LGR - Age of Empires - PC Game Review

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**Age of Empires**

The Age of Empires is a [Kind: captions] file that provides a wealth of information about the game.

**Game Details**

Developed by

By reading this file, you can gain a deeper understanding of the game and its various aspects.

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"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enAge of EmpiresDeveloped by \"Ensemble Studios\" and published by Microsoft in 1997For Windows and Macintosh ComputersThis box art is incredibleAn epic game deserves an epic cover illustrationAnd I love how this lets you know right off the bat that this is going to be historically intenseAlthough, the screenshots on theback are somewhat misleadingSince you can't build cities like this during normal gameplay nor will you ever see armies with this size and organizationBut whatever, it got the job done because as soon as I saw this back then I had to have it.Although the real reason I wanted it in the first place was because of the trial versionIt's not often that I remember a demo morefondly than the full game it was demonstratingBut, \"Age of Empires\" certainely one of these casesThe amount of content this demo came with was absolutely massiveI spent dozen of hours going through the campaignsand replaying it's scenarios over and overAnd these missions were all exclusive tothe trial version; which is how a demoshould be done if you ask meThe full game was an absolute treat though, easily filling up a full CD's worth of contentAnd including a substantial manual covering every aspect of game play in the first halfand covering the history of eachcivilization featured in the otherit also came with a fold-out cardrevealing the full tech tree and all thegames hotkeysand even a trial version of Microsoft'sonline service with Internet Explorer4.0which is still sealed to this daybecause who caresAge of Empires begins with an introcinematic showing a bunch of dudeskilling each otherwith other finesse have of can openerfighting a bowl of plastic silverwareyou then get a main menu filled withclear and concise menu optionsmulti-player is a huge draw to thisgame but single player is no sloucheither with a variety of enticinggameplay choicesif you want a linear set of missionsbased on historical events the campaignmode is where it's atyou unlock more missions the moreyou play with over forty to choose fromby the endyou also have individual scenariosalthough the ones that it comes withare all geared towards multi-playerdeathmatch is where spent the most timewith this game by farsince it allowed for customizedskirmishes against skilled AI with avariety of possible victory conditionsso how does AOE play overallwell back then I heard it described asWarcraft 2 meets Civilization andwhile this makes a little senseit's not quite how I would put it ifyou're familiar with games likeWarcraft or Command and Conquer then youprobably feel right at home with itsbase building tech trees and individualunit control optionsyou start with a builder unit and maybe atown centrebut otherwise it's up to you to gatherresources and expand accordinglyabout the only thing similar toCivilization though is the historicalfocus and even that's a stretchAge of Empires starts in the stone ageand ends in the post Iron Age whichin this context takes place roughlybetween 10,000 BC to 1ADbut it's neither turn based or involvestaking over the worldso comparisons to Civilization kindaend theirwhat it does feature is a fantasticsetting to play with that was verydifferent to anything else on the marketat that time that I was familiar withsimply put this game blew mytwelve-year-old mind when I got itand it was actually my introduction tothe RTS genre at largeI'd played strategic titles likeCiv and SimCity before thisbut age really honed in on that level ofmicro-management that I had no idea thatI wantedgoing from controlling a city or city-state in other games toocontrolling individual workers andsoldiers here was mind-blowingly coolin my mind it was like Lemmings but ahundred times betterthese little guys here they were just dowhatever you told them to and sometimesthey'd go off and get themselves killedbecause they were also kind of stupidthis was like a new chapter in my gaminglife a chapter filled with a sense ofcontrol and responsibility that I'dnever felt beforeand it wasn't all about building thebiggest Empire or hoarding the mostresourcessometimes all you started out with was ahandful of military unitsso you have to pick your battles wiselyif you wanted to surviveand I'll never forget the first time Iplayed a scenario where all you haveis a priest and since they can't fightthe only way to progress is to convertenemy units man priests are so OP ifyou've got the goldto make enough for them you think youneed huge armies of soldiers to win abattlejust train a crapload of priests andconvert the entire enemy army and eventheir buildingsever since this game I have been adevoted followerof the church of Wololo where the notionthat the color of your clothing issuperior to everyone else'sis the golden rulethe sense of progression you experiencedin each map wasmagnificent as well I love starting offas a lonely nomadin the building up my empire to stretchacross the whole mapalthough I have no idea how I actuallymanaged that since there is a curiouslack of any female villagers buthey I guess asexual reproduction wasprevalent back thenhowever my villagers got it on thesatisfaction of exploiting resourcesconstructing buildings bashing in theheads of my enemiesand researching new technology isconstantly rewardinggive me enough wood stone and gold andI become an unstoppableunapologetic force aggressive conquestyes diplomacy is an option but who careswhen you've got an army of trigger-happyhelepolis unitsand the power trip only gets moreintense if you cheatwith the units like the missilelaunching Camaro and the laser wieldingnuke trooper that will cut throughanything ancient Egypt had to offerunrealistic yes did I carenot one bit screw those guys combine allthis with the appealing isometricperspectivegorgeous aesthetic and pre-rendered 3dobjectsand the superb soundtrack both midi and CD audio formatsand Age of Empires was a game that drewme in like nothing else at the timehowever there were some frustrationsthat have only become more apparent inhindsightfor example there are some unforgivableissues with the unit pathfindingas I said earlier your guys are oftenblissfully stupidgetting stuck on trees and failing tofind a way around the simplest ofobstaclesit's also really hard to control largegroups of themwith no way to create formations or setrally points while building themvillagers especially are also way tooeasy to lose track of and frequently getlost behind buildingsand just stopped working whenever theyfinish a task you'll have to keepa ridiculously close eye on every oneof them which is extra challengingbecause the AI cheats like crazynot only does it instantly know thelocation of and pursueall the valuable resources and artifactsfrom the word gobut it can perform a huge amount ofactions simultaneouslywhereas you have to do all these thingsone at a timeso even on the lowest difficulty it'sfar too easy tobe outmatched unless you work at afrantic paceor slow the game speed down to the pointwhere it may as well be turn-basedgranted some of this was addressed inthe excellent Rise of Rome expansionwhich added the Romans and several othercivilizations that were curiously absentand beyond this there were third partyexpansions that added a slew of newscenarios and campaigns to playalthough if you're a deathmatch playerlike me then these really weren't tooexcitingbesides I was far more interested increating my own scenarios and campaignswhich could be done using the built-ineditor and this was fantastic it letsyou create anything you saw in the maincampaigns allowed you to test yourscenarios on the flyall without requiring any externalprograms stilleven with the expansions patches andcustomizable gameplayI'd argue that Age of Empires reallydoesn't hold up as well as I'd hopedback in 1997 the problems it had Iignoredand considering the number of awards it won critics didn't seem tomind mucheither however its medieval sequel Age of Kingsso thoroughly trounced almost everyaspect of the originalthat it's difficult to recommend goingback to it much like in the game itselftime has moved on and far better thingshave come alongwhich is probably why Age of Kings hasreceived an HD remakeand Age of Empires is all but overlookedanymore it's kind of a shamebut it's understandable when talkingpurely in terms of playabilitystill I can't help but love the crap outof it even if it's somewhat cracked andbroken like so many pieces of GreekpotteryAge of Empires is still a landmark gameboth personally and in terms of RTStitles at largeand as such it has my utmost respectI think I made it clear by now that Ithink it's awesomeif you thought this video was awesome inwell I to seek more videos onother awesome games then yeah thischannel is a place for thatit's what I do here there are morevideos every Monday and Fridayso you can just pay close attention orbe lazy click the subscribe button andYouTube will let you know when there aremoreyou can also be sociable on socialnetworks such as Twitter and Facebookas well as support the show on Patreon which is good if you want to dosomething extraall this stuff is completely optional asare most things in lifeother than death taxes and Wololo and asalways thank you very much for watching\n"