Welcome to Wacky Wednesday's, where everyone has a chance to show off their car mods. Here's this week's winner!
As I wanted to do a video on this for a while, recently about a month ago, I purchased this, a 98 C5 Corvette with 300 thousand miles on it. Now most people that hear that are likely you're crazy, but I just wanted to do the show and what was in this car and what I'm planning on doing with it and I think I got a freaking bargain for it; it's a fantastic car! I love driving it, like I said I've driven it for like a month, month and a half, but it has been my absolute favorite car. Growing up on a Camaro and having had a Trans Am and motorcycles and trucks and everything, but so far I am a Corvette guy, I never thought I would be, but I am, funny thing about being a Corvette guy now is that now I have a wife with a baby on the way, so it doesn't make the most amount of sense, but what can I say?
So the first time I saw the car I came up to it, and it was hiding behind a couple of diesel trucks. And I couldn't help but notice as I was coming up to it these humongous ZR1 wheels sticking out of the side of the fender. And I asked the guy who liked did you know that this has ZR1 wheels on it? The guy said, "I don't know," and next thing I noticed, I came over here, I see Borla Borla Borla on all four tips. And I asked a guy, does this have Boil exhaust on it? The guys said, "I don't know," and let's check this thing out, so we hop in; we start it up, and I couldn't help but notice a few engine lights are on. He told me that it had overheated, and he immediately took it off and trailered it home and hadn't touched it since, he wasn't sure if it was the water pump, thermostat whatever, right around this area there were some very obvious signs of radiator fluid that had splashed out onto the engine bay. So, of course I thought to myself; it's either a radiator or radiator hose. And then as soon as we started driving it, there were low coolant lights flashing and it did get pretty hot pretty quick, but it ran it drove just fine.
So obviously whoever had this before the guy I had it was their baby now I'm not particularly fond of the Frog headlights but I will say that better miles to gallon at night and better headlights at night really help out. I'm really actually quite grateful for those, and they did a really nice paint match over the top of it; I think it looks really good, usually this whole thing is just black, and it just looks out of place, but this really ties it up and makes it not look too much like a frog.
The other funny story is when I got there was this cracked bumper and it was chipping paint all over. And the guy before me actually had hit a bunny going 100 and twenty miles an hour; cheap old me just got some Autozone paint, and colored it in so that it wasn't black. Honestly for the price that I got it, I'm pretty happy this is gonna be my daily driver. I Drive you know every day to work, so I'm really happy, I don't have to worry about rock chips because the bumpers are already messed up.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwelcome to wacky Wednesday's, whereeveryone has a chance to show off theircar mods, and here's this week's winner,hey guys so I wanted to do a video onthis for a while so recently about amonth ago I purchased this, a 98 c5Corvette with 300 thousand miles on itnow most people that hear that are likeyou're crazybut I just wanted to do the videoshowing what the car was and what I'mplanning on doing with it and I think Igot a freaking bargain for it, it'sa fantastic car I love driving it I likeI said I've driven it for like a monthmonth and a half, but it has been myabsolute favorite car, I grew up on aCamaro and I've had a Trans Am andmotorcycles and trucks and everythingbut so far I am I'm a Corvette guy, Inever thought I would be but I am, funnything about being a Corvette guy now isnow I have a wife with a baby on the wayso it doesn't make the most amount ofsense, but what can I say, so the firsttime I saw the car I came up to it, itwas hiding behind a couple of dieseltrucks and I couldn't help but notice asI was coming up to it these humongouszr1 wheels sticking out of the side of thefender, and I asked the guy I was likedo these have zr1 wheels onit and the guys like, I don't know allright, next thing I noticed, I come overhereI see Borla Borla Borla on all four tips,and I asked a guy, does this have boilexhaust on it, the guys like I don't knowalright, let's check this thing out so wehop in we start it up and I can't helpbut notice a few engine lights are on, hetold me that it had overheated and thathe immediately took it off and traileredit home and hadn't touched it since, hewasn't sure if it was the water pumpthermostat whatever, right around thisarea there were some very obvious signsof radiator fluid that had splashed outonto the engine bay, and so of course Ithought to myself it's either a radiatoror radiator hose, and then as soon as westarted driving it there was low coolantlights flashing and it did getpretty hot pretty quick, but it ran itdrove just fine, and so I pulled thetrigger, the guy was super nice he wasthe best guy to purchase a car from I'veever had to deal with, a couple weekslater after I had purchased the car hedrove like 30 minutes away just to giveme a spare key really stand-up guy, healso trailered the car to my house forfree at no extra charge, which wasawesome, the few things that are wrongwith this car are like for one thislittle mirror is busted, that's busted it'scracked and it doesn't stay put so it'salways down on the ground which is nobig dealthe other thing that is wrong with thecar is these seats, obviously it's got atear in the seat right here in threeplaces and then the passenger sides gota little bit of tearing as well now, theother the other different problem withthe interior is over here on the doorpanel, after three hundred thousand milesit I ripped a hole in it so,but again I'm daily driving this I don'tcare, we spill milkshakes in it, delTaco whatever, it is a daily driver, thewhole car has been completely repainted,at one point it was this very disgustingorange and whoever did the paint jobbefore me did it very well, they took offthe panels on everywhere they did thedoor panels on the inside of the doorsand they really did a good job, good niceclean paint, there are some rock chips onthe front but it's a daily driver and Ibought it for so cheap that Ijust love it, it takes the stress off ofDriving when you don't have toworry about rock chips, so the biggestreason that I was okay with buying thiscar with 300,000 miles on it is becausethe previous owner from the guy that Ibought it from, said he traded hisJeep for it and the guy before himrebuilt the motor and so at 200,000miles so 100,000 mile engine motor traingreat, so the transmission has veryobvious signs that it's been completelyrebuilt, the whole thing's a differentcolor, it's been completely painted andthe biggest thing personally is thetransmission acts like it has a high stallin ittoo because it'll sit there rev up until 20003000 RPM depending onwhich gear you are in, so I think thattransmissions been rebuilt too, and soobviously whoever had this before theguy I had it was their babynow I'm not particularly fond of theFrog headlights but I will say thatbetter miles to gallon at night andbetter headlights at night really helpout I'm really actually quite gratefulfor those, and they did this really nicepaint match over the top of it and Ithink it looks really good, usually thiswhole thing is just black and it justlooks out of place, but this really tiesit up and makes it not look too muchlike a frog, so the other funny story iswhen I got it there was this crackedbumper and it was chipping paint allover, and the guy before me actually hadhit a bunny going a hundred and twentymiles an hour,cheap old me just got someautozone paint and colored it in so itwasn't black, but honestly for the pricethat I got it I'm pretty happy this isgonna be my daily driver that I Driveyou know every day to work, so I'mreally happy, I don't have to worry aboutrock chips because the bumpers alreadymessed up and I got this for so dangcheap that I don't give a crap,you're probably wondering how much I gotthis thing for, so originally it waspriced at four thousand dollars, he saidfirst four thousand takes it, and I gotthere I offered him up $3,000 and he waslike, nah that's a little bit too low andhe met in the middle at $3,500, so theother expense with buying this carthough is that I did have to fix aradiator that was the only thing I hadto fix on the car to make it completelydrivable and in perfect condition, and sothat cost like a hundred sixty bucks butI walked away with a c5 Corvette with300 thousand miles for $3,500and I'm freakin stoked about itwell that was this week's video and tohave your car mod shown on my channelhere check this out, so if you never wantto miss another one of my new car repairvideos remember to ring that Bell!\n"