The Dry Sump System: A Comprehensive Overview
As we embark on this project, it's essential to understand the dry sump system and its various components. The system is designed to extract oil from the engine and separate it from air, allowing for a more efficient cooling process. In this article, we'll delve into the details of the dry sump system, its implementation, and the challenges that come with it.
The Dry Sump Tank: A Critical Component
The dry sump tank is the heart of the dry sump system. It's a crucial component that requires careful consideration to ensure proper functioning. The tank is typically located in the engine compartment, but due to space constraints, we had to get creative with its placement. We used a barb fitting and ran a pet cuff down here to allow for easy draining of the catch can.
Draining the Catch Can: A Sensitive Operation
Draining the catch can is a delicate process that requires patience and attention to detail. The oil level in the dry sump tank needs to be carefully monitored, as excessive flow can cause issues with the system. We used a drain valve to facilitate the draining process, which was located underneath the fender. By cracking the ball valve, we were able to drain the oil without causing any damage.
The Spin Trick: An Air-to-Oil Separator
The spin trick is an air-to-oil separator that plays a critical role in the dry sump system. It's designed to separate air from oil, ensuring that only dense oil makes its way to the oil cooler. This results in more efficient cooling and reduced wear on engine components.
The Oil Cooler: A Critical Component
The oil cooler is another essential component of the dry sump system. By separating the densest part of the oil, it becomes even more effective at cooling the engine. We installed an oil cooler in our setup to take advantage of this design.
The Pressure Side: Where Magic Happens
The pressure side is where the magic happens in the dry sump system. It's where the valve covers come into play, allowing for even further separation of air and oil. This process ensures that only the purest part of the oil reaches the engine.
The Air Bleed: A Final Touch
Finally, we have the air bleed, which is responsible for removing any excess air from the system. By doing so, it ensures that the dry sump system operates at optimal levels. We ran an air bleed line to complete the cycle and keep our system running smoothly.
Future Plans and Challenges
As we move forward with this project, we have a few things on our plate. First, we need to tackle the belt drive conversion, which requires careful consideration to avoid any issues. We're planning to convert secondary drive components to 8-rib units to ensure reliable performance. Additionally, we'll be figuring out whether to drive the fuel pump off the power steering pump or the back of the fuel pump – only time will tell.
The dry sump system is a complex and fascinating topic that requires careful attention to detail. Through our journey, we've come up with a solid plan for implementing this system, including the dry sump tank, spin trick, oil cooler, pressure side, air bleed, and more. While there are still challenges ahead, we're confident in our approach and excited to tackle them head-on.
What's Next?
We'll be continuing to work on this project over the coming weeks, tackling new challenges and pushing ourselves to innovate. If you have any questions or comments about our journey, please don't hesitate to reach out. We'd love to hear from you and share our progress along the way. Stay tuned for more updates from our workshop, where we're always tinkering with something new and exciting.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWe're gonna be mounting the dry sumpsystem up this week.We have a tank that we got to figure out,The pump brackets coming,the pumps here,We're gonna be mounting up our Turn one power steering pump,--similar pump that I run in the S14.But this is meant for a CorvetteSo want to make sure it all works together withour bracket and everything.Mount up our power steering coolerbecause I am one of the few people thatuse itand I got a bunch of new parts that came in.I won't be able to put themon the car because I'm waiting for abunch other things but I'm reallyexcited aboutand I'll make sure I show you guys.Stoked!So you can see here this is called aspin trick and what this crazycontraption does is it gets suction infrom the dry sump pump into this unitout of it you go to your oil cooler andthen back to your tank but this on thevery end actually goes directly to theoil tank and that's to un-aerate any ofthe oil and what ARE actually says isthat you run this before your oil coolerbecause the oil is gonna be super densegoing into your oil cooler that it canlower oil temps 10 to 20 degrees and Iwouldn't say that we had a bunch ofissues with oil temps but anytime youcan make the oil temps lower withouthaving to do anything no fans no nothinwe're gonna take it and give it a try soit's a new system from them.Really really cool.Obviously I'm new to the dry sump game, so they tell me that it'srecommended I'm gonna believe them andwe're gonna give it a go.We got rid of the Corvette specific tankbecause it basically sat right here and it wascompletely in harm's way--if you get hitin the fender, if you crash and your wheelsmashes into your dry sump tank it'sgonna be a sad day so we got this threegallon it's much shorter, bigger around,and it looks like it's gonna fit reallyreally good we're gonna have to do someclearancing in here and down there toscoot it over a little bit but that'sgonna fit nice right there and here'sour vent can from ARE, so we got tofigure out where to mount this, get thismounted alright, get that mounted, work onthe other power steering filter, get thepower steering pump on--there's a bunchof mounting stuff in the engine bay.Alright we're gonna mount our powersteering filter right nowWe're gonna mount it since thepower-steering cooler goes underneaththe oil cooler right here tucked away.The lines are gonna be short and very discreet.Alright got the filter, gotour centering punch.I'm gonna hold itTy's gonna whack it.Alright back at these rib nuts. Gonna put em in the frame rail.Pull it in.We good!all right so I'm gonna put onthe turn one power steering pump itshould fit perfectly just want to makesure that it's going to fit so the stockone in there now but I want to put thisone on we're gonna make sure like thelines fit and everything and that it allworks together so let's do itthat's way too hard took me four minutesall right so I'm gonna be mounting my AREdry sump tank now so let me startcutting see if it fitshope that it fits.all right so I got itmarked out this corner this from theinside I'm gonna come up in here cut. I'mgonna start cutting as little aspossible and then make it look good ifwe need to. Don't cut anything we don'tneed to cut right nowI'm gonna try to cut this withoutcutting the frame rail.See if that worksall right well glance let's see if itfitsAnd then the rear I want to make surethat the drain goes on the outside ofthe frame rail so it needs to scoot overmore then.Alright more trimmingI think it could be a little bit higherbecause I think the hoods up a littlebit all right so we got some holes gotsome room pretty sure the tank fits justgot to figure out how to mount it now soif it needed to go further does it needto go any further out?Alright sobefore we go any further with the drysump tank mounting we got to see ourhead height it's there it's a bit mostlybut we got to see how high we can go soI'm gonna open up the new hood fromAndersen composites see how it fits seeif we have two clearance anythinghopefully we're going to put the hoodfor anything and I haven't seen it yetso whewit's like raised higher in the centrethan the stock going I think that cowlinduction hood but right now how thetank sits it's like sitting against the hood.yeah just touching so we got to figureit out alright so we trimmed out muchmore in the car just made the amount ofroom that we needed that enabled us tomove the dry stuff take around and bamwe found the spot we're going to be ableto actually pull the clamp to thefiberglass and 3/16 fibre glas.tactually fabricate up to amounts on oneside so we're going to place a tank seeif we can get it lined up drill someholes pull at the top then and then seewhat we're gonna do on the bottomall right I think we got our positionthis is the center line up this isforward and back so if we line up thatline to that line there and there thatwill give us where we need to drill ourhole we're gonna drill both of our holesput a spacer the bracket will be mountedto this and then we're going to dosomething for the bottom bracket but Ithink we got our position look at thatconcentrationall right so we got the dry stuff takeplace it's it's in have to do one moremount down here I'm gonna make it go tothis piece of box tube but it's boltedinto the fiberglass have some spacers upin here it's sitting level appropriateamount of room around the tire we'regonna throw the hood on and check thehood height make sure we're good I thinkwe're good we're gonna make sure perfectall right so a couple of very importantthings came in today a c5 a/c bracketbecause my dry sump system from a rebolts to a c5 a/c bracket and then thatwill get everything lined up on thecorrect belt line also the mechanicalfuel pump from watermen got tiny that isit's crazy but when I started puttingthe dry sump pump on the motor firststep with the AC pump I realized thatthis hits part of the block partlybecause it's for made for a c5 that'slike an ls1 or an ls6 block rhs blockthat I'm using just cast a little bitdifferent there's a extra thing in theway there so I'm gonna start by grindingthis tab law so that the AC bracket willfit in there perfectly and then go andbolt the dry sump pump on and see whereit takes usnot quite gonna have to grind some morealmost more grinding all right I got topump it took a lot of grinding on the ACbracket pump went right on it once I gotthe AC bracket to fit but it's lookinggood got to do some alignment thingsbecause again this isn't that first c5I'm using all c6 pulleys and bracketsand everything it's not too big of adifference but it definitely has alittle bit of difference so you can seethat's where the dry sup pump is goingto be that's it it's mostly lined up I'mgonna have to do a little fitting andstuff want to make sure that thefittings fit between here they go downto the pan down there but we're lookinggood alright it's Sunday we got a lotgoing on at the shop Brian's preppingthe Red Ranger for a Winter Jam which isnext weekend Dave's getting his Corolladone and I have made a giant mess so Ineed to clean up a little bit I can'teven keep my mind straight alright so Ihave my vent can and it's gonna go up inhere and the hose is gonna run to thetop of the dry sump tank there's gonnabe a little bit difficult to drain itbut it's just standard 8 NPT so we'regonna get a barb fitting and run alittle pet cuff down here so that youcan drain the catch can in theory onceyou figure out your oil level in the drysump tank you really don't get any flowby into here but obviously there's alearning process that comes with findingthe exact right oil level so for thatwe're gonna be able to put the draindown here reach up underneath the fenderwhen it's time to drain it crack theball valve drain the oil close the backup and that way I don't have to mountthis in the engine bay because as youguys can see the engine bay is alreadygetting pretty crowdedhere nice and sneaky and hidden andstill be able to drain it we get somebolts put it up inside it's not the drysub tank make sure that all workstogether and that will pretty much bedone sneaky sneaky little catch canmount in their house even go rightthrough here to the top of their oiltank we got our dry sump tank mountedit's placed in its final position superpumped about that so we have the spintrick here and I'll give you a littlebit of an explanation of how our drysump system is going to work so out ofthe pump this is scavenge it comes intothis spin trick and what this is is anair to oil separator so it comes intothe air to oil separator out it's gonnago to our oil cooler we put this in hereso that all the oil going to the oilcooler is dense oil so the oil cooler isgonna be much more efficient that way ifthe oil is dense and uh narrated fromthat it's gonna come back into our a redry sump tank on the tank it's gets allbaffled and uh narrated even further andthen this goes into our pressure sideinto the motor this is the air bleed soany extra air coming out of this air tooil separator it's gonna go back to thedry sump tank this is where we run ourvalve covers to to let the motor venteven further into the can and this goesback to our sneaky little catch camlocation that you saw me do earlier overthere so that's it with the oil systemobviously there's a ton of lines andeverything down there but we'll addressthat when we actually go to start makinglines for now we're good so I juststarted kind of getting out the thewater line fittings because you see wehave a big - 20 there at the water pumpthat's gonna run to this bulkheadthrough this little mailbox slot that wehave right here to - 20 s and then 1 - 3from the steam ports those are the linesthose are probably gonna be the onlylines going to the back inside of thecar cuz we're gonna run them down thepassenger side on the side of the seatnext week when I get some more fittingsI'll be making up this firewall possiblydoing some more stuff with the oilsystem because we're gonna do somethings with the the belt drive I think Iwant to convert some of thesecondary drive things to 8 ribs so thatwe have no problems driving our fuelpump we're gonna figure out if we dowant to drive our fuel pump off thepower steering pump like we intended orif we want to drive it off the back ofthe fuel pump like is very common so alot of stuffs up in the air tomorrow'sMonday I'm gonna call a bunch of peoplehopefully get some answers and thatwould be in next week's episodes I'lllet you know how it goes that's the endof this week feel like it wasn't themost productive week to be honest butcame up with a lot of stuff we came upwith a whole lot of plansknow who we need a call we know the nextsteps that we need to take kind of outof parts at this point got to dry somestuff taken care of which was awesomehave a few more things to figure outwith that with belt lines and tensionairs all that stuff but I'm super happywith the dry sump how it's all layingout the locations everything else butmake sure you like comment share andsubscribe let us know how we're doinglet me know if you want to work with uslet me know if you see something I'mdoing wrong make sure you stop the nextTuesday where we're gonna be taking on awhole new set of challenges hopefullymove it to the back work on some stuffback there because I'm tired of lookingat it up here see you guys later