**Best of CES 2018**
This year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was filled with exciting new products and technologies that are sure to make a splash in the tech world. I'm Austin, and I've been covering all the highlights from the show.
**Motorized PC Case: The In Win Winbot**
One of the first things that caught my eye at CES 2018 was the In Win Winbot case. This clear case is designed to house some serious components, but what really makes it cool is its motorization feature. Not only can you open and close the case like Pac-Man, but the entire thing will spin around like a robot. With a price tag of $3,500, this might not be the most practical option for everyone, but I've got to say, it's actually a lot cooler than I thought.
**Razer Project Linda: A Laptop Made from the Razer Phone**
Another exciting product that caught my attention was the Razer Project Linda. This is one of my favorite things from the show this year. So much so that we actually already did an entire video about it. The idea is that this takes the Razer phone and turns it into a laptop. You plug it via USB-C, and it functions as the track pad, speakers, and guts of the phone are enough to run the entire laptop.
**Razer Synapse Support for Philips Hue**
Speaking of Razer, they are also showing off their Synapse support for Philips Hue. This is cool because you can control your Hue lights alongside all of your accessories through the Synapse software. Say you want to get a super cool rave going, you can hit a key and the entire room will come alive with light.
**Sony's 8K TV**
Something I think everyone will find cool is Sony's 8K TV. With an incredible 10,000 nits of brightness, this TV is almost like having your own personal movie theater in your living room. The image quality is stunning, and the colors are so vibrant that you'll feel like you're right there on set.
**Sennheiser HD-820 Headphones**
Moving on to audio, we have the new Sennheiser HD-820 headphones. These are some of the best-sounding headphones I've ever tried, and they come with a glass back that helps to give them a closed sound while still sounding incredible. With a price tag of over $2,000, these might be a bit pricey for some, but if you're an audiophile, you won't want to miss out on this.
**2018 LG Gram: A Laptop Upgrade**
In the world of laptops, we have the 2018 LG Gram, which is an upgrade from last year's model. This laptop comes with a quad-core processor and an almost ridiculously large 72-watt-hour battery. You also get dual SSD slots, so you can add more memory and another SSD to this device.
**Casio Mofrel 2.5D Printer**
Something I found surprisingly cool at this year's show is the Casio Mofrel 2.5D printer. This printer doesn't print full 3D objects like some of its competitors, but it prints textures in just a few minutes. You can create fake leather, stone, and even mesh materials with this device.
That's all for CES 2018. I hope you enjoyed our best-of coverage, and if you missed any of the videos, be sure to check them out over here (or where you usually find your favorite tech videos). Thanks for watching!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin.I'm today I'm here with the very best techof CES 2018.One of the first things that jumped outto me is the In Win Winbot case.Now, normally PC cases,not all that exciting,but here at CES, things get a little bitmore interesting.One look at this and you're gonna get someDeath Star vibes.So it is a clear case that is goingto actually be able to housesome pretty serious components,but what really makes it coolis the fact that it is goingto be completely motorized,so not only can you openand close the case like Pac-Man,but the entire thing will spin aroundlike a robot.Now, at 3,500 dollars,the best doesn't necessarilymean the most practical,but I've got to say, it's actuallya lot cooler than I thought.Something else cool is --(cooing)The pigeon declined to be interviewed.Continuing on the gaming train,we have the Razer Project Linda.Now this is one of my favorite thingsfrom the show this year.So much so that we actually already didan entire video about it,but the idea is thatthis takes the Razer phoneand turns it into a laptop.So you plug it via USB-C,it functions as the track pad,as the speakers, and the guts of the phoneare enough to run the entire laptop.So if you guys want more about that,definitely be sure to go check outour full video on Razer Project Linda.Speaking of Razer, they are also showingoff their Synapsesupport for Phillips Hue.So you guys probably know that Razer is allabout RGB literally everythingand they're taking that up a notchby letting you add your Hue lightsto their Synapse software.The way this works is thatinside their Synapse software,you can control your Hue lightsalongside all of your accessories.So say you want to geta super cool rave going,you can hit a key andthe entire Wave will comeall the way around your room.It's kind of ridiculous,but I mean,actually, I thought it'spretty cool, so, you know.Something I think everyonewill think is coolis Sony's 8K TV.Now 8K is slowly been showing upat CES, even though youcan't really buy themin stores just yet.However, Sony upped the gamewith not only a full HDR-compatible TVbut it goes up to 10,000 nits.How bright is 10,000 nits?- It's really bright.- You heard it here first.It's really bright.Almost as bright as the lightthat's in my face right now.(laughs)To put this in context, most standard TVs,even our HDR-compatible,might top at around 500 nits,whereas this guy can go all the wayup to 10,000.Now what's cool about this isthat especially for some games,like Gran Turismo for example,which have been designedwith some proper HDR supportin mind, you can have incredibly brightspecific sources.So say that you seethe headlights of a caror a bright sunset.That can be way, waybrighter than the restof the scene, givingactually a really impressivebit of contrast.Of course, that's to say nothingabout the idea that it isthat it is an 85-inch 8K TV,which looks ridiculous, butit's actually the HDR stuffthat really sort of blew me away.It looks so, so good.Samsung were also showing off The Wall.Now this is a new typeof display technologycalled Micro LED.The idea here is that it actually is goingto be modular to a degree,so while they were showingoff a 146-inch version,you could, at least intheory, build pretty muchas big of a TV as you wanted,assuming you have a lot of money.LG was also showing offa pair of new displays,so they have not only a 4K optionbut they also have a 5K ultra-wide.So we've been using theirultra-fine 5K displaysto edit on for a little while,and they're really nice.However, what they're addingwith these new displays is HDR.At least kind of.They're using HDR-600, which is brighterthan standard displays.However, because neither Windows or Macactually support HDRyet, it's still kind ofa little bit in the middle right now.What's cool is the 4K optionsupport Thunderbolt Threeas well as daisy chaining.So off of a single Thunderbolt Three port,you can actually run twoof these 4K displays.So what I think a lot of peopleare going to be interested inis the new 5K Ultra-wide.So with a resolution of 5120 by 2160,this is basically likea super-wide 4K displayand especially for gaming,if you have some crazy,over-the-top system,it's gonna look nice.Moving to the audio side of things,we have the new SennheiserHD-820 headphones.Now the HD-800s are regarded as someof the best-soundingheadphones pretty much anywhereand the 820s add a glassback to the headphones.This might sound weird.However, the 800s, they leak like crazy,so if you're in thesame room, you can hearexactly what someone's listening to,whereas with the 820s,that glass helps to give ita little bit more of a closed soundwhile still soundingabsolutely incredible.Seriously, either thesethings are gonna beprobably well over 2,000 dollars,they're some of thebest-sounded headphonesI've ever tried.Moving to laptops,there's the 2018 LG Gram.So you guys'll probably know that I lovethe original Gram.I've done a couple of videos on it.It's one of my favoritelaptops of last year,but for 2018, not only are they goingto be bumping it up toquad core processorsbut it has an almost ridiculously large72 watt-hour battery.There are also some nice additions,including the option ofadding a Thunderbolt Threeport instead of USBC,which is especially nicefor those LG displays.You also now get dual SSDslots, so you can actuallyopen this guy up and notonly add some more memorybut also another SSD.This is definitely alaptop I wanna check outas soon as it comes outin the next few months.Something I found surprisingly coolat this year's show is theCasio Mofrel 2.5d printer.So you guys are probablyfamiliar with 3D printersthat will print full 3D objectsand especially when you get up higherin the budgets, you cando some really cool stuffwith that.However, with the Mofrel,you're actually printingtextures, so with our demo,they printed a mesh material,but in about five minutes,you can do all kindsof different textiles,you can do fake leather,you can even do things like stone.Now, of course, this is going to be moreon the manufacturing side,so say you wanna buildlike a prototype reallyquickly, it's cool,and they're 50,000 dollars.It will not come cheap.But it is really cool to be ableto print stuff that looks and feelssurprising real in just a few minutes.Ken, are we done?Is this is it for CES?Can we go home now?I don't have a voice anymore.I've been looking at tech all week.Hopefully you guysenjoyed our best of CES.If you missed any of the videos,check 'em out over here.Or over here.I don't know.No, no, not there.There's no videos up there, Ken.