I was trying to figure out how I could like spin it and also chill on my phone at the same time you know what I mean like okay no no no see here's what you got to do with a fidget spinner case like this okay well I couldn't take it off what I would do next time if I had this is I'd put it much higher up so that way you can hold your phone and then kind of like still be flicking it you know I mean but I wasn't that smart right off the bat. This fidget spinner case thing is really hard to hold, especially since my hand was shaking while trying to capture a selfie with it.
I'm trying to figure out how I can like spin it and also chill on my phone at the same time you know what I mean like okay no no no see here's what you got to do with a fidget spinner case like this. Well, I couldn't take it off what I would do next time if I had this is I'd put it much higher up so that way you can hold your phone and then kind of like still be flicking it you know I mean but I wasn't that smart right off the bat.
This fidget spinner case thing is really hard to hold, especially since my hand was shaking while trying to capture a selfie with it. I mean besides the fact that it's hard to hold onto, the design of this case is pretty cool. I would definitely consider using it more often if I had one like it in the future.
Cuz it comes off and then you can put it back on when you're on the go you know you're on the go and you're just like sweet check out this let me just take a photo and be real hip while I'm doing it. This case is actually really cool because once you have to attach it to your phone, you can easily remove it and reattach it whenever you want.
This is whether you still are into right you're like responding I was like saying like a statement oh oh that just flung right off alright same pay attention she's like over there like dreaming about something probably across the universe not a great movie by the way no matter what Sam will create movie by the way no matter what Sam will tell you guys trust my opinion more than sans true isn't it.
Oh there's a new inside joke when you get hurt it's all I'm gonna say that's fine because it's cheap 2016 vintage. The box itself is actually pretty old, but the design on it is cool and has some sort of secret to it.
It's one year ago I wouldn't say that's vintage wooden box with secret drawer so there's like a hidden container in it or something hidden there's like a hidden compartment and that's it it's just a little hidden compartment. The box itself isn't actually from 2016, but rather some sort of old item.
So you can just hide away the drugs but don't because you don't want to do the drugs no matter what anyone tells you I'm being serious may sound like a joke I'm being serious right now no reviews so we're gonna be the first to test this puppy out at your target so you know besides the drugs why would you Viking is your drug I get you are you gonna open up the normal one yeah see it was like glued oh and then now that this pin is out I should technically be able to hold this out or just push it.
Oh my finger but yeah it was 100% just like wedged in there and like the glue look totally glue right there that was just stuck no puzzle box is just glued shut it's not a puzzle. The whole thing is held together with some sort of strong adhesive, making it difficult to open without breaking or damaging it.
Hey you wanna see if you can defeat this puzzles yeah you can like undo the box you have to do it with brute force that's the puzzle brute force you never be able to get that open technically but it's not like this couldn't break that would definitely be difficult to open if someone's gonna try and steal something like your sibling they're gonna be kind of sneaky they're gonna walk in there and try to like open up something really quick and they're not gonna try and be like making noise and trying to like smash things and figure things out like this I mean besides the glue.
I write this one a bias there would be a bubble thing in here when Sam is with me long bubble machine gun bar sticks without water Western sword shape for kids. The box has some sort of hidden compartment that holds small items, but it's not clear what exactly is inside or how to access it.
Okay is it a machine gun is a sword shape where's the machine gun hi here's it's a machine gun what is that looks like something like oh no that was like a weapon on link unlike Zelda the latest Zelda game you know you like throw lightning with it you know what I'm talking about us nerds know what I'm talking about.
Us nerds got to figure out how to open this box and see what's inside.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's going on guys I am Matthias before this awesome video that we made it starts I just wanted to let you know that this video is in fact sponsored by a YouTube red in particular for their show called Ryan Hansen solves crime on television starring Emmy watcher Ryan Hansen and Emmy nominee Samira Wylie all the episodes right now are streaming on YouTube red got tanning here with me phaeton hain tana good if you're unfamiliar with the show the pilot is about Ryan Hansen he's an aspiring actor and he tries to become a cop literally because he wants to make a youtube red show about cops it's about as meta as you can get he joins Sameera to assault his first murder together with her and in crazy stuff ensues there's this actually really funny scene in which they're about to have like this major shootout and Ryan Hansen gets a callback from like a Star Wars audition or something to thank that and he's just like taken out of the moment completely and then all of a sudden because of that there's a major shootout it's pretty entertaining and I think that's one of the things that's so interesting about the show is that it breaks the fourth wall really well it's a show about a dude trying to make a youtube red show and that's what the show is about a YouTube red show I think they really pull off the authenticity of what YouTube is and combining that with that traditional television sense so if you guys are interested in watching that and getting some laughs because the comedy is on point make sure you check out this show by clicking the link down in the description below because the first two episodes are absolutely free that's right alright so here's the thing though I mean this shows about cops have you ever had a run-in with cops I have but it was like tradition it was like oh hello officer was i speeding and he was like no have a good day cuz you're a perfect citizen I mean I've had a little something spicy right what once I'm back into college I was with a friend you know we were stopping by a little house party saying hey what's up and then you know the cop job because of a complaint so you know most people were just like yeah you know whatever was here about me personally I don't know whenever I get scared I run so I naturally ran from the cop and then the cops corner of the corner and he hits all that stuff thought we were super guilty yeah we got breathalyze but we were totally selling something why are you running you're really here I was scared and thanks again to you to bread for sponsoring this video just want to let you guys know that the show in my opinion is not PG so I just wanted to give you guys that heads up but it's still a very entertaining show that I hope you guys enjoy so make sure you click that link down in the description to check it out on with the rest of the video hey what's up guys I'm gonna keep going with I'm gonna go with that one I don't know what's wrong with me today but I'm excited you know why I'm excited cuz I'm bringing you strange China products actually Sam picked out some of these strange Chinese products shoes from battle universe and today I'm gonna let you know whether it's a buy or deny whether it's good or a bad product shall we begin this is the high five Sam first product the heck is this it's like some sort of alien toy what is it do I have to how would I know how to use it are you trying to confuse me Sam they try to disorient me okay so we got a bunch of these like little jewels accessories here you can pop these out put a new one in oh this one's heavier okay okay like a second exerciser it's like we've seen one of these before why don't you just use your words put it you put it in your mouth you want me to do it on camera you're kidding well you're on the drugs when you pick this one out oh my gosh she's not kidding ooh dude there's like marking on it that I can like wipe off you're telling me you're supposed to put this in your mouth and didn't then do this I can't oh we're that's gotta make my teeth loose this is the most horrible experience I've ever experienced in all my experiences and I hate it this is really a mouth exerciser are you messing with me the secret of his iconic smile finally revealed did you see the last word on the screen we have many dreams yeah they're perm dreams from the pervert this is upsetting that humans would make this I hate it all right today we're playing the game of guess the product let's see who can even come close do you really hundred percent it's it's like a mouth workout thing power how do you know this I'm internet savvy no do you want you you like anime that's what it is so that's anime dude no I feel like the fact that you like anime gets you into weird places and you found this oh really have you used this yet have you it's something about the side profile that made you look like a turtle alright Paul gets a point dude Wow um what do I even say that I belt a belt so I'm supposed to wear it like this you walk in with that and you tell me that's the game you have to guess what this thing might look a new segment can you feel it yeah yes is it a workout machine your clothes Paul Paul knew right away wait can I open it no you don't want to oh you don't want to my mouth was on that do you blow into it oh I know what it is really it's a Johnson Tigers how do you guys know that there's some good money to watch this I have to say this one is a denying it Diomede tds meter test your portable detection pen water quality test quality oh boy these are the kind of things that you kind of like don't want just because you're like oh I don't want to know what's in my water I'm just happy being ignorant like I don't want to know if there's like if my water super bad quality because that's all I have what else am I gonna do am I just not gonna drink water anymore I feel like seven dollars and 41 cents isn't necessarily a reliable machine seven dollars do you think this is reliable No thank you for your input Sam ladies and gentlemen video we'll see about that the explanation is written in Chinese unfortunately I do not read Chinese all right I have a cart I'm about to test my water give this video like if that just made you you'll you yawn to you on so you stick this thing in your water and that's it it gives you like zero to ten most likely is detecting through this little electro whatever Yuma call it most likely detecting how many particles are in the water so it could be a little deceiving because you know you can have pretty healthy water that has a lot of particles in it maybe minerals and stuff like that I don't know what I'm talking about though okay so really don't listen to anything I'm saying just to clarify let's test some water Sam alright here we go we got the water here got the test you ready for this guys 136 147 150 all right we're at about 150 one Wow 151 I don't know what that means that's bad news though I'm sure I don't have good luck so whatever 150 means there you go we know that mean it says ppm which means particle per million but I just don't know what a good ppm is and a bad ppm is let's look okay so less than 300 is excellent so this is some excellent water mmm I was probably someone else's water huh yeah what was in that there's something in there I think it was like a globule I definitely had oh definitely swallowed something 300 is 600 good 600 and 900 fare 900 to 1200 pour let's try salt you don't cook do you rock side never open to think it's all before old are you it's like something Luna can figure out dude roasted dude 532 Wow I say that's a bye all right only 7 bucks not bad next product small life partner you iron massage what is this dude what did you just put on my desk little compact carried anytime anywhere what did you what it is for your head okay what's that mean do you think it was just translated wrong well what are they trying to say hey he's your life partner now baby you know it's creepy - it looks like a frog leg doesn't it yeah five massage head at the same time release ion and at the same time vibration massage it just said five massage head at the same time at the same time vibration massage hey we're gonna massage you five times over also at the same time we're gonna massage you five times over stimulate human body no thanks my body does not need stimulation it smells like a smoker how can metal smell like you got to be a heavy smoker and like be blowing in the packages to get a metal vibration that massager to smell don't do the drugs kids okay Sam okay you're still a kid in my book don't do the drug okay okay have you agreed to it yeah hey what kind of batteries do we need who cares dude any battery will do just as long as it's a battery have you turn this thing on oh it's when your hands make contact I have to make it cut skin it's gotta be skin the skin I don't want this smokers hand touching my back that's just odd can't do it yeah you have to massage your arm oh it was like are you dead inside I'm always didn't say that's my secret oh all right I don't feel good she's like I really gotta work for this massage this is really dumb I hate it actually these are some good batteries let's not waste those this let's waste deny it that's a deny it I see eyeballs it's a Nic Cage oh my gosh oh my gosh it's not like his face a ton of times it's his face with like double chin dude that is like the worst Photoshop job I've ever seen in my life I'm not someone to wear skin tones do you like skin tones do you want Nick Cage on on you non weird way but it's impossible Sam to thing it's super awkward because it's just a face usually they have multiple faces all over but you got like cemetry here which in this instance I feel like is not good like you got eyes up on your sleeves and stuff just the eyes but that's the only face I don't know I'm gonna have to save tonight what do you say you don't get to take it home okay then you can trade into tonight children electric horse rotating toy around the pile around the pile dude don't you love playing that game as a kid let's play rotate around the pile ring-around-the-rosie that's what I meant dude that's the one I used to play rotating around the pile you get a pile of stuff and you rotate around it and you chant things could be a pile on anything could be pile of garbage could be a pile of clothes could be a pile of poop all you got to do is rotate around it and you win at the cars dude I do Cory Sam where's the pole you've lost the pole but that's the whole game oh no never mind that's not that's not the game the game is rotated around the pile what is this I feel like I'm gonna get like lead poisoning with the toy like this I have to figure out how to turn it on yeah yeah oh my oh my gosh that's how you turn it on you lift up its tail stop that's the worst thing ever heard that there's some real perverts out there dude these are the toys that people get if they're on drugs oh my gosh no I'm not calling you a druggie I'm saying this is the kind of toys that people get I wasn't saying you were a druggie but now you're so paranoid that I'm like what's I even mean regardless sidetracks sans paranoia about drugs you should be paranoid about drugs don't do the drugs kids time to turn on this horse Oh oh geez dude wow that actually worked so now what my word this leg is already falling off what the heck dude that would drive like a parent crazy give up horse hey can you take this out back it's plastic Sam it's plastic and a drug you made it no remorse for the drug use didn't I it always denied the drugs hot felon got the electronic pet toys nineties nostalgic 49 pets in one virtual cyber pet that's totally hot meaning relevant meaning and meaning punchy meaning like this is hot it's a hot item and then they go to say nostalgic and 90s which is old from the past man living in the past get over it Toys Toys Toys I love it super descriptive so how do you play Sam's Tamagotchi connection I have no could be fake so we got buttons here reset select decide cancel okay so if I hit select oh there's a rooster a panda bear I'm gonna decide on this one time twelve named joy all right little panda is alive we have just get heated poop what is that thing down there oh no that's a happy sad face what does that mean I just reset it I'm not good at this pet thing okay same one now yes as a matter of fact I can chef I can have them go to the bathroom I can have him play I can love it send it to the emails and read it a book so I'm gonna have it go to the bathroom right now did you did you do it and you're going to the bathroom right now dude why don't you just poop it's showing me it's Toshi why isn't it pooping Sam this pet won't respect me reset oh dude I'm bad at fathering inanimate objects I think you've reset it again tough what chinless that's a denial you can have that Sam that's for you she gets up and guesses she you know she wanted to do Electric magnetic alleviates fatigue eye care treatment massager it's an eye massager do I know that's gonna trigger some people for sure watching this because some people just hate the back and they don't even want to do this let alone touch their eye when it's open like this don't do it oh you have a contact it's still not a great idea alright calm down all right she's like yes gotta get that itch right on the pupil but anyways I know a lot of people unlike Sam I think it's really weird to touch your eyeball this I feel like would trigger some people and in that oh oh that's somewhat frightening four-point-eight gotta love the comic sans alleviates eye pouch hey you know what a problem I have a lot guys it's the eye pouch man can someone alleviate my eye pouch just so much pressure in the pouch I needed alleviate relaxed brain nerve oh just the single one just the one after a long time staring on the screen or when you just read over a stack of books yeah stack of books oh yeah I guess the tenth book is enough money time yeah buzzer eating like a stack of books in one sitting I may need a knife after a long time staring at screaming or even if you feel hard to get hard to get in sleep you can use the eye care massager for help Oh help me I mean I've got hard to get into sleep for anyone who excessively uses every person on the planet has excessive I use oh gosh use my eyes too much about the o'clock time for me to not use my eyes anymore the rest of the day oh that's good I gotta buy this out of cars nice dude this one's green levy I fatigue I care massager if that's you you need the I massage first at Oh feel them hey I got you tonight hey I'm cringing we know when you're feeling those I need to stop using my eyes okay so it's vibrating the mask it's not vibrating these these are just going to vibrate as a result of the mask vibrating on we got different modes just different vibration techniques really and you got a timer all right here we go I'm gonna turn it off and put it on and then I'm gonna set myself up for some restless arrests restful night okay so I can kind of see out of the holes yeah dude I feel like I'm from Star Trek right now bro this is actually kind of cool looking for like a battle you universe Khan Wow for like a battle universe costume all right ready oh my gosh Loki amazing hahahahahahaha okey amazing dude oh man I feel like this is definitely curing my eye pouches yeah amazing oh no it broke already the the little thing popped out of this one that just popped off alright Sam c'mere this is so weird dude I'm not flying I'm night I'm like not used to having pointy things like I hear you ready vibrates you're feeling ear canal gives you like a weird kind of sensation I can't think but it feels amazing am I crazy oh my gosh it's making my nose feel really yeah after a while it like spreads its tickle my eardrums buy or deny boy yeah dude that's a buy okay is that a shock collar no trust me boys try that this is going to improve your life Mike all right you ready Mike not really what is this buy it or deny it fine why not feels good huh yeah yeah it does I don't know just let's just let it happen okay yeah ill I don't like this what really oh it feels weird on the bridge of my nose buy or deny deny Hunter Prasad you know this feels like like not comfortable as descriptive dude I like I say bye mmm what is this mobile case oh we got a jelly case sweet what's a jelly cute screen protector waterproof bag is that this is that it's packaged is that part of the feature the feature of this product is the package that it comes in and by the way it's stained with some sort of human discharge beautiful what there's a fidget spinner in there this is a mountable fidget spinner you attach it to the phone case then you got a fidget phone case oh my gosh that's so dumb you know a viewers like watching it and they're just like spinning their phone as they cry just watching my videos and 360s of crying so let's see it so let's see if my phone will even fit oh okay sweet so this is the iPhone 7 plus I just put it down I just put it down and I was like why isn't it moving okay here we go guys the procedure is beginning it has landed so now I have a fidget spinner phone case it's actually really hard to hold I wasn't even faking on that one I'm trying to figure out how I can like spin it and also chill on my phone at the same time you know what I mean like okay no no no see here's what you got to do with a fidget spinner case like this okay well I can't take it off what I would do next time if I had this is I'd put it much higher up so that way you can hold your phone and then then kind of like still be flicking it you know I mean but I wasn't that smart right off the bat this is cool cuz it comes off and then you can put it back on when when you're on the go you know you're on the go and you're just like sweet check out this let me just take a photo and be real hip while I'm doing it this is whether you still are into right you're like responding I was like saying like a statement oh oh that just flung right off alright same pay attention she's like over there like dreaming about something probably across the universe not a great movie by the way no matter what Sam will create movie by the way no matter what Sam will tell you you guys trust my opinion more than sans true isn't it oh there's a new inside joke when you get hurt it's all I'm gonna say that's fine because it's cheap 2016 vintage it's one year ago I wouldn't say that's vintage wooden box with secret drawer so there's like a hidden container in it or something hidden there's like hidden compartment and that's it it's just a little hidden compartment so you can just hide away the drugs but don't because you don't want to do the drugs no matter what anyone tells you I'm being serious may sound like a joke I'm being serious right now no reviews so we're gonna be the first to test this puppy out at your target so you know besides the drugs why would you Viking is your drug I get you are you gonna open up the normal one yeah see it was like glued oh and then now that this pin is out I should technically be able to hold this out or just push it oh my finger but yeah it was 100% just like wedged in there and like the glue look totally glue right there that was just stuck no puzzle box is just glued shut it's not a puzzle hey you wanna see if you can defeat this puzzles yeah you can like undo the box you have to do it with brute force that's the puzzle brute force you never be able to get that open technically but it's not like this couldn't break that would definitely be difficult to open if someone's gonna try and steal something like your sibling they're gonna be kind of sneaky they're gonna walk in there and try to like open up something really quick and they're not gonna try and be like making noise and trying to like smash things and figure things out like this I mean besides the glue I write this one a bias there would be a bubble thing in here when Sam is with me long bubble machine gun bar sticks without water Western sword shape for kids okay is it a machine gun is a sword shape where's the machine gun hi here's it's a machine gun what is that looks like something like oh no that was like a weapon on link unlike Zelda the latest Zelda game you know you like throw lightning with it you know what I'm talking about you nerds know what I'm talking about us nerds got to stick together Add to Cart hey raisin yes you ready for some bubble action yeah okay you think I'm better I mean no I don't I'm just gonna take a nap will you handle the but the bubble segment okay I'll do my best what starla Sam be more entertaining I don't hear any voices you gotta look at the bubbles I'm trying to take a nap Sam the least relaxing nap I've ever had well what did you expect when you gave me bubbles I was expecting you to be uh not doing it intentionally but you're just kind of in the way those are big bubbles they are Wow those are like like very elegant bubbles look at you go it is ah look at this flashing all over dude my ham is covered in bubbles hello darkness my old friend tuff what bubble lover a bubble lover my right guys see that video right there that is a sonic grenade it is intentionally designed to damage hearing this one right here that is a video that YouTube thinks you specifically will enjoy will you I don't know let's find out click either one of those videos out to help the channel out a lot very much appreciate it see you there high-fivewhat's going on guys I am Matthias before this awesome video that we made it starts I just wanted to let you know that this video is in fact sponsored by a YouTube red in particular for their show called Ryan Hansen solves crime on television starring Emmy watcher Ryan Hansen and Emmy nominee Samira Wylie all the episodes right now are streaming on YouTube red got tanning here with me phaeton hain tana good if you're unfamiliar with the show the pilot is about Ryan Hansen he's an aspiring actor and he tries to become a cop literally because he wants to make a youtube red show about cops it's about as meta as you can get he joins Sameera to assault his first murder together with her and in crazy stuff ensues there's this actually really funny scene in which they're about to have like this major shootout and Ryan Hansen gets a callback from like a Star Wars audition or something to thank that and he's just like taken out of the moment completely and then all of a sudden because of that there's a major shootout it's pretty entertaining and I think that's one of the things that's so interesting about the show is that it breaks the fourth wall really well it's a show about a dude trying to make a youtube red show and that's what the show is about a YouTube red show I think they really pull off the authenticity of what YouTube is and combining that with that traditional television sense so if you guys are interested in watching that and getting some laughs because the comedy is on point make sure you check out this show by clicking the link down in the description below because the first two episodes are absolutely free that's right alright so here's the thing though I mean this shows about cops have you ever had a run-in with cops I have but it was like tradition it was like oh hello officer was i speeding and he was like no have a good day cuz you're a perfect citizen I mean I've had a little something spicy right what once I'm back into college I was with a friend you know we were stopping by a little house party saying hey what's up and then you know the cop job because of a complaint so you know most people were just like yeah you know whatever was here about me personally I don't know whenever I get scared I run so I naturally ran from the cop and then the cops corner of the corner and he hits all that stuff thought we were super guilty yeah we got breathalyze but we were totally selling something why are you running you're really here I was scared and thanks again to you to bread for sponsoring this video just want to let you guys know that the show in my opinion is not PG so I just wanted to give you guys that heads up but it's still a very entertaining show that I hope you guys enjoy so make sure you click that link down in the description to check it out on with the rest of the video hey what's up guys I'm gonna keep going with I'm gonna go with that one I don't know what's wrong with me today but I'm excited you know why I'm excited cuz I'm bringing you strange China products actually Sam picked out some of these strange Chinese products shoes from battle universe and today I'm gonna let you know whether it's a buy or deny whether it's good or a bad product shall we begin this is the high five Sam first product the heck is this it's like some sort of alien toy what is it do I have to how would I know how to use it are you trying to confuse me Sam they try to disorient me okay so we got a bunch of these like little jewels accessories here you can pop these out put a new one in oh this one's heavier okay okay like a second exerciser it's like we've seen one of these before why don't you just use your words put it you put it in your mouth you want me to do it on camera you're kidding well you're on the drugs when you pick this one out oh my gosh she's not kidding ooh dude there's like marking on it that I can like wipe off you're telling me you're supposed to put this in your mouth and didn't then do this I can't oh we're that's gotta make my teeth loose this is the most horrible experience I've ever experienced in all my experiences and I hate it this is really a mouth exerciser are you messing with me the secret of his iconic smile finally revealed did you see the last word on the screen we have many dreams yeah they're perm dreams from the pervert this is upsetting that humans would make this I hate it all right today we're playing the game of guess the product let's see who can even come close do you really hundred percent it's it's like a mouth workout thing power how do you know this I'm internet savvy no do you want you you like anime that's what it is so that's anime dude no I feel like the fact that you like anime gets you into weird places and you found this oh really have you used this yet have you it's something about the side profile that made you look like a turtle alright Paul gets a point dude Wow um what do I even say that I belt a belt so I'm supposed to wear it like this you walk in with that and you tell me that's the game you have to guess what this thing might look a new segment can you feel it yeah yes is it a workout machine your clothes Paul Paul knew right away wait can I open it no you don't want to oh you don't want to my mouth was on that do you blow into it oh I know what it is really it's a Johnson Tigers how do you guys know that there's some good money to watch this I have to say this one is a denying it Diomede tds meter test your portable detection pen water quality test quality oh boy these are the kind of things that you kind of like don't want just because you're like oh I don't want to know what's in my water I'm just happy being ignorant like I don't want to know if there's like if my water super bad quality because that's all I have what else am I gonna do am I just not gonna drink water anymore I feel like seven dollars and 41 cents isn't necessarily a reliable machine seven dollars do you think this is reliable No thank you for your input Sam ladies and gentlemen video we'll see about that the explanation is written in Chinese unfortunately I do not read Chinese all right I have a cart I'm about to test my water give this video like if that just made you you'll you yawn to you on so you stick this thing in your water and that's it it gives you like zero to ten most likely is detecting through this little electro whatever Yuma call it most likely detecting how many particles are in the water so it could be a little deceiving because you know you can have pretty healthy water that has a lot of particles in it maybe minerals and stuff like that I don't know what I'm talking about though okay so really don't listen to anything I'm saying just to clarify let's test some water Sam alright here we go we got the water here got the test you ready for this guys 136 147 150 all right we're at about 150 one Wow 151 I don't know what that means that's bad news though I'm sure I don't have good luck so whatever 150 means there you go we know that mean it says ppm which means particle per million but I just don't know what a good ppm is and a bad ppm is let's look okay so less than 300 is excellent so this is some excellent water mmm I was probably someone else's water huh yeah what was in that there's something in there I think it was like a globule I definitely had oh definitely swallowed something 300 is 600 good 600 and 900 fare 900 to 1200 pour let's try salt you don't cook do you rock side never open to think it's all before old are you it's like something Luna can figure out dude roasted dude 532 Wow I say that's a bye all right only 7 bucks not bad next product small life partner you iron massage what is this dude what did you just put on my desk little compact carried anytime anywhere what did you what it is for your head okay what's that mean do you think it was just translated wrong well what are they trying to say hey he's your life partner now baby you know it's creepy - it looks like a frog leg doesn't it yeah five massage head at the same time release ion and at the same time vibration massage it just said five massage head at the same time at the same time vibration massage hey we're gonna massage you five times over also at the same time we're gonna massage you five times over stimulate human body no thanks my body does not need stimulation it smells like a smoker how can metal smell like you got to be a heavy smoker and like be blowing in the packages to get a metal vibration that massager to smell don't do the drugs kids okay Sam okay you're still a kid in my book don't do the drug okay okay have you agreed to it yeah hey what kind of batteries do we need who cares dude any battery will do just as long as it's a battery have you turn this thing on oh it's when your hands make contact I have to make it cut skin it's gotta be skin the skin I don't want this smokers hand touching my back that's just odd can't do it yeah you have to massage your arm oh it was like are you dead inside I'm always didn't say that's my secret oh all right I don't feel good she's like I really gotta work for this massage this is really dumb I hate it actually these are some good batteries let's not waste those this let's waste deny it that's a deny it I see eyeballs it's a Nic Cage oh my gosh oh my gosh it's not like his face a ton of times it's his face with like double chin dude that is like the worst Photoshop job I've ever seen in my life I'm not someone to wear skin tones do you like skin tones do you want Nick Cage on on you non weird way but it's impossible Sam to thing it's super awkward because it's just a face usually they have multiple faces all over but you got like cemetry here which in this instance I feel like is not good like you got eyes up on your sleeves and stuff just the eyes but that's the only face I don't know I'm gonna have to save tonight what do you say you don't get to take it home okay then you can trade into tonight children electric horse rotating toy around the pile around the pile dude don't you love playing that game as a kid let's play rotate around the pile ring-around-the-rosie that's what I meant dude that's the one I used to play rotating around the pile you get a pile of stuff and you rotate around it and you chant things could be a pile on anything could be pile of garbage could be a pile of clothes could be a pile of poop all you got to do is rotate around it and you win at the cars dude I do Cory Sam where's the pole you've lost the pole but that's the whole game oh no never mind that's not that's not the game the game is rotated around the pile what is this I feel like I'm gonna get like lead poisoning with the toy like this I have to figure out how to turn it on yeah yeah oh my oh my gosh that's how you turn it on you lift up its tail stop that's the worst thing ever heard that there's some real perverts out there dude these are the toys that people get if they're on drugs oh my gosh no I'm not calling you a druggie I'm saying this is the kind of toys that people get I wasn't saying you were a druggie but now you're so paranoid that I'm like what's I even mean regardless sidetracks sans paranoia about drugs you should be paranoid about drugs don't do the drugs kids time to turn on this horse Oh oh geez dude wow that actually worked so now what my word this leg is already falling off what the heck dude that would drive like a parent crazy give up horse hey can you take this out back it's plastic Sam it's plastic and a drug you made it no remorse for the drug use didn't I it always denied the drugs hot felon got the electronic pet toys nineties nostalgic 49 pets in one virtual cyber pet that's totally hot meaning relevant meaning and meaning punchy meaning like this is hot it's a hot item and then they go to say nostalgic and 90s which is old from the past man living in the past get over it Toys Toys Toys I love it super descriptive so how do you play Sam's Tamagotchi connection I have no could be fake so we got buttons here reset select decide cancel okay so if I hit select oh there's a rooster a panda bear I'm gonna decide on this one time twelve named joy all right little panda is alive we have just get heated poop what is that thing down there oh no that's a happy sad face what does that mean I just reset it I'm not good at this pet thing okay same one now yes as a matter of fact I can chef I can have them go to the bathroom I can have him play I can love it send it to the emails and read it a book so I'm gonna have it go to the bathroom right now did you did you do it and you're going to the bathroom right now dude why don't you just poop it's showing me it's Toshi why isn't it pooping Sam this pet won't respect me reset oh dude I'm bad at fathering inanimate objects I think you've reset it again tough what chinless that's a denial you can have that Sam that's for you she gets up and guesses she you know she wanted to do Electric magnetic alleviates fatigue eye care treatment massager it's an eye massager do I know that's gonna trigger some people for sure watching this because some people just hate the back and they don't even want to do this let alone touch their eye when it's open like this don't do it oh you have a contact it's still not a great idea alright calm down all right she's like yes gotta get that itch right on the pupil but anyways I know a lot of people unlike Sam I think it's really weird to touch your eyeball this I feel like would trigger some people and in that oh oh that's somewhat frightening four-point-eight gotta love the comic sans alleviates eye pouch hey you know what a problem I have a lot guys it's the eye pouch man can someone alleviate my eye pouch just so much pressure in the pouch I needed alleviate relaxed brain nerve oh just the single one just the one after a long time staring on the screen or when you just read over a stack of books yeah stack of books oh yeah I guess the tenth book is enough money time yeah buzzer eating like a stack of books in one sitting I may need a knife after a long time staring at screaming or even if you feel hard to get hard to get in sleep you can use the eye care massager for help Oh help me I mean I've got hard to get into sleep for anyone who excessively uses every person on the planet has excessive I use oh gosh use my eyes too much about the o'clock time for me to not use my eyes anymore the rest of the day oh that's good I gotta buy this out of cars nice dude this one's green levy I fatigue I care massager if that's you you need the I massage first at Oh feel them hey I got you tonight hey I'm cringing we know when you're feeling those I need to stop using my eyes okay so it's vibrating the mask it's not vibrating these these are just going to vibrate as a result of the mask vibrating on we got different modes just different vibration techniques really and you got a timer all right here we go I'm gonna turn it off and put it on and then I'm gonna set myself up for some restless arrests restful night okay so I can kind of see out of the holes yeah dude I feel like I'm from Star Trek right now bro this is actually kind of cool looking for like a battle you universe Khan Wow for like a battle universe costume all right ready oh my gosh Loki amazing hahahahahahaha okey amazing dude oh man I feel like this is definitely curing my eye pouches yeah amazing oh no it broke already the the little thing popped out of this one that just popped off alright Sam c'mere this is so weird dude I'm not flying I'm night I'm like not used to having pointy things like I hear you ready vibrates you're feeling ear canal gives you like a weird kind of sensation I can't think but it feels amazing am I crazy oh my gosh it's making my nose feel really yeah after a while it like spreads its tickle my eardrums buy or deny boy yeah dude that's a buy okay is that a shock collar no trust me boys try that this is going to improve your life Mike all right you ready Mike not really what is this buy it or deny it fine why not feels good huh yeah yeah it does I don't know just let's just let it happen okay yeah ill I don't like this what really oh it feels weird on the bridge of my nose buy or deny deny Hunter Prasad you know this feels like like not comfortable as descriptive dude I like I say bye mmm what is this mobile case oh we got a jelly case sweet what's a jelly cute screen protector waterproof bag is that this is that it's packaged is that part of the feature the feature of this product is the package that it comes in and by the way it's stained with some sort of human discharge beautiful what there's a fidget spinner in there this is a mountable fidget spinner you attach it to the phone case then you got a fidget phone case oh my gosh that's so dumb you know a viewers like watching it and they're just like spinning their phone as they cry just watching my videos and 360s of crying so let's see it so let's see if my phone will even fit oh okay sweet so this is the iPhone 7 plus I just put it down I just put it down and I was like why isn't it moving okay here we go guys the procedure is beginning it has landed so now I have a fidget spinner phone case it's actually really hard to hold I wasn't even faking on that one I'm trying to figure out how I can like spin it and also chill on my phone at the same time you know what I mean like okay no no no see here's what you got to do with a fidget spinner case like this okay well I can't take it off what I would do next time if I had this is I'd put it much higher up so that way you can hold your phone and then then kind of like still be flicking it you know I mean but I wasn't that smart right off the bat this is cool cuz it comes off and then you can put it back on when when you're on the go you know you're on the go and you're just like sweet check out this let me just take a photo and be real hip while I'm doing it this is whether you still are into right you're like responding I was like saying like a statement oh oh that just flung right off alright same pay attention she's like over there like dreaming about something probably across the universe not a great movie by the way no matter what Sam will create movie by the way no matter what Sam will tell you you guys trust my opinion more than sans true isn't it oh there's a new inside joke when you get hurt it's all I'm gonna say that's fine because it's cheap 2016 vintage it's one year ago I wouldn't say that's vintage wooden box with secret drawer so there's like a hidden container in it or something hidden there's like hidden compartment and that's it it's just a little hidden compartment so you can just hide away the drugs but don't because you don't want to do the drugs no matter what anyone tells you I'm being serious may sound like a joke I'm being serious right now no reviews so we're gonna be the first to test this puppy out at your target so you know besides the drugs why would you Viking is your drug I get you are you gonna open up the normal one yeah see it was like glued oh and then now that this pin is out I should technically be able to hold this out or just push it oh my finger but yeah it was 100% just like wedged in there and like the glue look totally glue right there that was just stuck no puzzle box is just glued shut it's not a puzzle hey you wanna see if you can defeat this puzzles yeah you can like undo the box you have to do it with brute force that's the puzzle brute force you never be able to get that open technically but it's not like this couldn't break that would definitely be difficult to open if someone's gonna try and steal something like your sibling they're gonna be kind of sneaky they're gonna walk in there and try to like open up something really quick and they're not gonna try and be like making noise and trying to like smash things and figure things out like this I mean besides the glue I write this one a bias there would be a bubble thing in here when Sam is with me long bubble machine gun bar sticks without water Western sword shape for kids okay is it a machine gun is a sword shape where's the machine gun hi here's it's a machine gun what is that looks like something like oh no that was like a weapon on link unlike Zelda the latest Zelda game you know you like throw lightning with it you know what I'm talking about you nerds know what I'm talking about us nerds got to stick together Add to Cart hey raisin yes you ready for some bubble action yeah okay you think I'm better I mean no I don't I'm just gonna take a nap will you handle the but the bubble segment okay I'll do my best what starla Sam be more entertaining I don't hear any voices you gotta look at the bubbles I'm trying to take a nap Sam the least relaxing nap I've ever had well what did you expect when you gave me bubbles I was expecting you to be uh not doing it intentionally but you're just kind of in the way those are big bubbles they are Wow those are like like very elegant bubbles look at you go it is ah look at this flashing all over dude my ham is covered in bubbles hello darkness my old friend tuff what bubble lover a bubble lover my right guys see that video right there that is a sonic grenade it is intentionally designed to damage hearing this one right here that is a video that YouTube thinks you specifically will enjoy will you I don't know let's find out click either one of those videos out to help the channel out a lot very much appreciate it see you there high-five\n"