If you HATE driving... get this! - Audi e-tron Sportback

The Audi Taycan: A Comprehensive Review

As I got behind the wheel of the Audi Taycan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. The car's smoothness was palpable as we glided around a corner, with the gentlest braking I've ever experienced in a car. The lane assist feature, which includes lane centering, worked seamlessly, allowing me to zone out during my commute.

I do need to tell you where to go at times, and the steering inputs just never been quite smooth enough. I'm going to do no steering inputs as we're going around this corner. It's breaking quite nicely for the people in front of us. Come up here. I do need to tell him like where to go. And then it just slows us down. That was really good. That was the gentlest that a car has ever stopped me before.

The lane assist is also very good, and its ease of use is impressive. It's just right on the stock, press the one thing. So you don't have to worry about getting in your way when you're on kind of a tight and twisty road. And then you can just turn it on and sort of zone out during your commute home.

However, not all features are created equal. The lane assist's automatic brake region works terribly, and I hate it. I'm surprised how much I use and like the little floppy panels. They're a feature that adds to the overall driving experience. So you have two levels. One of them is not quite single pedal driving, but pretty close. The other one is what I'd say is kind of like manual transmission car levels of engine braking.

As for corners, it's fine. It has an electromechanical steering rack. Let's put it in here. I have no clue what's on the go. There's not much engagement. Like the steering weight's always very low, even in the sports setting. I do wish that they'd given me a bit more of a raw steering feel as opposed to the more, I guess, jelly feel that there is here.

The Taycan also features Android Auto, which provides a useful voice assistant. I love having a useful voice assistant. Thank you, Google. We are going be in an O soundsystem and it is really good. There's not a lot of bass, but the base is there. If you're middle-aged, this is the perfect sound system.

For myself, I'm a bit of an SUV hater. I think wagons are just as practical and almost every situation handled way better. So I guess if you have the money to spend on one of these, should you get one? Maybe I guess it starts at $77,000 realistically are in for about $100 once you put the options on here that you want.

One thing that really makes me mad is that they don't give you rear side curtain airbags, a $350 option. Increase the MSRP of the car by 350 bucks. I don't want someone's kid's head going through the side window cause you didn't spend that. For me, I'm not going to buy it. It's very expensive and not very fun to drive.

But I could see a lot of people really liking it. You are looking at a very similar price to a Model X, but the interior of this is a lot more comfortable. It's really great how it does just smooth out the ride. It makes it super quiet. It's compelling if you don't like driving and just want to get driven around, wouldn't buy it.

But I do like it. It's a huge thanks to OpenRoad for getting us this. This is part of their premiere package where you can kind of like swap, swap luxury cars. If you want, you could just be driving this thing for not all that much. And yeah, hit like, get subscribed. Let us know how we can change these videos, cause we still haven't made very many car ones, and just have a great day.


"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Today we have theAudi e-tron Sportback.And the first thing about this thing,Oh my God it's massive, look at this.(upbeat music)I thought it was kindof just like a wagon,but no it is proper big.Now you can get the SUV versionand that's comes, you know,it's higher in the back,it gives you a bit more room,but the Sports back, it drops downand I think it looks fantastic.Now you do get looks in this car,but not by you'd expect in thePorsche everyone looks at iteveryone loves it in mylike fun colored golf.Kids think it's awesome.And this right here,it's like retired women that are rich.They see this thing go pastand they're like, yeah,I can dig that. If you wantto set some Cougar traps,this is the car to have, itsays a ground up electric SUV,but there are a lot of likeelectric car things that it justdoesn't really have.So right here,you can have anothercharging port on this side.We'll come around, come on, Andy,you have your charging port on this side,this right here gets you150 kilowatts of charging.Given the battery's massive,it still does take some timeto give it all the juice.But if you have a charger at your house,you're going to be fine.350 kilometers of range.That's like really quitegood. Normally an electric carwhen you get in, you expect to just start.Whereas this one you'd haveto press the start buttonand another thing that'skind of weird and old school.So you don't get a frunk, insteadYou get like a half frunk,I guess this is all it is.it is where they storeOkay, it's fine.This is where they storethe charging cable.You do get a high voltageone out of the box.Very nice.Some of them charge extra for that.It just doesn't feel great.Oh, well that doesn'treally take away fromthe experience of drivingor owning this thing.The side profile here is whatyou're paying for though.Like this swooping back.Well, if you think thatmodel X's are boring,this is what you get.All of those do have the gull wing doors.Those are pretty sick,different kinds of trade-offsjust to give you an idea ofhow heavy and just generally massivethis thing is, these are 21 inch rims.Look at how much tire there still is here.There's what 265/45R 21s.Freaking massive,also this paint rate here is 600 bucks.Like I said before,you are losing some trunkspace by having the sport back,it comes down, it looks sexy,but there is still loads of space in here.Like if you want to stash a body.Easy,done.No one was suspected either mall bosses.Invest in these hopefully have appeal.You still have this on your car, Andy.Oh, wow.Look at how shiny that is.How long do you think this shiny thingis going to stay shiny, Andy?- Anyway.Under the trunk here,you get a spare tire.Love to see it, a lot of themonly have the repair kits.I'm not a fan. Do haveto blow this one up,but whatever.And a good bit of space downhere for whatever you want.I like stuffing frozen goods down there.So it doesn't get hot in the sun,or you can get another person in there.You might have chop them upa bit, does this come out?What's this?- Wheel locks? Oh yeah, there you go.Of course you can alsofold the seats down flat.I guess you kind of have togo all the way around to dothat, but it works.popping in the back, thisis rather comfortable.It's my first time back here,it's quite nice actually.We have the cup holdersonly small ones though.Oops.Did we get dual climate for the back?This is the best of yourclimate control I've ever seen.Yeah, also heated rear seats, very nice.Down here, we have two typeC ports down at the bottomand privacy screens.Cool.This of course is whereyou plan on spendingmost of your timeprobably heard that there,there is enough space for anLTT water bottle to go in thedoor, but there's no lining inside of it.So it rattles around andmakes quite a racket.It's annoying. I havefelt liners in my goal.Why don't they have it here?Come on badge.The level of comfort inhere overall is quite good.These seats are incredibly comfortable,heated and vented loved theventing very hot here right now.My only complaint really isthat the armrest on the doorhere doesn't extend far enough back.So I kind of have to bring theseat further forward than Iwould like so that I can hit this.I really wish they had justbrought it over onto the Bpillar and had just alittle bit here as well.And then I could be alot more comfortable.Yeah. Tall people problems.My biggest concern aboutthis car was the touchscreendown below, and atfirst it was pretty bad,but it turns out that on both of these,they come with haptic feedback enabled,turn that off works great.So you can swipe here,do pretty large amounts oftemperature in one easy go.All of these are prettyclear, easy to see,easy to hit while you're driving.I have no real complaints.I'm pretty surprised, honestly.How did Porsche screw theirsup so bad guys just steal itfrom Audi.They haven't given youmuch for buttons in here,but they did give you theones that are important.So you have a volume knobnext song, last song.And almost most importantly for me,a hard button for enabling anddisabling the parking thing.So it can be so annoying attimes when it just startsbeeping at you and you'relooking at a drive-thru orsomething you're like, shut up car.You can just press thatand turn it off. Wicked.Also the 360 camera and the parking stuffworks really great.Awesome to have in a car that's this big.For the steering wheel,it feels really great,but we do have,of course the perennial problemof 2021 piano black here,it looks disgusting.Well, it looks good for aboutthree and a half minutes,and then it looks disgusting.You touch it once,which these are designed to be touched.Looks terrible forever.Same with like,I know that this piano blackthat's here looks really nicefor the first littlebit. Cause it, you know,brings this in the display together,but you touch it once youhave some dust collect on it.Look at that terrible.I'm sorry to sound like a brokenrecord on the piano black,but it is legitimately terribleunder the infotainment.Like it's a German luxury car.Your first week with this thing,it's going to be terrible.It's going to there's so many settings,just settings on settings on settings.And you have to figure outwhich ones you like as for howthis works. It's actually a Samsung chip,that's powering this prettyfast, no real complaints,but the biggest and mostbestest thing is you don't getwireless Android auto,but you can at least plug your phone inand can get wired Android auto.So you do that and you haveall of these things here.You're never going to touch it again.One mild annoyance that Ihave is that when you donavigation through Android auto,it doesn't pop up on thenavigation display up here.You have to do that through audio thing,which is bad and worse than Google maps.So you're going to onlyever use this screen.One thing that's slightlyannoying is that there's notreally good spot in here toput the cable for your phone.It doesn't matter if you havean apple because there's acharger and there'swireless apple Car Play,but there's a pass through here.You're probably going to keepyour phone in the center,most of the time.My biggest complaintwith this setup though,is that you have your cupholders right here and your USB-Ccharging ports right besideit that are angled down.So any coffee spills it's goingto get in and collect rightin your charging ports, that'll be funwhen those stop workingin two years or whatever.One more, very small gripeabout this area here.The 12 volts thing slowly,rotates itself while you drive.So it can never be perfectly straight,probably not a deal breaker,but if you're Andy, it might be.Although I wouldn't saythis interior is striking.It is very striking at night.Everything that's here andhere and there lights up,it looks fantastic.During the daytime that's fine.But every single materialaround here just feels great.This is actually ash, volcano ash.Apparently I liked the lookof it now to get in gear,you use this little thing here.It actually works quite well.So you pull it all theway back. That's drive,push it forward. You hit reverse.And if you are in drive,you can also do a little half forward.And that puts you into boost mode.So you normally get 350 horsepowerboost mode brings you upto 402, but it's still a little bit slow,but let's go and tell you that.But not until I tell you what our sponsorI remembered this time.Be proud of me, Johno,Thanks to Pulseway forsponsoring today's short circuit,Pulseway lets you centrallymanage all your desktop servers,network devices and cloudinfrastructure from one place.You'll be the first person toknow when a user has an issueor when there's a problemwith your IT environment.You get out of the box commandsto take actions such askill processes, reset user passwords,run PowerShell commands,backup files,and even remote control withpowerful auto remediationpulseway can automaticallyresolve criticalIT issues like low disk space,high CPU usage, or evenrestart your services.Try now for free at Pulseway.comor at the link below.Driving the E-tron is,well, if you like driving,don't get this car. It'snot an accelerating drive,but if you don't like driving,this is an exceptionalmachine, the adaptive cruisein this is like no othercar that I have driven.I have had stop and goadaptive cruise before,but I've never trusted it for that last,like 15 kilometers to stop.It's just never been quite smooth enough.I'm going to do no steering inputs.We're going around this corner.It's breaking quite nicelyfor the people in front of us.Come up here. I do need totell him like where to go.And then it just slows usdown. That was really good.That was the gentlest that acar has ever stopped me before.Now, the lane assist also is very good.It's lane centering and it'svery easy to turn on and off.It's just right on thestock, press the one thing.So you don't have toworry about, you know,getting in your way whenyou're on kind of a tight andtwisty road.And then you can just turn iton and sort of zone out whenyou're on your commute home.The lane centering inthis is also excellent.So I'm going to my hands on the wheel,but I'm not turning it. Don'tjust put an orange on here.That's a terrible idea.This thing can'tself-drive you need to haveyour inputs on occasion.Now in a lot of cars,I screw around with likethe different drive modes,a whole bunch, and thisI've just set it to auto.And I have not worried about it, one bit.This is not a sporty car.It's it's a heavy car.It's a real chunker.Even though you have thebetter part of 500 horsepower,it's slow.This thing is really slow.Now out of the box,this has automatic brake region.It works terrible. I hate it.I'm surprised how muchI use and like theselittle floppy panels.So you have two levels.One of them's not quitesingle pedal driving,but pretty close.The other one's what I'dsay is kind of like manualtransmission car levels of engine braking.And that's where I left itmost of the time I asked forthe actual driving experience,it'spretty quick,but it doesn't shove youinto the back of your seat.It kind of like nudges youback and I'm pretty sure that'sdue to like Audi's tuning ofthe throttle as opposed to whatit's actually capable of. As for corners.It's fine. It has anelectromechanical steering rack.Let's put it in here. I haveno clue what's on the go.There's not much engagement.Like the steeringweight's always very low,even in the sports setting.Like I do wish that they'dgiven me a bit more of a rawsteering feel as opposedto the more, I guess,jelloy feel that there is here.We do have Android auto. So play Crabrave.- Crabrave by Noisestorm.Sure. Playing on Spotify.- I love having a useful voice assistant.Thank you, Google.We are going be in an O soundsystem and it is really good.There's not a lot of bass,but the base is there.If you're middle-aged, thisis the perfect sound system.If my mom was to drive the Taycan,she would be terrified of hitting the gas,whereas in this thing righthere, go into this cornerflant it, that'll beexciting, but not terrifying.You know,for the person that Ithink is going to buy thisit's really well done.For myself, I'm a bit of an SUV hater.I think wagons are just aspractical and almost everysituation handled way better.So I guess if you have themoney to spend on one of these,should you get one?Maybe I guess it starts at 77 USrealistically are init for about a hundredonce you put the optionson here that you want.One that makes me really madis that they don't give yourear side curtain airbags,$350 option.Increase the MSRP of the car by 350 bucks.I don't want someone's kid'shead going through the sidewindow cause you didn't spend that.For me, I'm not going to buy it.It's very expensive andnot very fun to drive,but I could see a lot ofpeople really liking it.You are looking at a verysimilar price to a model X,but the interior of thisis a lot more comfortable.It's really great how it doesjust smooth out the ride.It makes it super quiet.It is compelling if you don'tlike driving and just want toget driven around, wouldn't buy it.But I do like it.It's a huge thanks to openroad for getting us this.This is part of their premierepackage where you can kind oflike swap, swap luxury cars.If you want,you could just be driving thisthing for not all that much.And yeah, hit like, get subscribed.Let us know how we canchange these videos,cause we still haven'tmade very many car ones,and just have a great day.Ooh.\n"