The First Mercedes: A Legacy of Excellence
Kind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- This is the firstMercedes ever, the 35 PS.In 1901, this baby wonrace after race after racevaulting Mercedes to thetop of the automotive world.(upbeat music)
For the rest of the century Mercedesmaintained their statusas a top tier brand,continuously pushing the limitsof quality performance and safety.So with Tesla leading theway in the luxury EV marketand the unveiling ofthe truck of the future;how does Mercedes respond?
They wait ten years and then introducethe car of the futureaccording to 120 years ago.But I have to wonderis Mercedes blowing it?This is the Vision Mercedes Simplex,a concept car cooked up byMercedes to boldly announceits foray into eclecticvehicle manufacturing.
Look how cool it is right?In order to understand how and whythe Simplex exists though,we must go back in time.In 1901, a rich guy namedEmil Jellinek realized,
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WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- This is the firstMercedes ever, the 35 PS.In 1901, this baby wonrace after race after racevaulting Mercedes to thetop of the automotive world.(upbeat music)For the rest of the century Mercedesmaintained their statusas a top tier brand,continuously pushing the limitsof quality performance and safety.So with Tesla leading theway in the luxury EV marketand the unveiling ofthe truck of the future;how does Mercedes respond?They wait ten years and then introducethe car of the futureaccording to 120 years ago.But I have to wonderis Mercedes blowing it?This is the Vision Mercedes Simplex,a concept car cooked up byMercedes to boldly announceits foray into eclecticvehicle manufacturing.Look how cool it is right?In order to understand how and whythe Simplex exists though,we must go back in time.In 1901, a rich guy namedEmil Jellinek realized,"Hey we have better technologythan horses now right?We need to start from the ground upand redesign the automobile."He commissioned Daimler the inventorof the gasoline engineto reinvent the car.They lengthened and widenedthe wheel base or stability,installed a cuttingedge four stroke enginelow over the front axle forbetter center of gravityand put it all on alightweight steel frame.The result was the Mercedes PS 35named after Emil's daughter Mercedes.The PS 35 means pferdestärke. (laughs)The PS 35 means pferdestärke35 or 35 horsepower.How many horses you want?This was not only the first Mercedesbut it was still consideredthe first modern car.Mercedes went on the make luxury carsfor the richest, mostpowerful people in the world.Their 770 series waspopular with Hitler, oh no.After inventing the gasoline engineDaimler and Mercedes never looked back,developing the hell out of theinternal combustion engine.Constantly reshapingheads, adding cylinders,experimenting with different materialsand look where they are now.The AMG GT R and theG-Class SUV's both featurea twin turbo V8 thatgives you 577 horsepower.How many horses do you wantnow? Oh, I got you, 577.But the internal combustionengine is falling out of vogue.And it seems like every manufacturehas at least one EV offering.(upbeat music)Cheaper EV's like theNissan Leaf and Chevy Volthave been around since 2011.Ford just unveiled their newelectric Mustang crossover thing.All indicators show but the auto industryis going electric with half ofall new vehicles to be electric by 2040.20 years, wow.For a company that's usuallyahead of trends though,Mercedes has been slowto enter this marketlike a normal luxurybrand. And they realize it.In 2019, Mercedes finally came out withtheir first electric vehicle, the EQC SUV.But their not just dippingtheir toes in the pool here,they also announced that theywill halt development of theinternal combustion engine tofocus on electric vehicles.(dramatic music)I'll say that again, Mercedes,the inventor of the gas engine,is fazing out gas enginesand going all in on electric.They'll still improve theirICE's for the next few yearsbut they'll have no new models.Daimler and by extensionMercedes says by 2030half of all new cars soldwill be hybrid or electric.I understand that they will need a changebut damn that's pretty short notice.Mercedes plans to introduce 10new electric models by 2022,including an all electric G-Wagon.That's how I know they're serious,that thing is going toprint money, in LA at least.(upbeat rock music)I can't wait to see vanityplates on these things likeE-Wagon and not Elon and I'vealways been richer than youbut now I'm morallysuperior as well. Oh great.Mercedes is takin gon a huge commitmentand they're the late comer.How does a late comer to the marketestablish themselves as a leader?Answer, make a bold entrancewhile showing off your innovation.The conditions are perfectfor a sweet concept carthat can beat the model S at the Autobahn.And baby that's what we got.(sensual music)The EQ Arrow. Inspiredby what would happen ifthe 1937 W125 Silver Erahad sex with the T-1000.This sleek bastard can take one passengerto 60 miles per hour in under two secondsthanks to its 750 electronic horses.Awesome concept car Mercedes.This is boundary pushing,bold and arguablymore futuristic than Tesla's Cybertruck.I'm not going to make anyjokes about that thing,you've heard them all.This is how you launchan electric car line.Go futuristic as hell forconcept then work in thepracticality until youhave something that sells.Let's see the next EVconcept from Mercedes.(screams)Whoa! To far back! Wewere expecting somethingwe might be able drive this century.Design aside, Mercedes didn't evenroll this baby out the right way.Normally you introduce aconcept car at an auto showwhere people expect to see thelatest designs and concepts.Tesla just did their livestream spectaclewhere they took a sledgehammerto their new spaceship.So, how does Mercedes rollout their EV of the future?In the year 2019 at the exclusiveMercedes advanced designcenter in Nice, France.In this private highclass (mumbles) surroundedby a bunch of rich Europeansand company T-shirts,200 euro pants and 400 euro sneakers,Mercedes unveiled thevision Mercedes Simplex.And old style carintroduced in the place thatuse to be center of theauto world 120 years ago.Presented by the only peoplerich enough to afford it.Look, I know I'm being tough on Mercedesfor everything surrounding the Simplex,which is a shame because for what it is,the car is extraordinarily fun.So, where do we evenstart with the Simplex?The front I guess. Thegrill is a 3D display withthe old Mercedes logo andvehicle status animations.Animations on your grill.The body is obviously based on the PS 35,but with a bold new color scheme.White in the front,pitch black in the back,the bright blue interior androse gold trim on the grilland the wheels.Mercedes was never goingto mass produce the Simplexor really any car with no headlights,but that's really not the point.The point is if you arefaxing out the gas engineyou should have a hit EV already.In the world where the Cybertruckis breaking ground andabout to change ship,I think Mercedes went the wrong direction.Instead of going to the futurethey hearkened back to the past.Not sure that's the right move.You know those articleswritten in the 1900's,that imagine what the worldwould be like in the year 2000,that's kind of what the Simplex is.But, electric cars aren't some far off,vague concept anymore.They market exists alreadyand we want Mercedes in that marketplace.I love Mercedes and I knowthat Mercedes can do it.They're the only company that makessuper cars and garbage trucks.If they focus their novation on marketableelectric vehicles they'll be making sweetelectric cars for generationsof people and Popes.Hey guys, we have a tonof new merch in our storewith some returning favorites.The Remove Before Flightkey chain is back.That was a huge seller, wegot that back for you guys.Just in time for winterwe have windbreakers.We have new socks, we gotMo Powa baby socks, they're yellow.We have a new air freshenerdesign for your car.And we have all the old favoriteslike this old shirt right here.Go check it out at,get yourself some merch.It's very comfortable, I will say that.Hey guys, the removebefore flight key chain-I have to sneeze now.(bleeped)Salute. As far as the Cybertruck goesI actually really likehow different it is.It's ridiculous looking, I know,I'm not saying it's a goodlooking car but it's fun.It is hilarious how theybroke both windows though.Be nice, I'll see you next time.