Why Are Forged Pistons So Strong?

The episode of B2B began with an introduction to the world of pistons, discussing the differences between billet and forged materials. Mr. Frizzle explained that billet pistons are made from a larger piece of material that is then cut to shape, resulting in a weaker material with a lack of flow and porosity. On the other hand, forged pistons are created through a process where pressure is applied to the material, forcing the grains together in a tight uniform shape.

The class decided to take a trip to the billet piston, with Mr. Frizzle joking about being called "piston" in high school. As they arrived at the billet piston, Jeremiah explained that the initial manufacturing process created nice, tight uniform grains, but during machining, the grain flow was disrupted and cut off. This resulted in a failure point, where cracks would begin to form.

Mr. Frizzle then led the class to the forging process, where they witnessed how the grain flow changed significantly. By applying pressure perpendicular to the grain flow, the force directed the grains around critical parts of the piston, such as the pin bosses, skirt, and crown. The class was impressed by the optimal part created through forging.

As they prepared to return to reality, Jeremiah expressed his excitement about seeing Mr. Frizzle more often. Mr. Frizzle reassured him that he would be seeing more of each other soon. After the episode ended, Jeremiah reflected on the experience, feeling a sense of awe and respect for the piston-making process.

The video then cut to an introduction by Lowry, who welcomed viewers to his hydraulic press channel test facility. He warned them that the pistons were going to get crushed and invited them to watch the experiment. The first piston was the billet one, which fractured but still held its main pancake part intact. Lowry expressed surprise at how strong it was.

The next piston was forged, placed on its side to show how the material would crack. As the hydraulic machine pressed down, the piston broke apart, revealing its internal structure. Lowry thanked JE Pistons for supplying the pistons and invited viewers to check out his channels for more content. He also mentioned that he has a second channel with more complex projects.

The video ended with an invitation from Jeremiah to follow Donut Media on Instagram, where they would share more content about billet and forged pistons. The episode concluded with a call-to-action, asking viewers to follow Jeremiah Burton and look forward to the next episode of B2B.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Pistons, pistons pistons,the unsung heroes of your engine.They're like the offensive line and a gamewith the old pig skin go deep Kayden.They're constantlygetting their ass kickedand you never noticeunless one breaks down,but these seemingly boringlooking hunks of metal areengineering marvels. Theyget hit with hundreds,thousands of pounds of force,multiple times a second for hours on end.And they don't even complain about it,most of the time.(car engine whirring)Cast, billet, forge, which is the best,which one's the strongest,which one makes all yourfriends super jelly.We're going to figure it out. Oh,and also we teamed up withthe hydraulic press channel.Cause we're going to putsome of these in the crusher.(hydraulic machine running)That's how we do it here onB2B. We bury the B... let's go.Thanks to keeps forsponsoring today's video.Oh, Hey there.It's Dave's birthday.And we're here celebratingat his favorite restaurant,Cherry Days or at, I liketo call Cherry Daves.Ain't that right Dave?(bird laughing)So Dave, do like your birthday gazpacho?Well, they don't have cakeDave besides gazpacho is cold.Just like cake. So just closeyour eyes and play pretend.Hey, sometimes in life youcan't get what you want.Okay, look at me Dave.You think I wanted to be oneof the two out of three guys toexperience some form ofmale pattern baldness,but the time I was 35. Not a chance.If only, I do use Keeps,you see keeps makes hair lossprevention easy by giving youaccess to real doctors online.Plus they'll ship youyour hair loss medicationdirectly to your door every three months.So start your hair loss prevention today,by going to keep.com/b2bor click the link in thedescription to receive50% off your first order.If I asked you what the mainfunction of a piston is,would you be able to tell me?yeah, you G again, go for it.Thank you for raising your hand.It take small engine booms and turns itinto big power booms.Okay. Not exactly what I waslooking for, but good effort.Now the main function of thepiston is to take pressurecreated during the combustionprocess and turn it into aforce applied to the crank shaft.The piston moves linearly up and down,which turns the crank round and round.Oh, we should make asong. It's pretty good.It's not a one pony show though.Pistons have multiple functions.They create the compressionthat is necessary for combustionto occur in the first place.They seal up the combustion chamber,allowing that pressure to build up,but also they prevent expandinggases from escaping or oilto penetrate into the cylinder itself.There are also a guide like myspiritual friend, Shralanka.Only the piston guides the connecting rod,while Shralanka guides meto spiritual awakening.(voice - Shralanka)Speaking of that,have you guys seen our newhigh-low T-shirts? It saves youfrigging great. It's got a frog on it.I got one for my girlfriendand she kissed me on the lipswhen I gave it to her.That's what I'm talking about, Fellas.Now using that third eye, you know I have,you can see why pistonsneed to be made strong.Let's use the engine andmy cat fish. For example.Now, if I were to do acompression test on thisbone stock LS-1,I'd expect anywhere from 140 to 160 Psi,depending on the quality gauge I'm using.As well as the process.I used to check it.Regardless, that is cranking pressure,not peak cylinder pressure,peak cylinder pressure happensnear top dead center when theengine is running in under-load.Now that is a much hardernumber to calculate.We can do it, but I'm not gonna.So let's just say it's about 800 Psi.The wide open throttleriding at a steady 6,000 RPM,a single piston is getting a power stroke,every two revolutions.So that's 3000 power strokes per minute,which is 50 strokes per second,800 Psi smacking the face of a piston50 times a second.Put that into context.The average punch for anadult is around 150 Psi.So just imagine me a very averageguy, but I'm a quintuplet.There's five of us and we'repunching you 50 times a second.Like this. (makinghitting sounds with mouth)For like hours and hours andhours and hours and hours.That's what it feels liketo be a piston in an LS-one.So to take that kind ofpunishment, they gotta be strong,like really strong, which iswhy not only the material type,but how that material isused to form the pistonis really important.It's the foundation for itsmechanical properties and thosemechanical properties determinehow much boom it can handle.So today we're going to focuson three types of pistonsCast, Billet and Forged.Starting off with themost common piston type,and that is the cast piston.Now casting is a processin which you take metal,you heat it up until ittransitions into liquid state.And then you pour thatliquid metal into the mold,that is the shape of your part,in this case it'd be a piston.Now you let that metalcool inside the moldwhere it solidifies.Then you have your part.There are three mainways to casting parts.There's sand casting,where the mold is made from sand.There's investment casting,which uses wax plaster mold.And then there's die-casting,which uses high pressure to form your partin between two metal dyes.But the main principle is thesame throughout any of thosemethods. You heat up ametal poured into the mold.You let it cool.We actually melted ourown metal here at donutfor an upcoming episode,we're doing on casting,our very own engine parts.So we finally got our forge.I have all my safety equipment onbecause it's really hot around here.- What are you making?(inaudible)- Oh, it's not looking pretty good.- Oh God.- How am I supposed to pour this s***?- Hold on. Yeah, I don'tthink that's right.Can you grab the side of it?And now that it's out- or the sides are,like this side like inside of the bucket,- Like this?- No, like inside.- Oh, like this.- Yeah- Nice, T 1000 bro- bro, that was a.. a solid pour,- A solid pour.- Exceptional- Nice- Thanks for the help James.- Super clean.- That was memaking a bunch of ingotsout of aluminum cans.What do you guys thinkwe're melting cans for?Leave a comment down below.We still Cast a lot of partsa day and there are a fewreasons why.Mainly though cause it's cheaper.Once you have the mold made,you can essentially duplicateyour part much, much quicker.So if you're needing alarge volume of parts,casting is a good way to pumpout a lot of identical pieces.But from a design standpoint,there are some benefits too.So you can mix your moldand metals to form an alloy.We're going to talkabout materials in a bit,but different alloys havedifferent mechanical properties.So if you need a part to bemade out of a specific alloy,you can mix your molten metalsto achieve the alloy requiredfor your application.You can also cast extremelylarge parts or parts withcomplicated shapes.You can actually get morehorsepower out of an engine byusing cast pistons. Becausewhen you cast parts,you can make a more complex shape.So piston designers can gobuck wild and shape a piston toalter how the air flows,the fuel distribution,and even how the flame inside thecombustion chamber travels.You might've heard of hypereutectic pistons before.These are also cast pistons,but they have a higherpercentage of silicone in there.Why would you want that? Strength.- Hey, but why is thatby getting stronger?- Well, causeit makes it stronger.- Why does it make it stronger?- I'm gettingthere chip hold onto yourmaterial science loving horses.First, we have to look atsome even stronger optionsto cast or hyper eutectic pistons,starting with how we get billet pistons,billet pistons like these aremade from aluminum billet.Billets they're semi-finishedcasting productsthat come from a Foundry.And there are a few waysyou can get billets,but a more common method is todirectly get them by continuous casting.So you take scraps of metalor raw material and otherminerals, depending on whattype of alloy you want to make.And you heat them up inan electric arc furnace.Once the furnace surpasses 660 °C,that's the melting point of aluminum.You now have a nice piping hot magma.The metal will flow into amold with the desired shape.So for pistons, that moldis going to be round.And the bolt metal isdrawn through the moldwhere heat is extracted bywater cooled jackets around it,cooling the metal until it solidifies.The metal casting moves outside the moldwith the help of rollers,they then get cut tomore manageable length.And then it goes througha series of heat cyclesor other rollers,depending on the propertiesthe manufacturer wants.From there, you cut those billets toa more manageable size again.And that is where the machining orsubtractive manufacturing happens.A highly sophisticated CNCmachine removes material usingvarious bits until youreach a finished product.Like so.But let's say I needsomething even stronger.I need more beef in a similarpackage. Where do I go?Well, I'll go get my forge ON.Man, you can eat off of that.Now the neat thing aboutforge pistons is thatthey start off the same as a billet pistonwith a chunk of billet aluminum.That billet is heatedup in an oven and thenplaced into a preheateddye and a forging presswhere the temperature is around 400 °C.The press, either mechanical or hydraulicuses anywhere from a 1000to 2000 tons of forceto press that billet intothe shape of the dye.It goes through a couple moreprocessing sets and ends upgetting machined toproduce what I have here.So, now you know how each of thesethree types of pistons are made.Why is one stronger than another?Well, to understand thatwe need a microscope anda basic understanding of crystals.No, not those crystal Shralanka gosh,crystal people are weird.Let's start off by looking atmetal that has no crystals.Molten metal or for ourpurposes molten aluminum.As the aluminum cools andtransitions from liquid to solid,tiny crystals begin to formand grow from a bunch ofvarious locations callednucleation points.And each crystal moves outwardin all directions untilit meets the surface ofa neighboring crystal.A single fully formed crystal,you see here is called a grainand the lines that thevarious grains meetup atare called the grain boundary.Now the structure size andorientation of these grainsare a result of a few factors.The first is the material composition.Now most cases pistons aren'tof a single composition.They have smallpercentages of other metalsand we call those alloys.If you were to go downto your local metal shop,they will have a bunch oftypes of aluminum alloys withvarious four digit numbers next to themlike 20, 24, for example,and the first digit that lets you know,the major alloying element in that casesince it's a 2, it means it's copper.If it was a 3, thatmeans it'd be manganese.If it's a 5, it'd be magnesium.If you're wondering whyI skip four? It's cause Ifrigging don't remember what it is.The second number, if it's not a zerolet's you know it's amodification of a specific alloy.And the third and fourthdigits are arbitrary,but they identify thespecific alloy in the series.Remember how hyper eutectic pistons have alarger percentage of silicone?That's where number four isfor a Sili.. for the silicone.I knew I'd get it well thatsilicone content changesthe way the grains form.Same thing, if we add copper or any othertype of metal to the mix.This goes for impurities as well.Those can negatively affecthow the grains take shape andwhen the molten metal solidifies,it can interact with otherphases and contaminations.When we're talking about casting,that could be air pockets in the mold orloose pieces of material like sand.And the second thing thataffects grain size and structureis the manufacturing process.Process of casting a partis very different fromforging a part.And because of this thegrains are different.Forged, Billet and Cast partsall have different grain properties due tothe process of the part creation.You can think of eachprocess like types of fencesgot chain link fence, picketfence and a cinder block fence.Each individual link boardand cinder block is a grain.How those grains link updepend on the methodof building your fence.And not only do the typesof grains determinedthe mechanical properties of the material,but also how those grainsinteract with each otheris extremely important.And what's really neat aboutthese grains is that they canbe manipulated like Nolan dependingon how you heat or cool them.Because of this, you canadapt the grain structureto a specific application.A samurai sword has a very different lifecompared to a butter knife.They might be made ofthe exact same material,made the same way, butbecause one applicationcalls for a lot of fruitslicing and the other,a lot of buttering,the grains can be alteredto fit each application appropriately.Okay, Jerry, this is great and all,but how does the shape sizeand orientation of grainsdetermine the mechanical properties?Whereas here about howstrong forged pistons are.Why is that?Well, one of the reasons why this pistonis stronger than this piston,even if they startedwith the same materialis because of grain flow.A grain flow is thedirectional orientation anddistribution of metallic grains.And when your goal is strength,you want those grains to be uniform.They should be roughlythe same size and shape,and you want the grainboundary to be coherent.So when we're talking about metals,if we say a boundary is coherent,we mean that the atoms on eitherside of the boundary layerhave one-to-one matching bonds.And the reason for wantingthose types of grainsis that when some sort of external forceis applied to the part,the grains, they want to slippassing the force onto the next grainin the same direction.So when you have multiplegrains but slip planesat different angles, theforce being passed throughneeds to be much greater inorder to cause deformation.Deformation is something like this.(Hydraulic machine running)But why does the forceneed to be so much greaterwhen the angles are different?Well, think about trying to push a car.If my slip plane is at this angle andI'm passing a force along this car,if I want it to move along its plane,which is at this angle, I needa lot of force to do that.Duh, have you ever tried topush a car forward by its side?No obvious reasons.Doing sooo..smaller, more uniformand more numerous grainsresult in a stronger material.Now that we know that we canlook at the grains and a cast,billet and forged pistonusing this microscope.But before we do that,who the hell is this guy?- The name is Mr. Frizzle,I'm miss Frizzle's brotherbut from Florida.You ever heard of her?She takes kids to spaceusing her magic school bus.I take sexy adult dudes,wherever they want with my magic Camaro.Why don't you put thatmicroscope on down? Come on in.I'll take you wherever you want to go.(heartbeat sound)- I don't know why, but thissounds like a great idea,All right Mr. Frizzle, let's go.(upbeat music)(car engine whirring)- Our first stop is in the cast piston.Now the casting process produceslots of non-uniform grains,as well as being larger and less dense.That creates a weaker material.There's also no flow of the grains andwe have some porosity. See right here,that's an air pocket createdduring the casting process.- I got an airpocket coming your way.(farting)Okay, cool.I don't know why, but I liked this guy.How about we take a tripover to the billet piston?- You know, pistonwas my nickname in high school.- Oh yeah. Why is that?- I think, youknow why, you know why?- Alright, Frizzle,take us out of here.All right. Let's hit it.- Now. Billet pistonstart off with that chunk ofbillet that we talked about earlier andthen cuts are made to shape the part.Because of the initialmanufacturing process thatcreated that piece of billet,we had nice tight uniform grains.But look at the grain flow.During the machining process,that flow was disrupted and cut offthe grain flow is parallel,but because cuts neededto be made it to make the part,the flow has been severed.And because of this, youhave a failure point.So cracks will begin to forma long open-ended grains,- Bruh cracks sweet.- But if we were to take the samebillet material and forge our piston,the grain flow changes significantly.Hey Mr. Frizzle, ready to get forged?- No problem,baby. Hold on tight.- See here. Howthe grains flow alongthe shape of the part,because a little large amountof pressure applied to thebillet during the forging process,the grains are forced togetherin a tight uniform shape.The flow of the grains is inthe perfect alignment relativeto the force being applied to the part.Remember when we talked aboutpushing the car perpendicularto make it go in one direction.Well, that's what we have goingon here because the force isperpendicular to the grain flow.We have an optimal part.So by forging, you candirect the grain flow aroundcritical parts of thepiston, like the pin bosses,the skirt and the crown.All right Mr. Frizzle, I think that's it,you ready to get back to reality?- No problem,Jeremiah. Let's go.- Thanks forthe ride, Mr. Frizzle.- Not a problem, man.- I got a feelingI'm going to be seeing youa lot more often.- Heck yeah, brother.- All right. Youdrive safe. See you later.Well, that's it.Thanks for watching guys. Wait, What?You came here to see somepistons. Get crushed.I got you for that. We teamedup with our buddy Lowrywith the hydraulic press channelLowery. Let's get crushed.- Oh okay, welcometo the hydraulic press channeltest facility.We are going to test the billet pistonagainst the forged piston.And I have a bad experiencesabout crushing aluminum things.So we are going to keepeverything inside of oursafety box. I add the polycarbonate here.Because I think theseare going to explode.And I think you have tostart with the billet.(Hydraulic machine running)Okay, it's really strong, Holy S***.Okay, It didn't explode,but I think it wasn't very far.it's fractured so the part could flow out.Huh, that was intense.Yeah, but that's youcan see like that mainpancake part of the piston still okay.Well, I think it was muchstronger than I thought.Okay, one more crush, Now wehave forged piston on its side.So we can better seehow the material crack.And here we go.(piston breaking sound)Okay, that was pretty hard.Thanks for donut mediafor sending the pistons.It was fun to crush them.Yeah, that is all for today.Thank you for watching.And have a nice day.- Thank you guysso much for watchingthis episode of B2B.I want to thank JE pistons.They supplied all thepistons for this episode.Click the link below.If you want to find some moreinformation on some super sickbillet and forged pistons,I want to thank Lowry over atthe hydraulic press channelLowery actually has two channels.One of them is thehydraulic press channel,which he just puts things in a press.And there's another one, whichis a little bit more complex.He builds more things.It's a second channel.He has, it's really cool.Both of them will be in thelink in the description below.Follow us on Instagram at donut media.Follow me at JeremiahBurton and until next week.Bye for now.