**Tips and Tricks for Working with Penetrating Epoxy**
When it comes to working with penetrating epoxy, there are several tips and tricks that can help ensure a successful project. One important thing to note is that penetrating epoxy behaves differently than other types of epoxy. It's thinner and more prone to melting through containers if mixed in excess.
To avoid this issue, it's best to mix up only small amounts of penetrating epoxy at a time. A good rule of thumb is to start with an ounce or two and then adjust as needed. It's also helpful to have a way to measure the epoxy accurately, such as using a scale rather than relying on increments on the container.
Another important thing to consider when working with penetrating epoxy is the curing process. According to the label, the ambient temperature must be between 65 and 80 degrees for the epoxy to cure fully. To ensure this condition is met, it's best to work in an area that can be cooled down to 70 degrees. This will give the epoxy a longer working time and help prevent it from curing too quickly.
When mixing penetrating epoxy, it's also important to know your ratios. In this case, the ratio is three parts A to one part B. To calculate this, simply divide the total amount of epoxy needed (in ounces) by four, then multiply that number by three. This will give you the exact amounts of each part needed.
It's also a good idea to mix the epoxies separately before combining them. This will help prevent the parts from getting mixed together too quickly and ensure that they're fully incorporated into the final product. Additionally, make sure to read the label carefully and follow any instructions for mixing and curing times.
One issue that can arise when working with penetrating epoxy is color. If you're trying to achieve a specific color, it's best to use a high-quality pigment specifically designed for epoxy. In this case, the creator of the project ordered a different type of pigment to achieve a more accurate red color. The new pigment was able to cure slightly more and resulted in a truer red color.
Finally, when working with penetrating epoxy, it's essential to have the right tools and materials on hand. A good pair of gloves is always necessary, as well as a mixing surface that can withstand the chemicals involved. With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to creating beautiful and effective projects using penetrating epoxy.
**The Creator's Experience**
Unfortunately, the creator of this project had a bit of a setback when it came to color selection. The initial red pigment they ordered resulted in a pinkish hue rather than the desired red color. However, by ordering a different type of pigment specifically designed for epoxy, they were able to achieve a more accurate and desirable color.
The creator also found that they needed to adjust their mixing ratio slightly to get the desired result. By dividing the total amount of epoxy needed by four and multiplying that number by three, they were able to ensure that each part was properly mixed together.
**Patron Recognition**
As always, the creator would like to extend a special thank you to their patrons, who make this project possible. A shout-out goes to Jim Carter, who recently joined as a patron, despite being forgotten in previous videos. Additionally, the following patrons are recognized for their ongoing support: nyx of greek, stephen mann, eric weiss, derek coates, caveman ross, chuck faulkner, puppy muffins, and mike penrod.
**The Final Project**
With all of these tips and tricks in mind, it's time to get started on the project. The creator has mixed up a combination of red and black penetrating epoxy, which will be used to create a beautiful beach-themed effect. As they work, they're aware that the color may need to be adjusted slightly, but with their new pigment selection, they're confident in their ability to achieve the desired result.
As the project progresses, the creator is excited to see the final product come together. With patience and attention to detail, they know that this will be a truly beautiful and effective piece of art.