iOS 13.5 Beta 3 - Follow Up Review

**iPhone Battery Life with iOS 13.5 Public Beta**

For many iPhone users, installing the latest public beta of iOS 13.5 on their device has brought about a significant improvement in battery life. LoveYourVideos creator, who shared their experience with the iPhone 7, reported that battery life is better than expected. "It's going to be warm because it's doing a lot of background tasks so that's completely normal," they explained. However, it's essential to give the device a day or so or a few hours to adjust to the new beta.

In contrast, some users have experienced slowdowns with their iPhone 8 on this latest public beta. A user reported that iOS 13.5 has slowed down their device significantly. On the other hand, many others have had smooth and stable experiences with their iPhone devices. "I'm using iOS 13.5 on my iPhone 10S, battery life is great," said another user.

When it comes to battery health, some users have reported concerns about their device's capacity to hold a charge. One user mentioned that their battery health is at 82%, which may not be ideal for heavy users. However, other users have reported no issues with their battery health and have had great experiences with the new public beta.

**iOS 13.5 Performance on Various iPhone Devices**

Performance-wise, iOS 13.5 has been a mixed bag across different iPhone models. A user reported that their iPhone 11 Pro Max is running smoothly, but they experienced some occasional freezes when sending messages through iMessage. On the other hand, another user mentioned that their iPhone 11 Pro Max has been experiencing heating issues, especially under normal use.

For those who have already upgraded to iOS 13.5 public beta on their iPhone 11 Pro Max, it seems that there are still some issues with app crashes and freezes. However, many users have reported no problems and have enjoyed the stability and smoothness of their device. "I'm using iOS 13.5 on my iPhone 11 Pro Max, and I've had no bugs so far," said one user.

**What to Expect from iOS 14**

With the release of iOS 14 at WWDC in a few months, users are eagerly anticipating what new features and improvements will be brought to the table. While Apple hasn't revealed too much about their plans for this upcoming update, many expect significant changes in terms of stability, security, and battery life.

Some potential updates include improved security measures to address concerns surrounding the Mail app and a text message bug that can lock up your phone. It's also possible that Apple will make some tweaks to improve overall performance and efficiency on older devices.

One thing is certain: iOS 14 promises to be an exciting release, and users are eagerly awaiting more information about what's in store for this latest update.

**Mixed Results from iPhone Users with iOS 13.5 Public Beta**

As with any software update, there have been mixed results from iPhone users who have installed the latest public beta of iOS 13.5 on their devices. Some people have experienced significant issues with their device's performance and battery life, while others have reported smooth and stable experiences.

The developer beta of iOS 13.5 has also been tested by various iPhone users, and while some have reported no problems, others have mentioned issues with app crashes and freezes. Despite these challenges, many users are excited about the potential benefits that this update could bring to their devices.


Overall, it seems that iOS 13.5 public beta is providing a better experience for many iPhone users than its predecessor, but there are still some teething issues to work out. As Apple continues to work on refining this update, we can expect significant improvements in terms of stability, security, and overall performance.

Whether you're an iPhone user who has already installed the latest public beta or are waiting for the release of iOS 14, it's clear that this is going to be an exciting year for Apple fans. With more updates on the horizon, it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments and share your own experiences with iOS 13.5 in the comments below.

**iPhone 11 Pro Max Battery Life with iOS 13.5 Public Beta**

Eleven Pro Max on 13.5 developer beta and it's been great so far no issues here not happy with any of the updates very frustrating screen freezing and other issues just not good enough from Apple

Apple continues to be working on this but something is obviously not so great with iOS 13 so i would expect huge changes with ios 14 as far as stability and overall battery life and things like that being more consistent.

iPhone 11 Pro Max on iOS 13.5 beta 3 still having issues with the mail app and the phone is getting hot under normal use also like scrolling through instagram and facebook. The rest all seems fine we'll look at a couple more it's mostly been fine on my iPhone 11 128 gigabyte i've had many problems with Apple Mail app i've had many problems with apple Mail app

When it comes to battery life, some users have reported concerns about their device's capacity to hold a charge. One user mentioned that their battery health is at 82%, which may not be ideal for heavy users. However, other users have reported no issues with their battery health and have had great experiences with the new public beta.

Overall, it seems that iOS 13.5 public beta is providing a better experience for many iPhone users than its predecessor, but there are still some teething issues to work out. As Apple continues to work on refining this update, we can expect significant improvements in terms of stability, security, and overall performance.

Whether you're an iPhone user who has already installed the latest public beta or are waiting for the release of iOS 14, it's clear that this is going to be an exciting year for Apple fans. With more updates on the horizon, it's essential to stay informed about the latest developments and share your own experiences with iOS 13.5 in the comments below.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone aaron here for Zollotech andios 13.5pretty much surprised most of us thisweek since we expected it to continueits previous nameof ios 13.4.5 but instead of releasingbeta 3 of 13.4.5 apple decided to renameit to ios13.5 release public beta 2 and developerbeta 3. they're the exact same thingnow i have it installed on my iphone 11pro max as well as my iphone 10rand we'll talk about how it's been forme as well as how it's been for youbased off the youtube community pollwith over 7000 votes and overwell over 100 comments in there and itook that information to give you themostaccurate information based off of thingssuch as battery lifeand issues people were having with thisin that previous betanow there is a feature that i actuallydidn't talk about when i released theupdate video that i wasn't aware ofthat has to do with facetime and that'sactually an attention aware feature soif you're using group facetimebased off who's talking it will actuallyzoom in on that person if you've everusedgroup facetime and so you can actuallyturn that feature off if you don't likeitso if we go into settings and then wescroll down tofacetime down at the bottom of facetimeis something called automatic prominenceand you'll see it has speaking and youcan turn it on and off so it says duringgroupfacetime calls the tile of the personspeaking will automatically becomelargerthis is actually a new feature which youcan now turn offsome people don't like it some peoplejust want to see all of the faces atonce so apple's made it an option inthis particular updateso this will be out later on foreveryone else but it's in this beta nowthere are a couple issues i've had withthis particular update the main one isit's still freezing and locking up on meso for example if i'm in settingssometimes it just completely freezes andi can't do anything it won't scrollmaybe i can't type on certaindisplays or certain screens and i'veseen this with the ios 13.4.5 beta 1 andbeta2 releasesand it continues with 13.5 beta 3.and so sometimes you'll try and scrollit won't scroll sometimes you'll try andtype in different areas it won't workand it can take over five seconds tofree itself up you can try and close itout and it does nothingand then you go back into it and youstill have to wait for it to reloadsometimes a hard reboot is the only wayto fix it so this seems to be an issue icontinue to have on my 11 pro maxand i've seen this from you as well thatyou're having that issueanother issue that i've seen more andmore not only for myself but you as wellis mailand i continue to have issues with mailand that's why i'm using edison maili've been trying every single mail app ican think ofand you'll see i have the regular mailon here and usually what happens is itwill show that maybe there's two orthree emailyou go into it and the email isn't thereit has to load and then it will show youthe email or maybe there's weird lockups and bugssome people are having less issues butit was mentioned quite a few times andi'll show you that in a moment and thenalso people are saying thatsometimes it's not smooth for them indifferent versions soi haven't had this issue but sometimesscrolling it may stutterit may not be as fast it may not besmooth and some people are having thatissuei haven't experienced it but a lot ofpeople are and then lastly people aresaying they're having heating issuesmeaning the phone is getting unusuallywarm now it's completely normal for itto get warm when doing intensive tasksor using it for a very long time at highbrightnesses and maybe playing a gamethings like that the back will get alittle bit warmor if you're charging it that's normalas well but some people are having thatunusually warm phone when they're usingit and so quite a few people are seeingthatmore so than normal so i think that'sstill an issue apple's using theprocessor more intensively probablydoing something in the backgroundand it's making the phone warm usually ahard reboot will fix thisbut sometimes it won't so to hard rebootan iphone 11 proor any of the face id phones or even theiphone 8 and sevolume up volume down press and hold thepower button until it fully reboots justkeep holding it it will rebootand you'll be back in and so that's anissue that i continually seenow here are all of the different issuespeople mentioned as far as battery heatram management mail lte and wi-fi thisseems to be mentioned more and morewe had a couple mentions of rammanagement most are saying it's finebut battery was mentioned quite a fewtimes now most people are saying it'sokay but not amazingi don't see a ton that are saying it'sterrible but if we go into batteryyou'll see my battery health is at 99percent andit's staying there after six months sothat's pretty good i do expect it to godown over time but updates don't affectthat like i've said beforeand you can see this is my usage overthe past few days andwith this update it's not amazing soyou'll see it's 4 hours and 31 minutesof screen on time1 hour and 50 minutes of screen off timeand i've used almost 50 percent batteryso if you take this and use this up to100battery or basically double thesenumbers we're getting about ninehours before this update with ios 13.4.1and those sort of updates i was getting10 to 12 hoursnow that doesn't mean that they won'tget this when 13.5 comes out to thepublic it just means thatin the beta they're doing something andusually if your phone's getting hot ordoing some otheractivities it's definitely going toaffect it but here's all the differentapplications i'm usingbut other than that performance has beenfine i've had no issues like i saidpeople are some people are experiencingstuttersi'm not really seeing that at all itseems to be finebut it is one of the newer phones ididn't see any issues on the 10r as welland the 10r continues to be a greatphone i see a lot of you are actuallyusing it based off the youtube communitypollbut again it's smooth it's a fasta fast device and expect a comparisonwith the iphonese and the 10r very soon now as far asthe youtube community poll is concernedquite a few of you voted this time so ifwe'll go into that and you'll seethere's7k votes so over 7 000 people votedand there's been over 140 comments so ireally appreciate thatand as you can see here it says 14said it was great two percent said itwas terriblefive percent said it was okay but somebugs so we're stillat the seven percent mark for bugs ornot so great62 percent of you are using ios 13.4.1or older and17 of you are using android which thatnumber has actually gone up so i don'tknow if people have actually switched orjust more people are actually voting onit this timenow as far as the comments are concernedthere were quite a few comments all ofthat information i gathered before wasfrom the comments and here's all thedevices you were using based off thosecomments so there's quite a fewdifferent devicesthis changes quite a bit but some ofthese are fairly consistentso let's take a look at a few of thecomments so the first one here saysipad pro 2018 11 inch on beta 3seems better on battery life for me loveyour videos thank youiphone 7 and it begins overheating oncei installed itand initially it's going to be warmbecause it's going to bedoing a lot of background tasks sothat's completely normal once it's firstinstalledbut you do need to give it a day or soor a few hours anywayiphone 8 is sluggish on this beta andlike i said some people are seeing itslow downi haven't but quite a few are ios 13.5public beta 2 runs smooth on my iphonese first generationbattery life is decent even though mybattery health is 82and thanks again for the complimentgreat video as always i'm using ios 13.5on my iphone 10s battery life is greatand i had no bugs so farbeen great on my iphone 11 pro maxbattery may not be lasting as longiphone 11 pro everything running smoothi've not had any issues except sometimesi get imessage freeze ups and i canclick on the textand it won't open and the build numberis odd they need to make up their mindand what he's referring to is this timethey wentback a letter they updated from 13.4.5to 13.5 and then they brought thefinal letter of the build number back toh so that's what he's referring to ithink11 promax much better with 13.5in terms of heating and battery life andagain you'll see there's a lot of mixedresults some people have greatexperiences some don't i'm on the iphone11 pro max using the public beta 2on ios 13.5 it has been good the pastfew daysthe first day i noticed the batterydraining fast but the next day it wasback to normal connectivity is goodthe app open and closed fast really goodcan't wait for the public ios to bereleasedeleven pro max on 13.5 developer betaand it's been great so farno issues here not happy with any of theupdates so many bugs very frustratingscreen freezing and other issues justnotgood enough from apple ios 13.4.1iphone 11. and i see this more and moreapple continues to be working on thisbut something isobviously not so great with ios 13. so iwould expect huge changes with ios 14 asfar as stability and overall battery andthings like that being more consistentapple's supposed to make a big change inthe background to help with that so i'mi'm very interested to see what theyhave with that and i'll talk more aboutthat in a moment iphone 11 pro max onios 13.5 beta 3still having issues with the mail appand the phone is getting hotunder normal use also like scrollingthrough instagram and facebookthe rest all seems fine we'll look at acouple moreit's mostly been fine on my iphone 11128 gigabyte i've had many problems withapple mail appi've also had a few lock ups in some ofthe stock apps other than that it's beenokayoh and the battery has been awesomegreat for me so far on my iphone 10sand then iphone 11 good battery andthank youand so this coming week i'm not surethat we'll see something like ios 13.4.2or maybe 13.5 although i'm more hopefulof a 13.4.2to address issues such as securityconcerns with mailand also security issues with that textmessage bug that can lock up your phoneso i would expect things like that thiscoming week whether or not apple pushesthat or delays itit looks like they did delay somethingthis previous weekbut it's hard to say because apple isn'ton a set schedulewe don't really know exactly whatthey're going to do unless they give usa firm date so they don't usually dothat except for usually around septemberand so we'll see ios 14 at wwdc in amonth or so that should be broadcasteither from offices or homeand we'll see some new things there butthen as far as what ios 13 has to offerup until september with the release ofios 14it's hard to say we're not really surewhat they're going to do but hopefullythey really nail things downget it more secure stable andgood for everyone in the future becauseright now it's still kind of a messbut let me know what you think in thecomments below of course i'll link thiswallpaper in the description as i alwaysdoand if you haven't subscribed alreadyplease subscribe and if you enjoyed thevideo please give it a likeas always thanks for watching this isAaron i'll see you next timeyou\n"