SWAPPABLE Switches! Logitech G PRO X Keyboard Review

The Logitech G Pro X Keyboard: A Game-Changing Upgrade for Gamers

As a long-time fan of gaming keyboards, I was excited to get my hands on the new Logitech G Pro X keyboard. After patiently waiting for its release, I can confidently say that it exceeds my expectations. The Pro X is part of Logitech's TKL line-up and boasts swappable switches, which is a game-changer for gamers who want to customize their gaming experience.

The Cooler Master Master Mouse 710: A Beast of a Gaming Mouse

But the excitement doesn't stop at keyboards alone. I also got my hands on the new Cooler Master Master Mouse 710, which promises to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience. With its ultra-lightweight body weighing in at only 53 grams, this mouse is designed for precision and speed. The flick control and aim correction are seamless, making it a joy to use. The ultrawave cable is also worth mentioning, providing a wireless feel that's hard to resist.

The Cooler Master MM710: A Mouse That Delivers

While the original G Pro keyboard has been replaced by a new model with Roma G switches, I was excited to try out the GX switches instead. These switches are designed to replicate the Romaji feel and offer a smooth actuation point. In my experience, they fit perfectly with the Master Mouse 710, providing a seamless gaming experience.

Key Cap Swap: A Game-Changer for Gamers

One of the most exciting features of the Logitech G Pro X keyboard is its ability to swap key caps. This means that gamers can customize their keyboard to suit their preferences, from layout to switch type. The GX switches are just one option among many, offering a range of possibilities for customization.

Mechanical Switches: A Game-Changer for Gamers

Logitech has made a conscious effort to improve the mechanical switch experience, using specific tolerances for the frame itself. This means that aftermarket switches with the same MX style mount will fit perfectly without any issues. However, it's worth noting that some users may notice a slight difference in terms of stability and tightness compared to GX switches.

The Price Advantage: A Major Drawback

While the Logitech G Pro X keyboard is an exciting upgrade for gamers, there's one major drawback: its price tag. The current launch price puts it at a significant disadvantage compared to other mechanical switch options available on the market. For consumers who want to try out different switch types without committing to a large purchase, this can be a major barrier.

The Process of Swapping Switches

Despite the high price, swapping switches is surprisingly simple. Removing the desired key caps and using the switch puller to mount the new switch is a straightforward process that requires minimal technical expertise. This makes it accessible to even the most casual gamers who want to try out different switch types without committing to a full keyboard purchase.


In conclusion, the Logitech G Pro X keyboard and Cooler Master Master Mouse 710 are game-changing upgrades for gamers. The ability to swap key caps and mechanical switches offers unparalleled customization options, making it easier than ever to find the perfect gaming setup. While the high price of some switch options may be a drawback, the overall experience is well worth the investment.

Dimitri's Verdict

As I conclude this review, I want to emphasize how much I've enjoyed using both the Logitech G Pro X keyboard and Cooler Master Master Mouse 710. The ability to customize and experiment with different switches has been a game-changer for me, offering a level of flexibility and control that was previously unavailable.

In my experience, the GX Browns offer a smooth actuation point that's hard to beat. While some users may prefer the linear style or DGX Blues, I'm happy to stick with the GX Browns. The Master Mouse 710 is also a joy to use, providing precision and speed that's unmatched by other gaming mice.

Overall, I highly recommend both the Logitech G Pro X keyboard and Cooler Master Master Mouse 710 to any serious gamer looking to upgrade their setup.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso this my friends is the new Logitech G Pro X keyboard I've beenpatiently waiting for them to release anew TKL line up inside the pro series andthis is it it is really awesome they'rebringing out swappable switches into themainstream but that's not going to befor everyone so let's see howcompetitive the Pro X is right afterthis the new cooler master master mouse710 a weird name but damn this thing isgood with an ultra lightweight body atonly 53 grams for excellent flickcontrol and aim correction the ultraweave cable is awesome for Wireless likefeel the ambidextrous shape for mepersonally is super comfortable and thenlike the shorter body plus the glide issmooth thanks to white PTFE feet enjoythe domination with an excellent opticalsensor and despite the funky name thecooler master mm710 is legit check itout the low so first I want to say theoriginal G pro keyboard with Roma Gswitches is being replaced with a new Gpro keyboard with GX blue switches 429dollars I personally love the Romer Gswitch but the proprietary nature of thestem meant no easy key cap swappingwhile all the new pro keyboards use kaleswitches with MX stems so at leastthat's a positive the Pro X keyboardhowever is a twenty dollar premium wherethe switches are not soldered to theboard so you can choose between threeswitch options and honestly not much haschanged in terms of foam factor from theoriginal except now you can swap outswitches and create custom mechanicallayouts for your needs and it's got thesame really solid frame with plenty ofweight that feels heavy on my deskcompared to Razer's latest addition thehuntsmen te I have two feelings aboutthem keeping the same shell design so onone hand I really like the simplicity ofthe whole board with a tasteful G logoand a select the larger forehead withthat illumination toggle and a gametoggle key that disables your windowsfunction and copy keys plus whateverother key you want can be set in thesoftware but I was hoping for a slightredesign so the keyboard feels a bit newand fresh you know the new iPhones cameout and everyone has the square cut outfor the camera bump that's how you knowthat's the new iPhonehere it feels the same even the side protext just reads pro instead of Pro Xthey kept the same fork style microUSBcable so no type-c on any of theirgaming peripherals yet we still have twolevels of angle adjustment with greatstability and unfortunately the bottomrow is not standardized just like on theoriginal so keycap swapping and customadventures for this decal board arelimited and I mentioned this because therazor Huntsman te keyboard has a bottomrow standardized and that is a hugethumbs up for the enthusiast communitywho are swapping key caps but they'renot really catering to the enthusiastcommunity with this keyboard it seemslike and so the main differences revolvearound the switches and the key capswith the pro and the Pro X keyboard sofirst gone are the romaji switches by bynow we have three Cal variants or GXvariants linear tactile and clicky andbecause the led on the switch is locatedat the top instead of centered like onthe romaji the font on the key caps hasbeen moved up to accommodate that shinethrough with secondary characters notbeing illuminated at all I also find thefont to be a little bit inconsistentlike how bold the main letters andnumbers are while everything around itlike your shift-tab home posit ceteraare much smaller and thinner incomparison the illumination qualityhowever is fantastic with great vibrancyand color accurate tones to what you setin the software and easy / keycustomization the key caps by the wayare nothing fancy be ready for visiblefinger oils after the first hour of useand now let's talk about these swappableswitches they come in a set of 92switches so you get 4 extra switchesjust in case as the TKL layout only needs88 so in case you like break one of thepins you still have extra there's also akey cap / switch puller in the box aswell I think the intent here if you buyadditional switches set it's not toreplace the entire keyboard forsomething else but use different switchsets to mix and match two differentmechanical layouts on the same keyboardfor example I love tactile browns forgaming and typing so I swapped out thatentire section in the middle with GXbrown switches while keeping the restthe keyboard with GX blues except for myshift ctrl + spacebar that I set with GXReds for that linear feel and so that'sreally cool but the downside is theprice point at $49 per switch is set itmeans that whatever you buy you'llalways end up having unused switchesalternatively you can buy your own setof MX style switches with plate mountinstead of PCB mount from companies likeNova keys and you're spending about $20for a hundred switches instead of buyingthem from Logitech for $50 and you haveoptions to buy in fewer quantities tomatch your layout style because I feellike 92 keys even though you can replacethe entire keyboard this is notsomething that I would recommend youdoing because why not get the rightswitches for you from the beginningnow Logitech has of course mentionedthat they are using specific tolerancesfor the frame itself so if you're usingaftermarket switches with the same MXstyle mount they might become too looseor they might not be stable or somethinglike that in my experience with haloclears which are also from kale by theway they fit no problemalthough they were not as tight insidethe frame as GX switches but they're notlike popping out whenever I pull off thekey cap so yeah and of course they wereworking just fine with the Pro X and sothis whole spot Bowlnature of mechanical switches is verymuch appreciated in this gaming sectorbut launch the guys is that the massiveprice disadvantage for the consumeryou'll be spending way too much moneybuying them from launch tech and buyingthe GX switches versus if you were tobuy something in lower quantities likeother kale variants and just apply themto the keyboard they will fit they'llwork no problem and you'll also besaving money as for the process ofswapping the switches themselves it isvery simple to remove all the desiredkey caps use the switch puller tounmount the switch carefully and insertback the desired switch in place againvery carefully so you don't bend one ofthose pinsas for my preference between all 3gxwitchesI don't like dgx blues because I have tolift my finger entirely off the key capfor it to rebalance back so I can't bereally fast with my strokes chi-x Brownsand GX reds both smooth nice actuation Ido prefer the Browns over the linearstyle because I've just been used tothem by the way if you need macros f1through f12 keys can be assigned in thesoftware just don't forget about thediscrete media controls that areactivated via the function key and sothe original G Pro keyboard was myfavorite it sat at my desk for threeyears and there was nothing that couldreplace it but the roamer G switch is nomore and I welcome the GX introductionof switches into large 2x line upbecause key cap swap is now a thing andthey can recreate romaji feel with theGX Browns anyway even though thespecifications are slightly different Iwelcome the whole mechanical switchcustomization with the Prague's keyboardthat is awesome but it will have beenthe perfect keyboard if they've done twothings one is to reduce the quantity ofmechanical switches that you can buyfrom large tech instead of getting awhole set of 90 to reduce the price andreduced quantity so you can only getlike 20 and replace certain section ofthe keyboard I think that might havebeen better and number two thenon-standardized bottom row is just ahuge bummer because Razer Huntsman téthey released it with the standardbottom row and they got so many thumbsup from the enthusiast community and theLogitech kind of missed their chancehere because the whole customizationfactor with the switches would have beenthe perfect complement to customizingthe key caps too but unfortunatelythat's not the case here all right guysI'm Dimitri thanks so much for watchingmake sure to check out this otherrelevant content subscribe for more I'lltalk to you in the next video\n"