**The Importance of Mixing Thinset to Achieve Maximum Bond**
When it comes to tile installation, one of the most critical steps is mixing the thinset correctly. The goal is to achieve a specific consistency that allows for maximum bond between the tile and the substrate. If you're setting tile on a wall, you want to aim for a thicker consistency to get the best possible grip. On the other hand, if you're working with a flat surface, such as a floor, you may want to mix the thinset to a thinner consistency.
According to Steve, who works at Home Repair Tutor, it's essential to follow the recommended ratio of water to thinset when mixing up the mixture. The ideal water-to-thinset ratio can vary depending on the specific product and application, but for Schluter's ALL-SET and SET, it's best to aim for a 5:1 or 6:1 ratio. Steve found that using Schluter's thinset resulted in a creamy consistency with nice stickiness to it, making it easy to work with.
**Understanding Open Time**
Another critical factor to consider when mixing thinset is the open time. This refers to the amount of time you have before the mixture starts to skin over and lose its effectiveness. The open time for Schluter's ALL-SET and SET is approximately 20 minutes, while the FAST-SET has an open time of just 10 minutes. It's essential to choose a product with a suitable open time for your specific application.
**Experience with Schluter Thinset**
Steve, who worked on a DITRA-HEAT and floor tile project using Schluter thinset, reported that it performed exceptionally well. The mixture was easy to work with, and the cleanability of the thinset off the top of the tile or between grout joints was excellent. He found that he got around 80 square feet of coverage per bag of thinset using a ¼" x ¼" x ¼" square notch trowel.
**Waiting Periods for Grouting and Heavy Traffic**
Once you've set tile, it's essential to wait before grouting or allowing heavy traffic on the surface. Schluter recommends waiting at least 12 hours for ALL-SET and SET, while FAST-SET can be grouted after just 4 hours. Additionally, it's recommended to wait 24 hours before subjecting the tile to heavy traffic.
**The Benefits of Using Schluter Thinset**
One of the primary benefits of using Schluter thinset is the lifetime warranty that comes with it. If you're installing multiple Schluter products together, such as DITRA-HEAT and KERDI-BOARD, be sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines to avoid affecting the warranty. Schluter's thinsets are highly versatile and can be used for a variety of applications, including embedding DITRA and DITRA membranes, setting vertical tile and floor tile.
**Using Thinset with Other Products**
When working with other products, such as DITRA-HEAT or KERDI-BOARD, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for thinset use. Using the correct thinset can ensure a strong bond between the products and prevent potential issues down the line. By choosing the right product and following proper mixing and application techniques, you can achieve a successful tile installation that will last for years to come.
**Additional Resources**
If you're planning to redo a bathroom or complete a tile project, be sure to check out our free guide for additional tips on products and materials we like using. We also offer courses on bathroom remodeling, including the latest techniques and best practices for working with thinset and other materials.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enSchluter just came out with their brand-newthinset. And if you’re a tile setter, contractor,or a DIYer, you’re definitely going to wantto watch this video because we’re goingto go over the details behind this new thinsetline. It’s great. And the really cool thingis if you use all the Schluter products inyour bathroom, you’re going to get a lifetimewarranty, and that is really cool.Now before I dive into all the details, Ido want to say thank you to Roger Diller whois our local Schluter rep here in Pittsburgh.Roger was able to get us these demo bags ofthe thinset before it’s even out, and that’sawesome. And we were able to actually useit on a project, which I’ll go into herein a second.I also want to thank Best Tile here in Wexford,PA just north of Pittsburgh because they reallydid help us out getting extra thinset to Stevewho did the project using DITRA-HEAT in atiled floor.Schluter now has three different thinsets.So they have Schluter ALL-SET, Schluter SET,and Schluter FAST-SET. Schluter SET is a specializedformula of unmodified mortar. Schluter ALL-SETis a specialized modified mortar. And finally,Schluter FAST-SET is a specialized fast-settingmortar, which we don’t have just quite yet.Now each one of these mortars comes in bothwhite and gray. Schluter SET can be used forKERDI-BOARD and membranes. Schluter can alsobe used under and over KERDI-BOARD and theDITRA/DITRA-HEAT membranes. The same thinggoes for the Schluter FAST-SET. You can usethat both under and over all the KERDI-BOARDand membranes that Schluter has to offer.Now this is going to be super important. Followthe directions on the bag of the thinset.Each thinset has its own directions, so don’tjust eyeball it. Make sure you follow thosedirections to a tee.Now one thing I want to address, and thatis you’re going to be asking yourself: “Whydoes Schluter still make an unmodified thinset?”Well, some tile setters want to use the unmodifiedthinset for setting tile. That’s what theywant to do, so Schluter wanted to respectthat wish for them. So that’s why they stillhave an unmodified thinset. That said, weprefer to use the Schluter ALL-SET becausethere’s really no thinking about “ShouldI use modified or unmodified?” You justuse the Schluter ALL-SET, and that’s it.You buy one type of bag, and you can use thatfor under the membranes; you can use it forsetting the membrane; setting the tile; andthat’s it. There’s really no guess workin “Should I use modified or unmodified?”here.Now to the directions, make sure you followthe directions to a tee. This is really importantfor the thinset consistency, the pot life,and the open time, not to mention the performanceof the thinset. So when you look at the bagsof ALL-SET and FAST-SET, you’re going towant to use 5 ½ to 6 ½ qts of water fora 50-lbs bag of thinset. The Schluter SETrequires 6 to 7 qts of water for a 50-lbsbag. Why is there a range for the amount ofwater that you’re using with the thinset?Well, if you’ve ever installed DITRA orDITRA-HEAT, you know that you need to havea little bit of a thinner consistency thatstill holds the trowel. And the reason whyis that’s going to help you embed the DITRAor the DITRA-HEAT into the subfloor or thecement. So that’s the reasoning behind havingthat range of water that you’re going tobe adding to the thinset.Just like with other thinsets, add water toyour bucket first, then your thinset, andmix it at about 300 rpms—so at a slowerrpm. And you’re going to want to do thatfor 5 minutes straight. This is super importantto get the right consistency for the Schluterthinset.Now if you’re using the ALL-SET and theSchluter SET, you need to let that thinsetsit or slake for about 10 minutes. If you’reusing Schluter FAST-SET, as soon as you’redone mixing it for 5 minutes, you can startusing the Schluter FAST-SET.For Schluter SET and the Schluter ALL-SET,after it’s done slaking for 10 minutes,you need to mix it for 3 more minutes afterward.And this is going to provide you with a reallysmooth, creamy consistency. The reason forletting the Schluter ALL-SET and the SchluterSET slake for 10 minutes is that water isgoing to absorb into the powder and activatethe ingredients.Now through our experience, after you mixit for 5 minutes—so this is for the SchluterALL-SET and the Schluter SET—it’s goingto appear a little bit dry. So that’s whyyou need to allow it to slake for that 10minutes because, again, all that water isgoing to absorb into the powder.So just to reiterate, there’s a 5-10-3 formulafor Schluter SET and Schluter ALL-SET. Somix for 5 minutes, let it slake for 10 minutes,and then re-mix for 3 minutes. So those arethe directions for the mixing of the SchluterALL-SET and the Schluter SET. That formulais going to give you the maximum pot lifeand the maximum open time for this thinset.So pot life is the amount of time that youhave for the thinset until it’s creamy enoughand workable enough to use for your tile.Now just as a side note, Sal DiBlasi and Iare going to be coming out with more videosinvolving the Schluter thinsets. If you haven’talready done so, subscribe to Sal’s channelright here. He’s a 32-year tile setter.He’s got a lot of great tips and tricksfor you over on his YouTube channel.So here’s a little tip for you per the Schluterdirections. When you’re mixing up the Schluterthinset—so for example, Schluter ALL-SET—youwant to be at the maximum range of that waterratio so that your thinset is a little bitloose yet still holds a trowel. And the reasonfor that loose consistency is because youwant that thinset to absorb into the fleeceof the DITRA and the DITRA-HEAT so that itcan embed properly into the subfloor.So just as an example. For Schluter ALL-SET,the water ratio that they say to use is between5 ½ and 6 ½ qts for a 50-lbs bag of thinset.You would want to be closer to the 6 ½ qtsof water for the Schluter ALL-SET when you’remixing up a 50-lbs bag so that you do havethat consistency that you need to embed theDITRA/DITRA HEAT.We have really great DITRA installation videosright here which you can watch, and we gothrough that installation step-by-step. Sowe would encourage you to watch those videosright there if you’ve never installed DITRAbefore.Now on the other hand, when you’re settingtile, you want to be at the minimum end ofthe water ratio when you’re mixing up thethinset. And the reason why is you want athicker consistency for the thinset so thatif you’re setting tile on a wall, you’regetting the maximum bond for the thinset.So just as an examples, for the Schluter ALL-SET,remember again it requires 5 ½ to 6 ½ qtsof water. You would want to be closer to the5 ½ qts of water for a 50-lbs bag of thinsetif you’re setting tile on a wall.Open time is really important for thinset.Open time is the time that you have beforethe thinset starts to skin over. So what isthe open time for the ALL-SET and the SchluterSET? It’s about 20 minutes. And then theopen time for the Schluter FAST-SET is 10minutes.Now Steve, my buddy that I work with overhere at Home Repair Tutor, was able to usethe Schluter thinset for a DITRA-HEAT andfloor tile project. And what he found wasthat it was really creamy if you follow thedirections on the bag. It had nice stickinessto it. The pot life was really good. It wasright in line with what Schluter said it was.And the great thing is the cleanability ofthe thinset off the top of the tile or inbetween the grout joints was very easy forhim. So even the next day, if there was somethingset between the grout joints, it was easyfor Steve to clean out the grout joint usinga standard 5-in-1 painter’s tool or a carpetknife.The other thing that Steve told me was thathe did get about 80 sq ft of coverage forthe Schluter thinset using a ¼” x ¼”x ¼” square notch trowel. So the coveragewas right in line with what Schluter saidit was going to be.Once you set tile, you need to wait about12 hours for the Schluter ALL-SET and theSchluter SET before you can start grouting.Now if you’re using Schluter FAST-SET, youcan wait 4 hours and then you can start groutingyour tile. And these are really good numbersto know. And the other thing is you need towait about 24 hours before you have heavytraffic on the tile.The reasons we like Schluter new thinset isthat it reduces the confusion now wheneveryou’re using the Schluter products withinyour bathroom. So whether you’re using DITRA-HEAT,Schluter DITRA, Schluter KERDI-BOARD, or theSchluter membranes, you definitely want toconsider using the Schluter line of thinsetsbecause you’re going to get that lifetimewarranty. And that’s important for you ifyou’re an installer. It’s also importantif you’re a homeowner and you’re usingthe Schluter brand of products.One thing to keep in mind with all these newthinsets that are coming out, all these newproducts that are out for bathroom remodeling,is the warranty. So if you mix the differentproducts that you’re using, it can adverselyaffect your warranty. And that’s why Schluter’sgiving you the lifetime warranty if you usetheir thinset with the DITRA-HEAT, DITRA membrane,KERDI-BOARD, etc.So we would recommend that you strongly considerusing the Schluter thinset if you’re usingother Schluter products. The workability isgreat. It’s got that stickiness to it. Youcan use it to embed the DITRA and DITRA membranes.You can use it for KERDI-BOARD. You can useit for setting vertical tile and floor tile.It’s very versatile. And so far, we reallylike it. And like I said, we’re going tohave more videos coming out explaining howwe’re using the Schluter thinsets.So we hope that you liked today’s video.If you are redoing a bathroom and let’ssay you’re putting in a tub/shower combolike the one behind me here, you want someadditional tips on the different productsand materials that we like using, you shouldget our free guide right here. And if you’rein the middle of doing a bathroom remodel,you should check out our courses right herethat we have for doing bathroom remodelingas well.So again, thanks for watching our video. Wehope you have a great day. If you’ve gotany questions about the Schluter thinsets,let us know down in the comments, and we’dbe more than happy to help you out. Take care.\n"