Why I'm DITCHING My Gaming Chair!

The Evolution of Gaming Chair Reviews: A Shift in Priorities

Over the years, we've had our fair share of gaming chair reviews here on the channel. However, as time has passed, we've come to understand where the industry stands when it comes to providing features and exclusive content primarily focused on gaming chairs. It's almost become a routine for us to receive requests from brands to review their gaming chairs, which can be somewhat pointless in our opinion.

The Rise of RGB Lighting: A Pointless Trend?

One notable trend that has emerged in recent years is the inclusion of RGB lighting in gaming chairs. While it may seem like a exciting feature at first glance, we've come to realize that it's often unnecessary and overhyped. In 2018, you could already find gaming chairs with RGB lighting, which seems almost comical now. We're seeing more and more gaming chairs incorporating this feature, which raises questions about its practicality.

The Importance of Trying Before You Buy

One of the most significant reasons we've stopped doing gaming chair reviews is that people are often basing their purchasing decisions on someone else's opinion rather than trying it out for themselves. If a brand reaches out to us and asks us to review one of their gaming chairs, our first step would be to try it out and provide an unbiased opinion. However, this can lead to the problem where viewers base their purchase decisions on someone else's review, which may not accurately reflect their own preferences or needs.

The Dangers of Cheap Investments

We've learned that investing in a good chair can have a significant impact on one's health and overall quality of life. A $30 or $50 investment in a chair can play a huge role in determining the comfort and ergonomics of a workspace, which can affect one's posture and overall well-being. If someone compromises on this aspect by choosing a cheaper option based on someone else's review, they may regret their decision later on.

The Importance of Research and Personal Experience

Our suggestion to viewers is to do as much research as possible before making a purchase, narrow down their options, and spend time trying out different chairs at stores. This may not be feasible for everyone living in remote areas, but it's essential to take the time to try out chairs before investing in one. We believe that this investment can greatly impact one's quality of life, and it's crucial to find a chair that feels right.

The Value of Personal Experience

Ultimately, our decision on whether or not to review a gaming chair is based on personal experience. If we invest in a chair and don't feel comfortable sitting on it, or if it doesn't meet our expectations, we'll make sure to document our journey and share it with the community. We want to provide value to our viewers by sharing our honest opinions and experiences.

The Future of Chair Reviews

As for ourselves, we've decided to stop doing gaming chair reviews in favor of finding a suitable chair that meets our needs and preferences. This is not a takedown on gaming chairs, but rather a shift in priorities. We'll continue to review chairs in general, but we want to ensure that our opinions are based on personal experience and research rather than relying on someone else's opinion.

A Call to Action

We'd love to hear from our viewers about their experiences with gaming chair purchases. Are you satisfied with your purchase? Would you recommend it to others? Let us know in the comments below! We value your feedback and opinions, and we're eager to learn from your experiences.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's up everyone Eber here with Hardware Canucksand I'm here to talk aboutchairs more specifically why I'mditching my gaming chair because I'vebeen using this guy for the past twoyears and it was quite an uncomfortableexperience but I've sort of left it outof the equation now never even thoughtabout it until now because it's almostaffecting the posture that I'm you knownormally used to be sitting at and itreally is concerning to me so I'm readyto get rid of this guy and look for anew one and so follow me along so thiswill be a two-part series video thefirst part would obviously be me talkingabout why we don't do gaming chairs andwhy you know you watching a gaming chairof you doesn't really give you the fullpicture because there is a lot more thanthatso let's get into specifics right aftermessage from our sponsor then you andthere Mack slick fusion is their firstaddressable RGB all-in-one cooler with astandard 240 ml rad an absolutelybeautiful RGB ring elimination on thefence and the pump to highlight thatunique flow indicator through thetransparent top check out the lakefusion down below okay so let mebacktrack here for a second so this isthe Vertagear PL6000 gaming chair itwas sent to us by Vertagear for freeas a review sample so let me get intohow this has held up so farfirst up physical aesthetics I mean Ihaven't noticed any wear or tear withmaterials it has stayed up really wellfor these past two years there are norips or anything some sort the one thingthat I did notice over that was sort ofrecurring you know these past days isthat I've noticed creaking here andthere it was it's just something thatI've been noticing for for a while andit gets a little bit annoying especiallyif you're recording on cams like scriptsor something like that if you just makea slight movement with your chair thatobviously the microphone picks up thatsound and it kind of kind of ruins thewhole thing so that's one of the thingsI have noticed with the PL6000 I'vedefinitely started noticing creeks hereand there so that's that now in terms ofcomfort well that's the most discerningpart about this gaming chair in factit's the one reason why I'm willing toget rid of this as soon as I can andlook for something that's a little bitbetter so I'm going to start with thebottom because the PVC leather option iscertainly quite durable but itdidn't have proper breathing space so Inoticed he'd buildups very fast as veryrapid so if you're seeing in somethinglike this for really long periods oftime especially during summer yourbottom can get really toasty so it itgets a little weird obviously becomes alittle gross too so it comes to a pointwhere I have to physically just get outof the chairstart kneeling on the carpet and dothings on my computer especially when itcomes to editing and something like thatso it's definitely not a effective worksworkflow in my opinion so it's just it'sone of those things where I wish had Ihad something that I can comfortably siton and unfortunately on the PL000with the PVC leather material at thebottom it's just not doing any justicenext up is the backrest so it is acompletely flat surface meaning there isno proper lumbar support for your backwhich means if you're trying to leanback you kind of have to get to a pointwhere just there's a little gap that'sfilling or it's just left there out ofnowhere so you really can't comfortablyyou know sit back and just relax and doyour work it's just not the case herevertigo does include a lumbar pillowthat you can put on the bottom but to behonest it's way too thick and it almostgets to a point where you have to itpushes you forward without a cup youthought you sort of getting into acomfortable position it just doesn't addup that well so that was definitelysomething that I did notice of course itwas definitely concerning and it almostgot to a point where I'm sorry he'sslowly starting to slouch forward whichmakes it totally uncomfortable andsometimes it's just not even healthybecause I can notice the back painscoming here and there and thatdefinitely is you know quite concerningso a lack of proper lumbar support isone of the reasons why I'm also willingto ditch this gaming chair I should alsomention that proper posture is verycrucial you want to be able to sit backstraight and edit comfortably or justwork at a desk comfortably withouthaving to worry about back pains oranything like that constant oroccasional back pains that come up hereand there so it is very crucial I meanback pains is again a very dangerousthing if especially if you're working ata job where you need to maneuver aroundin my case I have to move around forshot for composing shots and stuff likethat and of course filming here at theoffice so if I have a back problem thendefinitely an effect content and youknow if I don't get proper support atthe back then it's just it's it'sultimately it's gonna affect my back andit would obviously end up with me notbeing able to produce any content so Idon't want to do that that's not whatI'm looking for so as I mentionedearlier the lack of proper back supportor just proper lumbar support at theback is definitely a noticeable thingand over these past few years that's oneof the things that I've noticed becauseyou could comfortably lean backit's just then you know when you lean ifyou're working on a desk it just you'regetting to a point where you have toobviously slouch but you can'tcomfortably rest your lumbar at the backand that kind of it just doesn't add upso that's one of the reasons why I'mlooking for solutions now this next bitof the video is definitely gonna bequite an interesting conversationstarter because I'm gonna be talkingabout chair reviews in general becausepersonally I find them to be pointlessI know we did do one back in the past orprobably a couple of them probably threeor four of them back in the day butthere is a sole reason why we havestopped doing gaming chair reviews herein the channel at least these daysbecause you know over the course ofthese years we've slowly come tounderstand where the industry stands interms of providing just things ingeneral I guess features exclusivefeatures mostly on gaming chairs becauseright now we're seeing gaming chairswith RGB lighting which is completelyjust pointless I have no idea why we'reseeing something like that in 2018 butit is it is existent it is somethingthat we have to deal with but mostimportantly if a brand reaches out to ayoutuber and if they ask you to so youknow if they're asking you to review oneof their gaming chairs and if theyaccept then obviously the first stepwould be to review that chair give anunbiased opinion about it but it almostgets to a point where someone who'swatching that review would base theirpurchase off that opinion and I don'tthink that's right simply because youknow you as an individual you haven'tput in the effort to try out that gamingchair or non gaming chair in general butthe chair by itself in general at astore to make sure that you'recomfortable sitting on it because I havehad friends who have tried Herman Millerembody chairs and they absolutely hateit so you know you could be someone whoabsolutely fell in love witha $50 chair an office chair basic chairversus someone who just won't be able totake something like that and might wantto go with something a little bit betterspend a little bit more money and getsomething of a higher quality and be alot better with that and of course feela lot comfortable sitting on it ifyou're looking to invest in a chair I'dhighly recommend trying it trying it outat stores rather than buying thingsonline based off the chair reviews it'sjust that's just my take now trying outdifferent chairs at different storesmight be a little bit of a challenge forpeople who are living in remote areas somy suggestion would be to do as much ofresearch as you can narrow down yourresults spend a day or two justtraveling around trying out differentstores maybe if it's a 30-minute drivefrom your place dick take the time to dothat because trust me that $30 or $50investment or even a thousand dollarinvestment can play a huge role when itcomes to your posture or just yourhealth and channel because it reallydoes the chair really does affect youryour back the health the way how you sitand the way how you just work in generalso if you if you just decide to cheapout on that investment if you if you'reif you're looking to take compromises onthat part well ultimately it is gonnaaffect your health and that and thatisn't cool your chair purchaseultimately determines the quality oflife you lead moving forward because ifyou invest on a chair based off someoneelse's opinion that you read online thenyou know the next thing you know itshows up at your place you assemble ityou sit on it and all of a sudden yourealize that it just doesn't feel rightto you it doesn't feel comfortable youdon't feel like you're just relaxed whenyou're working at a desk or if you'rejust sitting in it doing otherproductive things so that's a completefail in my opinion and I hope a lot ofyou guys can relate to this I just wantto point out that this isn't a takedownon gaming chairs but rather it's aprocess and I'll obviously have to gothrough not just with gaming chairs butjust chairs in general to find outwhat's suitable for me next so this isprobably why we're not gonna be doingany chair reviews here in the channelbecause I don't think anyone shouldagain as I said in the beginning and theend should base their opinions or maketheir purchasing positions on chairs ingeneral based off someone else'sopinions so that's it for me guysI hope you took away something from thisvideo I think thethings obviously I'm gonna be ditchingthis gaming chair and looking forsomething else I'll make sure todocument and vlog my journey or my pathto find the next chair here for theoffice and yeah let me know what youguys think about chairs in general infact are you satisfied with your chairpurchase if you've invested you knowfifty dollars or thirty dollars or athousand dollars let me know thecomments down below if you're satisfiedwith your purchasing decision even ifit's a gaming chair let me know in thecomments down below I'm Eber withHardware Canucks thank you so much forwatching and we'll see you the next one\n"