Windows 10 - Update 2004 CHANGES (Vs. 1909)

Windows 10 Update: A New Era of Features and Performance

Microsoft has released Windows 10 version 2004, bringing with it a plethora of new features, improvements, and performance enhancements that will revolutionize the way we interact with our operating systems. In this article, we'll delve into the details of what's new in Windows 10 version 2004, covering everything from user interface changes to gaming optimizations.

**Mesh Shader Compression**

One of the most significant changes in Windows 10 version 2004 is the compression of mesh shader and geometry shading into a single entity called the mesh shader. This allows for more culling, which means that the system can discard parts of the scene that are not visible, resulting in improved performance. By compressing these two functions into one, Microsoft has made it easier to manage graphics processing, reducing the computational load on the system.

**Optional Features**

Windows 10 version 2004 also introduces a new optional feature page, allowing users to multi-select and read out additional information or browse via the latest actions button. This is a welcome addition for those who want more control over their computing experience. For example, you can now use Notepad, which has received several updates, including text wrapping, find and replace functionality, and text zooming.

The updated Notepad also features line numbers and column numbers at the bottom of the screen by default, making it easier to navigate and edit documents. Additionally, there's a new "star" symbol that indicates changes are not yet saved, allowing users to preview their work before committing it. Microsoft has also added UTF-8 encoding support, enabling users to easily type and edit text in various languages.

**Network Status Display**

The network status display has been revamped to show more information about your connection, including how much data is being used and which connections are currently being established. This feature should make it easier for users to manage their network settings and troubleshoot connectivity issues.

**Windows Subsystem 2 (WSL) Linux Networking**

Microsoft has improved WSL 2 Linux networking applications, making it easier to connect to localhost and Windows Sandbox. Users can now pair Bluetooth devices more quickly, with the improvements in this area providing a smoother user experience.

**Desktop Analytics**

The company has also introduced Desktop Analytics, a cloud-based service that requires an E3 or E5 license. This feature is still not available for everyone, but it promises to provide valuable insights into Windows usage and application performance. Microsoft has stated that Desktop Analytics will help organizations optimize their Windows deployments, improve security, and reduce costs.

**App Volume and Device Preferences**

The App Volume and Device preferences settings have received an update, making it easier for users to manage their application experience. While this feature is still not as robust as the Sound Control Panel, it provides a more streamlined way to configure app volumes and device settings.

**Native Support for Camera Apps**

For those who use camera apps on Windows 10, there's now native support for these applications. This means that users can easily access their camera settings and configuration without having to navigate through multiple menus or third-party software.

**Magnifier Updates**

The Magnifier app has also received updates, with improvements in terms of readability and accessibility. Users can now adjust the text cursor color, which is a nice touch for those who prefer a specific font or color scheme. The Magnifier app also features a new "Reading" option that allows users to change its behavior and improve reading experience.

**Disk Cleanup**

Microsoft has improved Disk Cleanup, allowing it to track changes made by users. This feature can help identify files and data that are no longer needed or wanted, making it easier for users to clean up their disk space.

**Eye Control Updates**

The Eye Control feature has been updated, providing new functionality for users with disabilities. The latest version of Eye Control allows users to drag and drop objects on the screen, pause the cursor, and use other gestures to control their computing experience.

**Foreign Language Support**

The company has also improved foreign language support in Windows 10, adding Korean, Japanese, and Chinese to the list of supported languages. This means that users can easily interact with their operating system in multiple languages, which is a significant improvement for those who need this functionality.

**Joystick Support**

Eye Control now supports joysticks as an input device option, making it easier for users to control their computing experience using external devices.

**Update Delivery**

One of the most significant improvements in Windows 10 version 2004 is the update delivery process. Users can now throttle the update process based on absolute bandwidth, which means that they can limit the amount of data used by updates while still receiving the latest security patches and features.

**Narrator Updates**

Finally, Microsoft has improved the Narrator app, adding new options to improve its functionality. The updated Narrator includes a text cursor page with a cool aesthetic update, making it easier for users to review their work in real-time. Users can now select from different colors and choose between various reading modes, including "Donor Now," "Increase Pitch," and more.

In conclusion, Windows 10 version 2004 is a significant upgrade that brings numerous features, improvements, and performance enhancements to the table. Whether you're a power user or just looking for a smoother computing experience, this update has something for everyone.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's new since 1909 well actuallyquite a lot we now haveelectric cars we've got the internetwe've got tv commercial jetlinersoh you mean windows 1909 to windows 2004well in today's video we're going to seewhat microsoft has addedin its feature update and if thefeatures are worth updating forbut i will say the revamp of the mousecursor settingsespecially if you're a gamer or have amouse without minor dpi adjustmentsthis can help out a lot so this newfeature alone with 20 increments ofsensitivity adjustment versus theoriginal 11in itself is worth updating windows 2004for though let's get into the rest ofthese changeshey dude i love paying 200 dollars for a windows10 pro licensesaid no one today's video sponsorscd keys has you covered with a cheapwindows 10 pro oem single and userlicense using the tyc coupon codeyou can get this for as little as 13 usdlinks in description belowso first off if you want to check to seeif you can update to windows 2004then you will need to be on eitherupdate 1903 or 1909first and if it's still not there andavailable after thatthen microsoft apparently isn't rollingit out to your computer yetas they don't feel comfortable doing sothat is it could bug out or it is aknown issue with your current cpumotherboardand or graphics card configuration forinstance on my 7980xe main rig that i'musing at the moment it simply doesn'thave the option to update to 2004.though besides the mouse cursor anotherfeature that they've rolled out thatis pretty good is the reset this pc nowincludes a cloud download option whichif selected will reset windows from thecurrent versionyou have updated to rather than theoriginal buildthat the install was done on say forinstance if you use the usb stickthat's installed 1903 and you select thecloud option it'll nowupdate to windows 2004 if you'vepreviously updated this osto windows 2004 this can save you a lotof hassle and timeand personally it's a welcome additionto the list of featuresyou can also now enable passwordlesssign-in from microsoft accounts on yourwindows 10 deviceby going to settings accounts sign inoptions and selectingon under make your devices passwordlessenabling passwordless sign-in willswitch all microsoft accounts on yourwindows 10 device to modernauthenticationwith windows hello face fingerprint orpin but for me personally i do this oncomputers already that i selland on benchmark rigs for example i justhave the pcoffline first when i install windows andthen from there i just install windowswith nopassword but this will definitely makethings better for say computers that arein the household that multiple peopleuseand they're sick of typing in passwordsall the time there's also the pinsign in option for safe mode whichpreviously was just your password andit's now supported on all major browsersincluding chrome and firefox but whatabout operapreviously windows defender is nowrenamed to microsoft defenderand has system management mode which itwill scanand check your registry and io that'sinput output so basically it's becomingmore intense in the way it checks andprotects your systemwhich is a good thing for someespecially if you are very blaseabout how you use your computerapplication guard for microsoft officewill also be rolled out in thisupdate soon though it's not available asi currently am doing this videoand as for your start menu you can nowsearch using the start menu itselfwithout having to open up a browser howwell this feature works for you is wellup to you i personally really like it ifyou want to search for somequick info for instance currency ratesif i want to convert the aussie dollarto usd on the flyi can quickly do that now in the startsearch menu and it does a really goodjobthere's also been a major update to theprediction of spelling and on top ofthat the algorithm used for indexingwhich if it detects high disk usagewhich is great if you can't afford anssd for exampleit will minimize the system indexing andfree up system resourcesthis can of course in particular helplaptopsand low potato pcs so another welcomeaddition with 2004 windows updatewindows also allows you now to renameyour virtual workspacesor virtual desktop and cortana has hadan overhaul where apparently it has muchbetter performance and has a newspeech mode on top of that though youwill have to sign into your microsoftaccountso if you're like me and you don't use amicrosoft account on a lot of yourcomputersthen this won't even be there to beginwith the home group option has now beenremoved from the give access andperformance tabsand there's also provide feedback tabwhen you right click on servicesin task manager though speaking of taskmanager this has received an update inits ownwhich it now monitors your gputemperatureand also displays the model number ofyour ssd for example though thetemperature readout didn't work on my5600 xtand also the gpu scheduling update whichwe'll talk about soondidn't work on the amd gpu either thoughas for graphics we now havethis hardware accelerated gpu schedulingoption allowing your gpu to manage itsown memory better according to microsoftwhich is supposed to drop latency evenand improve graphics performancethough the results are currently mixedfrom what i'm seeing most are showing noimprovements at this point in timeso if you guys want i can perhaps throwin some old potato gpus when i test thisfeature outand i've known microsoft for instancewith game mode and stuff like that inthe pastto have their features more tailoredtowards helping out potato stylecomputers rather thanthe high-end stuff so just like the gputemperature readoutthis wasn't showing on my 5600 xt thoughapparently there is a registry hackthat you can manually put in if you wantto get this to work though i don'treally recommend doing registry hacksespeciallyif you want to reverse some things inthe future can cause issuesthe directx 12 also now has an updatefor ray tracing with tier 1.1 from 1.0which improves the efficiency ofpipeline stateobject additions includes theintroduction of inline ray tracing andimprovements to ray tracing executionwhich has an adaptive algorithm to sensethe number of rays decided in proportionto the gpu execution timelinehonestly this all sounds to me likedirectx 12 is getting readyfor an upcoming launch of the xboxseries x though some other interestingimprovements here also include texturestreaming in other words prioritizingwhat textures are loaded at what detaillevelsstated in mips and on top of that thereis texture space shadingwhich if a redundant space is deemeduseless it simply won't draw at savingresourcesthere's also the new directx mesh shaderthis has now been improved to reduce thesteps to two instead of previously sixwhere the input assembler vertex shaderand whole shadernow all compute from the amplificationshader and tessellation domain shadingand geometry shadingare now compressed into the mesh shaderthis allows for more culling in theseoriginal six stepsaccording to microsoft and it allows formore detail at the same frame ratesso now going back to the optionalfeatures page here you can multi-selectread out additional informationand browse via the latest actions buttoneverybody's favorite notepadand honestly i use notepad a lot so thisis a good addition for meit's got an update as well you can nowwrap around text find and replace thingsand you also have textzooming line numbers and column numbersare also visible down the bottom bydefaultand there's also a star to show changesare not yet saved and you can sendfeedback toto microsoft within notepad itselfthere's also utf-8 encodingand the ability to control shift in anew notepad window ctrl shift save asdialog ctrl shift w to close the notepadwindowthere's also some bug changes that havebeen fixed and if you didn't know theyexistedthen that's good in the settings tab thenetwork status display has now beenrevamped to show more information aboutyour network connectionsshowing how much data is being usedeasier and what connections are nowbeing connected to whaton the fly then windows has alsoimproved wsl 2 linux networkingapplications using localhost and windowssandbox has made bug fixes and morecontrolgreat for installing and testingunverified apps for exampleand microsoft edge has had someimprovements as wellbluetooth pairing has been sped up soyou don't need to go to notifications tofinish pairingmicrosoft have also introduced a thingcalled desktop analytics a cloud-basedservice that requiresan e3 or e5 license which i don'tpersonally own so i can't really tellyou about this feature app volume anddevice preferences has received anupdate it's now a little more usablethough i still much prefer the soundcontrol panel personallyand you can now take off suggestions tooin notifications and actions and ifyou're into networking with camerasyou've now got native support for thattoothe magnifier though this has receivedsome updates with the keep mouse pointersettings optionoffered and there's also now a readingoption to change the way magnifierbehavesit also has support for dark themes andhas play selected text andcaps lock or insert options availabledisk cleanup can also apparently nowbacktrackchanges though i couldn't see thisoption available and there's beenimprovements to foreign language imenamely korean japanese and chinese eyecontrol has also beenupdated you can now drag and drop pauseand it has more open source support andmore support from things like joysticksetcdelivery of updates now gives you theoption to throttle based on absolutebandwidthvery handy feature for gamers in myopinion especially if you haveaustralian internet like i doyou can throttle this setting so ifyou're playing games and there's awindows updatethat suddenly pops up in your face youwon't have to worry about skipped framesor anything like thatbecause it won't be using up all yourbandwidth narrator itself has alsoreceived a plethora of improvements tootoo many to list in this video to behonestthough you can now select from newoptions including donor nowincrease pitch and say cap and now forthe last of the updates which ispersonally one of my favorite is now thenarrator has the text cursor pageand this gets a cool aesthetic updatewhich can help show the cursor easierand you can now select from differentcolors and i'm really digging this onei'm going to leave it on legit and sothere it all is with the changes towindows 2004from 1909. if you guys enjoyed thisvideo then be sure to hit that likebutton also let us know in the commentsection belowhave you had any troubles with thisupdate sofar and are you enjoying these newchanges do let us know but i will sayone thingi mean it's still a little buggy i meani'm trying to change my mouse settingsin the original menuand then i go back to the other menu andit starts changing by itself so therewill be some bugsif you want to update to this newestupdate when it firstis released and this happened with 1909and even 1903 before thatbut overall i think some of the changeshere are definitely a welcome additionmainly for the mouse and the dx12updates but with that out of the way ifyou guys have stayed this farand you're enjoying that content and youwant to see the moment of drops then besure to hit that sub buttonring that bell because we've got thewindows 10 2004optimization guide for gamers coming outvery sooncan't wait to bring that one for you andi'll catch you in another tech videovery soonpeace out for now byeyes\n"