Here is the converted text:
I'm filming today on a lens that's not what I usually film on, and I don't just want to be offended by the lens, which actually is the lens I'm using right now, so it's even worse.
Thanks, Dean. Oh yeah, this is what I usually film on, 6K, 6 game, soon to be 8K if you want ups, if anyone wants it, if you want to sell a kidney, you can have 8k. I would say I like it a lot. I like shooting at higher resolutions because I finished with OK footage, so I shoot everything at 6K and finish from 4K and allows me to reframe which is wonderfully that's awesome.
Cuz a lot of times, you know we got a running gun, we don't have time to like okay, we're gonna do a close-up now, we're gonna do wide if you just watch it. Yeah, medium shot that you can punch into a close-up, punch out do your why and also just when you do shoot with this, and you do like scale it down to 4K of 1080 and it's a lot sharper.
What was the first computer you ever owned? My first computer, and I think I've told this story before, it was in a machines T 1440. So I'll never forget what happened was up and tell us about 10 or so we didn't have a computer in the house at all, and I had one on one for a while, and so my parents took me to find like a surprise trip on my birthday, and we were going, we went up to Best Buy, and my dad walked me over to the computer section, he's like you see that computer right there, it's like yeah, it's like we're gonna get that for you for Christmas four months from now, just save your birthday money, don't spend any of it, don't buy anything at all, save your money, and you might get a computer for Christmas. I was so mad because like I think I was wanting to buy like when I remember the Super Soaker, yeah like the water tank peels on your back, I was wanting one of those for my birthday.
I was like no, I can't get it, and then they walked out with the computer, and oh yeah, I kind of felt bad. But uh, 40 gig hard drive, 128 gigs of memory, I mean that thing was ballin did whoa, okay, that was more ball into my computer. I had a gateway, yeah right good start, had a Pentium 3, 500 megahertz processor, I bought 120 gig hard drive, 384 megabytes of RAM, I'll see you had me beat there, Hemi be edgy beats up there, JT for magnets, RAM, and I had the creme de la creme of graphics cards, of design, the Voodoo 300k. That actually was created this thing didn't even come with a graphics card.
I played half-life on the highest settings, bad he wins Taco Bell for dinner. It's funny that you should mention that because we actually just had tacos, and we did a video on it, what an amazing coincidence. Where is that video, Austin? We do it actually lives on his other channel, it's called what does it use a jig rawr.
Oh, that's such a coincidence, and that's your name, it is my name, oh so yeah, you guys could check out us eating tacos. Unfortunately not Taco Bell, no time you have to apologize for that, really run alone was not available, but it was delicious. She's gonna check the video, I don't know if it's gonna be live, when this video goes well, I'll put a link yes your chicken out.
And as always, thanks for watching, was that Obama? You just got a text from Obama, have you played go yet? Oh yeah, csgo, yeah I am, I'm just starting. I prefer see us stop though, next question side note, there are so many photos of me on Austin's Bryce's, have you seen your profile picture?
Oh oh, I feel very strong, though. I'm actually about to rip through this pizza shirt, he's gonna go, this is gonna come get it, cuz it's because Beasley, it's really clever that was a good joke, good job, thanks ash, tag jokes hash tag team crispy, hash tag kony2012