iPad BEATS the PS4.

The iPad Pro: A New Era in Gaming

Hey guys, this is Austin, and I'm here to tell you that the iPad Pro has become a better option for gaming than consoles like the Xbox One or PS4.

There are several reasons why the iPad Pro has emerged as a top choice for gamers. One of the biggest advantages is the improved controller support. With the latest version of iPadOS, the iPad Pro now has native support for not only the Xbox One gamepad but also the DualShock 4 from the PS4.

The real key to the iPad Pro's gaming prowess lies in its display technology. Apple calls it ProMotion, and it's essentially a 120 frames per second display that ships on all iPad Pros. This means that games run at twice the frame rate of standard panels, resulting in smoother gameplay and visuals.

The benefits of this high refresh rate are significant. Unlike other consoles like the PS4 or Switch, which can struggle to maintain high frame rates, the iPad Pro can deliver a seamless gaming experience without any lag or stuttering.

In fact, the ability to run at such high frame rates was previously only possible with expensive gaming PCs and monitors. However, with the latest generation of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles, we're starting to see higher frame rates become more widespread.

But here's the thing: these new consoles still require a specific display or TV to take full advantage of their capabilities. This is where the iPad Pro shines, as Apple controls the entire ecosystem and can ensure that its devices are compatible with the latest gaming technology.

Overall, the iPad Pro has emerged as a top choice for gamers due to its improved controller support, ProMotion display, and seamless gaming experience. Whether you're playing on the go or at home, the iPad Pro is definitely worth considering if you're looking for a powerful and portable gaming device.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin,and the iPad is betterthan a console at gaming.Let me explain.This is the iPad Pro, andthere are a few reasonswhy it's become muchbetter for gaming recently.One of the big ones isa very fundamental issuefrom previously, controller support.Now, with iPadOS you have native supportfor not only the Xbox One gamepad,but also the DualShock 4 from the PS4.The real key advantage hereis what Apple callstheir ProMotion display.Now, this is essentially a120 frame per second display,which ships on all iPad Pros.Now, the idea here isvery straightforward,at 120 frames per second,you're getting twice the amount of frames,and therefore you'regoing to get gameplay,and well, pretty much everything else,running twice as smoothly as pretty muchany kind of standard panel.This is important because it's a featurethat you really can'tget on other consoles,such as the PS4 or the Switch.Now, because it runs atsuch a high refresh rate,previously, the onlyother way to really getthat kind of performancewas with a fairly high end gaming PC,as well as an expensive gaming monitor.Sure, that's definitely going to bethe ultimate way toplay, but it's not cheap,and it's not anywhere near as portableas something like the iPad Pro.Now, this is changing soon.The next generation PlayStation 5,as well as the Xbox Series X,both will support higherframe rates, such as 120 FPS,but the downside there is thatwhile the hardware might be capable,you still need some kind ofdisplay or TV that can give youthat full 120 framesper second experience.That's actually one of the main advantagesof something like a Nintendo Switch,or in this case, an iPad.Because Apple controlsthe entire ecosystem,they can just say, "Oh, you know what,"we're going to put everythingwe need to make this work."The screen, the software, the spec,everything can be in one single package,whereas with consoles and everything,it's a little bit more, it's possible,but it's obviously taking a lot longerto get to that very, verysmooth gaming experiencethat obviously everyone wants.Now, when you look at this side-by-sidewith something like the Switch,it's a very interesting comparison.Now, Nintendo, in a lot ofways, has the same advantages.This is a portable console,so the screen's built in,they could easily ship itwith high frame rate options.The difference though, isthat the Switch, by itself,is not powerful enough to reallytake advantage of 120 FPS,I mean, most Switch games run at like 30,and that's where Apple does havea big advantage here, right?They are building that chip inside,which is incredibly well optimizedand very, very powerfulfor a mobile device.Pair that with the advantagethat the iPad is veryfrequently getting updateswith better hardware and more performance,whereas a console, suchas the Switch or the PS4,might go three, four, or even five yearswithout any kind ofmeaningful performance update,and you've got yourself a recipefor what actually could bea real gaming powerhouse.I almost called it aconsole, but it's not quite,but they're making, actually,some serious progress.- Wow, pwogwess.- ProgressHey, be nice, Ken, be nice.The idea for this videoactually came aboutbecause Epic recently addedfull 120 frame per secondsupport inside Fortnite.Now yes, you're probablyover listening to Fortnite,and well, I actually thinkit is a good example for this video.So, not only did thiscompletely blow up my Twitter,but almost more importantly,this is one of those veryfew games that will run,not only as a AAA gameacross a wide variety ofplatforms like the PS4,the Switch, and the iPad,but importantly, it isone of the very few gamesthat actually does supportthat full 120 frames per secondrunning on the latest generation iPad pro.To illustrate my point,I have three different systems to try.So, first of all, wehave the Nintendo Switch,which operates with a 30 FPS cap.We also have the PS4 Pro,which can go up to 60 frames per second,and then we'll havethe iPad Pro running atthat full 120 frames per second.Now, because this is a YouTube videoand you can't really see thedifference between 60 and 120,we are taking advantage of our Red camerarunning in slow motion.So, right now it's set to 5K resolutionat a full 120 frames per second,so once we slow that down,you actually should be able to seea pretty significant differencebetween all three of these setups.Because really, whenit comes to frame rate,when it comes to this stuff,you really do need the absolutemaximum in responsiveness,and I think that this is sortof really where the iPad,theoretically, should be way, way better,although graphics-wisemaybe not, we'll see.Yeah, you can see thatgets really stuttery.I mean, we're going well below30 frames per second here.Now, what I like about lookingat the slow motion feedis that because this is a60 frame per second displaywhich is running at 30,you should see a brand newframe every 33.3 milliseconds,however, what you're actually seeingis that a lot of framesare being duplicated,which means that there's sortof that jutter, that stutter.It doesn't look as smooth as it should be,even though, theoretically,this is a full 30 frame per second game.But yeah, I mean, that'snot a great experience.I mean, it's kinda playable, it's okay,but it is nowhere near assmooth as something like a PS4,and especially not as goodas I hope the iPad will be.So, this is actually fairly comparableto what you would get on your phone,although I know Fortnite,on the most recent generation of iPhone,actually does run at 60 frames per second.And in fact, on iOS, actually,Fortnite's pretty well optimizedbecause you actually canget into the settingsand tweak it if you want.Better graphics or higher frame rates,you can kinda tweak things like on the PC,whereas on the Switch, on the PS4,it's kind of like, you get what you get.So, I think, actually,Fortnite is probably better ona phone than on your Switch,but let's try the PS4 now.Yeah, I mean, we can immediately seethe PS4 runs a lot smootherthan the Switch did.Not only is it not really dropping frames,it's staying pretty consistent at 60,but we also have twice asmany frames to look at.Now, there's a lot of sort of talkabout why frame rate matters,and I could go a lot more in depth on it,but essentially, the idea is thatwhen you get more frames per second,there's less latency betweenwhen you press a button,or click something, or do anythingand when you actually seeit reflected in the game.So, for example, if we'replaying on the Switch,you should get a new frameevery 33.3 milliseconds,and that's still pretty quick.However, if say, I'mplaying on PS4 against you,and I get a new frameevery 16 milliseconds,or basically twice as fast,it means that I have areal competitive advantage.There's less time betweenwhen I press that button,and when I get the headshot,or miss my shot, which is more realistic.The way to think aboutframe rate is twofold.You can see the smoothness, right?I mean, if you're playing a30, versus 60, versus 120,obviously it looks better,but it also will make you better at games,because if you're playing on the Switchand you have 30 frames per secondand I'm playing on the iPad at 120,you have to wait four timesas long to get a new frame,if I step to the left orstep to the right, as I do.Now obviously, none of this is idealbecause there are obviouslyvariables all across,but generally speaking,a higher frame rate notonly looks smoother,but also will give you a muchmore substantial advantagewhen it comes to I see what you're doing,or you see what I'm doing20 milliseconds lateror whatever the case is.Does that makes sense?- It's one more thingto make you better.So, after all of thistalk about frame rateand why it matters, it'stime to actually trythe iPad Pro version of Fortnite.So, if we hop into the settings,we actually have a coupleof different options.So, you can actually cap the frame rateat 20, 30, 60, or 120.And then, if we go intothe quality presets,we can go low, medium, high, or epic.So, if we do epic, it's 30 FPS,high, I think is maximum of 60.Yeah, if we go to 120 it sortof defaults us to medium.So, with our PS4 controller paired,let's see exactly how smooth120 frames per second is on the iPad,and whether I should throw thePlayStation in the garbage.No more gaming PCs, iPadgamers only, rise up.Dude, that latency is crazy.I mean, literally, it feels likeas soon as I tap that stick,I'm immediately jumping in.And that frame rate's actuallystaying pretty stable.Now mind you, it is definitely runningat a fairly low resolution,and to give sort of some ofother these other consoles,specifically the PS4, some credit,you are making some cutbacks.For example, draw distance is not as far.So, while you might havea better response time against someone,you might not be able to seethem as far into the distance.But the smoothness of this experienceis really hard to get away from.I mean, that is, and that'sa really solid 120 FPS.We can definitely pullit up on the slow motion,but generally, just sort of to my eye,this is incredibly smooth.I can immediately say while yeah,the settings are a little bit distracting,you can see, it's literallydrawing in the light in front,but yeah, there's no doubt thatthis is a better experience.If you're gonna ask mewhether I wanna playon the PS4 or the iPad,I'm gonna say iPad here.You just can't get away from the factthat this is such a smooth experience.Now, mind you, if I want better quality,I can just hop into the settingsand switch it over to say, epic.Oh, okay, I can't changeit while I'm in a match,but theoretically, if I dowant higher quality graphics,I can just turn that setting downand I'll just lose some frame rate.But if you want sort of themaximum smooth experience,it's crazy to me that aniPad will give you thatand it's gonna look betterthan literally consoleyou can buy right now.That's pretty cool.- Also, you cantake this one somewhere,and that one you kind of can,but that's a little harder.- That, essentially lookslike we are getting,I mean, you can see, we'rerunning at 120 frames per secondand it looks dead smooth.I'm actually surprisedit's not even really dipping too much.I feel like if I get into some actionI might drop a little bit,but that's impressive,especially if you put theside by side with the Switch,while yes, with these graphic settings,it looks a little blurrier,but the difference is night and daybetween the responsiveness of 30versus 120 frames per second.And again, these are two mobile devices.This is really impressive.When I heard 120 frames per second,I figured they had justuncapped the frame rateand it would kinda be bouncing around,but at least for afairly standard gameplay,you are getting that fullexperience on an iPad.Now, is that iPad moreexpensive than a Switch?Absolutely, but I mean,we've come a long way for mobile devices,and I love the fact that you can getsuch a smooth frame rate,such a real gaming experience,especially with a controller,on something which no onewould ever look twice at.You can pull out your iPad inevery coffee shop in the worldand they think you're gonnabe writing your thesisor you're watching YouTube,but instead, what you're doing isyou're beating people at Fortniteat 120 frames per second.It's okay, I won't tell.It is a brave new world, myfriends, but if you enjoy,definitely be sure tosubscribe to the channel.And if you wanna know moreabout this kinda stuff,we did a video at CESwith a ridiculous 360 frameper second monitor from Asus,so you guys can go checkthat out over here.And until next time, I'mnow an iPad Fortnite gamer,so there's that, I guess.