The Art of Making Perfect Coffee at Home
Hey everyone, welcome back to HDTV Handmade with me, Meg! I'm someone who loves coffee as much as Lorelai Gilmore - I need coffee to have a good day, any coffee to get up out of bed in the morning, and I need coffee to person. But let's be real, trying to spend $10 on a coffeehouse every morning is just not feasible. And it's hard enough to boil water, so I'm going to show you five very easy ways to make your morning coffee routine simple, easy, and totally next-level.
When You Have a Couple of Friends Over for Brunch
Imagine having a couple of friends over for brunch and serving them the most delicious, artisanal cup of coffee. They're not even going to know what happened - they'll be wondering why you don't have your own show on HDTV! But with these easy tips, you can make your morning coffee routine simple, yet next-level.
Using Fairtrade Beans: The Cleanest Taste and Most Environmentally Friendly Option
First of all, let's talk about using Fairtrade beans. These are the best brew option because they provide the cleanest taste and the most environmentally friendly option. Using non-bleached filters and filtered water will ensure that your coffee tastes its best.
Five Easy Ways to Make Your Morning Coffee Routine Simple and Next-Level
But these following tips will make even instant coffee taste delicious, but please don't drink instant coffee - we're going for the good stuff! Here's what you can do:
One and a Half Cups of Coffee Grounds in a Large Pitcher: A Game-Changer for Iced Coffee
For the best iced coffee, add one and a half cups of coffee grounds to a large pitcher of eight cups of water. Cover it up and let it sit at room temperature overnight - this will allow the flavors to meld together. Strain the mixture through a non-bleached filter or cheesecloth, and then fill an empty ice cube tray with the coffee. Place the ice cube tray in the freezer until completely frozen, and store the coffee in the fridge until ready to drink.
A Healthier Option Than Regular Milk
For a healthier option than regular milk, you can use coconut or almond milk as your creamer. Not only is it better for you, but it also adds a smoother, richer taste to your coffee.
Make Your Own Deluxe Delicious Flavored Creamer
To make your own deluxe delicious flavored creamer, combine 14 ounces of sweetened condensed milk, one and three-quarters of a cup of milk or cream, and two teaspoons of alcohol-free vanilla extract in a bottle. You can also use coconut or hazelnut extract or chocolate syrup to give it the flavor you want. Store it in a covered jar.
Make Your Own Vanilla Whipped Cream
To make your own vanilla whipped cream, pour one cup of heavy whipping cream, three tablespoons of sugar, and one teaspoon of vanilla into a bowl. Wisk for about four minutes, or until your arm fully cramps up - yes, that's how long it takes! This will create soft peaks like the ones in the picture.
Creating a Toppings Bar: The Final Touch
To kick it up to the next level and satisfy your sweet tooth, create a toppings bar of chocolate chips, kisses, cookie crumbs, maybe even some pretzels. And voila - now you have all the elements you need to make the perfect cup of coffee.
So, which of these tips is just making your mouth water? Let me know in a comment below! And if you dig any of them, be sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to Handmade for tons of rehab DIYs. I'll see you guys later - have a fabulous day!