabilization that's when you get thebiggest benefit out of it so it is alittle bit heavy once you've got alittle setup with your camera I do likethe fact though that it can hold up to2.5 kilos in payload because my camerawith the external mic I comes up to bealmost about 2 kilos so that it's goodthat I'm still within the limits and thedifferent modes and things we have onthere of 2 going through your pan modesand you can quickly reset it tripletapping a button and things like that sothere's a bit of a learning curve withhow it works but once you get a hangoverit's quite good now the grips they doadd a little bit more stability thanjust using the single grip like this butthere's a con there too that if you'regoing to be using the grips then youprobably really want to get thatoptional but expensive thumb control ofit that we've got on the side here sothen I can still do my pans and I canstill control it a little bit better itgives me more information - about thebattery life and all of that which ishandy and of course if you don't go forthat then holding it like this and usingit is perfectly fine but you can't thencontrol the joystick which is in themiddle here so you're going to have todo a bit of a awkward hold one of thegrips and then use the joystick which ofcourse is possible and givingyou another level of stability a littlebit more than just the single grip inthe middle so one of the other cons onecon for me too was the applications notexactly I feel perfectat least the Android one they need to doa little bit more work on that but it isnice to know that we can tweak somesettings on there we can save them we'vegot the time at smile which I probablywon't end up using myself personally andyou can calibrate the gimbal too as wellbut it just feels that it needs a littlebit of refinement that app it could be abit better the way they've got thingslaid out and the buttons and thecontrols and things like that I knowit's a bit of a delay to when you moveand things now there could be down tobluetooth but overall this mozi is asolid gimbal really do like it I will betrying to use it a lot more in some ofmy reviews and things I do outdoorsof course I probably have to use itone-handed then if I'm holding forexample a mobile phone and getting someoutdoor shots and whatnot but I will betrying to make the most of thisparticular gimbal here thank you so muchfor watching this review do hope tocatch you back in the channel I may haveeven another couple more gimbal reviewsprobably not this year but next year inearly 2018 bye for now\n"