The Creator's Response to Controversy
I've gotten into some controversy. This is not a video that I wanted to make. In fact, I've put off making this video for a few days because I was hoping that things would just kind of blow over. But it's just escalated, right?
Like I've been doxed, which is crossing some lines that I'm just not comfortable with. And it's all over a video game console. So if you're landing on this video and you're like, "What is going on?" or something to that effect, then I want to talk about what happened.
I'll start by explaining what dox-ing means. Dox-ing refers to the act of publicly releasing someone's personal information online without their consent. In my case, someone has released my personal details, which is a very uncomfortable and invasive experience.
The controversy surrounding this incident started because I was involved in a discussion about a video game console. It seems that some people took issue with my opinions on the subject, and they chose to take it upon themselves to dox me.
I want to make it clear that I'm not going to engage with these people or try to justify my actions. Instead, I'll focus on addressing the situation at hand. If you're watching this video because you're curious about what happened, then let's get straight to it.
So, here's what happened. Someone released my personal details online without my consent. This is not acceptable behavior, and I want to make it clear that I won't be bullied or intimidated into doing something I don't want to do.
I understand that this may have caused some concern for you, the viewer. Please know that I'm safe and sound, and I'll continue to create content for you all. However, I also want to make it clear that I will not engage with those who have done me harm.
In the future, I hope that we can move past this incident and focus on creating positive and respectful content. If you're interested in discussing video games or any other topic, then please feel free to reach out to me. However, if you're looking to harass or intimidate someone, then I'm not willing to engage with you.
That's all for now. Thank you for watching, and I hope to see you in the next video.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- So I've gotten into some controversy.This is not a video that I wanted to make.In fact, I've actuallyput off making this videofor a few days because I was hopingthat things would just kind of blow over.But it's just escalated, right?Like I've been doxed, it'ssort of crossing some linesthat I'm just not comfortable with.And it's all over a video game console.So if you're landing onthis video and you're like,"Austin, why so serious? What happened?"I made a video this weekend,on Saturday specifically,talking about the brand newupdated model of the PS5.The title was The New PS5 Is Worse.And let's just say, the internethas not been super pleasedwith some of the things Idid and said in that video.Okay, so let me run through the ideafor what happened there,because it was fairly straightforward.So a couple months ago, Sony announced,or they didn't even announce,there was like a leak likedregulatory filing or something,there was an updated version of the PS5and the only real thing that lookedsignificantly different was the weight.It was about 300 gramsor a little over half a pound lighter.I saw it as kind of vaguely interesting,especially 'cause they didn'treally say what was different.And you know, Sony has alittle bit of a track recordfor sort of dumbing down their consolesand kind of cost reducing them over time,which is fair enough.But there was no sort ofword on anything like that.Fast forward to a little over a week agoand these things had actuallystarted to hit the market.So they were starting to hitin like Japan and Australia.And so I was directlytalking with someone in Japanwho had gotten their handson one of these units,paid a lot of money tohave it shipped here,so I could take a look.It's not like a PS5 Slimor anything like that,but I was kind of goingunder this assumptionthat if there was sucha big weight differencethat there would be somesignificant internal change, right?I mean a half a pound,that's a lot of somethingthat is missing out of the PS5.So I bought it, got into the studioand immediately started shooting the videoon what was different.So if you've seen that video,you know that I go throughand test a bunch of stuffwith it and blah, blah, blah.But the culmination really waswhen I actually crackedit open and saw that theyhave massively reducedthe size of the heat sink.And so I posted the video,sharing my findings,sharing my opinions on it.And boy, I was not ready for just howupset, I think people are.So yeah, let's break it down.What I saw was thatthe new PS5 runs hotterand with the thermal imagesthat I was able to take,plus the fact that I tore open the PS5and saw that Sony has significantlyreduced the size of the heat sink.Putting two and twotogether, I determined thatit is a downgrade comparedto the first model.Now, a lot of people havetaken issue with that.Some people have said that,oh, maybe it's more likethermally efficient, for example.But my argument there would bethat just doesn't squarewith laws of physics.Now, if I had opened up the PS5and it was a very differentarray of like the heat sinkand the fins and the heatpipes and everything.If they had like extra air channelsor a bigger fan or whatever the case is,and to be fair, the fanwas slightly different,although it probably wasn't enoughto make a massive difference.Certainly, I don't think enoughto completely overhaul theamount of sort of coolingthat they've removed withthe actual heat sink.Then sure. But that's not the case.The PS5, it just simplyhas a smaller heat sink.There's less aluminum,there's less copper,there's less material,there's 300 grams less.And the laws of physicspretty simply dictatethat there's less materialand less surface areato remove that heat off of the chip.Now, can I tell you with1000% certainty that the chip,which is really the mostimportant thing on the inside,that the actual SoC is running hotterthan the original model?No, without being Sony,I cannot tell you exactly what that is.But using some, what I wouldconsider to be common sense,that the cooling apparatus is far smallerand therefore, the temperatures I'm seeingthat are coming out of thesystem are significantly higher.I feel pretty confident inthe fact that the new PS5simply does not run ascool as the original.My thought on why thenew PS5 has been changed,is economics.So the PS5, I think, issignificantly quieterthan earlier PS4s, right?I think Sony's had issues in the pastwith consoles that were too loud,especially if you had likeone of those early PS4 Pros.And my thought would be is thatwhen they were developing the PS5,they maybe didn't knowexactly how much powerthey had to run through thechip, they didn't know exactlywhat the whole cooling apparatus would be,they didn't know what kind of yieldsthey were gonna get from TSMC,all this kind of stuff.So my assumption is, is theyover-engineered the coolingbeyond what they really neededand then they shipped itbecause, oh, okay, it was fine.However, with the various chip shortagesand the price of raw materialsand ultimately with a lotmore data than they hadwhen they made this decisiontwo years ago or whatever,my thought would be that Sonyhas probably looked at the PS5and go, "You know what? Weactually slightly over-engineeredthe cooling to hit ourspecs, whether it would beon the clock speed or thelongevity or whatever."And so to save money,they have trimmed backon the material, which notonly saves in the actual copperand aluminum they have to purchase,but also in like shippingcosts of a pallet of PS5sthat each weigh half apound less, that adds up.Now, what's kind ofunfortunate about this,in addition to all of the angeron the fanboy side of things,is in fact, that scalpers havereally piled onto this videoand now they're sellingthe first models of the PS5for significantly more thanthey were before the video.That's stupid.Look, if you have the new andthe old PS5 in front of meand asked me to pick one,I would pick the old one."But you'll have to pay more for it."Five bucks. Look, itis a small difference.It's a difference,and it's a difference thatI was happy to highlight,but it is nowhere near the thingthat it has been sortof been made out to be.When the video first went live,there were a few peoplelike, "Oh, I don't know,blah, blah, blah, whatever."But over the last few days,I mean, my Twitter hasbeen absolutely unusable.People like, "(beep) you.""Microsoft paid you."Or like, "Oh, you're wrong."Or the amount of videos people have made.And look, I'm not gonna hate on youfor jumping on a trendand making the stuff.But the amount of like."Austin Evans is a liar.""The PS5 is no different."Or, "Oh, I think that the thermal materialthey took out there's completely useless."And all this kind of stuff.But what's kind of happened is thata lot of the things I saidin that initial video,they were written up on likelots of articles and websitesand all over like Reddit and stuff.And then people then quoted thatand then made videoson like intercutting metalking about the PlayStation, the Xbox.And in ways,it's gotten to a ridiculoussort of degree really quickly.I've been making videosfor 12 years on tech.I've done a lot of videoson controversial subjects,but the level of just toxicitythat I've seen with this conversation,is orders of magnitude higherthan anything I've ever seen.Look, there's a lot ofreasons I think, behind that.But ultimately, it's hardbecause if you look at someonelike Digital Foundry, who Ihave a ton of respect for,and they were the onlypeople who've actually,instead of just commenting on this thing,actually they've got one of these PS5s,right, they went out andbought one of the new PS5s.And in their testing,well, I don't believe they'vedone the thermal testing,they determined that it hasprobably about the same poweras the original PS5and that you're gettingabout the same performance,which is well worth a read.People keep sending it to me as ifit's like the Exposed AustinEvans is Wrong article.I 100% agree with every singleword in that article, right?At no point have I said that the PS5is losing performanceor anything like that.All I have said is thatbased on my own testing,it seems to be running hotter,which would logically makesense with a smaller heat sink.And therefore, you could havesome issues down the line.If you're in a really thermallyconstrained environment,you're in a TV cabinet or something,your PS5 may run hotter,it may have less longevity.But that's all I've said.However, the discourse has quickly turnedinto I hate the PS5 andI'm this clickbait YouTuberwho doesn't know what he's talking aboutand is just trying to get views.(Austin grunting)Thumbnails and titles areincredibly important on YouTube.And some people have takenissue with what the titleand thumbnail I used for the PS5 video.Fair enough. Fair criticism.What I would say to thatis, at least for the title,I do think the PS5 is worse.Is there a more accurateversion of the title,which, I think the newPS5 is very slightly worsebecause I opened it up?Yeah, sure. Maybe that's aslightly more accurate title.But ultimately, I thinkthe message of my thoughtson the PS5 were accuratelyportrayed by that title,hasn't been changed, won't be changed.On the thumbnail, whichI think is probablywhere people got a little bit more salty.Yeah. So this is thethumbnail of my PS5 video.And yes, it has been Photoshopped,that's not exactly whatthe PS5 looks like.But here's the thing, right.The way that the YouTube algorithm worksis that if a video does not get a click,it is buried, right.It is very simple.If you don't get the click on the video,YouTube will not push it out,it will not get impressions,it will not get views, you'rewasting your time, right?Now if I had made a PS5on fire, which sure yeah,we've done some silly thumbnailsin the past, absolutely.But this to me, I guess atleast, and maybe I'm wrongand maybe this is whereyour opinion differs,I don't think this is acrazy clickbait thumbnail.In fact, actually the originalversion of this thumbnailbefore it went live was actuallyof the proper two PS5s side by side.The problem is, is that mostpeople look at a thumbnailfor about a half a second,you're scrolling through.If I show you this thumbnail,pff, oh, there it went.Were you able to see it?Were you able to kindof tell the difference?No, probably not.Because, well, yes whenyou look at it in person,when you're actually watching the video,the difference in the heatsinks is pretty noticeable.But on a tiny little thumbnailthat flies across the screen,it's simply not something that you'll see.The other thing that has been everywhere,is how I'm a paid Microsoftshill, and I hate Sony.Look, yes, I absolutely got my handson an Xbox Series X early,Microsoft provided an opportunityfor me to take a look at the Series X.Sony did not offer that same opportunity,which means that while yes, Imade a lot of Series X videoson like talking about it in the news.And then I got my hands-on reviewand it's all that kind ofstuff throughout last year.All of these Sony PS5videos I did last yearwere entirely me buyingcontrollers, buying consoles,trying to get my hands on them.Now you can say that, Microsoftgiving me a review unitmakes me biased and that's fair criticism,if you think that's the way it works.I can tell you though that ifI would've had review unitsof the PS5, I would havemade twice as many videosbecause the numbers don't lie.The PS5 is a far morepopular console than the Xboxand therefore, as someone who makes videosthat are supposed to be popular,I want to make the thing thatis going to perform best.Let me be crystal clear,if a video has a paidsponsorship, I disclose it.Not only because that'sthe right thing to do,it's also the thing that Ihave to do legally, right?So when I've been sponsoredby Microsoft or Sonyor any number of our othersponsors that keep the lights onand keep the channel running and stuff,I will say straight up thisvideo is sponsored by blank.Right?So look, believe me or notbelieve me, it's up to you.But Microsoft had nothingto do with this PS5 video.And in fact, I would goeven farther and like,look, if you think that I'msome biased and Microsoft shill,you know what I did thefirst second I got my handson a Series X, an actualfully functional unit?I didn't follow the embargoof like talking about games and stuff.I tried to overheat the thing.Do you think Microsoft was happywhen I did a prototype Xbox Series Xin months ahead of time,and I make a video trying to overheat it?No, they weren't happy about that.But I don't care, right?As long as I'm not breakingsome rule or anything like that,I want to make the videosthat are most interestingand relevant to you, right?I want to find these things out.I find it super fascinating.You know what that SeriesX video was all about?It was a similar concept towhat I did with this PS5.I was putting it in boxes,I was trying to cut off the air flow.I was trying to see exactlyhow far you could pushthe Series X to see if it wasactually engineered correctlyversus something like, I don't know,some of the older systemsthat had overheating issuesor whatever the case is.In fact, the Series Xvideo I did last yearhas been intercut onTwitter with my PS5 videoto make it seem like I'm likemaking the Series X look goodand the PS5 look bad.Look, you can absolutely hold me to this.If Microsoft comes out witha follow-up Xbox Series Xor Series S that is downgraded,is less powerful in thecooling or whatever,I will 1000% make a videoon it and call them outthe exact same way thatI've called out Sony, right?If that is the case, if they do that,I will be happy to diveinto it to find out exactlyto the best of my ability what's going onand I will make a video all about it.You have my word on that.What's happened at this point is that,well, Microsoft hasn't changed it at all,they're shipping the exact same console,which, you know, good orbad, doesn't really matter,it's the exact same consolefor thermal performance.That's not what I've been talkingabout with this PS5 thing.I'm purely talking about theold PS5 versus the new PS5,they're charging you theexact same amount for,and yet has a inferior cooling solution.Look, if you think I'mwrong, that's your opinion.And be my guest, ifyou want to make memes,you want to go make videos onwhy Austin Evans is a liar,go for it, right?Cash in on the controversy,it's not like I've never donea video on something controversial.But things are, this is a PS5, right?The doxing and some of themore extreme elements of this,I think are way out of proportion.Right, I get it. I am making content,I am making things thatyou may not agree with.I stand behind the video Imade, I stand behind my opinion,which again, agree with ordisagree with, that's fine.But the level of toxicity inthe community, I think is,it's a lot, right?Now, not to name names,and this is not me,but people I know inthe sort of this spacehave gotten like death threatsand just like ridiculous stuff,which there's no excuse for that, right?Ultimately, we're talkingabout a PS5, right?I'm talking about a PS5, whichis a couple degrees warmer,that has a slightly smaller heat sink.It's not worth taking thingsto such a ridiculous degree.That's why I'm making this video.That's why, I would be very happyif this is the last timeI have to talk about this.But it's something that I wanted to say.Something I wanted to get outthere because it's a lot.So, that's it.Thank you for watching, especiallyif you made it this far.And your regularly scheduledprogramming will resume shortly.But yeah.