Black Friday 2019 DEALS DEALS DEALS

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Hey guys, this is Austin, and welcome to Black Friday where we've got deals deals deals! And these deals today are sponsored by LG.

This year they have not only the NanoCell TV, but also the XBOOM GoPK7 for nearly 50% off. You get big sound out of the XBOOM with enhanced bass, as well as its been tuned by Meridian. It also supports aptXHD, it's splash proof, you have up to 22 hours of battery life.

And on top of all of that, you've got the wonderful LEDs. Let me demonstrate.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin,and welcome to Black Fridaywhere we've got deals deals deals!And these deals today are sponsored by LG.This year they have notonly the NanoCell TV,but also the XBOOM GoPK7 for nearly 50% off.You get big sound out of the XBOOMwith enhanced bass, as wellas its been tuned by Meridian,it also supports aptXHD, it's splash proof,you have up to 22 hours of battery life,and on top of all of thatyou've got the wonderful LEDs.Let me demonstrate.("Nirvana" by Madeon playing)(laughing)Look, sometimes you justgotta feel the rhythm.Gotta get into the music.You gotta let the music overtake you.Then there's the LG 65 inch NanoCell TVwhich has actually prettygood support for gaming.You've got 4 HDMI 2.1 portswith support for not onlyvariable refresh rates,but you can go all the way up to 120Hz.You're getting great picturequality with NanoColor,it has full array back lighting,as well as you got supportfor everything you expectlike Google Assistant, Alexa,as well as Apple AirPlay 2.The XBOOM is typically $250 dollars,however it's now available for $129,and when it comes to the NanoCell,you're getting a full $2000dollar price slash to $1099.So if you're interested in not only a TVbut an audio upgrade,definitely be sure tocheck these guys out at thelink in the description.And thanks to LG forsponsoring my dancing.Let's kick things off with consoles,because there are a lot of deals here.But of course standard disclaimer,most of these are goingto disappear pretty fastso jump on the descriptionas fast as you can.So the first thing here isthe Microsoft Xbox One deals.Pretty much all Xbox One consolesare currently getting slashed in price.So the first one is the Xbox One Xwhich is available for $350 dollars.That's not an amazing deal,as you can typically find theOne X for around $400 bucks,however, $50 dollars offis still $50 dollars off.Now, quite a few retailersactually have this dealbut I would recommend picking it upfrom the Microsoft Store,as the deal has already started therewhereas most other placeswill only be doing thison Black Friday itself.There's also the Xbox One Swith the bundled StarWars Jedi: Fallen Orderfor $200 dollars.Now this is maybe notthe most exciting bundle,mostly because the game runs really badon the base Xbox One.However, for $200 bucksit's included for free.However, if you're picking this up,while it's available at most retailers,I would recommend doing it at Target.Over there, they have a full $40 gift cardthat you're going to geton top of the discount.So $200 dollars minus $40dollar gift card, thumbs up.Maybe just use that $40dollars to buy I don't know,a game that actually works.A little bit of a weird oneis the Xbox One S all digital version.Now this is essentially just an Xbox One Swithout an optical drive.So it came out earlier this year,we did do a whole video on it.But put simply, I meanthere's really no sacrificebesides that, and at $150 dollarsit is the cheapest brand newXbox One that we've ever seen.Now, you kind of have to deal withnot using a disc for anything,so pretty much everythinghas to be downloaded.But $150 dollars is a pretty solid deal,and this one is available at Best Buy,but I believe it's already on saleat the Microsoft Store right now.So over on the PlayStation sidethere aren't as many deals,and yet again for I thinkthe third year in a rowthere are pretty much no BlackFriday deals for the PS4 Pro,which I kind of don't get.It's like they just sell themselvesat full price all the time andthey don't have to discount.Well anyway, what they do haveto discount is the base PS4.So for $200 dollars, there'sactually a pretty solid bundleavailable at most retailers.So you get a copy of The Last of Us,you also get God of War,and Horizon Zero Dawnfor only $200 dollars.So among everyone, it looks like Best Buyhas the deal going live the soonest,and generally speakingif you don't have a PS4,this is probably the best bundle yetas all three games areabsolutely terrific,especially if you don't have a PS4, I meanthey're probably three ofthe best games to start with.What you should definitely not pick upis the $300 dollarSwitch Mario Kart bundle.Now sure, getting afree copy of Mario Kartseems like a good deal,however not only is this theexact same Black Friday dealthat Nintendo had last year,but it's actually worse.So a few months ago,Nintendo brought out anew version of the Switchcalled the red box Switch,or at least I call it the red box Switch.It's pretty much the same in all aspects,except it has almostdouble the battery life.Which makes it an obvious no brainerconsidering that it is thesame $300 dollar price.However if you do this Black Friday deal,you get the old Switchwith half the battery life.So yeah, avoid this one,buy a new red box Switch.It's probably not gonna be on sale,but at least you're gonnaget that extra battery lifewhich I think is totally worth it.Now if we take a trip tothe Apple side of the fence,Walmart actually hassome really good deals.So the highlight for meis definitely the Series 3 Apple Watch.At only $129 dollarsfor the 38 millimeter,and $159 dollars for the 42 millimeter.Now, I actually really wasn't a watch guyuntil the Apple Watch came out,and now I pretty much havethis thing on every day.It makes a huge difference to my lifejust in having notifications,the health stuff and everything.And this is one of the best pricesfor any of the AppleWatches I've ever seen,especially considering thatwhile the Series 3 isn't brand new,it is still totally recent,it's going to work withall the latest iPhones.And real talk, if you don'thave an Apple Watch yet,this is a killer deal.Now if you're tired of that broke life,you can also pick up a pairof AirPods 2 from Walmartfor only $129.Now these to be fairaren't the AirPods Pro,and they also don't havethe wireless charging case,but they are the most recentversion of the AirPods,and $129 dollars is like$30 or $40 bucks lessthan they usually are.They don't typically goon sale all that often,so this is a pretty solid pick up.Again, only availablefrom Walmart right now.But again, check thelinks in the descriptionfor all of these things,because the prices bounce up and downas we get closer to Black Friday,as well as they sell out.Now one of my favoritepieces of tech this yearis the 10.2 inch iPad.Now, we did a video onit a little bit ago,and at $330 dollars, it isa really compelling device.You've got support for the keyboard now,it's got the slightly bigger screen,and at $330 dollars it's a good deal,however, most retailers nowhave it for only $250 bucks.If you don't have an iPad,if you have a really old one,this is a pretty solid upgrade.Now, I would probably recommendpicking up this one at Targetas they seem to have thedeal available first.But regardless, if you do want a new iPad,while there are some olderiPad Pros that are on sale,I personally reallylike this iPad 10.2 inchat only $250 bucks.Continuing down the rabbit hole,Best Buy has some MacBooks on sale.So the MacBook Air isnow starting at $899,and the MacBook Pro is starting at $1099,both of which are $200 dollars off.Now, the MacBook Air is fine,but realistically, I would recommendgoing with the MacBook Pro.At $1100 dollars, not onlyare you getting the versionwith the touch bar they just brought out,again, videos on all thisstuff will be linked.But not only do you getthat extra touch bar,but you also more importantlyget the added performanceof the quad core processor.Now Macs are typicallya little bit on thepremium side of the price,however, that MacBook Pro at $1100 dollarsis actually I think pretty reasonable.Over on the Windows side,the Surface Pro 7 is already on sale.So Ken's actually switchedto this as his daily driver,and there's a lot to like.It's got USB-C now,as well as the latest10th gen Intel chips,and these bundles all havethe keyboard included,which is typicallyanother $120, $130 bucks.So the Microsoft Storehas a couple of these,so if you really wannago on the cheap side,you can get the base modelwith the type cover for only $650.Pretty solid considering thatthat normally costs you $900 dollars,but I would actually recommendgoing up to the mid spec model,which while it is $800 dollars,has the type cover, you have the Core i5,and importantly, you're stillsaving over $200 dollarscompared to buying them separately.Now buckle up, 'cause westill have even more deals.Actually, these are someof the weirder deals,however, if you'relooking for a new phone,Target has the hookup.So, if you want a brand newiPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro,or iPhone 11 Pro Max,Target is currently offeringa $200 dollar gift cardas long as you activate it with a carrier.So, not totally required,but especially considering thatthat iPhone 11 is only $700 dollars,a $200 dollar gift cardon that is pretty solid.Now if you wanna jump over tothe Android side of the fence,they have all kinds ofridiculous gift card deals.So with the Galaxy S10,S10+ as well as the Note10,you're getting a full $400dollar Target gift cardagain, with activation.Target also has the Galaxy S10ewith a $200 dollar gift card,the brand new Pixel 4, and Pixel 4 XLwith a $300 dollar gift card.Probably one of thebetter deals on this list.However, the most ridiculous oneis hands down the Pixel 3.Which to be fair, ismostly sold out on Targetas well as in stores,but if you can track onedown for Black Friday,you'll get a $550 dollar Target gift card.Yes, that's basically theentire price of the phone'cause they really wannaget rid of these things.- Free?- $550 dollar gift card with activation.So all of these to be fair arewith activation, but I mean(laughs) that's a lot of...- They're paying you to literally --- They're paying you to take it. (laughs)Rounding out the Pixels, youcan pick up the Google Pixel 3afor $100 dollars off right now,available at Amazon and Best Buy,however, this deal does start on the 28th.Now the thing is is thatfor the Amazon deal aswell as the Best Buy deal,there's no carrier, so youcould just pick it up unlockedand do whatever you want with it.But if you do choose to pickup the Pixel 3a on Best Buy,in addition to the $100dollars you get off,you can also get anadditional $50 dollars offby activating it on a carrier.Up to you, but thattakes a $400 dollar phonedown to $250 bucks,which as far as I'mconcerned makes it a wayway better value proposition.Vetter balue proposition.Vetter better, better vetter.Better value.- Faster, stronger.(laughs)- And those are thebest Black Friday dealsthat I was able to find this year.As always, definitely be sureto keep your eye on that description,as a lot of these willdefinitely sell out pretty quick.And of course, huge shout out to LGfor sponsoring this video.You can check them out aswell in the description.Now if you'll excuse me,I'm going to go dancewith my XBOOM speakerin a place where Ken can't judge me.I can live my best life.