Apple Card Review (2 Weeks Later) - You Might be Surprised!

**The Apple Card: A Game-Changer for Expense Tracking and Security**

As I recently started using my Apple Card, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and relief. The card, which comes with a sleek design and seamless integration with my iPhone, has made tracking my expenses super simple and convenient. One of the standout features of the Apple Card is its built-in expense tracking capabilities. With just a few taps, I can view my entire spending history, including the amount spent, date, time, and location.

The total spend section shows exactly where you've actually spent money, allowing for easy analysis of your expenses. Tapping on this section again brings up an even more detailed map view that shows the exact location of each purchase. This feature is incredibly useful, especially when trying to keep track of business-related expenses or large purchases. Additionally, the total spend section also displays the amount of cashback received, which has been a nice bonus.

Another impressive feature of the Apple Card is its ability to show my latest transactions on the front page. As I scroll down, I can see all my recent spending activity in one convenient place. The monthly activity section provides even more insight into my spending habits, allowing me to identify areas where I can cut back and make adjustments. Tapping on the three dots below the total spend section reveals a wealth of additional information, including the ability to message or call Apple, schedule payments, manage bank accounts, lock my card, and request a replacement physical card.

The benefits of using the Apple Card are also worth noting. With no annual fee, it's an attractive option for those who don't want to deal with unnecessary expenses. The rewards program is also quite generous, offering 3% cashback on purchases made at Apple Stores, select hotels, and participating airlines, as well as 2% cashback at and 1% cashback on all other purchases.

However, the benefits of the Apple Card are not without their downsides. Compared to other credit cards on the market, the rewards program is relatively underwhelming. The cashback rates offered by the card are lower than those found in many competing products. For example, some popular rewards credit cards offer 5% or even 10% cashback on certain categories of spending.

Despite these limitations, I've been thoroughly impressed with my experience using the Apple Card so far. The security features of the card have given me peace of mind, knowing that my financial information is protected in case my iPhone is lost or stolen. And with the ability to track my expenses and stay organized, I feel much more in control of my finances.

**The Verdict**

For those who don't care too much about rewards programs and are looking for a simple, secure way to track their expenses, the Apple Card is an excellent choice. With its seamless integration with iPhone and convenient expense tracking features, it's a must-have tool for anyone looking to stay organized and on top of their finances. While there may be some downsides to using the card, such as lower cashback rates compared to competing products, I believe that the Apple Card's benefits far outweigh its drawbacks.

**A Word of Caution**

One potential downside to using the Apple Card is the need to pay off your balance in full each month. If you're not careful, the interest rates on the card can be quite high, making it difficult to pay off your debt. However, with a little planning and discipline, I've been able to stay on top of my payments and enjoy the benefits of the Apple Card without any issues.

Overall, I'm thoroughly enjoying my experience using the Apple Card and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a simple, secure way to track their expenses and stay organized.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's up guys my name is Brandon andI've been using the Apple card fornearly two weeks now and I want to sharemy experience with you guys in thisreview we're gonna talk about some ofthe features included with the Applecard and whether I think you shouldapply for one or not. So first thingsfirst, applying for the Apple card itselfis stupid simple, all you need to do isgo to the wallet application on youriPhone, tap the little plus button, andthen you want to choose Apple card, youfill out your details, and then you willinstantly get an offer with your creditlimit and your APR, and if you acceptthat offer, that's it, that's all there isto it, you're approved. You have yourApple card, you can use it instantly.Obviously you won't have the physicalcard yet you do have to request that andthat takes about five to six businessdays to get the physical card but youcan use Apple card on your phoneinstantly after accepting your term andyes I'm sure you guys have seen theapple cart itself but let me tell youthis thing looks and feels even betterthan I expected in person it has someweight to it it says you know GoldmanSachs and MasterCard on the back has areally clean look no credit card numberon the front you have your little chipthe Apple logo and your name and that'sit and of course it is made of titaniumso when you drop it on like a surface itdoes make a really awesome noise that Idon't think any other credit card on themarket will make and this is what yourtypical wear on the Apple card wouldlook like so this is after using it atgas stations grocery stores and justplaces like that where you would stickit in to use the chip you can see thereare a little bit of scratches there atthe bottom on the gray part so as muchas I would like to keep this thing asclean as possible it's just simply notgonna happenunless you don't use and you just useApple pay on your phone the whole timebut what's the point in that when youcan flex with your Apple card nowobviously there's a lot more to theApple card than just flexing and I willtell you guys that I am actuallyenjoying this card a lot more than Ithought it would I was actually justgetting this because it's an appleproduct that cover Apple stuff here onthe channel I was going to do a reviewon it and that was going to be it thatwas kind of my thought process before Igot my hands on the Apple card but thisthing is much better than I expected sonot only does the Apple card lookawesome but I never have to worry aboutsomebody getting my card number I couldjust show this on camera show itanywhere I never have to worry aboutanybody stealing my credit card numberand the expiration date or anything likethatI can also track all of my expenseswithout having to use a third-partyapplication or even logging in to anykind of application which is really niceand you guys will learn that not havingto log into an application all the timeto check on your expenses it's going tobe a huge time saver and you know saveyou a lot of stress and having to worryabout putting in the right passcode andthings like that I really love that andof course you do also get cash back withthe Apple car so those are really threethings and I'm gonna talk about a lot inthis video so before we talk about thefun stuff with the apple cart let's goahead and get the boring but just asimportant stuff out of the way first soone of the big selling points with theapple cart is that there are no fees nowof course if you do make a late paymentwhich I recommend you guys all pay offyour cards early but if you do make alate payment of course you will payinterest but there are no like late feesno annual fees anything like that nohidden fees there's also no foreigntransaction fees so if you were totravel overseas and use your Apple cardyou won't be paying any type of foreigntransaction fees which is nice now likeI mentioned earlier you do get cash backwith the Apple card and it's actuallybroken down into different percentagesso you get 3% back on Apple products youget 2% back on everything else butthat's only if you use Apple pay on youriPhone and not the physical card but ifyou do use the physical card you willearn 1% cash back on all purchases sothere are definitely benefits to usingApple pay versus using the physical carinstead of physically putting it intothe machine if you use Apple pay on yourphone you will get 2% cashback versus 1%but of course not all merchants not allstores offer that so you will have touse the physical card sometimesnow since MasterCard has partnered withApple on the Apple card you do also getthe MasterCard benefits and you can seehere the benefits are actually prettysimple nothing really too amazing butyou get theft protection theftresolution services shop runnerMasterCard travel and lifestyle servicespriceless cities priceless golf and onefine stay so if you're looking for acard with benefits the Apple card isdefinitely not going to be for you itdefinitely offers a lot less in terms ofbenefits and cashback and pretty mucheverything than any other card out thereso you're not going to get travel orrental car insurance you're not gonnaget cell phone insurance you're notgonna really get any kind of insuranceor any major benefits with the Applecard and like I mentioned earlier thecashback is pretty much equivalent orlower than your typical credit cardscashback system but again the bigbenefit of having thethe card when it comes to cashback isthat you can actually use the cashinstantly you don't have to wait likeanother month to use it you can use itinstantly and you could use it just likewith Apple pay just tap on Apple cashand use it just like you would any othercredit card so if you're really big intocredit cards you like having a lot ofcredit cards to use for different placesto build up your benefits the Apple cardis definitely not for you this is not acard that you're going to want to getjust to build up on benefits becausethere's really no major benefits withthe Apple card but most of you guysprobably don't have a ton of creditcards that you use at different placesjust to build up benefits and insuranceand things like that so the Apple carddoes shine in multiple other areas andthose three areas are securitysimplicity and simplified expensetracking and unlike traditional creditcard providers Apple doesn't know whatyou buy or how much you pay for it butof course their partner goldman sachsdoes have access to that information butthat is secure and they're not gonnasell it to marketers or advertisers oranything like that now the Apple carddoesn't have any numbers on the creditcard itself but even if it did andsomeone got your credit card number theywouldn't get very far with it becauseapple also has a one time unique dynamicsecurity code put in place on the Applecard so basically the CVV code that youusually find on the back of your creditcards actually changes after everypurchase and that makes it nearlyimpossible for somebody to makefraudulent purchases using your Applecard so basically in order for somebodyto steal your Apple cards credit cardinformation they would not only need tosteal your phone but they would alsoneed to steal your either fingerprint oryour face for face ID to be able to getinto the wallet application and getaccess to all of that so the securitywhat the EPPICard is top notch so if yougo into the wallet application and clickon the three dots at the top and go downto card information you will see it doesask for your face ID or your touch IDand from there you can see your nameyour card number your expiration yoursecurity code and your network and ifyou wanted to request a new card numberall you have to do is simply tap therequest new card number button rightthere and you will get a new oneinstantly and if we go back you can seeall of your credit details there as wellyour scheduled payments and things likethat the wallet application is reallynicely laid out and of course myfavorite thing about the walletapplication is just how simplified andmakes your expense tracking so expensetracking is super simple with the walletapplication of course that's built in toyour iPhone it's aall apps you don't have to downloadanother app you'd have to log intoanything it's just there and the firstthing you see inside of the walletapplication is your Apple card rightthere which actually has a gradient ofdifferent colors that changes based onwhere you spend your money so it breaksit down into categories and thosecategories are color-coordinated andthey make different colors on the cardwhich is actually pretty cool so you cansee my total balance right there youcould see my total available my monthlyactivity if we tap on that it actuallyshows you know our monthly spending forAugust 2019 in this instance it showsour daily cash it shows our categoriesdown there where we've spent money andyou can also toggle that to showmerchants instead of just categories itcan scroll down and see where you'veactually spent money so if we tap onthis one right here at total wine andclick on it again actually shows on amap view exactly where you purchasewhatever you purchased it shows you theamount the date the time everything itshows you a lot of info here which isreally nice you also have like forinstance and this one total wine up topit shows your phone call and yourinformation sheet right there which ispretty cool it shows that for prettymuch everything if you go to Walgreensright here it shows the same and rightbelow the total it does also show theamount of cashback that you received youcan also see your latest transactions onthe front page as well if you scrolldown a little bit below the monthlyactivity and then like I mentionedearlier if you tap on the three dotsthat's where you get a lot ofinformation here as well you can alsomessage or call Apple go to the websiteyou can schedule your payments in hereyou can manage your bank accounts youcan lock your card you can request areplacement card a replacement physicalcard you have all these differentoptions here as well you can see thebenefits all that good stuff inside ofthe wallet application so yeah as youcan see the apple cart and the walletapplication make tracking your expensessuper super simple and convenient andagain like I mentioned earlier the factthat you don't have to constantly log into a third party application is reallyreally nice and stuff that that getsvery underrated and you won't realizeuntil you actually start using it andit's also nice because now I don't haveto use my spreadsheet that I usually useto track my expenses I don't need thatanymore because it's all built into thewallet application so that also saves mea ton of time I also don't have to worryabout the security in my car andeverybody can be able to steal my creditcard information so yeah I absolutelylove the Apple card I think it's afantastic option if you have an iPhoneof course there are some downsides likeI mentioned the benefits are not verygood at all compared to other creditcards out there so if you aren't biginto benefits and getting a lot of cashback and having like travel insurancerental car insurance and things likethat you may not care to use the Applecar because it's not really going tobenefit you too much but if you're likeme and you don't care too much about allthat and you just want securitysimplicity and a great way to trackexpensesI think the Apple car is perfect forthat now of course if you have anAndroid you probably don't want to getthe Apple car because it's not reallygoing to be the same without the walletapplication I mean I guess you can carryan iPad around or something like thatand it could be worth it but I wouldgenerally say that if you have anAndroid you probably don't care to getthe Apple car so all in all I absolutelylove the apple cart after using it fortwo weeks I can only see my experiencegetting better as I've built up morecash back and start to use it a lot moreI think it's yet another Apple productthat's going to be a winner very similarto the airporta lot of people made fun of this atfirst it's going to end up being verysuccessful just like the air pods andlike I mentioned earlier just pay offyour balance every month pay it a littlebit early don't pay it you know just onthe due date pay it early get it paidoff that's really the only downside toeven apply for the Apple cards if youdon't think you're going to be able topay it monthly but if you think youcould pay monthly you know the amountthat you spend I don't see any downsideand applying for the Apple credit cardso yeah let me know what you guys thinkabout the apple cart down in the commentsection below do you have one are yougonna get one what do you think about itwhat do you think about the benefits thecash back when you think about thesecurity tell me what's most importantto you and what you're enjoying mostabout the Apple card down in the commentsection below and if you're against theApple card you don't want to get one letme know why down in the comment sectionbelow because I can't really see anymajor reason not to get the Apple cardif you could pay off your balance everymonth and not have to deal with thosehigh APR rates so if you guys enjoyedthe video I would appreciate it if yougave it a thumbs up also make sure tosubscribe so you don't miss any of myfuture Apple related videos anyways guysthanks again for watching the video andI'll see you soon\n"