9to5Mac Overtime 013 - The biggest missing feature in iOS

The Vision Pro on an airplane is probably the best use case you know 200 in screen right in front of your face fully immersed you forget your you could be in the worst economy seat and feel like Spirit Airlines all the way in the back you know hey hey um you know what I mean technically Division Pro is a good investment just for that alone like just for flights alone if you fly regularly it's a good it's a good investment no it's a good one that's definitely a good one and now I kind of think should to just go pick one up and then return it again when I get back hopefully Apple's not listening you know but that's awesome no Vision Pro is definitely a good one cuz uh my next one it was going to be more of a category as opposed to a specific product because again I'm going to be out and about and I mean iPhone even though I have the iPhone 15 Pro Max heavy usage that thing is out of battery at the end of the day you know so just a MAG safe a good mag safe battery that I bring with me that I can you know for cuz I'm going to be video recording taking pictures taking phone calls you know using it a lot so some sort of way to get you know some extra juice and it's not heavy and it's not just like a big Power Bank Little Mac safe battery I have a couple that I'm going to bring with me one by moth and one by some company called like aluminu I think it is cuz uh they have kickstands so a little multifunctional but mag safe I gotta I gota bring uh batteries with me wherever whenever I travel for sure interesting yeah huh you don't think so I'm going to just keep it all the way 100 man to me this is the most second this is definitely on my list some chapstick cuz I just I cannot be around there with Ashy lips man I cant I just cant do it it's the worst feeling in the world so yeah that will be so true this is my uh this is a definite I know it's low Tech yeah for sure I mean I was honestly I was going to say like a lotion chapstick also but you know I'll think of something else because I do carry chapstick on me don't go with the stick I get the little vaseline tub and I have I have them in multiple different size I have the the Costco Wholesale size one and then I got the mini one that goes in the in the backpack sleeve you know so I I use I mean vaseline as weird as it is I mean it gets the job done you know yeah for sure BS bees man so that's my go-to this is my backup and I have another backup in there like it's I got these things in strategic places all around the house and in my car all of a sudden my lips are drying up dude oh that's funny but uh but yeah so airpods some sort of battery that doesn't weigh down the whole pack or bring my pants down while I'm walking around and then they have some chapstick oh um so not peppermint mints that's what I was going to say like I like to carry just minty cough drops on me not for coughing but just because after I eat I like to take something really minty help me digest my food so I always have a couple cough drops like in my pocket that makes sense whenever I'm walking around that's what it was that's what was on to my tongue but yeah and cop drops yeah that's funny so let us know I mean if you guys have some some other ones that you bring with you again we're keeping it kind of subtle obviously don't mention your iPhone your cell phone or whatever but uh leave some down below I'm curious to know what people are walking around in their pockets with you know travel around their house yeah like if there's something out there that you know that I don't let me know absolutely but uh but I mean that's pretty much all we have for today's show I mean Jeff take us home man I'm excited excited yeah so we will be back next week with a special guest hopefully wish Fernando a safe travels and be sure to subscribe to um overtime on the podcast app Apple podcast Spotify everywhere podcast or listen to And subscribe to YouTube as well yeah and uh too bad so sad for Google podcasting dying the app for those people that for some reason were still using it oh yeah I don't know if you saw that in the news I didn't

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso what is going on everybody and welcome to another episode of 9 to-5 Mac overtime I'm your co-host Fernando and this is Jeff Benjamin how's it going folks how's everybody doing now we got we got some news this week you know we got some stuff that was announced uh first and foremost WWDC we got the invites what is it June 10th to the 14th came around much quicker than uh expected this time so yeah I'm excited there's a lot to look forward to lots of rumors already and um yeah of course this is it's going to be a big one I think iOS 18 is going to be gargantuan according to the rumor so I think it's going to be really big but in a subtle kind of way if you know what I mean like I think it's just going to be very big into quality of life improvements and just making your life easier through through iOS if that makes any sense to you I hope so yeah I hope just like all the lwh hanging stuff all the obvious stuff I hope they just finally once and for all take care of that what what are some examples of the lwh hanging proof for you well one was the one the big rumor being able to customize your home screen like yeah like really customize because iOS has basically been the exact same since iPhone OS 1.0 I mean for the most part this far as the look like you could take the first generation iPhone put it right next to the iPhone the latest iPhone 15 Pro Max yeah and you can immediately tell that they're exact same operating system no I agree I mean they changed the the aesthetic of it right was that iOS 7 when they went to like the more flatl looking applications and stuff like that yeah but yeah know I mean we've been stuck with that grid with that top left to bottom right grid for 156 years and then uh I know that iPad OS 17 does allow us to move widgets around wherever you want right obviously you're still locked onto the grid but it it's only for widgets and if you have like apps in between your widgets those apps will then just move little default to like go to the top leftmost part of the grid so I yeah I agree hopefully Apple does give us some uh some more customization on that home screen like where like it's rumored to be like I remember jailbreaking my iPhones and all the crazy stuff we used to do I'm thinking back like iOS 3 or or iPhone 3 iPhone OS 3 and four that stuff was fun man I used to I'm sure you used to go crazy I used to go crazy with that stuff and um yeah I mean my screen would look it would just do all sorts of things and it's funny because Apple has actually implemented a lot of that stuff in iOS over the years a lot of the jailbreak stuff uh into iOS and maybe this will continue that Trend uh because there's of course applications or utilities that would allow you to do that have bling spots on your on your home screen so it'll be fun yeah let's let's see let's see what they end up doing like I remember doing the I mean leave a comment down below actually for the people that have ever jailbroken their iPhone before like what was maybe your favorite tweak your cyia tweak that you would always Implement to your new phone but like having the apps like spin whenever you turn the pages and having them move around and stuff like that and like you mentioned like right now you can kind of technically sort of customize the look of iOS 17 but it's a it's more of a hacky way like it seemed like apple doesn't really want you to do it easily like if you want to customize your home screen you got to create shortcuts and create individual app icons and then you got to download utility apps like you said so it's still very broken and you got to be really committed to wanting to do it if you actually want to customize your home screen yeah it just isn't it like you said it's very hacky it's it doesn't feel like anything native at all or it it feels like apple is making it as painful as possible for you to customize your phone basically no absolutely they're like oh you guys wanted it I mean it seems to be the Apple Trend right it's like oh the EU forces your hand all right we'll give it to you but this is how we're going to do it you know we'll give you guys this feature to you know be able to customize it but it's going to we're going to make you work for it yeah um but yeah mean that's WWDC like I said June 10th to 14th um there was a little bit of another I guess leak quote unquote inside of the the announcement but what was the the words that they used it was like I got to look that up but it basically let us know that AI to some extent was the Easter egg this year yeah and I I mean it's not like we didn't know that already like that's been rumored for a while but to hear Apple like outright confirm it is nice to know um and it'll be nice like Siri is is man so pathetic like Siri is Siri is probably one of the worst products Apple has made uh um and it's been around for a long time man Siri's been around for a very long time now it was one of the very first little AI like not AI but assistant it was like I don't know if it was the first I know they bought Siri like Siri was its own Standalone thing mhm back then and it was actually an app you could download called Siri and then Apple purchased yeah like it it was it was an application that was like an assistant you would tap the Siri button and it would do its thing but apple b Siri they implemented it into iOS and it's improved but it hasn't improved enough it's just the main thing for me is just the reliability like it's just not reliable and that's what makes the homepod I know like during that top five you mentioned should we include the homepod as one of the top five I like the homepod but because it is basically a Siri interface just no man like I can't tell you how many times this homepod has frustrated me just asking basic stuff like pause my music I'm sorry sure and it's just random random it's it's Terri like the homepod as a speaker is great like as a smart speaker right where you especially if you have an Apple TV and you have a few of them and things like that but the moment you get into the the assistant like for instance as this is a real world example me and my wife are talking about some actor when we were to know how old they were so I asked Siri how old they were and then I tried to continue it was like oh let me test this out I tried to continue the conversation with Siri saying how many kids does that actor have and Siri just got lost Siri had no idea what to do with that request I was like here we go versus like now you have like like Google you can have a full conversation for like 15 minutes with Google Assistant if you want to so I definitely think Apple's got to step up the game a little bit Yeah and and that was something they just I mean that's a new 17 feature being able to continue your conversation and it's like it works but it's to me it's just the basics like like for instance at night time I like to listen to thunderstorms right okay so I will say some white noise yeah so I say play thunderstorm sounds and on repeat sometimes it'll do it and then sometimes it's acts like this it's never heard that command before it's just like I'm sorry I don't know what you mean it's like I say the same thing literally every night how's this how are you getting this wrong like anyway and like and there's like background sounds built in natively to iOS already and to the Apple ecosystem so like it should know exactly what you want and how often you want things like that those are comparatively trash in my opinion like I There's an actual Al like if you look at my top albums thunderstorm sounds is all the way like it's the number one thing played every single year like you know that little wrap up it's thunderstorm sounds all the tracks of thunderstorm sounds album is just like at the top I guess it just speaks to my age no no I feel you I mean I'm not doing the I guess I'm essentially doing White Noise a little bit of a tangent but you know those like YouTube videos where it's 3 hours on a loop and it's like uh like in the the Aspen mountains with snow falling and it's like dark and you're like at a fireplace and yes there is sound like that's that's essentially what I fall asleep to just like on the okay yeah same vs are good I like little visual yeah but uh yeah WWDC so I mean customization on the home screen some more Ai implementations and I'm sure Apple's going to do it uh the Apple Way like they're not just going to throw in like a chat GPT bot to kind of just talk to they're going to somehow integrate it so it's very useful for us and it's not just kind of like a a taped on feature that nobody's going to ever use you know at least that's how I'm I expect it to be used yeah it'll be different than just your like a stapled own feature like it's going to be deeply integrated I would imagine I'm just more curious because I don't know exactly how they're going to do it and I want them to tell me what they think the best use cases are and then kind of go from and then we find exactly what our use cases are after that so let's see how it goes um but that's WWDC I applied I guess last year I applied they didn't give me the invitation this year iied again let's see if they give it to me I don't know if you did I did not yeah you did not I did not interesting are you are you surprised I'm not surprised yeah I've never been to WWDC I mean me either so I definitely want to do it once in my lifetime and I feel like you know this could be the time hopefully but let's see I I just like I just feel like I would be frustrated if I went there because I'm I'm there and then iOS comes out and I just want to play with iOS I don't care about so true like like I just want to be here to to Tinker like I don't want to yeah going worksh and I feel like it would be like a it' be like a high stress situation you know like you're there you're learning about things that's coming on but then you got to like tweet about it or write about it or take notes about it I can't handle I can't handle that like I I already I know myself well enough to know like in live situations I I just I don't know if it's like the ADHD or what but it it is it's almost like I I freeze man I just can't handle that sort of thing that sort of En environment to where I'm hearing all this new information and I just want to do so many things with it but I can't and it's like I just I just curl up and just I can't leave me alone yeah just leave me alone please yeah it's makes tot sense yeah all right so I mean I don't know how people do it man with with that being said is there one feature that you want in iOS 18 like there's one that stands out to me the most obvious feature I mean you go first I'm curious I'm curious to know what your obvious ISL split screen man why why do we not have that's so true why do we not have split screen on the iPhone 15 Pro Max at least if you're going to limit it I mean limit it to the bigger ones if you want to yeah that would be a huge selling point number one you would get all sorts of people upgrading for just that feature that's so true imagine being to have slack open and a browser or slack in Twitter or Twitter and YouTube or like dude no AG why do we not have this by now I know right that's I it's been so I remember I used to want that feature a lot and when Samsung firsted yeah there is yeah and uh like Samsung's had for forever and when it first came out then I was like a why can't iPhones do this and this is back in the time when the iPhones were like 4in screens um but yeah now we're at 6.7 and apparently the iPhone 16 is going to be even bigger at like 6.9 in there's plenty of room there's plenty of power to run two apps obvious obviously so Apple should just give us something like that for sure please it at the very least give us picture and picture like make it so that you can have an application and a picture and picture window yeah and not just video not just like give me just another app open everything yeah because even the video picture and picture sometimes it's a little wonky you know sometimes it works on YouTube sometimes it doesn't Twitter's the same way so no that's definitely a good one to to hide it's one of those things you just never know if it's going to work it's like okay might this work I'm going to swipe up swipe away maybe maybe no it didn't work that time no that's a good that's definitely a good one to bring up like the split screen something that I guess I hadn't thought about in a long time because I don't know I guess Apple was just never going to give us that but I will say don't hold your breath for that feature if I was a betting man for iOS I mean to me it's the biggest most obvious missing feature on iOS period like I don't think there's any I mean can you name another feature that would be as useful dayto day for users I mean I really I really can't like I was thinking when you told me about like what feature was missing for me I could only think of like you know like customizable home screens and aesthetic things and like being able to download like icon packs and just Implement them very easily or themes but an actual utility cuz I mean the iPhone's pretty good it's pretty useful now at this point with everything and it's pretty matured but yeah that's a good one that's definitely missing and would be very easy for them to put in for us I can't think of another feature that would be within the ballpark of that yeah like there's nothing I'm trying to think I mean can you think of anything else that you really like want for iOS not really I mean they've they've added a lot into iOS already like they there's a lot in there and I think we were talking about it last week a little bit like if they just threw an iPhone with iOS 17 at us from the from the jump it would be hard to learn it would be a big learning curve like uh there's even in in the control center like even stuff like live which I have a video on coming out real soon um but it just has pretty much every utility that you would want aside from that which is crazy and then what else did we get after WWDC was announced uh iPads I guess technically they aren't delayed uh because nothing was actually announced or anything like that but they are saying Mark Gman did say that early May is when they will be released which is too bad so sad for me yeah I mean on the on positive side at least it's not going to be released when you're on your vacation so that's that that was a big glass half full moment for me I was worried you know I was worried I mean okay so do you really like I know you want a new iPad but is it like to the point where you feel like you need one nah I don't need one I could definitely keep going with this one for at least another year or two at least even even with the amount that I push the interal I mean again I have the Baseline model so I have 128 gigs of storage and 8 gigs of RAM you know sometimes it gets warm to the touch but again I'm pushing it all the way to its extreme I would say uh so I don't really need one yeah but I would like one you would like one for sure yeah and a little bit of a redesign too you know and here we're going to get something something a little bit different you know the same if we get the same amount of redesign that we got from the iPhone 14 to the 15 I'd be pretty happy where it's like relatively it's like 95% the same but there's a a few things that kind of changed in there at least visually and then a segue off the iPad we got uh some news that Apple there was a patent that was found for uh the apple pencil or an apple pencil type stylist to be used with the Vision Pro I think there needs to be some sort of input device for besides your hands I mean yeah I don't know about you but well you don't have Vision Pro anymore but to me it gets like it's fatiguing a little bit to have to do the gestures with you like it it's just not like the the hand tracking is accurate but it's just not accurate enough and to me it's a little bit fatiguing it be nice to have some sort of input like one of the main complaints is the lack of controllers like spatial controllers for games although there are going to be games that are fully immersive that are in the works right now and I'm interested interested to see how the developers will go about making the controls work with is hand gestures it does require at least from what I remember I know this is going to sound very very lazy but it requires a an amount of focus and like intention with every movement that you make yeah so having some sort of input where you you don't have to like physically look at what you need to touch like remember that that learning curve of like you have to look at the icon to actually press on it and touch it with the gestures and you can't look away and do something else while you do it I think having some sort of uh physical input or mouse or again apple pencil will definitely help with that with those use cases and situations it's fatiguing it's like it's like you said in intention and it's just MKBHD did a great job of explaining like he he mentioned it takes up ated brain cycles and that's the perfect yeah it literally is the perfect explanation for why Vision Pro can be a little fatiguing is because it does like there's an extra clock cycle that your brain has to remember to coordinate with your eyes right yeah where you can't you can't just arbitrarily like you have to intentionally look at something and then do that and it just takes a little bit e more effort to work mhm so yeah I mean I just think that some sort of input would be helpful just to make not only the the accuracy but to reduce that amount of fatigue or the intention that it takes and who knows I I can see developers getting crazy with it and making it you know uh like in like making it part of a game and making it immersive and also using it for productivity purposes and how would work with maybe your iPad and free form together there's a lot of really cool use cases that my mind is kind of thinking about if it just has some sort of support for the apple pencil which would be very cool yeah that's what we got uh Vision Pro wise apple pencil wise and now Jeff tell the people what's coming out so by by time you're listening to this yeah so by the time you're listening to this it should I don't want to make any 100% concrete promises but yes it should like my video my desk setup video is finished and now it's just well it was exporting I stopped the export for this podcast um so I got to export it and upload it and we'll be good but so this video as I've talked about feels like for two months now um it's be yeah it's it's all it's about my desk set up it's only a few it's like 15 minutes or so but just shows how I use the MacBook Pro it's really about the MacBook Pro and Thunderbolt and why that is such an impressive combination uh I use this thing to power this whole little setup here with three to four cameras being able to switch between those cameras with smart pads uh being able to start or stop recording with smart pads being able to uh turn the cameras on or turn the cameras off with smart pads being able to keep the cameras charged which took some tinkering with shortcuts to get the timing and all that thing all that right having the teleprompter that's controllable right here s I can change the speed of it I can jump between paragraphs and all that what else can this thing do uh oh so everything's ingested into an SSD that's mounted to the side of my desk so okay no no juggling SD cards or CF Express cards everything's just ingested and ready to go oh so all the cameras will record to that SSD yes that's nice and that SSD is already connected to your computer yes so there's no like you know how it is andno it is to juggle SD card so take them out ingest it I mean that takes time in and of itself well this recording is directly to the computer so and it's an hvc which is small so it's not going to take up a ton of space um and then like I said there's no batteries to juggle so cameras are mounted I got one overhead camera right above my desk um and I don't know I probably shouldn't do this but yeah so you can see tting it live yeah testing it live so you can see that overhead camera I have my desk camera which gives me like this is probably a really bad idea but this gives me like if I'm doing an unboxing or something I can really go in show well it's not in Focus right now for some reason oh turned I turned the focus off because it was hunting autofocus is off yeah but yeah so you get that and again like I was saying let me switch back to the talking hit so I have this Smart Pad down here and I can press this button Bam Bam Bam Bam dang Bam Bam Bam like that that blank one was this camera over here that's not turned on so okay um o I just realized that my um oh well anyway my C stands like showing in this in the screen so so that's basically what it is I mean it's not anything like mindblowing but it's something I've always wanted to do and you know just have a permanent setup it's kind of going back to how things used to be when I first started at 9 to-5 because I had like a similar setup okay so the goal I guess the way I can explain it is okay so talk to me I feel like I feel like that productivity wise mhm it's hard to be productive when the machine that makes that makes the car isn't fully assembled does that make sense like absolutely so the machine that makes the car in the assembly line is like half put together and it takes forever to make a car right but once the machine's together then technically you can just spit out cars like that so hopefully that means I can be a little bit more prolific so walk into the walk into the studio sit down turn one button on and then you're you're moving which will kind of help in a bunch of different like not just for the videos but we were talking about maybe live streaming maybe doing some sort of educational coures that just again takes away the the friction and you know I'm my attempt after I get back is to mimic it to some extent that's why I want this selfishly to come out as well you know because it's true like I I set up every time I record a video for the most part I have to set I have to set up that's part of my video recording process if I can remove that part that saves a lot of time yeah now the the catch is and I don't want to make this too long the catch is not getting so like like me my failure in this whole thing was number one just I just take forever to do anything but number two it's like you get so into the tinkering aspect that you miss the main point the main point is to get stuff done right like it's not to build up a system the system is just a it's just a part it's not like so it's just like maintaining balance in and like because you can take this thing into a extreme if you really wanted to and I just try to not do that and be and you can Tinker on that thing forever as well like I'm sure this it's one of those things that will just be like 95% done always you know yeah and you can always add more remove some upgrade evolve it so I'm glad that it's finally coming out because it's going to uh you know allow people to see it kind of like takes the covers off and allows people to see exactly what's going on back there yeah now I did have one question are you going to get into the financials of it all like it actually isn't that much like the most expensive thing was the cameras and three of the C two of the cameras I got like dirt cheap yeah um and then one of the cameras I bought on sale and then another one I got used um so that was the most expensive part mhm everything else though like I had all the HDMI cables and there's like tons of cable routed I've had all the stands already I've had the monitor I had the MacBook obviously I had the the the tripod the mounts the lights like literally the only thing oh the and the so I guess you could say the roadter duo is another cost decent expense yeah yeah out that yeah outside of that man I mean it really wasn't that much um yeah now I don't recommend that people go out and necessarily like go and buy three cameras or whatever yeah but you can get cameras cheap nowadays and basically do the same thing I mean it's not yeah so anyway it'll be interesting to see I'm ready for it for sure but I don't want to like set expectations too high either cuz it's not really special like it really ain't like it just took me forever to do it but it's not it's not that like people probably watch it oh mik why was he why is he hyping that up no we'll set the expectations correct correctly but it's something that I've been wanting to see and we're excited to see exactly what just been cooking up you know yeah cool and then it'll unlock you to hopefully get the Vision Pro stuff out and there a bunch of other stuff that I know that he's been that's been in the works you know yeah I can't wait to get back to just doing reviews like someone posted that review of the keyron keyboard that I did like in slack and I was just watching that I'm like man that was like that was kind of fun like I just remember doing those things and it's like I need to get back into that for real oh that was me I put that up about the key yeah that's so funny um but yeah man so definitely go watch that if you guys want to finish this episode but then head over there go for it because that it'll be a fun one for sure and then to kind of round off the day since I am going you know on vacation for a little while I kind of wanted to do a little segment where maybe we talk about three things that you bring with you at all times when traveling and I figured we could do a couple Tech ones maybe one that isn't Tech related to to get the people people to to engage a little bit and see maybe what they also bring with them you know like some must haves and to paint the picture I'm going on like a tourist vacation you know what I mean I'm going to sightseeing I'm going to walk around all day I'm not going to go sit at a beach all day and things like that but uh that's a picture that I'm painting and the type of vacation we're going on so okay I'll go first uh when it comes to anytime on a plane this maybe this is a cop out but I bring my airpods no matter what obviously like anytime in existing AA airpods like I know I know I said we should we shouldn't talk about like the iPhone iPad and things like that so we're not talking about computers but the airpods are just something that I bring with me everywhere at all times and even for something that's such a small form factor and people say like oh I have my airplane headphones like I got these where are they these Bose qc's like the QC bow like these are like the airplane headphones right but I still just default to the airpods cuz they're easier to carry they fit anywhere they charge up real quickly and the noise cancellation maybe is not as good as these but it's like 95% is good in my opinion yeah shic 50s um these are good noise cancellation as well and no I will not be taking those on a plane yeah exactly so that was that's definitely my number one Tech item that I bring with me whether it is just a day trip or you know a weekl long vacation you got to bring it for any type of travel what you that would be my number one as well like I I would choose that no doubt my other and this is a new one it's a new new addition to the travel package Apple Vision Pro I will be taking that on the plane and I will be shamelessly using it on the plane when I go to na um so yeah dang I know I saw a tweet the other day by who was it maybe Ian Zelo where he he brought his Vision Pro with him on a plane but he like couldn't he couldn't take it out and put it on he just couldn't I could not care less I am like in that aspect like it's it's different to take it out no shame on the airplane I have no shame about anything basically there's very sh every everybody's on a mission everybody's just trying to get from point A to point B don't bother me you know and that's the like you know how people put their headphones in just so like other people don't talk to them I feel like division Pro is going to be the ultimate version of that for sure man now that being said I do like conversing to random strangers on the planes that's to me me one of the best parts of travel is just like meeting random people and just like I talked to some old old like really old guy the last time I came back and he was just just talking about his life and it was just interesting like yeah I kind of like stuff like that so I'm not one of those people that wants to block out the world but if there's someone boring next to me then I'll just put my Vision Pro on and and watch watch a movie yeah D that's going to be crazy yeah that's going to be the best I mean I keep thinking like The Vision Pro on an airplane is probably the best use case you know 200 in screen right in front of your face fully immersed you forget your you could be in the worst economy seat and feel like Spirit Airlines all the way in the back you know hey hey um you know what I mean technically division Pro is a good investment just for that alone like just for flights alone if you fly regularly it's a good it's a good investment no it's a good one that's definitely a good one and now I kind of think should to just go pick one up and then return it again when I get back hopefully Apple's not listening you know but that's awesome no Vision Pro is definitely a good one cuz uh my next one it was going to be more of a category as opposed to a specific product because again I'm going to be out and about and I mean iPhone even though I have the iPhone 15 Pro Max heavy usage that thing is out of battery at the end of the day you know so just a MAG safe a good mag safe battery that I bring with me that I can you know for cuz I'm going to be video recording taking pictures taking phone calls you know using it a lot so some sort of way to get you know some extra juice and it's not heavy and it's not just like a big Power Bank Little Mac safe battery I have a couple that I'm going to bring with me one by moth and one by some company called like aluminu I think it is cuz uh they have kickstands so a little multifunctional but mag safe I gotta I gota bring uh batteries with me wherever whenever I travel for sure interesting yeah huh you don't think so I'm going to just keep it all the way 100 man to me this is the most second this is definitely on my list some chapstick cuz I just I cannot be around there with Ashy lips man I can't I just can't do it it's the worst feeling in the world so yeah that will be so true this is my uh this is a definite I know it's low Tech yeah for sure I mean I was honestly I was going to say like a lotion chapstick also but you know I'll think of something else because I do carry chapstick on me don't go with the stick I get the little vaseline tub and I have I have them in multiple different size I have the the Costco Wholesale size one and then I got the mini one that goes in the in the backpack sleeve you know so I I use I mean vaseline as weird as it is I mean it gets the job done you know yeah for sure BS bees man so that's my go-to this is my backup and I have another backup in there like it's I got these things in strategic places all around the house and in my car all of a sudden my lips are drying up dude oh that's funny but uh but yeah so airpods some sort of battery that doesn't weigh down the whole pack or bring my pants down while I'm walking around and then they have some chapstick oh um so not peppermint mints that's what I was going to say like I like to carry just minty cough drops on me not for coughing but just because after I eat I like to take something really minty help me digest my food so I always have a couple cough drops like in my pocket that makes sense whenever I'm walking around that's what it was that's what was on to my tongue but yeah and cop drops yeah that's funny so let us know I mean if you guys have some some other ones that you bring with you again we're keeping it kind of subtle obviously don't mention your iPhone your cell phone or whatever but uh leave some down below I'm curious to know what people are walking around in their pockets with you know travel around their house yeah like if there's something out there that you know that I don't let me know absolutely but uh but I mean that's pretty much all we have for today's show I mean Jeff take us home man I'm excited excited yeah so we will be back next week with a special guest hopefully wish Fernando a safe travels and be sure to subscribe to um overtime on the podcast app Apple podcast Spotify everywhere podcast or listen to And subscribe to YouTube as well yeah and uh too bad so sad for Google podcasting dying the app for those people that for some reason were still using it oh yeah I don't know if you saw that in the news I didn't Google killing another application and it's the Google podcast app interesting right yeah but another one bites the dust\n"