Bumper 2 Bumper: Celebrating 50 Episodes with the Autozam AZ-1
I cannot believe it, but this is the 50th episode of Bumper 2 Bumper. And because it is such a huge milestone, we went and got the tiniest car that we could find. This super weird little kei car was a total sales flop when it should have been, in my opinion, a big success. So what happened? Well today we have one of the raddest and the rarest of the Japanese Market Kei cars.
I'm gonna tell you how it came to be. Then we're gonna dive into the car, to show you what makes it so unique and why I love it so much. And at the end, you already know that I'm gonna see how funny I look inside of it. Today we're going Bumper 2 Bumper on this Autozam, AZ-1.
First and foremost, I want to thank our episode sponsor, Audible. Hey are you like me? Do you like listening to the words in stead of looking at them? Well, Audible has a ton of audio books. And other word-based audio entertainment. From virtually every category. Audible members can pick three titles a month, one audiobook and two exclusive Audible Originals. You can download them to any kind of smartphone or tablet. So you can listen to your words, everywhere and keep them forever.
If you sign up for Audible now, and you finish three audiobooks by March 3rd, you'll automatically get a $20 Amazon credit. I'm starting off with Tiny House Living. Because after I get all excited about a car I can barely fit inside, I'm gonna want a home that I can barely fit inside. I can't wait to listen to my next audiobook, curled up in the fetal position, in both of them.
Start listening right now with a 30-day Audible trial. Choose one audiobook and two Audible originals, absolutely free! Visit audible.com/bumper2bumper or text Bumper2Bumper to 500-500.
Now before I get up close and personal with this AZ-1, let me tell you a little bit about where it came from and what things were like when it arrived on the scene. Tiny cars like this originally came about as a way to get people into affordable cars, after DAB/DAB 2. The Japanese Government created a new like vehicle segment called Kei Cars.
In 1990, the maximum length was set at 11.2 feet and a max engine size at 660CC. Okay, you guys? You know what else was going on around in 1990? The golden age of Japanese super cars. Freaking sky legs, silvis basically every car that you little d-holes love. And it was that atmosphere that also gave us, a trio of fun-size sporty little Kei cars that came to be known as the ABC Kei cars.
The Autozam AZ-1, the Honda Beat and the Suzuki Cappuccino were all part of this group. Autozam was a sum brand of Mazda and sold the company smallermore affordable cars. Cars like Syan and Toyota here in the States. And the AZ-1, is the wildest of the ABC bunch.
Now they developed three different concepts for the 1989, Tokyo Motor Show, to see which one the public like best. Type A was an exotic-looking coop with gold wing doors that pop up, up and down headlights. Type B was a weird-shaped coop, with boring, regular not even gold wing doors and a really tall green house. And the Type C looked like a straight-up miniature Group C, prototype race car. Thundered mirrors and numbers on the doors.
But, naturally, the guys in the suits didn't give us the little tiny race car. And in the end, they killed its pop up headlights'cause they were like, "Oh no we can't do that."
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(funky music)- I cannot believe it,but this is the 50thepisode of Bumper 2 Bumper.And because it is such a huge milestone,we went and got the tiniestcar that we could find.(funky music)This super weird little keicar was a total sales flopwhen it should have been, inmy opinion, a big success.So what happened?Well today we have one ofthe raddest and the rarestof the Japanese Market Kei cars.I'm gonna tell you how it came to be.Then we're gonna diveinto the car, to show youwhat makes it so uniqueand why I love it so much.And at the end, you alreadyknow, that I'm gonna seehow funny I look inside of it.Today we're going Bumper 2 Bumper,on this Autozam, AZ-1.AZ-1.(hard rock music)Thanks so much for thisepisode sponsor, Audible.Hey are you like me?Do you like listening to the wordsin stead of looking at them?Well Audible, has a ton of audio books.And other word-based audio entertainment.From virtually every category.Audible members can pickthree titles a month,one audiobook and twoexclusive Audible Originals.You can download them to anykind of smartphone or tablet.So you can listen, toyour words, everywhereand keep them forever.If you sign up for Audible now,and you finish threeaudiobooks by March 3rd,you'll automaticallyget a $20 Amazon credit.I'm starting off with Tiny House Living.Because after I getall excited about a carI can barely fit inside,I'm gonna want a homethat I can barely fit inside.I can't wait to listen tomy next audiobook, curled upin the fetal position, in both of them.Start listening right nowwith a 30 day Audible trial.Choose one audiobookand two Audible originals,absolutely free!Visit audible.com/bumper2bumperor text Bumper2Bumper to 500-500.Now before I get up closeand personal with this AZ-1,let me tell you a little bitabout where it came from,and what things were likewhen it arrived on the scene.Tiny cars like thisoriginally came about as a wayto get people into affordablecars, after DAB/DAB 2.The Japanese Gavril createda new like vehicle segmentcalled Kei Cars.(classic music)In 1990, the maximumlength, was set an 11.2 feetand a max engine size at 660CC.Now that's really small.Okay, you guys?(classic music)You know what else wasgoing on around in 1990?The golden age, of Japanese super cars.Freaking sky legs, silvious basically,every car that you little d-holes love.And it was that atmospherethat also gave us, a trioof fun size, sporty little Kei carsthat came to be known as the ABC Kei cars.The Autozam AZ-1,the Honda Beatand the Suzuki Cappuccino.Autozam was a sum brand of Mazdaand sold the company smallermore affordable cars.Cars like Syan and Toyotahere in the States.And the AZ-1, is thewildest of the ABC bunch.(upbeat music)Now they developed three,different concepts for the 1989,Tokyo Motor Show, to see whichone the public like best.Type A, was an exotic lookingcoop with gold wing doorsthat pop up, up and down headlights.Type B, was a weirdshaped coop, with boring,regular not even gold wing doorsand a really tall green house.And the Type C, looked like astraight up miniture group c,prototype race car.Thundered mirrors andnumbers on the doors.But, naturally the guys in the suits,didn't give us the little tiny race car.And in the end, they killedits pop up headlights'cause they were like, "Iguess it makes it safer."You know what's not safe but very cool?Samurai swords, hang gliders,pop up up and down headlights.Another thing that is verycool, are these sideburns.They're fully functional.These one's got an intake pinnate,and on the other side,there's one that matches itthat goes to the inner core.Sick!(hiphop music)Standard AZ-1 only came in two colors.Classic red, and Siberia blue,with gray body claddy.Later on there were special editionsthat added black, silver, and white.Naturally, there is amonster speed one too,which ditched the gray beats,for a color match sporty kid.Actually added a blue buzzerspeed body kid to her AZ-1.Oh, it was some absolutelyfreaking massive,bridge stone super wrap wheels.You might think, thatthey're just steelies,but if you think that, then you're wrong.These things are made outof freaking magnesium.That's sick, it's like a race car.(hiphop music)If you see an AZ-1 parked or even driving,with this sick doors up,you cannot help but love it.We had a donut meet, a few months ago.We literally had so manycool cars in a parking lot,but it was an AZ-1, thateveryone was talking about.People love 'em.It's cute, exotic at thesame time, like an Iguana.Honestly guys, look.(funky music)And what the heck.Let's stir another name into the mix.Suzuki, played a big part inthe development of the AZ-1.They gave the idea for thecar, and an engine to Mazda,who took those twothings and ran with them.Behind the tiny seatsis a transversely mounted657 cc turbo chargedthree cylinder engine making 64 hpand 63 pound feet of torque,which is the maximum amountallowed in a Kei car.(upbeat music)So yes, 64 horse power, isn't very much,but the turbos pulls upand the engine reds allthe way to 9000 rpm,just right behind your freaking head.Now this car has a Fujitsubo exhaustthat probably has a fewextra horse powers .But 0-60 still, takes about ten seconds.Now the cowboy weightof only 1,587 pounds.Its power to rate ratio isabout half of a Mazda Miata.So, it's not actually, that fast,but as Colin Chapman proved,lightness, goes a long waytowards making cars fun.'Cause, when a car islight, it feels fast.(wheels screeching)Ashley actually drove iton several tracks in Japan,and Luguna Seca, and her in the carwere back here living in the States.(car engine revving)So, there is a down sideto having a car this small.It doesn't have a trunk,or it must have a frock, right?No, wrong.It's full of horns and a spare tire.So, if you wanna bringliterally anything with you,you can't have a passenger in the car.You wanna go on a weekendroad trip with your boo,I say forget about the car.(upbeat music)Okay, now it's time for thefunniest part of the episode.I know, there's been a lot of funny parts,but this is the funniest.Let's put me, inside of this little car.(chuckles)(grunting)Allow me in.(rock music)I guess you could say, thatit's a little bit small for me.Just thinking about atypical boring Kei car,you might expect to find,a dinky little three speed automatic car.Similarly a four speedmanual, in this car,but nope, it's got a freaking five speed.Just like the rest of theGedium Legends from the '90s.(rock music)This car has a defy waterpump, and boo skanges.You know,'cause turbo.Speaking of turbo, it'sgot an HKS turbo timer,and a factory optionalmowo steering wheel,just like a Subaru.The little side windows, areupgraded with manual crankswhich is kinda hard to dig.And it only takes twoturns to get 'em done'cause we're so small,which is not a problem,because this car came with AC.So, you don't even need the outside air.You're set!(upbeat music)Now it's time, for my favorite part.We can get to hear what a turbo charge,650 cc three solner sounds like.Shall we?(engine revving)It sounds good.I've never heard a carthat sounds like this.Here's the thing.On paper the AZ-1 should have been,a sales slam dunk, all right?Its midi engine, real, real drive.Have I mentioned thatit has gold wing doors?And it was marketed, as theultimate, handling, machine.What more could someone want?The action ended in 1994with only 4392 AZ-1s made.And another 531 rebadge andsold as the Suzuki Cara.AZ-1 was just, too silly tosurvive a better climbing.I mean, where are yougonna put your groceries?(funky music)The golden doors, the vents, the turbo,the freaking handling.There's just so much to love.About this tiny, little,Japanese, slow super car.Regardless of the fact that itwasn't a commercial success,but, there's a few thousand out there.And now that they are 25 years old,you can legally import them to the States,and register them to drive onthe streets, if you're brave.(engine revving)Again this is our 50th episode.I wanna thank you guys so much,from the bottom of my heart,and on behalf of everyone else at Donut,especially, the Bumper 2 Bumper crew.We've got Christina, we've got Phillippe,we've got a bunch of guyswho make it look really good.Max and Graham, oureditors, all of our writers,and also all the dudes who stepped in,to host when I couldn't,Phillipe, Job, and Noel.It takes a village, and itsteam effort and this is awesome.If you wanna see more picturesof this car, follow Ashley,the owner on Instagram at ashleymiche.Follow me on Instagram at jamespumphrey.But if you want some behindthe scene stuff, follow Donuton Twitter and Instagram.We also have a new channel,called Donut Podcasts,which is 100% dedicatedto long form content.I loved the show and I love you guys.Love you, bye.