I Will Never Buy from the Dollar Tree Again
I recently experienced my first iPhone purchase and it was an expensive one at that, I invested in a really good case for my new device. However, this made me think about other purchases that are worth investing in, such as phone accessories. In fact, I have come to realize that I will never buy anything from the Dollar Tree again. Whether it's food or electronics, I believe that you get what you pay for.
I don't know how well the quality is of those cases and for all I know it could be great but if I'm going to invest in something that's worth $600 I'm going to put a really good case on it so that's just how I feel now. When it comes to accessories, especially for my iPhone, I will never buy generic or store-brand items unless it's specifically designed for my phone model. Those things are made specifically for your phone and other devices can ruin that. For example, I have purchased chargers and little wall units for my iPhone in the past, but they don't work as well as the brand-specific ones.
I hate that because of course the iPhone stuff is going to be more expensive but I have noticed that it's true. The reality is you should buy phone accessories that are made by the same company as your phone. This means that if you're an iPhone user, you should only buy accessories from Apple or authorized resellers. I believe that Apple makes their phones to last until right before the next upgrade, and this might be a deliberate strategy to keep customers coming back for new devices.
I firmly believe that they do that on purpose to make money and that's oh that's a horrible thing but I am gonna try to make my phone lasts as long as possible. One of my biggest pet peeves is when it comes to food-related items from the Dollar Tree. I would never touch anything food-related unless you're in an absolute emergency or whatever situation that's a but till this day, I've never touched any of their products. Even bottled water has become a thing for me, as I notice that some of those generic brands can be quite different from natural spring water.
I just don't do it now we all had different experiences we all go through different things and that's okay definitely comment below and let me know the things that you do like to buy whether it is food tell me how you feel about it what you've kind of compared it to and maybe the research maybe that you've done on it or if not this is just how I personally feel about these items and I wanted to share that with you but again just keep in mind this is my experience definitely decide for yourself go out there figure out what you do love from the Dollar Tree what you don't love from the Dollar Tree we all have different walks of life.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey everyone so I'm back today on camera I have been off the grid for a little bit about like a week or so um and I am not gonna lie I'm very surprised by the amount of people that needed to see me and see my face and um I can't tell you how like good that made me feel not that I need you guys to like pump me up or that I need to be like you know baby by any means but I definitely appreciate the way that you guys respond to my videos and respond to me and honestly you guys are the best supporting people to me ever like there's no one else in my life that is as supportive as you guys are and that that means everything to me so thank you so much for that and I decided to you know do my hair and my makeup and I haven't done that in a while so I'm so excited to do this video I have been wanting to do this kind of video for a long time because I shop at the Dollar Tree all the time and there are lots of things that I go into the Dollar Tree and I don't buy and I want to go ahead and share those with you and also share my top 5 things that I do love to buy and then the top 5 things that I do not buy at the Dollar Tree so let's go ahead jump into those things and start talking about it I've been shopping at the Dollar Tree probably for as long as my daughter's been alive so like 15 plus years and the Dollar Tree has grown so much and the items just keep getting better and better so it was a little bit difficult to find my top five things that I wouldn't buy but just keep in mind this is my opinion this is how I feel about these items definitely test them out yourself and see how you feel about it but this is how I feel and I'm gonna just kind of tell you the experiences that I have had with them so I want to go ahead and start off with my top five good things that I love at the Dollar Tree the most so at number five I'm going to just call out mailing items just like envelopes that the bubble packaging and even the like a brown wrapping paper that you can just wrap like boxes and then you know mail it out like that so that you can just wrap your box with the brown mailing paper I love all of that stuff and for a dollar you just cannot beat it and for me it comes in handy when I'm mailing pocket letters and friend mail and things like that what's happening in my neighborhood no you didn't you didn't know trash day could be so violent okay okay so number five is mailing I love to get their envelopes I've always purchased my envelopes from them I now some envelopes I have noticed are better than others some are kind of a little too see-through so I mean you probably would be better off buying like envelopes from Walmart especially for that reason so but sometimes I just take like a piece of printer paper and wrap my item which is ridiculous cuz then that just makes my envelope a little bit heavier for mailing also don't just buy envelopes for mailing things out I actually use them to organizer seats I use them a lot to put in money if my daughter has to like take something to school or if I have a form to fill out so I use envelopes for all kinds of reasons and that's why that came in at number five for me number four is storage if you guys watch Dollar Tree hauls if you watch anything Dollar Tree related DIYs organization you know that a really great place to buy storage items organization items is from the Dollar Tree especially when they have the white stuff out now they do have a they do color coordinate all of their storage items which I love makes it a lot easier to shop and they have colors that sometimes coordinate with the season which I love as well so like right now they have a lot of like hot summery colors like hot pink and some blues and some greens and oranges but I don't personally like to organize in that color and I don't have any younger kid so I don't need colors like that and I do love a clean nice look and white items and black items really really make things look so much nicer now these things can come in handy if you're going off to college and it's fun to you know color coordinate you need baskets to put all your bass stuff in and take to your shower you know you have very minimal space in college or if you have living in a small apartment having to have a place like Dollar Tree sell those things is amazing compared to the Container Store now can container store in my mind is like one of the highest places you can go because the next place after Dollar Tree she goes probably places like Walmart in Big Lots The Container Store has a lot of amazing things that are like wow that is really cool but they're expensive and I personally don't ever shop there and when I think of organizing I think of Dollar Tree I've also used a ton of stuff from the Dollar Tree like the storage items to travel with you can use a lot of things to set your drinks in to set your food in when you're traveling you're on a road trip so Dollar Tree is amazing for this stuff you guys number three is going to be gift bags and really I mean I guess I can kind of bump it up to any of the gift accessories their bags their birthday cards any kind of cards and even their little party Isle I think of all the things in the Dollar Tree that is the one that's hardest for me to believe is a dollar do you know when you do that you go to the Dollar Train you're like this is too good to be true when is Dollar Tree gonna start marking up their items is that like coming anytime soon because then I'll be devastated and that's how I feel about the gift accessories line like I have recently hauled some of the cutest bags ever and decided that I'm going to start collecting gift bags from the Dollar Tree and do a giveaway in the future they do they make some of the cutest stuff they're tissue paper everything you do not need to go spend a ton of money to buy a gift bag tissue and a card because by the time you checkout at Walmart you've spent probably somewhere around the neighborhood of nine to eleven dollars those things when you can just go spend $30 at the Dollar Tree and I am going to be doing some like gift DIYs and how to make gifts look really luxurious from the Dollar Tree so I can't wait to do a video like that for you guys as well but that is my third favorite from the Dollar Tree coming in at number two is gonna be stickers now I really love the Dollar Tree stickers and I'm always excited for when they're going to put new stuff out for some reason I'm just always surprised in it and the stickers have like the Dollar Tree brand on the back so it's made out of there you know location or they buy it from China who knows and then slap their name on it but regardless there are some of the cutest stickers that I've ever seen and I love that it's so reliable to know that it's only a dollar the stickers are some of my favourite things to buy ever the only problem is it takes so long before like a new set comes around and so I feel like I'm constantly just waiting and waiting but every time I go into the Dollar Tree it is literally the first aisle that I beeline to I can't think look anywhere else until I head to office supply school supplies sticker area like that's honestly where I go first now coming in at number one is just going to be holiday decor after all of my videos after all of my Dollar Tree DIYs I think I have shown you guys how amazing Dollar Tree holiday decor can look with some you know edits and improvements you know sometimes they do have items that look great by themselves and you don't need to do anything to it but then there are some items where you have to get creative and you have to make it look a lot nicer and I love going to the Dollar Tree half of my Christmas decor is Dollar Tree Valentine's Day all of them I absolutely love the holiday decor collection at the Dollar Tree coming in at number five is going to be the clear tape the tape that you would normally see and use for when you're moving and you need to tape up a box you guys I have used this it is worthless it is not worth the frustration it peels and then one peels longer than the other one and you have to I can't even talk about it because it's so frustrating if you are going to move and you need packing tape or you need it for mailing this is not where you should get it it is such a waste of time I would personally invest in really good tape go to Walmart I mean go to Walmart it can't be that much more than a dollar and it doesn't even have to be scotch brand but this tool bench brand by the Dollar Tree it's awful it's awful it's not worth it I'll never buy it not ever number four is going to be just a combination of two items that I stay clear of and there i rana CLE there are two items that I have purchased before and so I feel like I can talk about it so one of them is honey and one of them is creamer let's talk about honey first I am very passionate about honey and let me tell you why honey is so good for you okay but you have to buy raw organic honey and I'm not trying to like throw out that organic word I know a lot some people can get frustrated but the reality is that if it's not organic that basically means it's a little bit watered down and it's not gonna be as potent and honey has so many good things in it for you it's insane with my bronchitis I drink so much tea and honey because that honey is basically will like kill bacteria and it's just so good for you and I have tried the honey at the Dollar Tree it's horrible it tastes like plastic it tastes it doesn't it does not taste like the honey that bees make for us it tastes like man-made honey I don't know if that's a thing but it's not good for you so if you're going to buy honey you're buying it for a reason don't buy this stuff at the Dollar Tree I know I won't ever buy it it's just not worth it I will gladly spend five or six dollars on a bottle of raw organic honey from Walmart Target wherever sprouts as long as it says raw organic honey Oh coffee creamer is something that I've purchased before and only recently realized how horrible this stuff is for you it's horrible you should I would highly suggest that if you are buying something that you just even if you're not eating it all the time or consuming it all the time start looking at the ingredients and see what you're actually eating now there's a lot of things that it's kind of hard to have control over because we just live in this generation where I don't have a farm in my backyard I can't just go pluck eggs and pluck you know green beans and grapes I get it we have we rely on the grocery store we rely on them to be honest with us but the reality is they're not honest I have watched lots of segments on people saying roam free cage free you it would blow your mind if you knew how they use that to trick us a lot of the times they say like cage free but I've read that somewhere what they do is to loop around something like that they basically give these chickens like the small little door and this small little area where they can hop out and then they basically go back in their cages and that allows them to call it cage free whereas roam free is where they literally are roaming and they're out there they're they're breathing they're acting like real chickens I don't know if that makes any sense but the point is food companies don't always have the best interest for us they just don't and I just would highly suggest that if you take anything away from today's video that maybe you just start looking into the things you're consuming because the reality is you're important your body is important and we only get one and I consume so much junk that it's insane okay but I do try to limit myself from taking in things that are just on the answer aside I do try to avoid using my microwave as much as possible I'm one of those people I just try not to and one of the biggest reasons is because it takes away a lot of your nutrients from your food to begin with so it's kind of like pointless I mean if I'm cooking green beans in it what's the point if it's gonna zap all my nutrients out but there's just so we're not scientist we don't know everything but we do have the internet and look at the back of the coffee creamer and start looking up the ingredients and see what they really are another thing that's hard for me like just for example is canned tomatoes so it's one of the top cancerous items probably in the world and it's hard for me because I still buy them and the reason why is because tomatoes have an acid in it and that acid burns inside of the can and the can is what's the can made out of I don't even know aluminum I don't even know but the combine with the acid from the tomato bleeding into that can you're actually consuming that can so I know that's crazy and I'm probably getting into way too much but I do stay away from any coffee creamer period Dollar Tree anywhere it doesn't matter but I wanted to let you know that the creamer is one of the things that I just do not touch ever again from the Dollar Tree number three is going to be foil I have purchased this before and I actually talked to subscriber about this once long ago and she talked about how she hates the bull and I was like ironically I have a paper cut on my thumb from Dollar Tree foil I stay away from it now I don't even get near it it did slice my thumb pretty badly pretty deeply and I just stay away from the aluminum it's really not that much more expensive at Walmart and I just get the good ol name brand Walmart kind and I leave it at that number two is going to be phone accessories I just don't do it ever whether its ear plugs charger the case little accessories that you can attach to and hear a speaker I don't do it and this is why you guys won my iPhone was very expensive okay I'm not going to entrust my case from a dollar from the Dollar Tree I'm just not going to do that now I don't know how well the quality is of those cases and for all I know it could be great but if I'm going to invest in something that's worth $600 I'm going to put a really good case on it so that's just how I feel now here's the other thing I will never unless it's like apocalypse emergencies zombies are out and I need a charger I will not buy those things from the Dollar Tree I won't even buy those things at a grocery store or even Best Buy unless it is the brand made for my phone and whether or not they do this on purpose those especially iPhones and I can only speak of iPhones because that's what I have but those things are made specifically for your phone and other devices can ruin that never do I buy chargers any sort of accessories That's not me for my iPhone I hate that because of course the iPhone stuff is going to be more expensive but I have noticed I have purchased chargers and little wall units for my iPhone and it doesn't do the same thing especially when I have my iPhone 5 and now I'm on the 6 I have learned that the reality is you should buy the phone accessories that's the brand to your phone whether it's Samsung whoever iPhone I would personally stick to those things and I do firmly believe that they only make their phones to last until right before the next upgrade I believe that I don't know if you guys believe that I do feel like Apple probably makes the phones you know only go so far because eventually you have to start upgrading your phone and if it's old it's not gonna work with the upgrades I think they do that on purpose to make money and that's oh that's a horrible thing but I am gonna try to make my phone lasts as long as possible and I'm just not going to attach anything from the Dollar Tree whatsoever it's horrible I would never do it whether any one of us wants to believe this or not what you pay for is what you get that's it that's all I can say at the end of the day coming in at number one the worst thing that I just would never buy the Dollar Tree is gonna be anything food-related that's supposed to be fresh whether it's refrigerator in the freezer I would never do it that's just how I feel I've always felt like that they're one of the main reasons why is I don't I don't know why it's there in the first place now there are a lot of items that are a dollar when you go to Walmart and stuff like that but why certain things come to the Dollar Tree I need to understand and there's no explanation for it so unless I contacted like the corporate offices and maybe asked them but I do know one thing I've looked at some that they're like sliced cheese and I actually started doing this with bottled water as well even at Walmart one day I was picking up like generic water and I was like why does the safe flavored like water what what like why is water you telling me like this isn't real water can that even is that even a thing so from now on I just bio zarqa because it's just natural spring water it doesn't say flavored it doesn't say enhanced it doesn't say any of those things so I just stick to that and that's that especially after watching your in Brockovich I'm just saying but slice cheese is kind of the same thing I noticed that it says pasteurized processed you guys pasteurized processed I don't I don't even know what that means and I don't care I just would never touch anything food related unless you're in an absolute American less I'm in an absolute emergency or whatever situation that's a but till this day I've never touched any of their products that's fresh or frozen I just don't do it now we all had different experiences we all go through different things and that's okay definitely comment below and let me know the things that you do like to buy whether it is food tell me how you feel about it what you've kind of compared it to and maybe the research maybe that you've done on it or if not this is just how I personally feel about these items and I wanted to share that with you but again just keep in mind this is my experience definitely decide for yourself go out there figure out what you do love from the Dollar Tree what you don't love from the Dollar Tree we all have different walks of life I hope that you guys enjoyed this video I long time overdue since I've been Holly from the Dollar Tree for quite some time but thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you my next video byehey everyone so I'm back today on camera I have been off the grid for a little bit about like a week or so um and I am not gonna lie I'm very surprised by the amount of people that needed to see me and see my face and um I can't tell you how like good that made me feel not that I need you guys to like pump me up or that I need to be like you know baby by any means but I definitely appreciate the way that you guys respond to my videos and respond to me and honestly you guys are the best supporting people to me ever like there's no one else in my life that is as supportive as you guys are and that that means everything to me so thank you so much for that and I decided to you know do my hair and my makeup and I haven't done that in a while so I'm so excited to do this video I have been wanting to do this kind of video for a long time because I shop at the Dollar Tree all the time and there are lots of things that I go into the Dollar Tree and I don't buy and I want to go ahead and share those with you and also share my top 5 things that I do love to buy and then the top 5 things that I do not buy at the Dollar Tree so let's go ahead jump into those things and start talking about it I've been shopping at the Dollar Tree probably for as long as my daughter's been alive so like 15 plus years and the Dollar Tree has grown so much and the items just keep getting better and better so it was a little bit difficult to find my top five things that I wouldn't buy but just keep in mind this is my opinion this is how I feel about these items definitely test them out yourself and see how you feel about it but this is how I feel and I'm gonna just kind of tell you the experiences that I have had with them so I want to go ahead and start off with my top five good things that I love at the Dollar Tree the most so at number five I'm going to just call out mailing items just like envelopes that the bubble packaging and even the like a brown wrapping paper that you can just wrap like boxes and then you know mail it out like that so that you can just wrap your box with the brown mailing paper I love all of that stuff and for a dollar you just cannot beat it and for me it comes in handy when I'm mailing pocket letters and friend mail and things like that what's happening in my neighborhood no you didn't you didn't know trash day could be so violent okay okay so number five is mailing I love to get their envelopes I've always purchased my envelopes from them I now some envelopes I have noticed are better than others some are kind of a little too see-through so I mean you probably would be better off buying like envelopes from Walmart especially for that reason so but sometimes I just take like a piece of printer paper and wrap my item which is ridiculous cuz then that just makes my envelope a little bit heavier for mailing also don't just buy envelopes for mailing things out I actually use them to organizer seats I use them a lot to put in money if my daughter has to like take something to school or if I have a form to fill out so I use envelopes for all kinds of reasons and that's why that came in at number five for me number four is storage if you guys watch Dollar Tree hauls if you watch anything Dollar Tree related DIYs organization you know that a really great place to buy storage items organization items is from the Dollar Tree especially when they have the white stuff out now they do have a they do color coordinate all of their storage items which I love makes it a lot easier to shop and they have colors that sometimes coordinate with the season which I love as well so like right now they have a lot of like hot summery colors like hot pink and some blues and some greens and oranges but I don't personally like to organize in that color and I don't have any younger kid so I don't need colors like that and I do love a clean nice look and white items and black items really really make things look so much nicer now these things can come in handy if you're going off to college and it's fun to you know color coordinate you need baskets to put all your bass stuff in and take to your shower you know you have very minimal space in college or if you have living in a small apartment having to have a place like Dollar Tree sell those things is amazing compared to the Container Store now can container store in my mind is like one of the highest places you can go because the next place after Dollar Tree she goes probably places like Walmart in Big Lots The Container Store has a lot of amazing things that are like wow that is really cool but they're expensive and I personally don't ever shop there and when I think of organizing I think of Dollar Tree I've also used a ton of stuff from the Dollar Tree like the storage items to travel with you can use a lot of things to set your drinks in to set your food in when you're traveling you're on a road trip so Dollar Tree is amazing for this stuff you guys number three is going to be gift bags and really I mean I guess I can kind of bump it up to any of the gift accessories their bags their birthday cards any kind of cards and even their little party Isle I think of all the things in the Dollar Tree that is the one that's hardest for me to believe is a dollar do you know when you do that you go to the Dollar Train you're like this is too good to be true when is Dollar Tree gonna start marking up their items is that like coming anytime soon because then I'll be devastated and that's how I feel about the gift accessories line like I have recently hauled some of the cutest bags ever and decided that I'm going to start collecting gift bags from the Dollar Tree and do a giveaway in the future they do they make some of the cutest stuff they're tissue paper everything you do not need to go spend a ton of money to buy a gift bag tissue and a card because by the time you checkout at Walmart you've spent probably somewhere around the neighborhood of nine to eleven dollars those things when you can just go spend $30 at the Dollar Tree and I am going to be doing some like gift DIYs and how to make gifts look really luxurious from the Dollar Tree so I can't wait to do a video like that for you guys as well but that is my third favorite from the Dollar Tree coming in at number two is gonna be stickers now I really love the Dollar Tree stickers and I'm always excited for when they're going to put new stuff out for some reason I'm just always surprised in it and the stickers have like the Dollar Tree brand on the back so it's made out of there you know location or they buy it from China who knows and then slap their name on it but regardless there are some of the cutest stickers that I've ever seen and I love that it's so reliable to know that it's only a dollar the stickers are some of my favourite things to buy ever the only problem is it takes so long before like a new set comes around and so I feel like I'm constantly just waiting and waiting but every time I go into the Dollar Tree it is literally the first aisle that I beeline to I can't think look anywhere else until I head to office supply school supplies sticker area like that's honestly where I go first now coming in at number one is just going to be holiday decor after all of my videos after all of my Dollar Tree DIYs I think I have shown you guys how amazing Dollar Tree holiday decor can look with some you know edits and improvements you know sometimes they do have items that look great by themselves and you don't need to do anything to it but then there are some items where you have to get creative and you have to make it look a lot nicer and I love going to the Dollar Tree half of my Christmas decor is Dollar Tree Valentine's Day all of them I absolutely love the holiday decor collection at the Dollar Tree coming in at number five is going to be the clear tape the tape that you would normally see and use for when you're moving and you need to tape up a box you guys I have used this it is worthless it is not worth the frustration it peels and then one peels longer than the other one and you have to I can't even talk about it because it's so frustrating if you are going to move and you need packing tape or you need it for mailing this is not where you should get it it is such a waste of time I would personally invest in really good tape go to Walmart I mean go to Walmart it can't be that much more than a dollar and it doesn't even have to be scotch brand but this tool bench brand by the Dollar Tree it's awful it's awful it's not worth it I'll never buy it not ever number four is going to be just a combination of two items that I stay clear of and there i rana CLE there are two items that I have purchased before and so I feel like I can talk about it so one of them is honey and one of them is creamer let's talk about honey first I am very passionate about honey and let me tell you why honey is so good for you okay but you have to buy raw organic honey and I'm not trying to like throw out that organic word I know a lot some people can get frustrated but the reality is that if it's not organic that basically means it's a little bit watered down and it's not gonna be as potent and honey has so many good things in it for you it's insane with my bronchitis I drink so much tea and honey because that honey is basically will like kill bacteria and it's just so good for you and I have tried the honey at the Dollar Tree it's horrible it tastes like plastic it tastes it doesn't it does not taste like the honey that bees make for us it tastes like man-made honey I don't know if that's a thing but it's not good for you so if you're going to buy honey you're buying it for a reason don't buy this stuff at the Dollar Tree I know I won't ever buy it it's just not worth it I will gladly spend five or six dollars on a bottle of raw organic honey from Walmart Target wherever sprouts as long as it says raw organic honey Oh coffee creamer is something that I've purchased before and only recently realized how horrible this stuff is for you it's horrible you should I would highly suggest that if you are buying something that you just even if you're not eating it all the time or consuming it all the time start looking at the ingredients and see what you're actually eating now there's a lot of things that it's kind of hard to have control over because we just live in this generation where I don't have a farm in my backyard I can't just go pluck eggs and pluck you know green beans and grapes I get it we have we rely on the grocery store we rely on them to be honest with us but the reality is they're not honest I have watched lots of segments on people saying roam free cage free you it would blow your mind if you knew how they use that to trick us a lot of the times they say like cage free but I've read that somewhere what they do is to loop around something like that they basically give these chickens like the small little door and this small little area where they can hop out and then they basically go back in their cages and that allows them to call it cage free whereas roam free is where they literally are roaming and they're out there they're they're breathing they're acting like real chickens I don't know if that makes any sense but the point is food companies don't always have the best interest for us they just don't and I just would highly suggest that if you take anything away from today's video that maybe you just start looking into the things you're consuming because the reality is you're important your body is important and we only get one and I consume so much junk that it's insane okay but I do try to limit myself from taking in things that are just on the answer aside I do try to avoid using my microwave as much as possible I'm one of those people I just try not to and one of the biggest reasons is because it takes away a lot of your nutrients from your food to begin with so it's kind of like pointless I mean if I'm cooking green beans in it what's the point if it's gonna zap all my nutrients out but there's just so we're not scientist we don't know everything but we do have the internet and look at the back of the coffee creamer and start looking up the ingredients and see what they really are another thing that's hard for me like just for example is canned tomatoes so it's one of the top cancerous items probably in the world and it's hard for me because I still buy them and the reason why is because tomatoes have an acid in it and that acid burns inside of the can and the can is what's the can made out of I don't even know aluminum I don't even know but the combine with the acid from the tomato bleeding into that can you're actually consuming that can so I know that's crazy and I'm probably getting into way too much but I do stay away from any coffee creamer period Dollar Tree anywhere it doesn't matter but I wanted to let you know that the creamer is one of the things that I just do not touch ever again from the Dollar Tree number three is going to be foil I have purchased this before and I actually talked to subscriber about this once long ago and she talked about how she hates the bull and I was like ironically I have a paper cut on my thumb from Dollar Tree foil I stay away from it now I don't even get near it it did slice my thumb pretty badly pretty deeply and I just stay away from the aluminum it's really not that much more expensive at Walmart and I just get the good ol name brand Walmart kind and I leave it at that number two is going to be phone accessories I just don't do it ever whether its ear plugs charger the case little accessories that you can attach to and hear a speaker I don't do it and this is why you guys won my iPhone was very expensive okay I'm not going to entrust my case from a dollar from the Dollar Tree I'm just not going to do that now I don't know how well the quality is of those cases and for all I know it could be great but if I'm going to invest in something that's worth $600 I'm going to put a really good case on it so that's just how I feel now here's the other thing I will never unless it's like apocalypse emergencies zombies are out and I need a charger I will not buy those things from the Dollar Tree I won't even buy those things at a grocery store or even Best Buy unless it is the brand made for my phone and whether or not they do this on purpose those especially iPhones and I can only speak of iPhones because that's what I have but those things are made specifically for your phone and other devices can ruin that never do I buy chargers any sort of accessories That's not me for my iPhone I hate that because of course the iPhone stuff is going to be more expensive but I have noticed I have purchased chargers and little wall units for my iPhone and it doesn't do the same thing especially when I have my iPhone 5 and now I'm on the 6 I have learned that the reality is you should buy the phone accessories that's the brand to your phone whether it's Samsung whoever iPhone I would personally stick to those things and I do firmly believe that they only make their phones to last until right before the next upgrade I believe that I don't know if you guys believe that I do feel like Apple probably makes the phones you know only go so far because eventually you have to start upgrading your phone and if it's old it's not gonna work with the upgrades I think they do that on purpose to make money and that's oh that's a horrible thing but I am gonna try to make my phone lasts as long as possible and I'm just not going to attach anything from the Dollar Tree whatsoever it's horrible I would never do it whether any one of us wants to believe this or not what you pay for is what you get that's it that's all I can say at the end of the day coming in at number one the worst thing that I just would never buy the Dollar Tree is gonna be anything food-related that's supposed to be fresh whether it's refrigerator in the freezer I would never do it that's just how I feel I've always felt like that they're one of the main reasons why is I don't I don't know why it's there in the first place now there are a lot of items that are a dollar when you go to Walmart and stuff like that but why certain things come to the Dollar Tree I need to understand and there's no explanation for it so unless I contacted like the corporate offices and maybe asked them but I do know one thing I've looked at some that they're like sliced cheese and I actually started doing this with bottled water as well even at Walmart one day I was picking up like generic water and I was like why does the safe flavored like water what what like why is water you telling me like this isn't real water can that even is that even a thing so from now on I just bio zarqa because it's just natural spring water it doesn't say flavored it doesn't say enhanced it doesn't say any of those things so I just stick to that and that's that especially after watching your in Brockovich I'm just saying but slice cheese is kind of the same thing I noticed that it says pasteurized processed you guys pasteurized processed I don't I don't even know what that means and I don't care I just would never touch anything food related unless you're in an absolute American less I'm in an absolute emergency or whatever situation that's a but till this day I've never touched any of their products that's fresh or frozen I just don't do it now we all had different experiences we all go through different things and that's okay definitely comment below and let me know the things that you do like to buy whether it is food tell me how you feel about it what you've kind of compared it to and maybe the research maybe that you've done on it or if not this is just how I personally feel about these items and I wanted to share that with you but again just keep in mind this is my experience definitely decide for yourself go out there figure out what you do love from the Dollar Tree what you don't love from the Dollar Tree we all have different walks of life I hope that you guys enjoyed this video I long time overdue since I've been Holly from the Dollar Tree for quite some time but thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you my next video bye\n"