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Crafting a Gift for Mother's Day: A Step-by-Step Guide
As we approach Mother's Day, it's the perfect excuse to make a thoughtful gift for our mothers. In this article, we'll follow along with a crafting tutorial as we create a beautiful and unique gift.
The Perfect Idea
To start, let's find an incredible idea that we can make together. The creator of the video has searched online and found a template that we can use to create our gift. We'll need to download this sheet from to get started. Before we begin cutting, it's essential to be patient and take our time, as precision is key.
Cutting the Template
With our template in hand, let's start cutting it carefully. We'll use a precision blade and cut along the lines, making sure not to cut smaller or larger than necessary. The creator warns us that this part of the process can be challenging, especially with new blades, but don't worry, we're here to guide you through it.
Working with Triangles
The part that will take the longest is working with these triangular pieces. Take your time, and believe me, it's going to work out beautifully. We'll cut out these shapes carefully, making sure they fit together perfectly. Remember, patience and attention to detail are crucial in this step.
Adding the Heart
Now, let's add the heart shape to our gift. This is where things might get a little tricky, but don't worry, we're here to help you through it. We'll use double-sided tape to attach the heart to the box, making sure it's aligned perfectly with the shape of the heart.
A Second Chance
Unfortunately, the first attempt at adding the heart didn't quite work out as planned. But that's okay! We can try again and use a different kind of glue this time, one specifically designed for paper, which won't stain our gift. The creator folds the corners to ensure everything fits together smoothly, and we'll follow suit.
Adding Strips
Now it's time to add strips to the heart shape. We'll mark down the middle line and fold the strips towards the sides, creating a smooth and even surface. Then, we'll paste double-sided tape again, adding an extra layer of reinforcement to ensure everything stays in place.
Decorating the Gift
With our gift starting to take shape, it's time to add some decorative touches. The creator is feeling inspired by aquarelle art, so they're going to start painting their gift with vibrant colors like orange, pink, and red. Remember, don't worry if your paintwork isn't perfect – the imperfections will actually add character to your gift.
Finishing Touches
To complete our gift, we'll add some finishing touches, including a bouquet of flowers that come with the template. We'll carefully paint these flowers with aquarelles, making sure they match the vibe of everything else on the gift. Then, we'll add some final details, like painting the bottom part of the box in bright brown.
And that's it! With these step-by-step instructions, you can create your very own Mother's Day gift. Remember to be patient and take your time, as precision is key, especially when working with small pieces. Don't worry if things don't go exactly as planned – the imperfections will add character to your gift. Happy crafting, and happy Mother's Day!
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enCrafters it's almostMother's Dayand I think it'sthe perfect excuseto make a giftfor our mothersso I've beensearching for ideasthat are simple and prettythat you might likeand I think thatI found the perfect oneso let's headto the studio.We arrived.I found the idea that we'regoing to make on the internetif you want to seethe original videoI'll leave you the linkin the description box below.So let's begin!To make thisincredible ideayou'll need todownload this sheetfrom www.craftingeek.comWe're going to cut itbeing extremely carefuland with patience, that's whyI'm using a precision blade.You need to cutit right on the linenot smaller than thatand not bigger than thatotherwise it won'tclose correctly.And here be very carefulthat your cutting straightso that the finishis perfect!Oh no, I think my precisionblade is giving up!Friends this had neverhappened to me beforeit think it'sbecause it's newbut it's ready,we can continue.The part that willtake you the longestare thesetriangular things.This will take a whilebut believe meit's going to workand you'll realize thatthey're very useful.I think that I didn't plan for thisto take as long friendsbut look at the bright sidethe template is already madeyou would have to draw itand that would be a lot worst.We're going tocut out these linesas if theywere one figuredon't cut themindividually yet.And now we're going toremove this very carefullyand with love so that itturns out really pretty.It makes mevery satisfiedwhen things are cutright at the border.It's so nice to beable to remove them.And we haveall of our pieces!Next we're going to needour beautiful dotting toolthis will help thelines fold more easilyand that they don'tfold incorrectly.So with the ruler we're goingto start to markingover the lines,all of our linesand then we're going tofold them a little at a time.That includes the little triangleswhich are like little teethwe also have tofold them upwards.And now that all of thefolds are marked downand looks like thisthat means thatwe can cutthe middle of this areait's a mini rectangle,and then paste it.Here I'm going totry to paste itwith white glue.I don't know I thought thatit was a good choice.And we're going to close itthis should look like a box.Can you see that itcloses on the bottom?And now you just needto press it with a dotting toolso that the tabson the inside stay.And we havethis beautiful figure!I think that I'm callingeverything beautifulbut friends I reallyliked this tutorial.Next we're going to workwith this shapethat I told younot to cut until now.Look I have it placed like thisand we're going to make lines.Only on the bottom partand on the top partwe're going to mark itwith our dotting tooland we're going topaste it like thiswe'll place glueon the middlefold the bottom onetowards the middleand then the top onetowards the middle again.And we're going towait until this driesbecause we want itto be nicely pasted.And in the endit will be a shapewhere we havetwo long sideson both sidesand the short onein the middle.Let's continue with thecutting of the heartswe're going tocut over the linesthat it ends up straightwe need it to bereally straight Crafters.We have the pieceswe're going totake the trianglesfrom the bottom partand we're goingto paste themon our piece over here.But first wait, we're going tomake a mark in the middle.Because that's wherewe're going to pastethe following piece.I'm going to usedouble sided tapeI think it will be easierto do all of this.The bad thing is that it'sreally hard to remove this thing.Friends do youhave any adviceon how to removedouble sided tape faster?I struggle a lot!Okay very well we're goingto take our stripspass themthrough the triangleand we're goingto fold heretowards one sideand towards the other.Perfect,it should feel like thisand this will beable to get pulledthis is what willmake our object close.We're going to pastethe triangles that we removedon the bottom partjust like I'm doing it here.One in the frontand the otherexactly on the other side.I'm going to add white glueto these kind peeksthat look like teethand we're going to pastethe heart like this,it's not all of theheart, it's just half.Set it in place,the it's aligned withthe shape of the heart.I don't know I thoughtthis was going to be easierbut the truth isthat it's not as easy,it was coming offand I started asking myselfif I could actually do itbecause it didn'tturn out that welllook, it turned outkind of strange.So we're going to do it again.We'll take another piececut everything right at the borderfold it again,I'm getting tiredof doing it so fast.This time I'm going to usea different kind of gluethat's for paperand it wont stain thingsand we arrived to this pointwhere I think what I did wrongwas that I didn't fold the cornerso I'm going to do itwith this adhesive pencil.Very well I think this processwill be a lot easier.Mark down the middleI'm going to fold the stripsthat go towards the sides.And we're going to pastedouble sided tape againbecause I felt thatit was a good idea.But you know it alwaysgives me a hard time.We're going to paste the stripsand I'm going to reinforce itwith a piece oftape on the insideI think that thiswill be a lot betterthan what we did before.Excuse me I sometimesmake mistakes.We'll paste the trianglesin the middle and on the backlike we didwith the other oneand now I'm goingto use the heartto start placing it.I found out thatit's easier to paste itif you maintain ittouching the bottom part.Hold the pieceand just paste it on top.See? Now it looks like aheart that opens and closes.It's a thousand times betterthan the first one we did.This is what we need.I'm going to decorate it.This time I feel onan aquarelle moodso I'm going to start painting it.Friends I'm notan expert in aquarellesso be patient with me.I'm putting effort into it.I think that it's bestto combine 2 colors.Or even 3, here I addedorange, pink and red.I don't know I think thatit could be a beautiful colorfor Mother's Day.And remember that youneed to paint all sidesbecause if notit'll look strangeif it's only paintedin the front.I think that these paintbrushesthat are filled with waterare one of my favoritesbecause it's very fun thatyou only have to fill them upand can start painting.They make everythinga lot easier.For the decorationin the middlewe made these flowersthat also comein the templateremember thatyou can download iton www.craftingeek.comand we're going to paint itvery carefully with aquarellesso that they have the samevibe as everthing else.Ready!I think my momis going to love this!Since the bottom partlooks like a boxI'm going to paint itin a bright brownthat's almost a yellow.And rememberthat the aquarelledoesn't needto be perfectthat's why I likethis materialbecause it makesimperfections look good.So it gives you a chanceto do things a little differently.Be careful here if you useaquarelles just like menot to get the paper really wetbecause if it gets too wetit looses the shape of the boxso be careful.Open it and in thismiddle stick that we havewe're going to pastethe bouquet of flowers.That way when you openit they'll come outand you'll be able to seethat it says, \"I love you\"It's a pop up heartreally easy to makefor Mother's Day.Friends look at this beauty!The mechanism,the majestic feel, the shape,I think it's the perfect craftnot just for Mother's Day,I think it could workfor other occasions as well.This decorationis more like a jokeor maybe a serious joke.Something that couldmake our boyfriends panicbecause sometimes you thinkI don't have a boyfriend but I do.We're going to makean engagement ringbecause I think that this ideawould turn out really cuteif someone wouldpropose to a person.It's just to give you an ideaof how you could use it.We'll paint it the same way.This time I said that I wouldget crazier with the colorsand I'm using complementarycolors blue and yellowand we just placethe ring on the inside.I think it's a really cute idea,I don't know if I woulduse it for a proposaltell me in the commentsif you would?But I think thatit's something sweetand that it gives you an ideaon how you can use it.A third decorative ideajust occurred to mebut I don't know if youwho are watching this videodare to make it becauseit's just for the brave,it's an ideafor your crush!So I want you totell me in the commentsif you woulddare to make it?And if so,you deserve a thousand heartsbecause notanyone would do it.Okay I think it's pretty clearthat on this videoI'm getting a little crazy.We're going to do thisfor a crushbecause it's beautiful reallyso we have all of our pieceswe're goingto remove themand we're going tobuild it with patiencethen we're going to paint it,you know fast.And in the middlewe're going to addthe messageto our crush.Friends I don't knowif I could do itthis monkey evenhas his eyes coveredbecause he's embarrassedto say this love messageto someonewho you don't knowwhat he thinksor feels about you.And we're going to paste itin the middle you know.I think the monkey is perfectbecause it's how we feelwhen we like someonebut we don't knowif they like us back.That's why it has the\"I like you\" message.And I thinkthat it's perfectto gift it tosomeone that you likeif you dare to do it.Tell me in the comments.I don't think I would do itI'd rather do the ring oneto my boyfriend as a prankrather than this onewith someone that I don't knowwhat they think about me.Tell me in the comments,would you do it?I think that this cardis very versatile for decorations.Now I want you to tell mewhat would you do?I'll be liking the most original ideasin the comments section.And that's it for this videoI'll see you on the next one!Goodbye!\n"