🇨🇦KITKATS 🇨🇦 & AERO Bar Unboxing -- my first taste of 13 flavors of Canadian KitKat Bars
The Classic Kit Kat: A Taste of Nostalgia
I can already smell the orange as I gaze at this vintage-style wrapper. It's an old-school design that immediately brings to mind memories of childhood treats and lazy afternoons spent unwrapping candies. The chocolate looks a little darker than I expected, with a slight bitterness that actually complements the orange perfectly. This classic version is a masterclass in simplicity, with just a thin coating of chocolate on the outside and a generous helping of crunchy wafer inside.
Moving on to the cookie crumble version, we find ourselves in a world of individual wrappers made from plastic pouches rather than foil. The first one I try has a nice tart chocolate that's infused with little bits of crispy cookie, which adds a delightful textural element to the experience. As I snap into the crunchy center, I'm reminded of the classic dark chocolate bars that snap crisply between my teeth. However, unlike those bitter bars, this Kit Kat tiramisu is a revelation – its use of dark chocolate is expertly balanced by a light and airy texture that's reminiscent of affogato and cheesecake combined.
Next up is a new flavor, touted as "nut." I must admit, I was surprised to see it listed as a chocolate option, but the result is nothing short of magic. The layers of rich, velvety chocolate are beautifully balanced by a crunchy wafer center, while the bitterness of the dark chocolate provides a delightful contrast to the sweetness. It's clear that this Kit Kat has been crafted with love and care, resulting in a truly delicious treat that's both familiar and innovative.
Another new flavor, "caramel crisplets," promises to improve the lives of cocoa farmers through its unique blend of ingredients. I'm intrigued by the prospect of crunchy toffee bits adding texture to the classic Kit Kat formula. As I unwrap the bar, I'm greeted by a satisfying crunch that's tempered by a rich, caramel-flavored chocolate. However, upon closer inspection, I realize that the flavor is more of an extract than a genuinely buttery, toffee-like experience – still delicious, but not quite what I was hoping for.
As I continue my journey through the Kit Kat world, I find myself torn between nostalgia and innovation. The classic version remains a staple of childhood treats, with its simplicity and familiarity endearing it to fans of all ages. Meanwhile, the newer flavors – like "nut" and "caramel crisplets" – offer exciting new twists on a beloved formula. Whether you're in the mood for something old-school or adventurous, there's a Kit Kat out there waiting to be unwrapped and devoured.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enGreetings my beautiful lovelies! Hello,it's Emmy. Welcome back! Today I'm goingto be consuming a large amount ofchocolate -- Canadian chocolate to bespecific. I received this giganticpackage of sweets from Karissa.Karissa, thank you so much for sending this to me. Letme just show you what she included.It is jam-packed with chocolates. I'm gonnahave to do this in two parts becausethere's just too much for me to taste inone video. So we're gonna do the KitKatversion today.So these Kit Kats hail from Canada sothey're lots of flavors here that I'venever seen before and certainlypackaging I've never seen before. Thisis Cookie Crumble, and it's also, of course,written in French. This is Caramel Crisp:seven individually wrapped bars.I think these are gonna look more like the JapaneseKit Kats, in terms of packaging.I've tasted many many many many flavors ofJapanese Kit Kats -- gosh, probably over ahundred flavors at this point. If youhaven't seen those videos, I'll directyou to the playlist and I'll put thelink there and there as well. So, theseare Canadian on the other hand and thisis the Hazelnut Crunch. They all soundamazing. Next we're gonna do this whichare pretty large this is espressobiscuit ganache this is caramel burstand sea salthow fancy these sound now check out thissize have you seen Kit Kats this largeand four I have never this is incrediblethis is 170 grams this is probably onetwo three four times the size of thetypical Kit Kat bar that you can buy atthe convenience store here in the US andthis one looks amazing look at thisTiger striping the mint flavor yesCarissa you've done well she knows thatI have a love for chocolate and mint andshe got the classic which is in aslightly more foiled shiny packageorange which is the same size but inthis landscape format oh I missed thisone this is another 140 grams size thisis mint as well this is mint cream andcookie smash YUM so we'll put that withthe other stacktiramisu I love chocolate and coffeetogether that's gonna be delicious withmascarpone cheesethis is cookies and cream this is theflavor I do believe we have here in theUS and then we have dark chocolate noiryes this one says it's new so I have 13different flavors of Canadian Kit Katsyay so that's this KitKat let me showyou the Aero bar so look for this videoto come I'm gonna be tasting the Aerobars we have Aero bars in the US butjust the classic version I have neverseen these other ones so this is Aerotruffle this is Aero white chocolateAero truffle vanilla truffle Aero darkcherry truffles Aero milk chocolatetruffle oh my gosh yesAero dark chocolate Aero dark mint ohthere's still one more ticket at thevery bottom and this is green tea thisis the typical size that we have here inthe US so in the Aero tasting I'll alsobe tasting this and this is a caramilkand to finish things off Corsa sent meRitter sport bars these are Germanchocolatesthey are fantastic I've done severalRitter sport tastings if you haven'tseen those videos again I'll put thelinks down belowChrissa thank you again so much forsending these to me it is amazing thisbox is loaded with chocolate which Iadore so let's go ahead and get startedwell baseline let's start with theclassic and this is 170 grams and it isprobably three and a half times the sizeof a typical Kit Kat bar there we go ohmy goodness yes whoa whoa whoa so sadlythis one's a little bit broken alreadybut let's look at the idea oh yes elevenbars and each bar you can snap in half Ihave to break it on the lengthwise doyou guys break it in half first no no noI was breaking on the long listI'm supposed to break in all differentdirections here's what the KitKat barlooks on the inside it's kind of a lighttan in color as is the cream - knockingoff hmmI've been had a KitKat bar in a wild youknow it's delicious big chocolatecoating is thicker than I rememberwriting yeah mm-hmm very nice nicesubstantial chocolate crunch on theoutside thin crispy light wafer in themiddle I'm not overly sweet goodchocolate flavor and yeah delicious Ihaven't had an original KitKat bar in awhile but for my recollection thistasted very very similar to be milkchocolate US version that we have herescrumptious all right original deliciousbecause I can't stand it I have to havethis one next and this is a beautifulmint KitKat I've never seen such swirlyswirly patterns I hope that's what thisbar looks like oh wait it's wrongit better be green on the other side itbetter be green on the other side yesokay it is green on the other side okayokay not bad not as quite as muchcontrast in definition as it is on thecover so minty peppermint tea is easyyeah yeahokay now that snapped with much moresatisfaction this seems to have athicker chocolate snappy layer than inthe Japanese version for sureit snaps with much more concreteness allright I can't stand it here we godid you hear that that was an excellentchocolate crunch did you hear that snapthat snap oh yeahthese comparatively speaking to theJapanese kick at have a much thickerchocolate base layer which I like soslightly higher proportion of chocolateto wafer in these Kit Kats this one ofcourse is mint so it has a clear verypronounced cool peppermint flavor it'sall about the peppermint chocolate isdefinitely a second fill in this andthen you've got the nice little wafer IIcrispness which is wonderful littlecontrast to the melty chocolatefantastic love the amount of mint andthat wouldn't change a thing just need adollop it's like vanilla ice creamdelicious love that one much much muchmuch much do you want a piece of Winstoncheck out the link down below to see howyou can get yourself an official Winstont-shirt only offering them for a limitedtime only so actlet's try one of these ones that are inthe baggies this is the hazelnut crunchoh look at that oh they are not the samesize of this Japanese bars this lookslike it's a full size KitKat bar theJapanese ones are about...hmm...maybe two-thirds ofthe size, three-quarters of the size.So this is what the KitKat bars look likein the U.S. There's not a break in themiddle. It's just one stick and you getfour of them in one pack. Through thechocolate you can see the hazelnutcrunch. Ooh, I think I'm gonna like this one!This one looks like it's a littlebit darker than a milk chocolate --in this combination of milk and dark.And there you can see the wafer inside...there you go that is a signature ratioof chocolate to wafer that I rememberwith a kick-out bar both for the USversion and the Japanese version there'sa good side by side comparison can yousee how this has a significantly heavieramount of chocolate on the base this oneis just more of a coating and thereseems to be more of an equal balancebetween the chocolate and the waferFrench well the mint version that I hadbefore had much more chocolate which Idon't mind so this is the classic ratioof chocolate to wafer KitKat right heremm-hmmso the hazelnuts are chopped up in therereally great kind of crunchy texture andfull of hazelnutty, nutty flavor. Delicious!It's like Nutella with more of a textureso let's try this version next and thisis the 140 gram size as opposed to the170 gram so the bars are gonna benarrower as well and this is the camelburst and sea salt so immediately Inotice that this one has a perforationdown the middle as well so I think thisis going to have more chocolate similarto the first KitKat versions I've tastednow that I think about it in the UK theyhave something called KitKat chunk orchunky this looks like it's a bit of ahybrid of the classic KitKat and thatThis is definitely more gracile thanthis. Look at that!Snap it. Ooh did you see that littlecaramel pull there nice okay let's givethat a taste here we go mmmso that has an interesting texture whenyou bite into it you have a very thinlayer of chocolate and then it justgives just a really gooey caramel up topand then you go through the wafer andthen you've got a thick chocolate layerdown below so a lot going on on there Ithink I could use a little bit more saltin there because that's a very sweetcandy bar next let's try this size thisis a 35 gram bar and this is green teawe do have this flavour here in the USalthough I don't see it too often andyou definitely find this in Japan thisone you see as much as you see theoriginal love this flavor okay so thistoo is the classic proportion ofchocolate to wafer mmm that's deliciousthis has a very very good green teaflavor I was wondering if I was gonna bea little bit watered down and it's notat all it has that signature grassygreen lovely flavor of good green teajust ever so slightly bitter but this isvery heavily sweetened as well so it'sstill very much a candy bar but thewafer as well as the cream or green aswell so I believe the green tea flavorprobably is in those layers as welllet's try this and this is KitKat orangeI have had this in the chunky version Ihave to say not my favorite I don'tusually like fruit with my chocolate butlet's give this a taste anyhow and thisone is shiny and oily like the classicoh look at thisyes oh I can already smell the orangeall right I think it's a plastic cup orwrapped individually so I love the foilthat's so old-schoolso we'll remove that paperand she loved the sound of the foil ohthe chocolate looks a little bit darkerhmm I actually like that better than Iexpected because the chocolate is darkso has a slight bitterness and actuallygoes really well with the orange allright all right KitKat and in terms ofproportion of chocolate to wafer this isthe classic version just a thin coatingof chocolate on the outside and nicethick wafer in the middle let's try thecookie crumble version next these twoare individually wrapped but rather thanbeing in foil it's in this littleplastic pouch and there we area nice tart chocolate and you can seelittle bits of start cooking in there aswell oh that snaps really really crisplyand this one you can really distinctlysee that there is a chocolate layerbetween the wafers hmm so this one seemsto have a thicker layer of chocolate ontop but has a really nice snap to itjust like when you snap a good darkchocolate bar very kind of brittle crispdistinct snap this has that texture thenyou get little bits of kind of sandycookie crumbles in there as well whichare nice don't taste them so much Ithink mostly you taste the darkchocolate I thought it was gonna be verysweet and kind of cream like in themiddle like an Oreo cookie but it's notthe use of dark chocolate I think was agood choice in this one and this is anew flavor and this is Kit Kat tiramisuso tiramisu is a cake that's made withladyfingers and it's soaked withespresso and it's made with marscapone acheese delicious is a nice like lightblend of affogato and cheesecake kind oflike that and it looks like it might betwo-tone as well Oh cute look at this ohand smell the coffee alreadyooh so this is gonna be the thickchocolate as well as you can hear solet's try it with the two-tonedchocolate first it smells liketruckstop coffee right here we go hmmmm-hmmthis one is the kind of chunk versionwhere there's a thick layer of chocolatedown below so more chocolate than waferin this one this is pretty heavilyperfumed of coffee and it reminds me alot of those flavored cream wares thatyou can add to your coffee the hazelnutones or the caramel or vanilla onesit hasn't kind of extract flavor to itstill delicious but definitely taste ofan extract let's try the one that it'scovered all with milk chocolate and seeif it tastes any different hmm initiallyit doesn't it still tastes of that kindof coffee creamer but it does have moreof a chocolaty milk chocolate flavorthan the white one this one is a newflavor it says nut I'm kind of surprisedbecause it's dark chocolate you thinkthat that one would be pretty commonthat's a nice little contrast there youcan see the layers of chocolate inbetween the wafer and the very thicklayer of chocolate bump down belowmm-hmm I think I might actually likethis more than the mint I can hardlybelieve I'm saying that but this has areally nice bitterness to it this is abittersweet chocolate although it'sstill very sweetit has a nice bitterness to it almostcoffee like but it doesn't taste like aartificial coffee flavor just tasteslike dark sweetened chocolate with alight wafer crunch in the middle and itis delicious and simple love it let'stry another bagged one and this iscaramel crisplet's improve the lives of cocoa farmershmm I'd be interested to research whatthis cocoa plan is about see what thisone looks like boom again classic kickapp and you can see the little bits inthere and that's gonna be presumably thecrunch of the caramel all right look atthat oh I can see a little bit of thecaramel right in there I wonder if theseyou're gonna be like toffee bits kind oflike a heath bar let's find outMm-hmm.You can definitely feel thelittle toffee bits.And it tastes of caramel.But again the kind of caramelextract -- not so much of that buttery Heathiness....that I was hoping for.I like thecrunch of the crunchy caramel toffee bits in there,but I wish it tasted morelike the toffee. It tastes a bit of likean extract as well -- kind of flavoredrather than actually being buttery and toffee like.All right, three more to go. You can do it Emmy!Ahhh!!All right. Karissa, thank you! Another minty one -- and this is \"Mint Cream and Cookie Smash.\"These look nice and puffy. Oh yesss! Can immediately smell the mint,and it smells fine! And thechocolate is dark. That's beautiful.So it looks like there's a kind of a domedlayer on top of the wafer there.Maybe that's the mint?Ahh, that smells so good!Definitely darkchocolaty...It smells like Junior Mints -- you know thatdark chocolate, peppermint combination... okay!that's that's finethat is delicious so you get that hardsnappy crunch of the dark chocolate onthe outside a little bit bitter lots ofminty flavor but not overpower the mintyI think comparatively speaking to thefirst mint I hadn't that one was veryvery minty which I don't mind but I likethe subtlety of the mint and the darkchocolate combination in this a lotthere's a little bit of cookie texturein there as well kind of a little bit ofsand eNOS not much of a crunch but moreof a sandy texture which I like it goeswell with the wafer this tastes morerefined and considered than the firstone I like this one. Mmm. I also likeminty chocolate.So stinkin' good! Let's try this one next. And this isKit Kat Cookies and Cream. This is a milkchocolate bar. Oh look! And it has the cookiesand cream on top. Cute! And the waferinside looks to be chocolate and there'sa little bit of dark chocolate cream inbetween. Ooh, I like all the differentcolor contrast that's going on in there.I'm really surprised they actuallyreally captured the cookies and creamflavor and tastes a lot like an Oreo interms of that creamy chocolatey veryfamiliar sweetness but in a candy barokayit tastes like kind of dairy Dan milkyas well so if you like Oreo cookies andKitKat bars and this might be the onefor you a little bit too sweet for mebut I like how successful they were interms of getting all these separatelayers this is the espresso biscuit andganache this is gonna be a beefy 1/2that has a lovely coffee smell as wellbut a little bit different than thetiramisu yeah that's what it looks inprofiles you can see the distinct layersof the wafer and the cream layer andthen it's again domed and it's filledwith some kind of filling in therethat's probably espressoexcuse me listen and open a knob on thatone alright here we gohmm initially that is actually verysimilar to the tiramisu it has that kindof freeze-dried coffee flavor to it butthen it finishes better I think becauseyou have that dark chocolate that meltsin your mouth so you get some of thatbitterness that's echoed in the coffeeand in the dark chocolate so yes I likethis version better than tiramisu mm-hmmalrighty so my gut is official youbusted Karissa thank you so much forsending me all of these Kit Kats I didnot know that Canada had so manydifferent flavors of Kit Kats so thanksfor sharing that with me all righty Ihope you guys enjoyed that one I hopeyou guys learn something let me know inthe comments if there's anything you'dlike to see me taste or try share thisvideo with your friends follow me onsocial media so you know what videos arecoming up next and what giveaways I'mhosting and I shall see my next one Toodle-oo!Take care! Bye!!!Oh, be sure to check out the chick and bee videos on my other channel!Okay! See ya! Bye!\n"