I got SCAMMED buying Mystery Tech 🫠
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Kind: captions
Language: en(mysterious piano music sting)
"What, are you okay?" energetic bass music
What are you looking for?
"I feel something. A presence I haven't felt in many years. It feels mysterious."
"Don't steal my line, yes, it's "
I made no changes to the original text, just reorganized the sentences to create a coherent and readable article.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(mysterious piano music sting)- What,are you okay?(energetic bass music)What are you looking for?- I feel something.A presence I haven't felt in many years.It feels mysterious.- Tech?- Don't steal my line, yes,it's "Mystery Tech" time!(warm smooth music)(box clunks)Thank you for the HOTSOX, what the,not sure what you're tryingto tell me about my sock game.But I'm very proud of my Adidas.- Oh Jesus.- I'm impressed that I wasable to kick my shoe off,and do that in one clean motion.- Can you move your leg?- Hmm, what an interestingvisualization of heated socks!- Or athlete's foot.(Austin laughs)- Importantly, this is 100% safe.We'll find out about that.- Uh, I don't know.- Inside, wow, there's socks!Holy, this is heavy!Oh, this is a smart battery.4,800 milliamp-hours?They're the same sizebattery as like your phone!Because of how they function,battery powered heated productsmay cause discomfort or burns!What happened to 100% safe?(Austin clears throat)(jazzy band music)You can charge forthis, but today, you're,we're gonna get a littlesock action for free.Look at that.Look how big that sock is!That's a, that's a lot.It looks like I've got likea wire on or something.Oh yeah, when you stand on them,you definitely feel it's quite warm.You have a thermal camera?(curious orchestral music)- I do.- Can you just, youjust get a shot of this?- Why?- I, are they hot yet, Ken?Are they hot yet?- Oh, you can see the coil!- All right, let's see here.Can I actually leave an imprintof these socks on the floor?All right, ready?- Yep!- You got a footprint?- Uh-huh.- This might be one of therare items on "Mystery Tech"that works as advertised.But this is, what the hell is that?Hey, this is my item!Did you what, did youtake the outta my office?- Yeah.- You're not supposed totell people about my Warmie.- Your Warmie, you named it?- It's my Warmie, no,that's the name of it!Since Ken so rudelysnooped through my office,let me show you mylittle buddy, the Warmie.This is a friendly, adorable little sloth,but his secret weapon ishe's meant to be microwaved.- What?(Kinsey laughing)- I'm not kidding with you.(warm playful music)- What?(Ken laughs)- Most little dudes don'tbelong in the microwave,but this one does.Thank you very much, my friend.- Do you wannadust off the top at all?- (blows) Nope.- Oh.- It's fine.- Goodbye little buddy, hopefullyyou come out much warmer.(microwave clunking)(crew laughing)- Jesus.(microwave humming)(producers laughing)(microwave beeps)- All right.(microwave door clicks)We'll see.Oh yeah, he's a little warm.(chill atmospheric music)(box clunks)(packing rustling)- Is this a LEGO mechanical keyboard?- Would yoube happy that it is?- Unclear, it depends on how it looks.So, as someone who hasdabbled a bit in keyboards,this looks expensive.(warm upbeat music)Matt's face ensures that myfears have been confirmed.- It's not the most expensivewe've ever had on the channel. (laughs)- That does not make mefeel any better, Matt!Thankfully, while there are, like,what looks like to be studs underneath,there is like a sort of clearplastic acrylic over them.So, you're actually, you're touchingwhat just feels like a regular keyboard.It does, oh my God, okay,it's a USB-A-to-C with studs on it.(Ken laughs)So, you could literally putLEGO bricks on your cable.All right, you know what?I think I'm warming up to this.And it is Bluetooth, so we've got 2.4,as well as Bluetoothbuilt-in, which is nice.How much was this very colorfulLEGO-inspired keyboard?- You wanna take a guess?- Considering that thisis a full custom shell,which I mean, to be fair,it feels like just LEGOs,but obviously there's a lotmore involved in it than that.And what is a relativelynice keyboard to type on.I'm gonna say 250.- So, this one is $280.- I was pretty close.- So, these are customT and custom L switches.- I can believe it, they do feelunlike anything I've ever tried before.I need to make some kinda design.- If only our company had a logo.(upbeat electronic music)- He needed to look-- Oh my God!(Ken laughs)- That's pretty good, right?That's pretty good!All right, I'mma tryto do the typing test,I'm not gonna do well.(keyboard clicking)54 words per minute.Yeah, you can get used to this.If you look at this, and youthink that this looks dope,then you should go for it, honestly.It's a wireless keyboard, you know,obviously can plug it into a USB-C.The fact that it's got this little, like,LEGO brick cable is incredibly cool.The Matts of the world will enjoy it.- LEGO!(cheery playful music)(box clicks)- Lighthouse, this isthe Neon Lighthouse T1.When we took a look atYouTube sponsor scams,we took a look at a wide varietyof different items thathad been emailed to meas pitches to be potential sponsors.And while some of them inthat video were actually good,this one just didn't show up,like, straight up didn't show up.So, now that it's here, let's take a look.So, this is small, it's actually,it's pretty lightweight.So, this is just what itdoes when it lights up,which I will say, theactual, the gradients,it looks nicely diffused.Lemme change the modeshere, let's explore it.Whoa!- Oh!- Actually, the animation is-- Wait.Test?- Oh, wow.- I don't have a lotta goodthings to say about this,but it at least looks coolerthan I thought it would.- Hello!(sneaky orchestral music)It is me.Austin!See, I disappeared, youcan't find me now, can you?Boo.- Oh!- Ah!It burns!Why does this say, "hazmat surface?"Is there something dangerous in here?- Yeah, toxic.- It's a mousepadmade of (dolphin chatters).(Austin sniffs)(producers laughing)- We're censoring that!So, this is the Genki Waveform.No, I saw, it's a KevKenson video on these.They're headphones thatare meant to be used,I mean, you obviously youcould use them for anything,but they're kind of alittle bit more meantfor like the Switch and whatnot.So, you can connect andmix two audio sources.So, essentially you could have, say,your Switch paired, as wellas your phones, or Discord,or whatever on yourcomputer, or something.And there's also,oh yes, okay, this is thepart I'm most excited about.So, last year, we did avideo on Kickstarter scams,and one item that wasabsolutely not a scamwas the original versionof the Genki Covert Dock.Look how tiny this is!- Hey!- Yay!(producers laughing)- It works!I am successfully "Smashing."This Switch right nowis currently connectedvia one USB-C cable to the dock,which is providing it power,and then spitting an HDMIsignal out to the TV.I mean, it's not likethe world's best charger,it's only like 20 watts.But the fact that youcan completely get ridof your Switch dock, andplug this directly in,solid, it's cool, I like it.The Genki Waveform headphones.Oh my good lord,(chill atmospheric music)that is huge, actually.Nah, this is a pair of my Sony LinkBuds S,the headphones that have been in my pocketfor close to a year now.And this is the Waveform.It is a big chunky boy.Not that there's anythingagainst big chunky boys,or anything, but-- Hmm.- Leave the earbuds in the case,connect the case to anaudio source via Type C,wait till the light disappears.This is not as cool as I thought.You actually have toplug it into the case.The case is a USB-C,like, audio interface,which then sends it.So, it's not like itjust automatically works.- Wait, no, no!It's very niche.I think I like this more.- So, theoretically, Ihave now, via Bluetooth,paired my Z Flip, an Androiddevice, to these headphones.At the same time, I have an iPhoneconnected via USB-C to Lightning.So, if I've done this correctly,I can now hear from bothsources at the same time.I'm gonna start out by playingsomething on the iPhone,and seeing if that actually works.I'll play,(chill electronic music)This Is video, what elsewould I ever wanna watch?Now, I'm gonna play some music.I hear them both.Now, how do I mix them though?I guess I actually just changethe volume settings, right?So, if I wanted to,say, turn my music down,and then turn my audio up.Yeah, so you literally justadjust the levels on each side.This actually works.A little complicated to setup, but once you get it set up,that actually works completely fine.How much are these earbuds?- They were $250.- Oh no.Nope.These LinkBuds arecheaper, sound far better,and if you've got devicesthat are compatible with it,you can do a little bit ofthat mixing between devices.Okay, this is a very largebox, thank you very much.Does anyone know what this is?- Sort of, I opened it up enoughto know where it's from.- This-- Whoo-hoo!- Is a item from Grid.Now, if you're not familiar,Grid is a company who makea lot of these little likeframed pieces of technology.We actually had boughtsome for a previous episodeof "Mystery Tech."So, did they, we order this,or did they just send it?- They sent thisto us in the PO box.- Okay, well, thank you very much, Grid.I appreciate this like legitwax, and an actual plant.(sniffs) That smells like a plant.Three, two, one.(intense dramatic music)(packaging tearing)(producers laughing)- Okay, well, maybe not.- Okay,I think that's a little bitanti-climactic, what is this?This is it, what?What is this?- No, Austin.- What?- Read, just read.- I can't read.- Just read.- There's instructions!- Just read.- It's on the top.- Okay, okay, okay.Open the back plate, removethe sponge and white paper,and put the back plate back.Oh, okay.(intense heroic music)(Power Puff Girls whooshing)- Thank God this is notthe Declaration of Independence.- I know, right?Nick Cage is rolling over in his grave.- I was gonna say!- No, I didn't hear that!- Nick Cage isstill alive. (laughing)- Eh.- No.- Debatable.- Oh.(punch thumping)(person grunting)(person screeching)(person grunts)(warm string music)- Rah!(punch thumps)- Three, two, one!(smooth chill music)Ta-da!- Oh!- Okay!- It is every bitof Apple chip-like activities.Each one's a little enamel pin.- Oh.- All right,I like this.- This is actually really cool.This is interesting becauseit also shows the prices,and the years of each of these.And it's kind of interesting to see.This part is the cheaper stuff,and they got more expensive here,and with way more expensive up here.Thank you very much, Grid.This is very, very cool.(box thunks)The Anbernic RG353M.There was a "This Is" several months agowhere Matt was excitedto show me an Anberic.And if you're not familiar,these are little like emulation handhelds.And by the time I sat downto shoot the video with Matt,the Anbernic had died.Is it actually dead?- It's not Turning on- This thing is really coolif it wasn't just spontaneously deadright before we hit the record button.- I played with it.- I played it,have you, what?You played with a "MysteryTech" item before we shot it?- I wanted to make sureyou got the full experience with it.- I wanted to make surethat the food tasted goodbefore you ate it, so.(Austin laughing)(Ken laughs)- It might be dead'cause I played it some much,but. (laughing)- All right, all right, all right.Let's take a look, let's take a look.Okay, oh, and this iskinda small, isn't it?Oh, that's neat, it's actually metal!- Oh, word?- Wow. It's like very cold to the touch.Buncha stuff here, so we have a couple of,eh, slightly loose feeling sticks.You got yourself a dpadwhich feels better,you've got your face buttons, which,ooh, do also feel pretty solid.Oh, we've got, wow, mini HDMI.We've got USB-C for charging, and OTG,which I assume you canuse that for video out.We've also got, oh, actuallysome very clicky top buttons.Built-in rechargeable battery,only can use certified charger,the battery may explode in the fire.- Oh, Austin knows what that's like.- What sets this apart from other onesis this can dual bootboth Android and Linux.- Oh, that's cool.(chill smooth music)(clears throat) Might be dead.(Austin laughs)We'll be right back afterwe charge the Anbernic!(bouncy electronic music)This has gotten a littleuncomfortably warm while charging,which doesn't fill mewith a lotta confidence.We're now in.So, I'm assuming that thisis loaded into Linux mode.There are also quite anumber of games here, wow.- So, one of those SDcards that's pre-installed is,comes with a bunch of games.- Now, I don't know what the spec of this is.("James Bond" theme music)Oh, what is that?Oh boy, that audio is not good.- Ooh.- Oh my God.- Gosh.- What in the invertedhell are these controls?(gunfire thundering)How do I shoot?What's my shoot button?Oh, I found it, okay.(gunfire pewing)Yikes, that was not good.All right, "Gran Turismo."The performance looksreally quite nice, actually.(engine humming)which shouldn't be a surprise,'cause PS1 is notincredibly difficult to run.Go, go, go, go, go,third place, third place,third place, third place, third place, no!How did I not get that third place?Okay, that was 1/100th of a second.There's a lot of emulation tools on here,and not all of them workas well as the others.So, I think it's oneof those things where,if you spend a little bit of time,you'll clearly be ableto understand which ROMs,and which games are gonnarun better than others,and which emulators will run.Okay, so theoretically, myLinux OS is on this SD card,which has been removed,which means it should bootinto some flavor of Android.So, this does have a ton(upbeat electronic music)of emulators alreadyinstalled, including Dolphin.Okay. How much is the Anbernic?- Buying it throughAmazon, I paid 160 for this.- I think a lot of people will bevery happy with this Anbernic, right?It's neat, it works fairly well,the hardware is really nice.I have some small concerns,but at the price, I can't really complain.It's cool, but it's probably not as goodas the phone in your pocket,or the phone that you'rewatching this video on right now.This is the Garmin eSports?(suspicious light music)Wait, Garmin make eSports watches?How is this eSports?It doesn't tell me any reason why.It just says, "Instinct," "eSports."- Use toST3AMUP, the E is a three,to broadcast your stress level,and heart rate to game streams.- So, that's the real move here.This is meant for streamerswho want to stream your heart rate,and your stress level asyou're dying for the 17th timein a row for a "Valorant."Not that I would knowof anything about that.Okay, so this is very Garmin-y.I don't say that with any shade.I'm saying that with shade,(upbeat rock music)a lotta shade.(producers laughing)- Okay, you joke,but these Garmin watchesapparently are not that bad.- Oh wow, that actually was avery seamless, easy process.Is this actually not garbage?How tall are you?5'9", where did it come up with that?I'm just gonna just bump up here, 6'2".- Uh-huh?- Okay, apparently I'm already at 1,348resting calories for the day, I think-- Takes alotta energy to be 6'3".- It-- When you're not. (laughs)- I think that's whatwe call short king energy.- Yeah, I'm 6'2" in spirit.Okay, so you're seeing live on my phonewhat the actual heart rate is.(warm rock music)So, I'm gonna start by calibrating,and doing some jumping jacks, okay?Okay, so, 99, 102.- Let's go, Matt, 102.- Okay, we're getting it up there.So, I just think while Iwas actually jumping around,it couldn't get a good, accurate reading.112, 111, okay.So, seems to be relativelyaccurate, I guess.So, to properly test the eSports watch,of course, I gotta be a gamer.I gotta show my elite proself exactly how to do this.(box thunks)(producer laughing)I hoped this day would never come.(tense guitar music)The Tommy Hilfigerthree-in-one gaming set,with a high quality keyboard. (laughing)I can tell how bad thisis just by looking at it.Mouse and gaming headset.I heard that Linus did a video,and he really loved this.Please tell me that this is not expensive.- Oh, you would be wrong.- How much could they becharging for this nonsensethat they just slapped thelabel on a called it a day?How much is it?- 150.(producers laughing)- Pesos?(Ken laughing)- Even worse for Linus thathe had to pay Canadian for it.- He probably paid 7,000Canadian dollars for this!Okay.- Yeah, that's like5,000 Timbits.(mouse clicking)(tense electronic music)- Sounds like there's adamn cathedral in here.(producers laughing)(mouse clicking)Okay, mouse, super high quality.Let's take a look at the keyboard.This keyboard is exactly as genericas a random four dollarkeyboard on Wish should be.Like, I just,(keyboard clicks)it doesn't even have feet.All right, let's go to the headset.How could it possibly get any worse?Is that even a USB headset?(producers laughing)It's just got USB for the RGB?(producers laughing)I have to plug in my mic, and my, aw.My USB-A is on this side,and my headphone jack's on this side,so I have to pick one or the other.- Well, okay, plug in the USB first,I wanna see what the RGB looks like,or R, yeah, that's what I thought.- Does it look cool?(Ken laughs)Do I look cool yet?'Cause that's the only option.- Yeah.- What, what do the gamers listen to?- "Sea Shanty 2."- "Sea Shanty 2."(producer laughs)You know what?Even this terrible headset(goofy chiptune music)can't make me not appreciate"Sea Shanty 2." (laughs)Gaming.- Yeah, these don't feel good.(upbeat synthwave music)I just like "Sea Shanty 2" a lot.Should we try to plug in,and listen to what the mic sounds like?- What's up, gamers?Today, your buddy, Hilfiger95,is here to give you a hot tutorialon the latest andgreatest "Fortnite" hacks.- You know what, that's-- Not actually bad.- Yeah, that's not as criminal-- Not actually bad.- As I thought it was gonna be.- The fact they slapped theTommy Hilfiger brand on it,and charge you an extra hundred dollars?(buzzer buzzes)Uh-uh.- Man, it's for yourmom walking through Macy's,and she's shopping for Christmas.(upbeat department store music)- I would make her return it.(record scratch)I don't want Tommy Hilfiger!I want real gamer gear that's mechanical,that's heavy,(intense rock music)and it makes me soundlike a scuffed 12-year-oldplaying "Call of Duty," mom!Typical mom.